最有彈性的復健──八卦內功 . . 問:…

A most flexible form of rehabilitation ─ ─ Energy Bagua
Someone asked : “I had a serious accident a few years ago and broke my leg in 3 areas. After a long period of rehabilitation, I have no problem walking. However, when the weather changes, my leg is so sore and painful even to get out of bed. Every step felt like drilling several nails into my leg. The pain is so unbearable, let alone practice Energy Bagua?
I said: “When you practice Energy Bagua, apart from perseverance, please take note of the following. Should there be intense discomfort or pain after 5 to 10 minutes of Energy Bagua, stop for a rest and continue when you feel better. ”
He asked again: “if I stop and continue and stop and continue, would there be any benefit?
I said: “No matter what you do, it is not good to go beyond your limits. You have to adjust according to your own physical conditions while practicing Energy Bagua , so it doesn’t matter how many times you stop, the most important thing to having good results is to align your moves and positions as accurately as possible. ”
Subsequently, he followed my suggestions, he would stop and rest whenever he feels tired, resuming when he is better. With diligent and consistent practice, he progressed slowly from few minutes to two hours of practice within a year. Furthermore, his injured leg is no longer in any pain when the weather changes.
So, even if you have a good method, it is important to apply correctly. Energy Bagua can bring us good health. Above all, it is important for everyone to practice Energy Bagua in a most relaxed and comfortable state.My purpose of teaching Energy Bagua is to provide everyone with an effective method to obtain good health with happiness and joy.
#EnergyBagua, #InjuredLimbs, #WithinOurLimits, #ApplyTheMethodCorrectly, #Relax


遇見騎吼觀音菩薩 . 願得見此尊佛像者,…

?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
Encounter with Simhanada-Avakokjtesvara Bodhisattva
May everyone who sees the statue of the Bodhisattva be filled with joy, auspiciousness, good health, longevity and good fortune.
Simhanada-Avakokjtesvara Bodhisattva is one of the incarnations of Guanyin Bodhisattva. This majestic Bodhisattva has the ability to heal all illnesses and liberate all sentient beings of the three realms from suffering. This Bodhisattva of tremendous power is also known as Qi Hou Guanyin or Lion’s Roar Guanyin in Mandarin.
This precious Buddhist treasure is enshrined in Taiwan’s New Taipei Bodhi Meditation Center. Carved from camphor wood during the Ming Dynasty, the Simhanada-Avakokjtesvara Bodhisattva statue has a regal and majestic appearance. According to legend, Simhanada-Avakokjtesvara Bodhisattva has enormous power and is able to heal all diseases and dispel all disasters.
May boundless blessings and energy be showered upon all of you who have the good fortune to view this Simhanada-Avakokjtesvara Bodhisattva statue.
May everyone who venerates to the Buddha and views the Buddha’s compassionate countenance be motivated to be diligent and studious.
May the Bodhisattva bless everyone with auspiciousness, good health, happiness and good fortune!!
Please feel free to share this article. More sharing, more blessings!!
#WheelOfFate, #MingDynastyCamphorWoodSimhanadaAvakokjtesvaraBodhisattva, #BlessingsAndEnergy, #GoodFortune, #GoodHealth


菩薩心腸?! . . 在我們失意、難過,…

Bodhisattva Heart
Whenever we are disappointed, sad or sick, we often think longingly of our mothers. That is because our mothers had always showered us with meticulous care, selfless compassion and loving kindness, akin to that of a Bodhisattva.
When we are in need of help in our daily lives, those who give us a helping hand are also a manifestation of a Bodhisattva.
In fact, the true Bodhisattva is not far and unreachable high above the Heavens.
It is actually all around you, in the form of true compassion and warm kindness.
If you can exude such selfless compassion and kindness, then you will be the Bodhisattva amongst your fellow Man, always present by their side.

