擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。 ….

身心靈獲得了提升 當義工服務大眾
Farewell to prolong suffering from hyperthyroidism and menstrual cramps
Illness does not only affect the elderly. Since young, she suffers from swelling of the thyroid that affected her body, emotions, life, career and interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the symptoms aggravated. After 11 years searching for a cure in her fight against hyperthyroidism, she finally discovered that the end to her nightmares in life lies in a non-medical approach. Let us hear her story….
My name is Yanling Li.
Ten years ago, when I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The disease made me suffer from an accelerated heartbeat, exophthalmos, shaky hands, thick neck and poor sleep interrupted by many dreams. The lack of sleep made it difficult for me to focus on my work and my temperament deteriorated. As my neck was thicker than normal, I lost my self-confidence and did not have the courage to wear shirts without collars. The doctor advised against surgery as the probability of relapse is high. I took the medication prescribed by the doctor for 4 years, which helped to regulate my heartbeat, reduced the swelling of my neck as well as ease the trembling of my hands. However, the medication had side effect, which caused my body to swell all over. There was also no improvement to the quality of my sleep, and the doctor advised me to stop the course of medication. Not long after that, all the previous symptoms returned with a vengeance.
When I realized that western medicine was unable to help, I turned to traditional Chinese medicine for a cure. Over the course of more than 11 years, I have used up almost all my savings, and yet I was unable to find a method to help me or ease my pain. I was thoroughly disheartened! In addition, due to my sleeping problem over the years, I became more and more moody and unable to focus. To add on to my woes, I started experiencing serious menstrual cramps from the age of 22 years. The cramps were so bad that I had to take medical leave almost every month. My work efficiency declined and so did my relationship with my colleagues.
The 7-day class tremendously reduced the swelling on my neck and my menstrual cramps
A friend encouraged me to signup for the “Thousand practitioners Energy Bagua event” at the end of 2016, followed by the 7-day Energy Bagua Foundation class in January of 2017. On the third day of the class, a pungent smell constantly emanated from my throat. It felt as if there was a lot of phlegm dissolving away. During this period of time, I kept throwing up phlegm and the swelling on my neck showed signs of getting smaller. At the end of the 7-day class, the swelling on my neck greatly reduced in size, and even my decade-old sleep problem showed signs of improvement: I was able to fall into deeper sleep as the occurrences of dreams reduced. Even my menstrual cramps reduced in intensity. My skin became smoother, my hands no longer trembled and my heartbeat returned to normal. Other than the physical swelling, almost all the other symptoms of hyperthyroidism were gone.
As my mind and body went through uplifting improvement, I became a volunteer to serve the public.
All these changes made me ecstatic: I have finally found the solution to my health problems! At that instant, I was filled with a great sense of hope. No words can describe my sense of exhilaration! Since then, I have persevered on by practicing Energy Bagua daily. The ambience of the meditation center and the enthusiasm of the volunteers filled me with warmth. I felt like this was home. Hence I signed up to be a volunteer in the meditation center in February.
Following that, I also attended the Health and Happiness Meditation Class in March. As I listened to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I was uplifted in both body and mind. Colleagues felt that I had become a lot gentler and my interpersonal relations have improved. As my family witnessed the changes in me, they became very supportive of what I was doing, and even wanted to attend the Health and Meditation class to increase their understanding of Bodhi Meditation.
Now, every morning, I practice an hour of Energy Bagua, followed by an hour of Meditation of Greater Illumination.
I am eternally grateful to Bodhi Meditation, and to Grandmaster JinBodhi, for regaining my health, happiness and confidence! I have also vowed to follow Master’s compassionate teachings and help more people regain their health and happiness!
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
* Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medicine dosage without consulting the doctor. Please follow the advise of the doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #Hyperthyroidism, #MenstrualCramps, #Insomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination
