九年的中風終於恢復健康了 . 他是一個音…

我叫鐘紫山 ,來自馬來西亞,今年61歲。
課程第3天駕車來禪堂的路上,我決定等一下要嘗試著帶領大家背誦《金菩提聖經》。於是,我利用45分鐘的路程時間,嘗試背誦。真沒想我竟然全背下來了! 這是中風以後9年的時間裡,我第一次能夠完整記憶。當天下午,我咳出了一些帶有小顆粒的痰,很臭,但喉嚨卻感覺舒服了很多。
課程第 4 天, 折磨了我十多年的脖子僵硬和疼痛,竟然徹底改善完全輕鬆了!頭部轉動的幅度恢復正常了。這幾天我的睡眠時間減少了,可是每天起來都覺得精神飽滿。體重也在逐漸下降,到結業那天,共減掉4.6公斤。之前,我每天須服2次的降血糖藥,血糖還一直在7-9mmol/L 之間;可在課程期間,沒有服降血糖藥,血糖也沒有超過9mmol/L(編者注:菩提禪修不提倡自行停藥、減藥,請遵循醫囑)。

就在結業當天,我決定挑戰自己,重拾放下十多年的笛子為大家演奏,我挑戰成功了!我太開心了! 感恩金菩提宗師!我一定會繼續堅持修練。
#見證禪修、#馬來西亞、#中風、#菩提健身班、#八卦內功、#恢復健康、#快樂rnrn[Malaysia] Speedy recovery from the side effects of stroke of 9 years ago and a stiff neck that troubled him for more than a decade.

A music enthusiast was able to easily play his flute with melodious Bodhi music after giving up more than ten years ago. This music marked the end of pain and suffering for him, heralding a new life of good health. Here is the wonderful sharing of the meditation journey of Zhong Zi Shan.
My name is Zhong Zi Shan and I live in Malaysia. I am 61 years old. I suffered a stroke in 2008, but was fortunate to regain most of my mobility after treatment. But a blood clot, a size of a 50-cent coin remained in my brain, which affected the clarity of my thoughts and a deteriorating memory. I was very poor at remembering events that just happened. My speech also suffered as I could not seem to convey my meaning and I also stutter. The doctor told me that there was no medication that could improve my conditions effectively.

This year, I had the good fortune to come across the “Meditation and Health” magazine. I first signed up for Energy Bagua. After practicing it for a while, the benefits are good and I decided to proceed for the Health and Happiness retreat in Aug 2017, to deepen my understanding of Bodhi Meditation. From the second day, I felt a vast improvement in my energy level, and my thoughts also became more organized and clear.

As I was driving to the meditation center on the third day of the retreat, I decided to attempt to lead the class in reciting “Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words”. I tried to memorize it during the 45 min drive, and the miracle happened – I was able to memorize all of it during that short period of time! This is the first time that I am able to memorize anything ever since the stroke 9 years ago. That afternoon, I coughed out some smelly phlegm that had some small particles in it, after which my throat felt very comfortable.
On the fourth day of the retreat, I experienced a vast improvement in my neck stiffness that had plagued me for more than a decade. I was finally able to relax fully! There was also an improvement in the degree to which I could turn my neck. I have been sleeping fewer hours this week, but each morning I felt more refreshed and energetic when I wake up. I also lost some weight – about 4.6kg by the end of the retreat. Before the class, I took medication twice a day to control my blood sugar level which hovered between 7-9mmol/L. During the retreat, I stopped my medication and yet my blood sugar level never exceeded 9mmol/L. (Editor’s note: Bodhi Meditation does not encourage students to stop or reduce dosage of medication without consulting the doctor. Please follow doctor’s instructions).
While we were watching Master’s “The Empowerment of Compassion”, I too experienced Master’s energy blessings. Tears ran down my cheeks, mucus flowed freely from my nose, and I felt what seemed like an electric current flowing within my head. This persisted for two days. I also noticed that the small red dots that were on my inner knees had also faded quite a bit after the energy blessing.

On the seventh day, I was able to sit cross-legged while chanting. Previously I was not able to sit cross-legged for a long period of time. While practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination in the afternoon, I coughed out more phlegm and felt a strong sense of comfort and relaxation in my throat after that.

From the start of the 8.5-day retreat, I went into spontaneous fasting for more than a week. I was not thirsty even though I had not drunk anything the whole day. I felt energetic without food or drink the whole duration. (Editor’s note: Spontaneous fasting is a natural occurrence in the process of meditation and cannot be self-imposed. During the fasting period, the practitioner would eat very little or not eat at all, yet he or she would not feel hungry or thirsty. The hours of sleep would also be reduced, yet he or she would feel energetic and at ease). After the retreat, friends around me also noticed that I have become more eloquent, my thoughts are clearer and my memory improved. Before meditation, I could never remember the melody of music pieces that sounded really familiar to me. Yet now, they are all starting to resurface in my memory. On the day of graduation, I took on a challenge to pick up the flute which I have stopped playing for more than a decade, and played a song for all my classmates. It was a success! I am filled with happiness!

I am deeply grateful to Master Jin Bodhi! And I stand in praise of the meditation methods taught by the master! I will definitely persevere in my practice!


擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。 ….