#BodhisattvaAmoungstYourFellowMan, #Compassion, #WarmthOfMother’sLove, #BodhisattvaHeart, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTeaching


徵集年曆繪畫創意! . 徵集菩提禪修機構…

主辦單位: 國際菩提禪修機構
1. 繪畫主題:有夢想才有力量(如果您希望多畫幾幅,可以在此主題之外,選擇自己喜歡表達的主題)
2. 繪畫風格:簡單、可愛、孩子風、有美感、内容有寓意;
3. 投稿方式:請將成品掃描或拍照,存為電子檔格式發送至
[email protected]郵箱,並註明姓名與聯繫方式;
4. 圖片尺寸:不小於420mm×297mm〔A3紙尺寸,豎版(即直式)〕;
5. 圖片清晰度:不低於100dpi。
4.所有稿件一律以電子檔應徵,投稿郵箱:[email protected]
Calling for new calendar art designs!
We are looking for original and creative designs for Bodhi Meditation’s 2019 calendars. We welcome all creative geniuses to submit your creative ideas from now until Mar 25, 2018.
If your design is selected, we will provide compensation and contact you with details of collaboration!
We welcome participants from any nationality, ethnicity and cultural background. We also welcome you to spread the news of our search for calendar designs.
Organizer: International Bodhi Meditation Organization
I. Terms and conditions:
1. Theme: With dream comes strength (If you like to draw a few more, you may choose another theme to express yourself.)
2. Style: It can be simple, adorable, child-like, beautiful or it may also contain deeper meanings.
3. Method of submission: Please send a digital copy of your design (can be a scanned copy or a picture) to [email protected], and remember to include your name as well as contact number.
4. Dimensions: Minimum 420mmx297mm [equivalent to A3 paper in portrait mode] 5. Resolution: Minimum 100dpi.
II. Deadline for submission: March 25, 2018
III. Things to note:
1. Only original work will be accepted. Any submission that infringes on third-party’s intellectual property – including but not limited to copying and modification of other people’s work – will be disqualified. All legal consequences of such intellectual property infringement activities will also be solely borne by the person who submitted the work.
2. No fees will be collected for this activity.
3. If there are conflicting interpretations of the terms and conditions for this activity, International Bodhi Meditation Organization’s interpretation shall be final.
4. Only email submissions are allowed. Please send your entries to: [email protected]
#徵集年曆繪畫創意、 #有夢想才有力量、 #歡迎分享rnrn徵集年曆繪畫創意!
主辦單位: 國際菩提禪修機構
1. 繪畫主題:有夢想才有力量(如果您希望多畫幾幅,可以在此主題之外,選擇自己喜歡表達的主題)
2. 繪畫風格:簡單、可愛、孩子風、有美感、内容有寓意;
3. 投稿方式:請將成品掃描或拍照,存為電子檔格式發送至
[email protected]郵箱,並註明姓名與聯繫方式;
4. 圖片尺寸:不小於420mm×297mm〔A3紙尺寸,豎版(即直式)〕;
5. 圖片清晰度:不低於100dpi。
4.所有稿件一律以電子檔應徵,投稿郵箱:[email protected]
Calling for new calendar art designs!
We are looking for original and creative designs for Bodhi Meditation’s 2019 calendars. We welcome all creative geniuses to submit your creative ideas from now until Mar 25, 2018.
If your design is selected, we will provide compensation and contact you with details of collaboration!
We welcome participants from any nationality, ethnicity and cultural background. We also welcome you to spread the news of our search for calendar designs.
Organizer: International Bodhi Meditation Organization
I. Terms and conditions:
1. Theme: With dream comes strength (If you like to draw a few more, you may choose another theme to express yourself.)
2. Style: It can be simple, adorable, child-like, beautiful or it may also contain deeper meanings.
3. Method of submission: Please send a digital copy of your design (can be a scanned copy or a picture) to [email protected], and remember to include your name as well as contact number.
4. Dimensions: Minimum 420mmx297mm [equivalent to A3 paper in portrait mode] 5. Resolution: Minimum 100dpi.
II. Deadline for submission: March 25, 2018
III. Things to note:
1. Only original work will be accepted. Any submission that infringes on third-party’s intellectual property – including but not limited to copying and modification of other people’s work – will be disqualified. All legal consequences of such intellectual property infringement activities will also be solely borne by the person who submitted the work.
2. No fees will be collected for this activity.
3. If there are conflicting interpretations of the terms and conditions for this activity, International Bodhi Meditation Organization’s interpretation shall be final.
4. Only email submissions are allowed. Please send your entries to: [email protected]
#徵集年曆繪畫創意、 #有夢想才有力量、 #歡迎分享


