【預防秋燥】 . 要預防秋燥,需要滋陰、…


★其次,還要少吃過油、過甜、過辣、過鹹的東西,飲食以清淡為主,多吃粗糧和富含纖維素、礦物質的東西,促 進排便。

★還要做到早睡早起,注意天氣變 化,及時保暖;洗浴不宜用鹼性大的用品,要注意皮膚的日常護理;還應注意多運動,打球、走八卦等以促進血液迴圈。

[To Prevent Autumn dryness] To prevent our body from dryness and heatiness during the autumn season, we need to nourish our lungs. Suggest….
★ First, consume more nourishing food such as green vegetables, white radishes, bananas, lily bulbs (Bulbus Lilii), white fungus and water chestnuts etc. and also drink plenty of water. You can also boil apples or pears in water and drink them.
★ Secondly, take less of food that are too oily, sweet, spicy and salty, and consider taking mainly lighter flavored food. Include more coarse grains, food rich in fibers and minerals, to ensure smooth bowel movement.
★ In addition, sleep and rise early and pay attention to weather changes and always keep your body warm. It is not advisable to use shower products that are too alkaline. Pay attention to your daily skin care and remember to exercise regularly such as sports or practice Energy Bagua to promote blood circulation.
★ Diet should include food that are more cooling in nature such as tofu, black beans, pears, white fungus, sesame, lily bulbs, Chinese cabbage, water chestnuts, etc. to moisten the throats and lungs. It is best to choose food that are in season and not those contrary to the season to prevent autumn dryness related diseases.
#ToPreventAutumnDryness, #AutumnHealthAdvicernrn【預防秋燥】

★其次,還要少吃過油、過甜、過辣、過鹹的東西,飲食以清淡為主,多吃粗糧和富含纖維素、礦物質的東西,促 進排便。

★還要做到早睡早起,注意天氣變 化,及時保暖;洗浴不宜用鹼性大的用品,要注意皮膚的日常護理;還應注意多運動,打球、走八卦等以促進血液迴圈。

[To Prevent Autumn dryness] To prevent our body from dryness and heatiness during the autumn season, we need to nourish our lungs. Suggest….
★ First, consume more nourishing food such as green vegetables, white radishes, bananas, lily bulbs (Bulbus Lilii), white fungus and water chestnuts etc. and also drink plenty of water. You can also boil apples or pears in water and drink them.
★ Secondly, take less of food that are too oily, sweet, spicy and salty, and consider taking mainly lighter flavored food. Include more coarse grains, food rich in fibers and minerals, to ensure smooth bowel movement.
★ In addition, sleep and rise early and pay attention to weather changes and always keep your body warm. It is not advisable to use shower products that are too alkaline. Pay attention to your daily skin care and remember to exercise regularly such as sports or practice Energy Bagua to promote blood circulation.
★ Diet should include food that are more cooling in nature such as tofu, black beans, pears, white fungus, sesame, lily bulbs, Chinese cabbage, water chestnuts, etc. to moisten the throats and lungs. It is best to choose food that are in season and not those contrary to the season to prevent autumn dryness related diseases.
#ToPreventAutumnDryness, #AutumnHealthAdvice


你知道為何休息再多還是覺得很疲累? 問:…


「我每天工作,回到家後都累趴了,什麼事也幹不了!就算睡了一覺,隔天床後還是覺得很疲累,每天的疲累感,加上工作壓力,導致我常常精神恍惚,家事跟工作都顧不好,怎麼辦呢? 」
1. youtube連接:
2. 菩提禪修官網下載連接:
3. 試聽音頻MP3下載:
4. 試聽視頻MP4影片下載:
5. 八卦內功音樂試聽版連接:


#八卦內功、#修行好處、#工作、#充電、#能量滿滿、#釋放壓力、#放鬆rnrnDo you know why you still feel fatigued even after you rested?


Everyday, after I return home from work, I felt exhausted and can’t do anything else! Even after a night’s sleep, I still feel very tired the next day. Adding to the stress at work, I am constantly in a daze and cannot manage both family and work matters. What shall I do?

Energy Bagua practice can be a good choice for your situation.