身心靈獲得了提升 當義工服務大眾
Farewell to prolong suffering from hyperthyroidism and menstrual cramps
Illness does not only affect the elderly. Since young, she suffers from swelling of the thyroid that affected her body, emotions, life, career and interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the symptoms aggravated. After 11 years searching for a cure in her fight against hyperthyroidism, she finally discovered that the end to her nightmares in life lies in a non-medical approach. Let us hear her story….
My name is Yanling Li.
Ten years ago, when I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The disease made me suffer from an accelerated heartbeat, exophthalmos, shaky hands, thick neck and poor sleep interrupted by many dreams. The lack of sleep made it difficult for me to focus on my work and my temperament deteriorated. As my neck was thicker than normal, I lost my self-confidence and did not have the courage to wear shirts without collars. The doctor advised against surgery as the probability of relapse is high. I took the medication prescribed by the doctor for 4 years, which helped to regulate my heartbeat, reduced the swelling of my neck as well as ease the trembling of my hands. However, the medication had side effect, which caused my body to swell all over. There was also no improvement to the quality of my sleep, and the doctor advised me to stop the course of medication. Not long after that, all the previous symptoms returned with a vengeance.
When I realized that western medicine was unable to help, I turned to traditional Chinese medicine for a cure. Over the course of more than 11 years, I have used up almost all my savings, and yet I was unable to find a method to help me or ease my pain. I was thoroughly disheartened! In addition, due to my sleeping problem over the years, I became more and more moody and unable to focus. To add on to my woes, I started experiencing serious menstrual cramps from the age of 22 years. The cramps were so bad that I had to take medical leave almost every month. My work efficiency declined and so did my relationship with my colleagues.
The 7-day class tremendously reduced the swelling on my neck and my menstrual cramps
A friend encouraged me to signup for the “Thousand practitioners Energy Bagua event” at the end of 2016, followed by the 7-day Energy Bagua Foundation class in January of 2017. On the third day of the class, a pungent smell constantly emanated from my throat. It felt as if there was a lot of phlegm dissolving away. During this period of time, I kept throwing up phlegm and the swelling on my neck showed signs of getting smaller. At the end of the 7-day class, the swelling on my neck greatly reduced in size, and even my decade-old sleep problem showed signs of improvement: I was able to fall into deeper sleep as the occurrences of dreams reduced. Even my menstrual cramps reduced in intensity. My skin became smoother, my hands no longer trembled and my heartbeat returned to normal. Other than the physical swelling, almost all the other symptoms of hyperthyroidism were gone.
As my mind and body went through uplifting improvement, I became a volunteer to serve the public.
All these changes made me ecstatic: I have finally found the solution to my health problems! At that instant, I was filled with a great sense of hope. No words can describe my sense of exhilaration! Since then, I have persevered on by practicing Energy Bagua daily. The ambience of the meditation center and the enthusiasm of the volunteers filled me with warmth. I felt like this was home. Hence I signed up to be a volunteer in the meditation center in February.
Following that, I also attended the Health and Happiness Meditation Class in March. As I listened to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I was uplifted in both body and mind. Colleagues felt that I had become a lot gentler and my interpersonal relations have improved. As my family witnessed the changes in me, they became very supportive of what I was doing, and even wanted to attend the Health and Meditation class to increase their understanding of Bodhi Meditation.
Now, every morning, I practice an hour of Energy Bagua, followed by an hour of Meditation of Greater Illumination.
I am eternally grateful to Bodhi Meditation, and to Grandmaster JinBodhi, for regaining my health, happiness and confidence! I have also vowed to follow Master’s compassionate teachings and help more people regain their health and happiness!
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
* Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medicine dosage without consulting the doctor. Please follow the advise of the doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #Hyperthyroidism, #MenstrualCramps, #Insomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination
#見證禪修、 #馬來西亞、 #甲狀腺病、 #痛經、 #失眠、 #八卦、#八卦內功、 #無量大光明rnrn擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。
身心靈獲得了提升 當義工服務大眾
Farewell to prolong suffering from hyperthyroidism and menstrual cramps
Illness does not only affect the elderly. Since young, she suffers from swelling of the thyroid that affected her body, emotions, life, career and interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the symptoms aggravated. After 11 years searching for a cure in her fight against hyperthyroidism, she finally discovered that the end to her nightmares in life lies in a non-medical approach. Let us hear her story….
My name is Yanling Li.
Ten years ago, when I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The disease made me suffer from an accelerated heartbeat, exophthalmos, shaky hands, thick neck and poor sleep interrupted by many dreams. The lack of sleep made it difficult for me to focus on my work and my temperament deteriorated. As my neck was thicker than normal, I lost my self-confidence and did not have the courage to wear shirts without collars. The doctor advised against surgery as the probability of relapse is high. I took the medication prescribed by the doctor for 4 years, which helped to regulate my heartbeat, reduced the swelling of my neck as well as ease the trembling of my hands. However, the medication had side effect, which caused my body to swell all over. There was also no improvement to the quality of my sleep, and the doctor advised me to stop the course of medication. Not long after that, all the previous symptoms returned with a vengeance.
When I realized that western medicine was unable to help, I turned to traditional Chinese medicine for a cure. Over the course of more than 11 years, I have used up almost all my savings, and yet I was unable to find a method to help me or ease my pain. I was thoroughly disheartened! In addition, due to my sleeping problem over the years, I became more and more moody and unable to focus. To add on to my woes, I started experiencing serious menstrual cramps from the age of 22 years. The cramps were so bad that I had to take medical leave almost every month. My work efficiency declined and so did my relationship with my colleagues.
The 7-day class tremendously reduced the swelling on my neck and my menstrual cramps
A friend encouraged me to signup for the “Thousand practitioners Energy Bagua event” at the end of 2016, followed by the 7-day Energy Bagua Foundation class in January of 2017. On the third day of the class, a pungent smell constantly emanated from my throat. It felt as if there was a lot of phlegm dissolving away. During this period of time, I kept throwing up phlegm and the swelling on my neck showed signs of getting smaller. At the end of the 7-day class, the swelling on my neck greatly reduced in size, and even my decade-old sleep problem showed signs of improvement: I was able to fall into deeper sleep as the occurrences of dreams reduced. Even my menstrual cramps reduced in intensity. My skin became smoother, my hands no longer trembled and my heartbeat returned to normal. Other than the physical swelling, almost all the other symptoms of hyperthyroidism were gone.
As my mind and body went through uplifting improvement, I became a volunteer to serve the public.
All these changes made me ecstatic: I have finally found the solution to my health problems! At that instant, I was filled with a great sense of hope. No words can describe my sense of exhilaration! Since then, I have persevered on by practicing Energy Bagua daily. The ambience of the meditation center and the enthusiasm of the volunteers filled me with warmth. I felt like this was home. Hence I signed up to be a volunteer in the meditation center in February.
Following that, I also attended the Health and Happiness Meditation Class in March. As I listened to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I was uplifted in both body and mind. Colleagues felt that I had become a lot gentler and my interpersonal relations have improved. As my family witnessed the changes in me, they became very supportive of what I was doing, and even wanted to attend the Health and Meditation class to increase their understanding of Bodhi Meditation.
Now, every morning, I practice an hour of Energy Bagua, followed by an hour of Meditation of Greater Illumination.
I am eternally grateful to Bodhi Meditation, and to Grandmaster JinBodhi, for regaining my health, happiness and confidence! I have also vowed to follow Master’s compassionate teachings and help more people regain their health and happiness!
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
* Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medicine dosage without consulting the doctor. Please follow the advise of the doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #Hyperthyroidism, #MenstrualCramps, #Insomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination
#見證禪修、 #馬來西亞、 #甲狀腺病、 #痛經、 #失眠、 #八卦、#八卦內功、 #無量大光明



