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#禪修與健康 #多倫多禪堂見證 #八卦內功 #健步如飛
Without any surgery…

Lets look at the testimonial from a Toronto student

Practicing Energy Bagua has relieved me of my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi, I’m Kunjie from Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto, Canada. I’m in my forties.
In 2013, I attended the 8 5-day Health and Happiness Retreat and learnt Energy Bagua. With regular practice, I was relieved of many minor illnesses in my body and felt much healthier.

In 2014, my aunt had a meniscal surgery on both her knees. After the surgery, she was ill and was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes or walk. As I already learnt how Energy Bagua can restore one’s inner energy, I managed to convince her to try Energy Bagua with me. At the start, she had to rest after struggling with Energy Bagua for barely 10 minutes After more than 10 days of practice, her legs got stronger until she could walk with us for an hour.

I was very encouraged by the improvement in my aunt’s knees and her ability to walk through practicing Bagua. From then on, I took Energy Bagua seriously and even signed my son up on a 7-day class. During the first 3 days of the Energy Bagua course, most of us would feel the aches in our upper limbs and muscles. On the 4th and 5th day, these aches will spread to the bones and one could even feel some warmth in the bones. It was painful yet pleasant to experience; something difficult to describe and could only be felt through experience.

I had rheumatoid arthritis since young and I believe that practicing the Bagua flushed out the illness within me. By the 6th day of my Bagua practice, I felt warm energy surged through my legs and cleared the blockages in my limbs. I was pleasantly surprised that my legs gained strength and felt very relaxed.

I cannot thank Grandmaster JinBodhi enough for teaching me the Energy Bagua. Since then, I’ve gained confidence to improve my health. I’ve even initiated sharing on the wonderful effects of Energy Bagua in Bodhi Meditation class with new friends with the hope that more people can benefit from Bagua practice.

Link to tathagata forum: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47678&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D67
#MeditationAndHealth, #TorontoBodhiMeditationCenterTestimonial, #EnergyBagua, #WalkAtLightningSpeedrnrn不用手術。。。


#禪修與健康 #多倫多禪堂見證 #八卦內功 #健步如飛
Without any surgery…

Lets look at the testimonial from a Toronto student

Practicing Energy Bagua has relieved me of my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi, I’m Kunjie from Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto, Canada. I’m in my forties.
In 2013, I attended the 8 5-day Health and Happiness Retreat and learnt Energy Bagua. With regular practice, I was relieved of many minor illnesses in my body and felt much healthier.

In 2014, my aunt had a meniscal surgery on both her knees. After the surgery, she was ill and was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes or walk. As I already learnt how Energy Bagua can restore one’s inner energy, I managed to convince her to try Energy Bagua with me. At the start, she had to rest after struggling with Energy Bagua for barely 10 minutes After more than 10 days of practice, her legs got stronger until she could walk with us for an hour.

I was very encouraged by the improvement in my aunt’s knees and her ability to walk through practicing Bagua. From then on, I took Energy Bagua seriously and even signed my son up on a 7-day class. During the first 3 days of the Energy Bagua course, most of us would feel the aches in our upper limbs and muscles. On the 4th and 5th day, these aches will spread to the bones and one could even feel some warmth in the bones. It was painful yet pleasant to experience; something difficult to describe and could only be felt through experience.

I had rheumatoid arthritis since young and I believe that practicing the Bagua flushed out the illness within me. By the 6th day of my Bagua practice, I felt warm energy surged through my legs and cleared the blockages in my limbs. I was pleasantly surprised that my legs gained strength and felt very relaxed.

I cannot thank Grandmaster JinBodhi enough for teaching me the Energy Bagua. Since then, I’ve gained confidence to improve my health. I’ve even initiated sharing on the wonderful effects of Energy Bagua in Bodhi Meditation class with new friends with the hope that more people can benefit from Bagua practice.

Link to tathagata forum: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47678&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D67
#MeditationAndHealth, #TorontoBodhiMeditationCenterTestimonial, #EnergyBagua, #WalkAtLightningSpeed


在〈不用手術。。。 一起來看看多倫多同修的分…〉中有 34 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享???又一位师姐通过禅修得到健康,快乐的案例,从中给我们更大的鼓励。弟子会更加努力修行的,祈请师父慈悲加持我!感恩感恩!