Do many people experience the lack of energy despite regular sleep?
When one lacks energy, the first obvious sign is general lethargy. If it becomes serious, illness can result. Just like when you feel the hands of people with insufficient energy, you will find the hand is relatively cold; if the energy is adequate, it is warm.

What is energy?
For example, when we were young, we often saw that when the electrical voltage was insufficient, the electric light flickered but it remained bright when there was enough voltage supplied. The same can be said about the human body.

I’ve seen that in some cold regions, especially in Tibet, people use a patch of warm animal skin to wrap over their body joints. In winter, when “frozen limbs” are prevalent, such animal skin wraps are a common sight on the knees of the elderly people in Tibet, who look as if they have just been injured. There are still many people who came walking with a limp even though they are not old, the youngest being 35 years of age; these people seriously lack energy!

My health advice:
I suggest that you try to practice Energy Bagua. After an extended period of practice, you may discover that you actually run instead of walk.

Energy Bagua is exceptionally effective at replenishing your energy.
Lastly, I wish that everyone can reap benefits from practice and always remain healthy, blissful and joyous!

Welcome to share and refer the above to your loved ones and friends, as more sharing begets greater blessings ~

We cordially invite everyone to practice to greater health~
“Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide” trial Music CD audio and video download links:

1. YouTube link:
2. Bodhi Meditation website download:
3. Energy Bagua trial MP3 music download:
4. Energy Bagua trial MP4 video download:
5. Energy Bagua trial music link:

How to purchase “Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide” Music CD?
You’re welcome to contact your nearest Bodhi Meditation Centre for enquiry, or access the following link: https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/

#EnergyBagua, #BenefitsOfMeditation #Occupation, #Recharge, #AbundantEnergy, #ReleaseStress, #Relax


孔子的英文名字 . 今天是孔子的誕辰紀念…

孔子收到美國「世界漢學國際研討會」的請柬,邀他在開幕典禮後做專題演講。 孔子十分高興,準備先去印一盒名片。
老闆說:「杜先生本來要印Tu Fu,我一聽表示不好,太像『豆腐』了。後來我就對詩聖說:『您老不是字子美嗎?那就叫Jimmy Tu吧!』」
「真的呀?」孔子更好奇了。「他就印Han Yu吧?」
老闆得意洋洋說:「本來他要這樣的,我一聽又說不行,太像Hang you了。」還是我想到韓老的故鄉,對他說:『您老不是韓昌黎嗎?』那就印Charlie Han好了!」
老闆大聲道:「而且還曾週遊列國,那就印 Johnny Walker 好了!」
Confucius’ English name
Today is the day to commemorate the birth of Confucius, and also Teacher’s Day in some region. Let me post a humorous story here to cheer everyone up and also wish all teachers smiles and happiness!

Confucius received an invitation by America to the “World Chinese International Forum” inviting him to give a keynote speech after the opening ceremony. Confucius is very happy and went to print a box of business cards.
The shopkeeper upon seeing Confucius, asked respectfully if the business cards had to be printed in both Chinese and English language. He asked Confucius, “What should I print on the English side?”
“Can I not print Confucius?” Confucius asked.
The boss smiled and said: “That is the Westerners naming you Confucius out of respect. Don’t you feel embarrassed to proclaim yourself as Confucius?”
“So what name should I print for myself?” Confucius could not help but pondered.
“Du Fu (a renowned poet) came yesterday,” the boss said.
“Oh, how was his name printed?” Confucius asked.
The boss said, “Mr. Du was supposed to print Du Fu, but I think it sounded bad, too much like tofu. So I said to the poet, Isn’t your other name “Zimei” Lets call you Jimmy Tu then! ” (as Zimei sounded like Jimmy)
Confucius laughed and said that’s wonderful!
“In fact, Han Yu (a Chinese writer, poet, and government official of the Tang Dynasty) also came,” the boss said.
Confucius guessed “ Is it simply Han Yu?”
The boss said triumphantly: “I said to him that it sounded too much like Hang you. I said to him, wasn’t his full name Han Changli? So lets call you Charlie Han! ”
“Well, that’s great!” Confucius smiled, then frowned, “They are all settled, but what name should I print in English?”
The boss thought for a moment and exclaimed: “Yes! They also call you Zhongni?” The boss laughed.
“Yes!” Confucius responded in anticipation.
The boss said loudly: “Since you also travel the world a lot. Let’s print Johnny Walker!”
#TeachersDay, #ConfuciusBirthday, #Humor
孔子收到美國「世界漢學國際研討會」的請柬,邀他在開幕典禮後做專題演講。 孔子十分高興,準備先去印一盒名片。
老闆說:「杜先生本來要印Tu Fu,我一聽表示不好,太像『豆腐』了。後來我就對詩聖說:『您老不是字子美嗎?那就叫Jimmy Tu吧!』」
「真的呀?」孔子更好奇了。「他就印Han Yu吧?」
老闆得意洋洋說:「本來他要這樣的,我一聽又說不行,太像Hang you了。」還是我想到韓老的故鄉,對他說:『您老不是韓昌黎嗎?』那就印Charlie Han好了!」
老闆大聲道:「而且還曾週遊列國,那就印 Johnny Walker 好了!」
Confucius’ English name
Today is the day to commemorate the birth of Confucius, and also Teacher’s Day in some region. Let me post a humorous story here to cheer everyone up and also wish all teachers smiles and happiness!