⭐️第一名 神秘禮物
⭐️第二名 加持法物–手串一條
⭐️第三名 八卦內功練習音樂CD一張
⭐️⭐️⭐️投稿最多的禪堂,還可能獲得大獎「 ?寶瓶一只獎勵 ?」
1⃣ 需完成授權手續,(作品中之肖像權、智慧財產權等,授權於菩提禪修使用)。投稿作品相關之視頻、圖片授權憑證。(文字信息截圖或紙本簽署)
2⃣未完成授權者,雖入圍參與投票競賽,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。

1.龍泉禪堂 千人八卦

2.芙蓉禪堂 我和八卦内功的不解之缘

3.緬甸 文化瘋八卦

4.新加坡 八卦博士

5.印尼 曬八卦點

6.印尼 曬八卦點

7.韓國 青年八卦

8.寶靈禪堂 越南船上八卦

9.台灣台中 圖文分享_悟
10.紐約 圖文分享_收穫自信人生

11.紐約 圖文分享_不负自己不负卿

12.妙法禪堂 820家庭日

13.溫哥華 第五十一期八卦班側記

#八卦英雄、#八卦內功、#票選、#得大獎、#健康、#快樂rnrn【Who are our Winners of the Energy Bagua Hero contest?】 Voting commences now by clicking on “Like”!???
Each “Like” is one vote, each vote represent a gift of love, vote to select your favorite entry.
(Please go to point number 5 voting area to vote now!)
We received huge response for this contest, receiving so many various submissions, from photos and videos, testimonial sharing and interesting stories from our warm practitioners. Within a month, we have received about 400 entries with interesting content and capture.
Thanks to all Energy Bagua practitioners worldwide for your efforts. I am very happy to see Energy Bagua flourishing in different parts of the world, being introduced by our Bodhi practitioners globally. Evident from the submissions, many people gain health and happiness from ?Energy Bagua?. Looking at the happy faces in the photographs and videos, I can actually sense the happy atmosphere.
??It is not easy for me to select some of the top most creative entries from such excellent submissions. Hence, I share them here for everyone to vote. I welcome you to share with your facebook friends to garner more votes for yourself or for your favorite entry by clicking on “like”!??
???Welcome all to actively participate in the voting, top three voters can expect to receive mysterious gifts!
1) ⏰Voting time⏰:
From now till September 10, 2017 (Sunday )
2) How to vote:
i) Please click on the below [voting site] to view and the top 13 entries that made it into the finals. You can give your sacred vote by clicking on the “like” button for your favorite entry. You can vote multiple times before the closing date but please choose carefully.

ii) Netizens are given 1 week to vote. The entries with the highest votes or ‘likes’ will receive the top 3 prizes.
3) ?Superior quality prizes up for grabs!?
Top 3 entries (Personal Group category):
⭐️First prize: Mysterious gift
⭐️Second prize: Specially blessed bracelet
⭐️Third prize: One “Daily Guide to Energy Bagua Practice” CD
???Newly added “Special Prize” to be announce together with the winners.
⭐️⭐️⭐️Bodhi Meditation centers with the most number of submitted entries stand to gain a big prize [?A specially blessed vase as encouragement?]⭐️⭐️⭐️
4. Important points to note for entries that made it into the finals
i) It is essential to complete personal release authorization by writing to authorize the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs- Please provide proof of written authorization through text message screenshots or paper authorization in writing.
ii) Entries that made it into the finals are eligible for voting, however, if personal release authorization in writing were not properly completed, entries would not be posted on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s fan page for sharing.
5. ?Voting area ?(13 excellent entries, complete your vote by clicking on “like”)
All the entries are interesting and you definitely have to go through them all.
1. Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation center (Thousand people Energy Bagua)


2. Seremban Bodhi Meditation Center (The indissoluble bound I share with Energy Bagua)


3. Myanmar (Cultural Energy Bagua)


4. Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)

5. Indonesia

6. Indonesia

7. Korea (Youth Bagua)

8. Dragon Spring Bodhi Meditation center (Energy Bagua on a Vietnam Boat)

9. Taiwan Taichung (Photo sharing -Wu)
10. New York (Photo sharing – Gotten Self-Confidence)

11. NewYork (not letting anyone down)

12. JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)

13. Vancouver (Record from 51 Energy Bagua Class)

May all walk away with great prizes and gain great health and happiness!
#EnergyBaguaHero, #EnergyBagua, #Vote, #Prize, #GoodHealth, #Happiness,


【菩提健康百寶箱】—糖尿病的照顧 有…


1. 盡量不吃葡萄糖、蔗糖、蜜糖等製品,例如蛋糕、糖果等。
2. 少喝果汁、沖泡式復合加工食品;主食改吃小米、小麥、糙米、蕎麥。
3. 豆類的含糖量比麵粉、大米要低許多。
4. 蔬菜中含糖少的有黃瓜、南瓜、番茄、苦瓜、洋蔥、四季豆、包菜、竹筍、白菜、芹菜、豆芽;水果則有芭樂、蘋果、梨子、草莓、木瓜、櫻桃都適合食用。
5. 堅果的含糖量也不高,能量很強,像是腰果、芝麻、核桃、榛子等,適量的食用都非常適合拿來補充營養。
6. 另外,不要飲酒,還有使用降糖藥物的人要注意預防低血糖的發生。
#糖尿病、#高血糖、#八卦內功、#糖尿病、#養生、#長壽rnrn【Bodhi Meditation Health Treasure Chest】 — Diabetic Care

There is a disease that is most ‘fearful’ of “sweet temptations” – it is diabetes. Diabetes is due to defective insulin secretion and immune system disorders. It is often accompanied by adverse complications affecting the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves and so on.