#見證禪修、 #馬來西亞、 #甲狀腺病、 #痛經、 #失眠、 #八卦、#八卦內功、 #無量大光明rnrn擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。
身心靈獲得了提升 當義工服務大眾
Farewell to prolong suffering from hyperthyroidism and menstrual cramps
Illness does not only affect the elderly. Since young, she suffers from swelling of the thyroid that affected her body, emotions, life, career and interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the symptoms aggravated. After 11 years searching for a cure in her fight against hyperthyroidism, she finally discovered that the end to her nightmares in life lies in a non-medical approach. Let us hear her story….
My name is Yanling Li.
Ten years ago, when I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The disease made me suffer from an accelerated heartbeat, exophthalmos, shaky hands, thick neck and poor sleep interrupted by many dreams. The lack of sleep made it difficult for me to focus on my work and my temperament deteriorated. As my neck was thicker than normal, I lost my self-confidence and did not have the courage to wear shirts without collars. The doctor advised against surgery as the probability of relapse is high. I took the medication prescribed by the doctor for 4 years, which helped to regulate my heartbeat, reduced the swelling of my neck as well as ease the trembling of my hands. However, the medication had side effect, which caused my body to swell all over. There was also no improvement to the quality of my sleep, and the doctor advised me to stop the course of medication. Not long after that, all the previous symptoms returned with a vengeance.
When I realized that western medicine was unable to help, I turned to traditional Chinese medicine for a cure. Over the course of more than 11 years, I have used up almost all my savings, and yet I was unable to find a method to help me or ease my pain. I was thoroughly disheartened! In addition, due to my sleeping problem over the years, I became more and more moody and unable to focus. To add on to my woes, I started experiencing serious menstrual cramps from the age of 22 years. The cramps were so bad that I had to take medical leave almost every month. My work efficiency declined and so did my relationship with my colleagues.
The 7-day class tremendously reduced the swelling on my neck and my menstrual cramps
A friend encouraged me to signup for the “Thousand practitioners Energy Bagua event” at the end of 2016, followed by the 7-day Energy Bagua Foundation class in January of 2017. On the third day of the class, a pungent smell constantly emanated from my throat. It felt as if there was a lot of phlegm dissolving away. During this period of time, I kept throwing up phlegm and the swelling on my neck showed signs of getting smaller. At the end of the 7-day class, the swelling on my neck greatly reduced in size, and even my decade-old sleep problem showed signs of improvement: I was able to fall into deeper sleep as the occurrences of dreams reduced. Even my menstrual cramps reduced in intensity. My skin became smoother, my hands no longer trembled and my heartbeat returned to normal. Other than the physical swelling, almost all the other symptoms of hyperthyroidism were gone.
As my mind and body went through uplifting improvement, I became a volunteer to serve the public.
All these changes made me ecstatic: I have finally found the solution to my health problems! At that instant, I was filled with a great sense of hope. No words can describe my sense of exhilaration! Since then, I have persevered on by practicing Energy Bagua daily. The ambience of the meditation center and the enthusiasm of the volunteers filled me with warmth. I felt like this was home. Hence I signed up to be a volunteer in the meditation center in February.
Following that, I also attended the Health and Happiness Meditation Class in March. As I listened to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I was uplifted in both body and mind. Colleagues felt that I had become a lot gentler and my interpersonal relations have improved. As my family witnessed the changes in me, they became very supportive of what I was doing, and even wanted to attend the Health and Meditation class to increase their understanding of Bodhi Meditation.
Now, every morning, I practice an hour of Energy Bagua, followed by an hour of Meditation of Greater Illumination.
I am eternally grateful to Bodhi Meditation, and to Grandmaster JinBodhi, for regaining my health, happiness and confidence! I have also vowed to follow Master’s compassionate teachings and help more people regain their health and happiness!
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
* Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medicine dosage without consulting the doctor. Please follow the advise of the doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #Hyperthyroidism, #MenstrualCramps, #Insomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination
#見證禪修、 #馬來西亞、 #甲狀腺病、 #痛經、 #失眠、 #八卦、#八卦內功、 #無量大光明