  2. 师父好!随喜赞叹八卦内功给师姐全家带来的奇特的效果。师父常说 坚持每天走八卦, 活到九十九。感恩师父的精彩分享。

  3. 感恩师父分享!神奇的八卦内功让师姐短期內就消除了风湿性关节炎!可喜可贺!随喜师姐的分享功德!祝福一切有缘人!感恩佛师!

  4. 感恩师父分享!昆洁师姐真幸运真棒!八卦内功可以治风湿性关节炎,非常棒的见证,也希望把这个见证分享给有类似疾病的人。愿人人都能走进菩提而受益!!!

  5. 感恩师父!不手术不花钱无痛苦,只需每天一个小时绕树走,元气速复疾病消除,身体健康快乐吉祥。感恩尊贵的师父!随喜祝福一切有缘!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲的分享见证禅修!随喜赞叹师姐,不手术不花钱无痛苦,获得身体健康快乐吉祥。感恩师父传授我们神圣无比妙法让我们都能受益!顶礼师父!!!

  7. 感恩师父分享!恭喜师姐及亲人获得健康幸福,八卦给我们带来身心快乐,快速补充能量,强身健体。好棒!感恩师父传授无上妙法!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福师姐!不用手术,走八卦治好了风湿性关节炎。感恩师父传授的妙法,让我们都从病痛中解脱出来。顶礼感恩恩师!

  9. 感恩师父分享!八卦内功治好了师姐的风湿性关节炎,恭喜师姐恢复健康。全球有多少人受益八卦内功。早晨呼吸着新鲜的空气,听着小鸟在歌唱。围着一棵树一圈一圈在走,看是简单的动作,就能接受宇宙的高能量。快速恢复健康。但愿更多的人都来走八卦,收获健康快乐!感恩师父传授这么好的功法!!!

  10. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!不手术不花钱无痛告,只需每天一个小时绕树走,元气速复疾病消除,身体健康快乐吉祥。感恩最尊贵金菩提上师!叩拜恩师!

  11. 感恩师父分享!弟子也是八卦的受益者,之前一段时间早晨持续走,哇太好了,清静的我秒睡而且是香甜,心中很平静。现在身体没之前的能量强,特想走八卦,早上到禅堂又怕孩子醒来,在家也吧,今天还诉说了买?的事,师父加持弟子可以在家走八卦!补回元气满满的正能量健康快乐幸福!有缘的您如果这是您的福音,马上来试试吧!?叩拜

  12. 师父午安,感恩师父慈悲分享见证褝修!随喜赞叹师姐,不手术不花钱无痛苦,获得身体健康,我在学八卦,今天是第三天,虽然很累,每天只有大约五小时的休息,我希望能够走108天,感恩最尊贵金菩提上师!?顶礼叩拜师父。

  13. 感恩师父分享。祝福每一位因走八卦而受益并收获健康快乐的人们,八卦内功健身去病,提升元气,融于宇宙自然万物,体验天人合一的境界,祈愿更多的人都能,绕树走一走,活到九十九。修练菩提禅修,会带给你不一样的感受和见证不可思议的奇迹!

  14. 感恩师父?感恩同修琨洁的真诚分享,师父2016年4月8、9日开示:天天来练功,走路一阵风,做做大礼拜,健康好体态,八卦天天走,活到九十九!要想得到健康快乐?我们都听师父的话,如法修行,坚持不懈修炼,做到实修实证,菩提禅修,健康快乐?感恩师父?

  15. 师父教我们的八卦内功真是太神奇了,我很庆幸自己一学就爱上了这门即简单又玄妙的功夫,几年来深深受益,让自己远离各种疾病的侵扰,生活得健康快乐、充满活力!期盼更多的人都来学习八卦内功、受益八卦内功。

  16. 感恩师父!教我们走八卦,师兄师姐还有我自己都是受益者。身体好疾病除,能量足,大家都来走八卦,健康快乐。祝师父师母幸福吉祥快乐!