When natural circulatory systems are disrupted, there must be a cause.
For diabetes, there are many causes – excessive sugar consumption is one of them.
When I was in Myanmar, I found that their eating habits includes a lot of high sugar content food. As a result many people of Myanmar have high blood sugar levels.

What should diabetics pay attention to and strive for in their diet?
1. Try to limit glucose, sucrose, honey and other products such as cakes, candies and the like.
2. Drink less juice, instant, re-constituted and processed foodstuffs; on staple foods, switch to millet, wheat, brown rice, and buckwheat.
3. Consume legumes that have much lower sugar content to that of flour and rice.
4. Consume suitable greens and fruits. Vegetables that contain less sugar include cucumber, pumpkin, tomatoes, bitter-gourd, onion, four season beans, cabbage, bamboo shoots, Chinese cabbages, celery, and bean sprouts; fruit examples include guava, apples, pears, strawberries, papaya and cherries.
5. Supplement nutrition with appropriate amounts of nuts such as cashews, sesame seeds, walnuts and hazelnuts (except for those with nut allergies). Nuts are high in energy and have low sugar content.
6. Lastly, do not consume alcohol; people who use hypoglycemic drugs should pay attention to hypoglycemia (low sugar condition).

To steer clear of diabetes’ predicaments, it is vital that one builds up the body and also exercise regularly.
I knew a female practitioner who was paralyzed and lying on the bed for extended periods due to diabetes. She was immobile and blind due to the disease. As a result, she had to be attended to for her needs. Subsequently, she was introduced to Bodhi Meditation and after practicing for a couple of months, she could get off the bed and even exercise on her own. Thinking back, had she remained immobile, she could have departed from this world within two to three months. Now after more than 10 years, she is volunteering at Bodhi Meditation Center and also leading a group to practice the Meditation of Greater Illumination together.

I conducted an experiment in Myanmar and found that Energy Bagua has exceptional benefits against diabetes. Several Energy Bagua practitioners who had persevered with their practice for an extended period of time surprised their doctors with their physical improvements during their regular medical checkups. Gradually, their doctors reduced their prescribed medication; some no longer need medication as their blood sugar levels became normalized.

We welcome people with diabetes and high blood sugar levels to join us in Energy Bagua! May everyone practice to obtain great health, happiness, and rejuvenated life!

* The effects of meditation vary from person to person.
* Bodhi Meditation does not advocate that patients reduce or even stop taking their prescribed medication; they should follow the advice from their doctor.

Reference source: https://read01.com/O3nAzg.html
#Diabetes, #HighBloodSugar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthMaintenance, #Longevity



?禪堂約 102 則、個人約 39 則,共 141則投稿。???
目前投稿最多禪堂 (禪堂臉書+個人所屬禪堂=禪堂投稿最多總數)
?目前禪堂排名?,截至2017年8月14日PM 12:00止:
1⃣ 馬來妙法禪堂
2⃣ 馬來龍泉禪堂
3⃣ 北美多倫多禪堂
1. 投稿時請標註清楚以下幾點:
a) 禪堂與八卦點:請說明您來自於哪個「國家、禪堂、八卦點,共三項。」
b) 個人八卦:也請說明您來自於哪個「國家、禪堂,共二項。」個人投稿也將計入最多禪堂投稿總數中,希望能帶動各地禪堂的集體榮譽感。

2. 無論是以禪堂、個人,或轉帖為單位元,都需要有「明確授權」。


投稿信箱:[email protected]
1. 活動結束後,將由「菩提禪修主辦方」挑選出5篇優秀作品,於八卦活動區中供大家票選,投票期間為一週,一週後由票數最高「前三名」獲得優勝。
2017年9月2日AM00:01 至 9月8日PM 11:59分止
?優質獎品? 等您來拿~~
⭐️第一名 神秘禮物
⭐️第二名 加持法物–手串一條
⭐️第三名 八卦內功練習音樂CD一張
⭐️⭐️投稿最多的禪堂,還可能獲得大獎「 ?寶瓶一只獎勵 ?」
【Energy Bagua hero is You ~】 — The second Search for Energy Bagua Hero is now open!
Thank you for your enthusiastic participation and contribution. We will be announcing the winners soon.
The special invitation to submit photos and videos of Energy Bagua activities are still ongoing.
Yes! You! ….We are still waiting for your wonderful contribution.
As of August 12, 2017, the statistics we gathered from the first round of submissions, regardless from the Meditation Centers or Individuals are:
Received in total 141 submissions; 102 from various meditation centers and 39 from individuals. ? ? ?
At present, the meditation center with the highest submission (meditation center’s facebook + individuals of that meditation center = the largest number of submissions)
? Current ranking of meditation centers ?, as of August 14, 2017 PM 12:00 only:
1⃣ JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center, Malaysia
2⃣ Klang Dragon Spring Bodhi Meditation Center , Malaysia
3⃣ Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center, Canada
The new rules of the game:
1.0 Please note clearly the following when submitting your work:
1.1 Meditation Center and Energy Bagua location: Please indicate country, meditation center, and Energy Bagua location you belong to.
1.2 Personal Energy Bagua submission: Please also indicate country and meditation center you belong to; the individual contribution will also be counted in the total number of contributions from your meditation center in order to bring a collective sense of pride of the meditation center.
2.0 It is necessary to get “personal release authorization” from those photographed before sending me your entry whether it is from a meditation center, an individual or forwarded post.
(Otherwise it will not be nominated for voting.)
Please note the activity time:
☑ From now until August 31, 2017, 12: 00hrs 59mins
There are two ways to submit:
1) submit directly to Energy Bagua Hero posts, a global shared platform in the link shown below:
2) if you are shy, you can also privately send your entry to Bodhi email: [email protected]
? ? ? Voting method:
1. After the event, “Bodhi Meditation Organizer” will select 5 best work for all to vote in the Energy Bagua activity page. Voting will last for a week and after that, the highest “top three” win.
Online Voting Time:
September 2, 2017 00:00hrs to September 8 23:59hrs
? High quality prizes waiting for you~ ~
Top three prizes (individual group):
⭐ First prize: a mysterious gift
⭐ Second prize:blessed gift- a bracelet
⭐ Third prize: 1 Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide music CD
⭐ ⭐ Meditation Center with the highest entries may also receive a big present “?One Blessed Vase as a reward ?”
We welcome you to summit your work enthusiastically. You may be one of the top 3 winners!
1. Entries for the first and second Search for Energy Bagua Hero can be submitted simultaneously (do not duplicate), we welcome all participants to browse through each other’s work and check the status.
2. The submission of your work must be accompanied by personal release authorization letter from Meditation Center and/or author. It can be sent to us through screenshots or paper format.
3. Be bold and summit all your Energy Bagua activities such as great scenery, good food, interesting events etc.
Welcome to share this event, and the warm invitation to all our other hero friends. No matter where you practice; in the meditation center, Energy Bagua location, or even in your own home, lets all do it together and you may be the upcoming winner!
#EnergyBaguaHeroPost, #SummitYourEntries, #EnergyBagua, #MaterialCollection, #ExcellentWorks
#八卦英雄帖、 #投稿、 #八卦內功、 #素材徵集、#優秀作品rnrn【八卦英雄就是您~】—第二波活動開始啦!!
?禪堂約 102 則、個人約 39 則,共 141則投稿。???
目前投稿最多禪堂 (禪堂臉書+個人所屬禪堂=禪堂投稿最多總數)
?目前禪堂排名?,截至2017年8月14日PM 12:00止:
1⃣ 馬來妙法禪堂
2⃣ 馬來龍泉禪堂
3⃣ 北美多倫多禪堂
1. 投稿時請標註清楚以下幾點:
a) 禪堂與八卦點:請說明您來自於哪個「國家、禪堂、八卦點,共三項。」
b) 個人八卦:也請說明您來自於哪個「國家、禪堂,共二項。」個人投稿也將計入最多禪堂投稿總數中,希望能帶動各地禪堂的集體榮譽感。