Confucius received an invitation by America to the “World Chinese International Forum” inviting him to give a keynote speech after the opening ceremony. Confucius is very happy and went to print a box of business cards.
The shopkeeper upon seeing Confucius, asked respectfully if the business cards had to be printed in both Chinese and English language. He asked Confucius, “What should I print on the English side?”
“Can I not print Confucius?” Confucius asked.
The boss smiled and said: “That is the Westerners naming you Confucius out of respect. Don’t you feel embarrassed to proclaim yourself as Confucius?”
“So what name should I print for myself?” Confucius could not help but pondered.
“Du Fu (a renowned poet) came yesterday,” the boss said.
“Oh, how was his name printed?” Confucius asked.
The boss said, “Mr. Du was supposed to print Du Fu, but I think it sounded bad, too much like tofu. So I said to the poet, Isn’t your other name “Zimei” Lets call you Jimmy Tu then! ” (as Zimei sounded like Jimmy)
Confucius laughed and said that’s wonderful!
“In fact, Han Yu (a Chinese writer, poet, and government official of the Tang Dynasty) also came,” the boss said.
Confucius guessed “ Is it simply Han Yu?”
The boss said triumphantly: “I said to him that it sounded too much like Hang you. I said to him, wasn’t his full name Han Changli? So lets call you Charlie Han! ”
“Well, that’s great!” Confucius smiled, then frowned, “They are all settled, but what name should I print in English?”
The boss thought for a moment and exclaimed: “Yes! They also call you Zhongni?” The boss laughed.
“Yes!” Confucius responded in anticipation.
The boss said loudly: “Since you also travel the world a lot. Let’s print Johnny Walker!”
#TeachersDay, #ConfuciusBirthday, #Humor


你也想轉運、改命嗎? . 曾經,有個中年…



1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年9月30日,上午9:00開始 
#週六共修預告、#功德與命運、#金菩提宗師開示、#禪修rnrnDo you wish to change your life?

Once, there was a middle-aged man with a severe skin disorder, Psoriasis. The plagues on his back merged and grew to the size of a basketball. These lesions were so itchy and painful that he scratched daily till they bleed and develop pus. When the itch became unbearable at night, he would scratch and cause shedding of scales in sheets. He sought medical treatment from Western doctors and Chinese physicians but to no avail and he continued to suffer daily.

Later, an old Chinese physician told him, “You need to do more good deeds to cure this disease.” He adhered to his advice and followed a neighbor to our meditation hall to help in the renovation and painting.

He worked hard every day. After a month, his cheeks became tanned but his skin condition improved by more than 50 percent. He subsequently attended the 8-day Health and Fitness class. After the tenth session, his pretty much recovered.