交通安全意識 . 坐在卡車裡,非常確定車…

視頻來源 :https://www.facebook.com/storyandidea/videos/740262586176446/?hc_ref=ARRWcpMw1mtrBZ4mwYtoyI2UQf8_Qgt4AZu2AHsBNPz8DaCPYS60Bzr1XsVJv_qCj-g


【元宵節供燈】照亮幸福人生 . 關於元宵…

【Light Offering during Lantern Festival】 Illuminating a Blessed Life

In Buddhism, there is documentation on the origins of the Lantern Festival. During the Yong Ping years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Han Emperor sent his men to Tian Zhu to seek Dharma, marking the formal introduction of Buddhism to China. This is known as the famous “Yong Ping Seeking Dharma”. Han Ming Emperor learnt that, on the fifteenth of the first month of the lunar calendar, there were traditions of monks paying homage to the Buddha relics and offering light to the Buddha. Hence, on this day too, light offerings took place in the palace and in temples to worship the Buddha. The ordinary folks followed suit and gradually formed the custom of admiring lanterns during the Lantern Festival.

Dharma is like a beacon of light eradicating the darkness of the world. We visualize the light of Buddha to be as great as Mount Meru, shining in all directions. Where there is light, all darkness dissipates. All the pains and sufferings of sentient beings are eliminated. Sentient beings are able to discern good from evil; they possess great wisdom and have an illuminated body and mind. Gratitude to the great virtues of the Buddhist patriarchs! Their compassion and wisdom are like lights, passing from generation to generation, giving us the hope of liberation and bringing the world unlimited brilliance, warmth, tranquility and auspiciousness.

The Buddhist scriptures detail that by offering light before the Buddha, one can gain health and longevity, great wisdom, eliminate disaster, obtain rapid enlightenment and gain other immeasurable merits and benefits. In Bodhi Meditation, there are many testimonies that illustrate the benefits of making light offerings before the Buddha. Whether it is praying for good grades for one’s study, having a child, career, health, or for the deceased, there are a large number of cases where the prayers are answered.

The fifteenth of the first lunar month is the first full moon of the year. It is the perfect day to offer lights before the Buddha for our most beloved and cared for persons in our life. Let the light we offer, together with Buddha’s light, shine and illuminate the paths ahead for them. May it give them inspiration and the power and blessings of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas. Whenever they encounter troubles, they will be able to eliminate them quickly, gain health, happiness, perfection and auspiciousness.

Be blessed with eternal brilliance and blissfulness.

#LanternFestival, #LightOffering, #BuddhaLight


堅持就是成功 . 史努比之父——查理斯….




【The Blue Mandala】 – The Serene Flower of Wisdom that Cleanses the Soul
Mandala is the auspicious flower in Buddhism. According to legend, during the days that Buddha was spreading dharma, he would hold Mandala flower (thorn apple flowers) in his hands while the sky filled with Mandala flowers that rained down to the ground. The Mandala is a symbol of tranquility, peace and auspiciousness.
The Blue Mandala features the energy core of the Eastern Lapis Lazuli world. The wheel of Medicine Buddha’s Mantra is the focal point of the great energy radiating from Medicine Buddha’s twelve great vows, and it has the ability to dispel all suffering, diseases and disasters. It can also eliminate anxieties so as to achieve true tranquility and peace.
Anyone who has the affinity with the Blue Mandala will receive the blessings, protection and the great energy of the Medicine Buddha and be able to achieve serenity, wealth, health and longevity. All disasters will be neutralized and misfortunes will be dispelled.
I welcome all of you to share the good fortune with others!
#Mandala, #MedicineBuddha, #TranquilityAndWisdom、#曼陀羅、#藥師佛、#清淨智慧