2. 無論是以禪堂、個人,或轉帖為單位元,都需要有「明確授權」。


投稿信箱:[email protected]
1. 活動結束後,將由「菩提禪修主辦方」挑選出5篇優秀作品,於八卦活動區中供大家票選,投票期間為一週,一週後由票數最高「前三名」獲得優勝。
2017年9月2日AM00:01 至 9月8日PM 11:59分止
?優質獎品? 等您來拿~~
⭐️第一名 神秘禮物
⭐️第二名 加持法物–手串一條
⭐️第三名 八卦內功練習音樂CD一張
⭐️⭐️投稿最多的禪堂,還可能獲得大獎「 ?寶瓶一只獎勵 ?」
【Energy Bagua hero is You ~】 — The second Search for Energy Bagua Hero is now open!
Thank you for your enthusiastic participation and contribution. We will be announcing the winners soon.
The special invitation to submit photos and videos of Energy Bagua activities are still ongoing.
Yes! You! ….We are still waiting for your wonderful contribution.
As of August 12, 2017, the statistics we gathered from the first round of submissions, regardless from the Meditation Centers or Individuals are:
Received in total 141 submissions; 102 from various meditation centers and 39 from individuals. ? ? ?
At present, the meditation center with the highest submission (meditation center’s facebook + individuals of that meditation center = the largest number of submissions)
? Current ranking of meditation centers ?, as of August 14, 2017 PM 12:00 only:
1⃣ JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center, Malaysia
2⃣ Klang Dragon Spring Bodhi Meditation Center , Malaysia
3⃣ Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center, Canada
The new rules of the game:
1.0 Please note clearly the following when submitting your work:
1.1 Meditation Center and Energy Bagua location: Please indicate country, meditation center, and Energy Bagua location you belong to.
1.2 Personal Energy Bagua submission: Please also indicate country and meditation center you belong to; the individual contribution will also be counted in the total number of contributions from your meditation center in order to bring a collective sense of pride of the meditation center.
2.0 It is necessary to get “personal release authorization” from those photographed before sending me your entry whether it is from a meditation center, an individual or forwarded post.
(Otherwise it will not be nominated for voting.)
Please note the activity time:
☑ From now until August 31, 2017, 12: 00hrs 59mins
There are two ways to submit:
1) submit directly to Energy Bagua Hero posts, a global shared platform in the link shown below:
2) if you are shy, you can also privately send your entry to Bodhi email: [email protected]
? ? ? Voting method:
1. After the event, “Bodhi Meditation Organizer” will select 5 best work for all to vote in the Energy Bagua activity page. Voting will last for a week and after that, the highest “top three” win.
Online Voting Time:
September 2, 2017 00:00hrs to September 8 23:59hrs
? High quality prizes waiting for you~ ~
Top three prizes (individual group):
⭐ First prize: a mysterious gift
⭐ Second prize:blessed gift- a bracelet
⭐ Third prize: 1 Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide music CD
⭐ ⭐ Meditation Center with the highest entries may also receive a big present “?One Blessed Vase as a reward ?”
We welcome you to summit your work enthusiastically. You may be one of the top 3 winners!
1. Entries for the first and second Search for Energy Bagua Hero can be submitted simultaneously (do not duplicate), we welcome all participants to browse through each other’s work and check the status.
2. The submission of your work must be accompanied by personal release authorization letter from Meditation Center and/or author. It can be sent to us through screenshots or paper format.
3. Be bold and summit all your Energy Bagua activities such as great scenery, good food, interesting events etc.
Welcome to share this event, and the warm invitation to all our other hero friends. No matter where you practice; in the meditation center, Energy Bagua location, or even in your own home, lets all do it together and you may be the upcoming winner!
#EnergyBaguaHeroPost, #SummitYourEntries, #EnergyBagua, #MaterialCollection, #ExcellentWorks
#八卦英雄帖、 #投稿、 #八卦內功、 #素材徵集、#優秀作品



Translated by Xiangcui, Edited by Fayang, edited by Zhouyou

A Miracle for chronic insomnia, within 3 days.