在〈擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。 ….〉中有 31 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲赐予所有有缘有决心的健康禅修的妙法。

  2. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福燕玲同修通过禅修身心灵获得了健康!愿有缘人都能走进菩提之家,获得幸福、快乐、健康的人生!感恩师父赐予我们妙法!???

  3. 我也是經过好友的鼓励,到禅堂参加了七天健身班,每天聆听师父的开示,让我慢慢的从黑暗痛苦中解脱出来。感恩师父!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜师姐!开心貌美的妙龄美女就为疾病而忧愁!而这只三天的千人八卦就有好转!惊叹啊!这世上只有咱菩提的师父传的妙法才能惊人的惊喜!人人都来禅修吧!准上瘾噢!?叩拜

  5. 感恩师父传授上乘佛法、神奇妙法救度无数人,随喜赞叹?李燕玲新同修参加菩提禅修的真实分享?菩提禅修真的能让你体验到有病治病,没病强身健体的神奇不可思议的功效!真切希望还在病魔缠身的朋友们?来吧,菩提禅修,健康快乐?感恩师父?

  6. 师父慈悲分享!恭喜师姐!开心貌美的妙龄美女就为疾病而忧愁!而这只三天的千人八卦就有好转!惊叹啊!这世上只有咱菩提的师父传的妙法才能惊人的惊喜!人人都来禅修吧!准受益啊!?叩拜

  7. 師父早上好 上次在youtube 看到師父教走八卦時 師父有提到在早上走八卦最好不要吃東西和喝水 但是如果有血壓高 先吃藥喝水才去走八卦會有影響嗎?

  8. 感恩师父分享!只有真正遭遇过苦痛折磨,并且求治无期的人,才更懂得收获健康是多么幸运和幸福!实在是上天的恩赐!在我们的身边,很多的人都正因病苦而饱受煎熬,他们都缺乏一个机会,一个结缘菩提法门的机会,我们能做的就是尽可能的把这个机会送出去,就如当初师父把机会送给我们一样,愿每一位有缘朋友都能如“李燕玲师姐”一样,抓住机会,改变命运!

  9. 深感同受!我相信她的见证因为我也是受益者。每天都要服药,吃药的感觉非常折磨人,感恩师父的禅修方法,让我们都摆脱了病痛的折磨!恢复健康的身心灵,恢复健康的生活方式,真是太幸运了。深深的感激,感恩伟大的师父,不辞劳苦的传法,让更多人能够接触到解出病痛的方法!???

  10. 师父好!感恩师父分享。李艳玲师姐11年的疾病,通过禅修很快恢复健康,真为她高兴。只有经过病痛折磨的人,才更加珍惜恢复健康的喜悦。让我们把菩提禅修传播出去,使正在饱受疾病折磨的人,看到希望,看到光明。通过禅修恢复健康。找回自信找回快乐。在今生找到解脱六道轮回之法。感恩师父传给我们殊胜的法!!!

  11. 真为李燕玲同修感到由衷地高兴,祝她一切都越来越好!这个周一,在单位值日,后又搬办公用具,下午上了半天班,下班回家后,感到浑身不舒服,头里面豁着痛,浑身无力,难受极了,晚上还是坚持带孩子一起走了八卦,走着走着,打嗝又吐酸的东西、打哈欠又放屁,还长哈气,八卦结束后,几乎全好了,感恩师父!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享与护佑!祝福这位师姐通过禅修找回了自信健康快乐!恩师的无上妙法,只要结缘就能受益。是恩师的慈悲大爱让众多被病魔缠身的有缘大众,通过禅修得到了身心灵的提高,摆脱了痛苦,找回了健康与快乐,看到了光明。所以我们要倍加珍惜,与此同时也要广泛传播,将恩师的无上妙法分享给更多有缘人,共同沾佛光!多多分享哟!感恩师父!!!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!

  14. 感恩師父慈悲分享八卦內功在短短的七天課程內,改善了十多年的甲狀腺腫大症狀及痛經問題!