Let’s ponder the reasons behind his recovery. Perhaps it was his sincerity that moved Buddha and bodhisattvas. Perhaps it was the strenuous physical activities that expedited his metabolism and detoxification? Perhaps it was the center’s vegetarian diet that changed his unhealthy diet, or his accumulation of merits that eliminated his karmic debts?

Whatever the answer is, everyone hopes for health and happiness.
Let’s explore together how to change our “destiny” in this coming Saturday’s group practice. Welcome everyone to join us.
May all be healthy, auspicious and happy!

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Sep 30, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Sep 30, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Sep 29, 2017 at 21:00hrs
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Sep 29, 2017 at 18:00hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Sep 30, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Sep 30, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Sep 30, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Sep 30, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Sep 30, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Sep 30, 2017, at 07:30hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)

#OnlineGlobalGroupPractice. #MeritsAndLifeDestiny, #MasterJinBodhi’sTeachings


九年的中風終於恢復健康了 . 他是一個音…

我叫鐘紫山 ,來自馬來西亞,今年61歲。
課程第3天駕車來禪堂的路上,我決定等一下要嘗試著帶領大家背誦《金菩提聖經》。於是,我利用45分鐘的路程時間,嘗試背誦。真沒想我竟然全背下來了! 這是中風以後9年的時間裡,我第一次能夠完整記憶。當天下午,我咳出了一些帶有小顆粒的痰,很臭,但喉嚨卻感覺舒服了很多。
課程第 4 天, 折磨了我十多年的脖子僵硬和疼痛,竟然徹底改善完全輕鬆了!頭部轉動的幅度恢復正常了。這幾天我的睡眠時間減少了,可是每天起來都覺得精神飽滿。體重也在逐漸下降,到結業那天,共減掉4.6公斤。之前,我每天須服2次的降血糖藥,血糖還一直在7-9mmol/L 之間;可在課程期間,沒有服降血糖藥,血糖也沒有超過9mmol/L(編者注:菩提禪修不提倡自行停藥、減藥,請遵循醫囑)。

就在結業當天,我決定挑戰自己,重拾放下十多年的笛子為大家演奏,我挑戰成功了!我太開心了! 感恩金菩提宗師!我一定會繼續堅持修練。
#見證禪修、#馬來西亞、#中風、#菩提健身班、#八卦內功、#恢復健康、#快樂rnrn[Malaysia] Speedy recovery from the side effects of stroke of 9 years ago and a stiff neck that troubled him for more than a decade.

A music enthusiast was able to easily play his flute with melodious Bodhi music after giving up more than ten years ago. This music marked the end of pain and suffering for him, heralding a new life of good health. Here is the wonderful sharing of the meditation journey of Zhong Zi Shan.
My name is Zhong Zi Shan and I live in Malaysia. I am 61 years old. I suffered a stroke in 2008, but was fortunate to regain most of my mobility after treatment. But a blood clot, a size of a 50-cent coin remained in my brain, which affected the clarity of my thoughts and a deteriorating memory. I was very poor at remembering events that just happened. My speech also suffered as I could not seem to convey my meaning and I also stutter. The doctor told me that there was no medication that could improve my conditions effectively.

This year, I had the good fortune to come across the “Meditation and Health” magazine. I first signed up for Energy Bagua. After practicing it for a while, the benefits are good and I decided to proceed for the Health and Happiness retreat in Aug 2017, to deepen my understanding of Bodhi Meditation. From the second day, I felt a vast improvement in my energy level, and my thoughts also became more organized and clear.

As I was driving to the meditation center on the third day of the retreat, I decided to attempt to lead the class in reciting “Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words”. I tried to memorize it during the 45 min drive, and the miracle happened – I was able to memorize all of it during that short period of time! This is the first time that I am able to memorize anything ever since the stroke 9 years ago. That afternoon, I coughed out some smelly phlegm that had some small particles in it, after which my throat felt very comfortable.
On the fourth day of the retreat, I experienced a vast improvement in my neck stiffness that had plagued me for more than a decade. I was finally able to relax fully! There was also an improvement in the degree to which I could turn my neck. I have been sleeping fewer hours this week, but each morning I felt more refreshed and energetic when I wake up. I also lost some weight – about 4.6kg by the end of the retreat. Before the class, I took medication twice a day to control my blood sugar level which hovered between 7-9mmol/L. During the retreat, I stopped my medication and yet my blood sugar level never exceeded 9mmol/L. (Editor’s note: Bodhi Meditation does not encourage students to stop or reduce dosage of medication without consulting the doctor. Please follow doctor’s instructions).
While we were watching Master’s “The Empowerment of Compassion”, I too experienced Master’s energy blessings. Tears ran down my cheeks, mucus flowed freely from my nose, and I felt what seemed like an electric current flowing within my head. This persisted for two days. I also noticed that the small red dots that were on my inner knees had also faded quite a bit after the energy blessing.