Insomnia refers to poor quality sleep disorder, prevalent amongst city dwellers. Although it is not life threatening, it can lead to mental breakdown and affects the ability to lead a normal life.

Prolonged insomnia may cause illnesses or aggravates existing health conditions like short temper, depression, poor memory, giddiness and tinnitus, high blood pressure, dry eyes, irritation, vulnerable to fever and flu, heart palpitations, body aches, hair loss, even obesity, etc.

Shuyin Chen suffered from chronic insomnia for the past 10 years. She was tormented by restless sleep and had difficulty falling asleep. For the first time in 10 years, she experiences the joy of waking up naturally. Her happiness is obvious to all who sees her.

How did she resolve her sleep problem? Here is her story!

(Note: Effects of meditation vary according to individual)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate discontinuation or reduction of medication in the absence of doctor’s advice.

From the video:

My chronic insomnia of 10 years dissipated after practicing Bodhi

My name is Shuyin Chen and I am 48 years old.
I suffered from chronic insomnia for the past 10 years.
Every night, I would feel very exhausted by 7pm and would need a short nap to rest.
Normally, I would be awakened before 8pm and thought I had slept for a very long time.
My sleeping problem worsened in March last year.
I would lie in bed the whole night, tossing and turning, till dawn.

I cannot be caught wet in the rain.
This inability to be exposed to rain affected me since more than 15 years
Not even a light drizzle ….
If I got wet from the rain, I would suffer from headaches, followed by flu-like
symptoms. I would feel very hot suddenly and the next moment, very cold.
During such period,
I would wrap myself like a mummy at home;
layered with sweaters, long pants and socks,
covered under a blanket in bed.
As a result, my husband did not want to sleep in the same room as me.

I knew Bodhi Meditation from my cousin who joined in the last few months of 2015.
I came to try Energy Bagua for a day and felt my sleep pattern improved after that.
Hence, I signed up for the 8.5-day Health & Happiness Retreat on 24th December.
During these 8.5 days, my body became warm and I discovered that I was not so sensitive to cold.
When I practiced “The Meditation of Greater Illumination”, my body started perspiring.
During the wheel mudra, when I circled my hands around my stomach, I continued to sweat.
Towards the end of the practice, while breathing in and out,
the wind in my stomach was dispelled from my body.
This went on for some time.
By the end of “Ah Mi Te”,
I felt energetic.
Since then, I practice daily “The Meditation of Greater Illumination” at home.
When I am in a rush for time, I practice once, the 30-minute version. If I have time, I practice 2 sessions followed by “The Meditation of Purity”.
My entire body felt comfortable and relaxed by the third day of my class.
A miracle happened – I managed to sleep well for one whole night!
And I was able to fall asleep shortly upon going to bed…. like within 30 minutes, I was asleep deeply.
Now, I sleep well, wake up naturally and feel very fresh upon waking up.

Finally being able to sleep till I wake up naturally, after 10 years, makes me very happy indeed.
It is, as if, I had found something dear that I lost.
I can finally experience what others feel!
I am really very happy!

My friend commented I look much better and more radiant.Perhaps I was too pale previously.
I told him I go to Bodhi Meditation, to learn and practice meditation.
I can now lead a normal life and my family is also becoming more harmonious.
My husband no longer sleeps in the living room now.
Bodhi Meditation brings me good health and happiness.
My spirits are high.
Thanks to Bodhi Meditation!

#Insomnia, #Headache, #EnergyBagua, #LiveTestimonial, #FollowAdviceOfDoctor


健康口號一起來~ 「經常走八卦,健康頂呱…

見證2. 擺脫失眠的糾纏
見證3. 我的八卦寶寶

Let’s follow this health slogan ~
“Regular Practice of Energy Bagua, Keep Our Health in Tip-Top Condition”

Health is of utmost importance, yet not everyone gets to enjoy it.
With the suitable approach, and perseverance in your practice, health is definitely within reach. Thus, if you’d like to rejuvenate your health, yet are hesitating and lost due to the health information overload, come and check out how these practitioners regained their vitality.

Meditation Journal 1. No Frivolous Spending – Just Super Vitality
Before I started practicing Energy Bagua, I experienced low productivity at work, especially in the afternoon. My mind could not focus. I felt mentally drained, and could not follow the discussions with my colleagues. Now, I can easily manage my work assignments, take on one more part-time assignment, plus volunteer at Bodhi Meditation Center over the weekends.

Meditation Journal 2. Escape from Insomnia
We have an elder sister who suffered from chronic insomnia. She started practicing Energy Bagua with us. Despite her poor form, within 5 – 6 days of practice, she enjoyed better sleep and was elated. Most grateful to Master for imparting Energy Bagua to us!!!

Meditation Journal 3. My Energy Bagua Baby
I had a weak constitution since young, and was predisposed to the cold. The doctor had advised that it would be difficult for me to conceive. Through positive affinity, I was acquainted with Bodhi Meditation. I started practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination with significant results to my health, and subsequently supplemented with the Energy Bagua. Within months, my constitution improved – my body felt warmer than before, and I got pregnant. Now, my baby is very healthy and lovely. Most grateful to Energy Bagua and to Master.

Meditation Journal 4. Energy Bagua Strengthens my Legs
I have absolute confidence in Energy Bagua. Since May last year, I started practicing Energy Bagua. My legs are much stronger, and no longer tremble when I use those squat-type public toilets (ha ha!). Also, I used to be frustrated, experience fatigue and leg numbness during my menstrual period, resulting in poor sleep. The conditions have improved tremendously now, and I attribute it to the Energy Bagua.

Meditation Journal 5. The Joy and Exhilaration at Rejuvenation
Energy Bagua eradicated my 13 years of health issues -backache, insomnia, frequent urination, tinnitus, limb weakness, leg cramps, and heart palpitations. After practicing for a year and a half, my problems were unexpectedly and mostly healed. Also, I pleasantly lost 28kg of weight. I’m grateful to Master for my liberation and rejuvenation.

Meditation Journal 6. My gastric problems are finally cured
I have a teacher who is over 60 years of age. Due to his excessive drinking habit, his stomach suffered and medication was of little use. I provided him with instructions for practicing Energy Bagua and taught him. He had to rise early for work and thus had to practice at home. While his moves were not perfect, his gastric problems went away shortly. Energy Bagua is most amazing! It’s divine! Immense gratitude to Master!

Meditation Journal 7. Recovered from years of Diabetes
Futian is the only male practitioner in our Energy Bagua group, over 70 years of age, and has practiced for a year and a half. Previously, his health was poor. He needed to have insulin injections twice daily before meals, as his blood sugar levels were high, at above 146. Now, he no longer needs the injections, as the blood sugar levels have normalized to around 106. He has also lost his pot belly, along with major improvements to his spirits and health. Energy Bagua has also made him a convert, as he truly relishes the practice.

Meditation Journal 8. Incredible energy circulates the whole body
Recently, an elderly lady joined us in Energy Bagua at the park. Having practiced for barely a week, she shared a piece of good news with us. She had always experienced blockage at her left nostril, and felt that there was something in there. Whilst practicing one day, two thread-like objects were expelled from her nostril. She felt them; they were rather hard though what was amazing was the sense of relief and that she could now breathe smoothly! Her hands also used to feel cold before she started Energy Bagua. However, after today’s session, she could feel the energy circulate gradually from the shoulders to her hands, warming her hands that are no longer icy cold. Best wishes to her – may she enjoy great health, longevity, and happiness, and immense gratitude to Master’s blessings and care! Energy Bagua gives one vitality to 99 years! Friends who want to be healthy, come to Bodhi Meditation quickly!

Congratulations to all above who have shared their journey to great health; may everyone enjoy everlasting health, longevity, happiness, and bliss!

My health suggestion:
Remember, as long as one perseveres in daily practices of the Energy Bagua, general ailments, cold hands and feet etc., can be greatly improved.

Do you also want to elevate your health and well-being?
Or do you have people around you who are in need of a healthy body?
Welcome to try out Energy Bagua and share it with people who would like to be healthy!!
Help yourself and help them regain health and confidence.

Note: For practitioners with medical conditions and/ or are on medication, please seek and follow the doctor’s advice in connection with the Energy Bagua practice.
#EnergyBagua, #MeditationJournal, #Longevity, #Health, #Pregnant, #ChronicDisease
#八卦內功、 #見證分享、 #長壽、 #健康、 #懷孕、 #慢性病rnrn健康口號一起來~
見證2. 擺脫失眠的糾纏
見證3. 我的八卦寶寶

Let’s follow this health slogan ~
“Regular Practice of Energy Bagua, Keep Our Health in Tip-Top Condition”

Health is of utmost importance, yet not everyone gets to enjoy it.
With the suitable approach, and perseverance in your practice, health is definitely within reach. Thus, if you’d like to rejuvenate your health, yet are hesitating and lost due to the health information overload, come and check out how these practitioners regained their vitality.

Meditation Journal 1. No Frivolous Spending – Just Super Vitality
Before I started practicing Energy Bagua, I experienced low productivity at work, especially in the afternoon. My mind could not focus. I felt mentally drained, and could not follow the discussions with my colleagues. Now, I can easily manage my work assignments, take on one more part-time assignment, plus volunteer at Bodhi Meditation Center over the weekends.

Meditation Journal 2. Escape from Insomnia
We have an elder sister who suffered from chronic insomnia. She started practicing Energy Bagua with us. Despite her poor form, within 5 – 6 days of practice, she enjoyed better sleep and was elated. Most grateful to Master for imparting Energy Bagua to us!!!

Meditation Journal 3. My Energy Bagua Baby
I had a weak constitution since young, and was predisposed to the cold. The doctor had advised that it would be difficult for me to conceive. Through positive affinity, I was acquainted with Bodhi Meditation. I started practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination with significant results to my health, and subsequently supplemented with the Energy Bagua. Within months, my constitution improved – my body felt warmer than before, and I got pregnant. Now, my baby is very healthy and lovely. Most grateful to Energy Bagua and to Master.

Meditation Journal 4. Energy Bagua Strengthens my Legs
I have absolute confidence in Energy Bagua. Since May last year, I started practicing Energy Bagua. My legs are much stronger, and no longer tremble when I use those squat-type public toilets (ha ha!). Also, I used to be frustrated, experience fatigue and leg numbness during my menstrual period, resulting in poor sleep. The conditions have improved tremendously now, and I attribute it to the Energy Bagua.

Meditation Journal 5. The Joy and Exhilaration at Rejuvenation
Energy Bagua eradicated my 13 years of health issues -backache, insomnia, frequent urination, tinnitus, limb weakness, leg cramps, and heart palpitations. After practicing for a year and a half, my problems were unexpectedly and mostly healed. Also, I pleasantly lost 28kg of weight. I’m grateful to Master for my liberation and rejuvenation.

Meditation Journal 6. My gastric problems are finally cured
I have a teacher who is over 60 years of age. Due to his excessive drinking habit, his stomach suffered and medication was of little use. I provided him with instructions for practicing Energy Bagua and taught him. He had to rise early for work and thus had to practice at home. While his moves were not perfect, his gastric problems went away shortly. Energy Bagua is most amazing! It’s divine! Immense gratitude to Master!

Meditation Journal 7. Recovered from years of Diabetes
Futian is the only male practitioner in our Energy Bagua group, over 70 years of age, and has practiced for a year and a half. Previously, his health was poor. He needed to have insulin injections twice daily before meals, as his blood sugar levels were high, at above 146. Now, he no longer needs the injections, as the blood sugar levels have normalized to around 106. He has also lost his pot belly, along with major improvements to his spirits and health. Energy Bagua has also made him a convert, as he truly relishes the practice.

Meditation Journal 8. Incredible energy circulates the whole body
Recently, an elderly lady joined us in Energy Bagua at the park. Having practiced for barely a week, she shared a piece of good news with us. She had always experienced blockage at her left nostril, and felt that there was something in there. Whilst practicing one day, two thread-like objects were expelled from her nostril. She felt them; they were rather hard though what was amazing was the sense of relief and that she could now breathe smoothly! Her hands also used to feel cold before she started Energy Bagua. However, after today’s session, she could feel the energy circulate gradually from the shoulders to her hands, warming her hands that are no longer icy cold. Best wishes to her – may she enjoy great health, longevity, and happiness, and immense gratitude to Master’s blessings and care! Energy Bagua gives one vitality to 99 years! Friends who want to be healthy, come to Bodhi Meditation quickly!