On the seventh day, I was able to sit cross-legged while chanting. Previously I was not able to sit cross-legged for a long period of time. While practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination in the afternoon, I coughed out more phlegm and felt a strong sense of comfort and relaxation in my throat after that.

From the start of the 8.5-day retreat, I went into spontaneous fasting for more than a week. I was not thirsty even though I had not drunk anything the whole day. I felt energetic without food or drink the whole duration. (Editor’s note: Spontaneous fasting is a natural occurrence in the process of meditation and cannot be self-imposed. During the fasting period, the practitioner would eat very little or not eat at all, yet he or she would not feel hungry or thirsty. The hours of sleep would also be reduced, yet he or she would feel energetic and at ease). After the retreat, friends around me also noticed that I have become more eloquent, my thoughts are clearer and my memory improved. Before meditation, I could never remember the melody of music pieces that sounded really familiar to me. Yet now, they are all starting to resurface in my memory. On the day of graduation, I took on a challenge to pick up the flute which I have stopped playing for more than a decade, and played a song for all my classmates. It was a success! I am filled with happiness!

I am deeply grateful to Master Jin Bodhi! And I stand in praise of the meditation methods taught by the master! I will definitely persevere in my practice!


一個人問我:「人生中什麼最重要?」 So…

Someone asked me: “What is most important in life?”
答案是:「呼吸最重要。」Answer: To be able to breathe is most important..
.#AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #MostImportantInLife, #Breathe
Someone asked me: “What is most important in life?”
答案是:「呼吸最重要。」Answer: To be able to breathe is most important..
.#AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #MostImportantInLife, #Breathe


《分享》送給孩子最珍貴的禮物 . 分享一…

#分享、#送給孩子最珍貴的禮物、#加持、#光明燈、#菩薩的溫暖rnrnSharing – Giving our children the most precious gift
I’d like to share a true story by a netizen …
Believe that your child is not merely a kid, but a small fairy, or a little Bodhisattva who has come to learn together with you and grow along with you.