Congratulations to all above who have shared their journey to great health; may everyone enjoy everlasting health, longevity, happiness, and bliss!

My health suggestion:
Remember, as long as one perseveres in daily practices of the Energy Bagua, general ailments, cold hands and feet etc., can be greatly improved.

Do you also want to elevate your health and well-being?
Or do you have people around you who are in need of a healthy body?
Welcome to try out Energy Bagua and share it with people who would like to be healthy!!
Help yourself and help them regain health and confidence.

Note: For practitioners with medical conditions and/ or are on medication, please seek and follow the doctor’s advice in connection with the Energy Bagua practice.
#EnergyBagua, #MeditationJournal, #Longevity, #Health, #Pregnant, #ChronicDisease
#八卦內功、 #見證分享、 #長壽、 #健康、 #懷孕、 #慢性病


八卦在印尼_雅加達(2017年) . 融…

#八卦內功、 #印尼、 #自在、 #健康、 #長壽
Energy Bagua in Jakarta, Indonesia (2017)
Blend with nature, free and unrestrained.
A group of people spreading out their wings like the garuda soaring high in the sky.
Energy Bagua is getting popular in Indonesia.
As you see them practicing freely and with ease, do your heart follow suits and open up?
#EnergyBagua, #Indonesia, #Ease, #Healthy, Longevity


馬來西亞 3000人一起走八卦 Ener…

馬來西亞 3000人一起走八卦
Energy Bagua Walking Day
6月18日,菩提禪修在馬來西亞 沙登MAEPS,舉辦第七屆千人八卦日活動,預計將有3000人共同参與,場面壯觀震撼。

馬來西亞「千人八卦日」全球直播時間 連結:

#八卦內功 #千人八卦 #健康長壽 #幸福快樂 #父親節 #禮物


不用手術。。。 一起來看看多倫多同修的分…



#禪修與健康 #多倫多禪堂見證 #八卦內功 #健步如飛
Without any surgery…

Lets look at the testimonial from a Toronto student

Practicing Energy Bagua has relieved me of my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi, I’m Kunjie from Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto, Canada. I’m in my forties.
In 2013, I attended the 8 5-day Health and Happiness Retreat and learnt Energy Bagua. With regular practice, I was relieved of many minor illnesses in my body and felt much healthier.

In 2014, my aunt had a meniscal surgery on both her knees. After the surgery, she was ill and was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes or walk. As I already learnt how Energy Bagua can restore one’s inner energy, I managed to convince her to try Energy Bagua with me. At the start, she had to rest after struggling with Energy Bagua for barely 10 minutes After more than 10 days of practice, her legs got stronger until she could walk with us for an hour.

I was very encouraged by the improvement in my aunt’s knees and her ability to walk through practicing Bagua. From then on, I took Energy Bagua seriously and even signed my son up on a 7-day class. During the first 3 days of the Energy Bagua course, most of us would feel the aches in our upper limbs and muscles. On the 4th and 5th day, these aches will spread to the bones and one could even feel some warmth in the bones. It was painful yet pleasant to experience; something difficult to describe and could only be felt through experience.

I had rheumatoid arthritis since young and I believe that practicing the Bagua flushed out the illness within me. By the 6th day of my Bagua practice, I felt warm energy surged through my legs and cleared the blockages in my limbs. I was pleasantly surprised that my legs gained strength and felt very relaxed.

I cannot thank Grandmaster JinBodhi enough for teaching me the Energy Bagua. Since then, I’ve gained confidence to improve my health. I’ve even initiated sharing on the wonderful effects of Energy Bagua in Bodhi Meditation class with new friends with the hope that more people can benefit from Bagua practice.

Link to tathagata forum: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47678&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D67
#MeditationAndHealth, #TorontoBodhiMeditationCenterTestimonial, #EnergyBagua, #WalkAtLightningSpeedrnrn不用手術。。。


#禪修與健康 #多倫多禪堂見證 #八卦內功 #健步如飛
Without any surgery…

Lets look at the testimonial from a Toronto student

Practicing Energy Bagua has relieved me of my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi, I’m Kunjie from Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto, Canada. I’m in my forties.
In 2013, I attended the 8 5-day Health and Happiness Retreat and learnt Energy Bagua. With regular practice, I was relieved of many minor illnesses in my body and felt much healthier.

In 2014, my aunt had a meniscal surgery on both her knees. After the surgery, she was ill and was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes or walk. As I already learnt how Energy Bagua can restore one’s inner energy, I managed to convince her to try Energy Bagua with me. At the start, she had to rest after struggling with Energy Bagua for barely 10 minutes After more than 10 days of practice, her legs got stronger until she could walk with us for an hour.

I was very encouraged by the improvement in my aunt’s knees and her ability to walk through practicing Bagua. From then on, I took Energy Bagua seriously and even signed my son up on a 7-day class. During the first 3 days of the Energy Bagua course, most of us would feel the aches in our upper limbs and muscles. On the 4th and 5th day, these aches will spread to the bones and one could even feel some warmth in the bones. It was painful yet pleasant to experience; something difficult to describe and could only be felt through experience.

I had rheumatoid arthritis since young and I believe that practicing the Bagua flushed out the illness within me. By the 6th day of my Bagua practice, I felt warm energy surged through my legs and cleared the blockages in my limbs. I was pleasantly surprised that my legs gained strength and felt very relaxed.

I cannot thank Grandmaster JinBodhi enough for teaching me the Energy Bagua. Since then, I’ve gained confidence to improve my health. I’ve even initiated sharing on the wonderful effects of Energy Bagua in Bodhi Meditation class with new friends with the hope that more people can benefit from Bagua practice.

Link to tathagata forum: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47678&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D67
#MeditationAndHealth, #TorontoBodhiMeditationCenterTestimonial, #EnergyBagua, #WalkAtLightningSpeed