A few days ago, I saw a post by Master”.. entrust your children to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas. The Bodhisattvas will teach him how to be a good person, guide him on the right path, and shower him with care! This is the most precious gift for our children.” Hearing that, strong emotions welled up in my heart.
My precious daughter was born with a strong character, as if she’s inherited my genes. At a tender age, she’d aspired to conquer the world. She left the comfort of home and beautiful Vancouver to go to a place with – 30 degrees Celsius climate to the east of Canada. At the end of one school semester, she informed me that she’d like to go to Africa as a volunteer during the vacation. I’d thought, “An 18-year-old girl wanting to go to Africa?” (I was most fearful when I heard that).
During the first year, my daughter juggled between work and studies. Every week, she would work 20 hours and cover five academic subjects, sometimes sleeping only 4.5 hours. She did settle in but I was rather reluctant and my heart ached for her.
Coincidentally, my daughter entered the university at the same time that I had entered the “comprehensive university” of Bodhi Meditation!
Feeling very anxious and worried, I turned to the teacher at Bodhi Meditation to help enlighten my daughter! As we were leaving, we chanced upon Master’s portrait in the main hall. I had a thought, “I have no talent, and no wealth to contribute. Thus I will gift my most precious daughter to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas.”
I was immensely grateful that through the teacher’s guidance, the knot in my daughter’s heart to conquer the world was resolved.
“As my daughter felt that the world was too bleak, with too many people living below the poverty line, led by a small group of people that controlled the wealth by constantly exploiting the poor. She had wanted to go and witness the living conditions of Africans! As a result, she’d wanted to give up her studies as she did not want to become part of the small group of wealthy merchants’ money-making tools and machines.”
The teacher advised my daughter, “To change poverty, the only way is through education! You can choose your path of contribution in the future! And that is to help people in the poverty-prone places!”. My daughter thus realized her life purpose and path.
During the first summer vacation, my daughter applied for and joined a government-sponsored 10-week student program.
The conclusion was, she said, “Mom, it is not enough to be interested and passionate! People need to develop the ability to support themselves!” I believe this was the Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas’ guidance to my daughter, teaching her the way to survive.
During the second summer vacation, my daughter signed up for a 45-day volunteer project in Guatemala. She took care of all the tickets, donations, and living expenses, and did not use any of my money. I was touched beyond words! My daughter had really grown up and was also independent!
As we looked back, my daughter was the apple of our eyes and never experienced hardships and austerity. Yet now, she’s at ease tending to chickens and ducks, and having her meals spontaneously! Seeing that my daughter adapted quickly to the lifestyle, environment, helping with the building of roads, teaching etc., I extend my sincere gratitude to the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas for guiding her into becoming such a well-behaved, sensible and outstanding person.
During her third year summer vacation, my daughter brought me to Costa Rica in Central America on a trip.
It was like going back in time when I was my daughter’s age, enjoying the expanse of nature where there is no destruction of the land and when sentiments were wholesome. I experienced the ecstasy of flight like a bird, complete with wind swirling in the ear!
Zip-lining, rafting, horse-riding in the primeval forest while watching the sunset, listening to the narration by the female Nicaraguan president on her live volcanic exploits – these experiences were beyond my wildest dreams and unexpectedly, my daughter helped me fulfill them.
At the conclusion of my daughter’s four-year university curriculum, her passport had been gloriously imprinted with immigration records of nearly 10 Americas countries and regions!
I’m immensely grateful to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas for facilitating my child’s understanding of this world, including environmental conservationism and most importantly the tenets of life.
Under the guidance of Bodhisattvas, my daughter now has the capacity to earn her keep as well as define her life purpose! I used the savings that was intended for her college education and respectfully offered a light before the Buddha. I prayed that my daughter attains her academic qualifications, be of service to the society and benefit sentient beings, under the blessed illumination of the Buddha.
I’m infinitely grateful from the bottom of my heart! With a momentous thought, I’d “given” my child to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas! Since then, it had been smooth-sailing for us and the results have far exceeded my expectations.
In retrospect, every child is an independent person. He/ she does not belong to us, nor are they our private “property”. I actually felt that I’d sent her away then, but to the right place!
With the Buddha’s illumination as guiding beacons, my daughter’s and my life journeys are always swift and smooth toward our goals! These are all due to Master’s, Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas’ blessings and protection! We have benefitted immeasurably from your compassion and are immensely grateful!
#Sharing, #MostPreciousGiftForOurChild, #Bless, #IlluminatedLight, #BodhisattvasWarmth


預告!馬來西亞二級班精彩見證分享! 20…

1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年9月25日,下午2:00開始 
Notice! Sharing of wonderful testimonies on Malaysia’s level 2 class!
September 25, 2017, at 2:00 pm, Taipei, Malaysia time.
Welcome everyone to join us.
[international Broadcast time for reference] .
1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore: September 25, 2017, at 2:00 pm
2. Korea: September 25, 2017, at 3:00 pm
3. North America Eastern time zone: September 25, 2017, at 2:00 am
4. North American Pacific time zone: September 24, 2017, at 11:00 pm
5. Melbourne, Australia: September 25, 2017, at 4:00 pm
6. Jakarta, Indonesia: September 25, 2017, at 1:00 pm
7. Romania: September 25, 2017, at 9:00 am
8. London, UK: September 25, 2017, at 7:00 am
9. Australia (Sydney): September 25, 2017, at 4:00 pm
10. Myanmar (Yangon): September 25, 2017, at 12:30 pm
#馬來西亞 #甲洞禪堂直播 #見證禪修
