★其次,還要少吃過油、過甜、過辣、過鹹的東西,飲食以清淡為主,多吃粗糧和富含纖維素、礦物質的東西,促 進排便。
★還要做到早睡早起,注意天氣變 化,及時保暖;洗浴不宜用鹼性大的用品,要注意皮膚的日常護理;還應注意多運動,打球、走八卦等以促進血液迴圈。
[To Prevent Autumn dryness] To prevent our body from dryness and heatiness during the autumn season, we need to nourish our lungs. Suggest….
★ First, consume more nourishing food such as green vegetables, white radishes, bananas, lily bulbs (Bulbus Lilii), white fungus and water chestnuts etc. and also drink plenty of water. You can also boil apples or pears in water and drink them.
★ Secondly, take less of food that are too oily, sweet, spicy and salty, and consider taking mainly lighter flavored food. Include more coarse grains, food rich in fibers and minerals, to ensure smooth bowel movement.
★ In addition, sleep and rise early and pay attention to weather changes and always keep your body warm. It is not advisable to use shower products that are too alkaline. Pay attention to your daily skin care and remember to exercise regularly such as sports or practice Energy Bagua to promote blood circulation.
★ Diet should include food that are more cooling in nature such as tofu, black beans, pears, white fungus, sesame, lily bulbs, Chinese cabbage, water chestnuts, etc. to moisten the throats and lungs. It is best to choose food that are in season and not those contrary to the season to prevent autumn dryness related diseases.
#ToPreventAutumnDryness, #AutumnHealthAdvicernrn【預防秋燥】
★其次,還要少吃過油、過甜、過辣、過鹹的東西,飲食以清淡為主,多吃粗糧和富含纖維素、礦物質的東西,促 進排便。
★還要做到早睡早起,注意天氣變 化,及時保暖;洗浴不宜用鹼性大的用品,要注意皮膚的日常護理;還應注意多運動,打球、走八卦等以促進血液迴圈。
[To Prevent Autumn dryness] To prevent our body from dryness and heatiness during the autumn season, we need to nourish our lungs. Suggest….
★ First, consume more nourishing food such as green vegetables, white radishes, bananas, lily bulbs (Bulbus Lilii), white fungus and water chestnuts etc. and also drink plenty of water. You can also boil apples or pears in water and drink them.
★ Secondly, take less of food that are too oily, sweet, spicy and salty, and consider taking mainly lighter flavored food. Include more coarse grains, food rich in fibers and minerals, to ensure smooth bowel movement.
★ In addition, sleep and rise early and pay attention to weather changes and always keep your body warm. It is not advisable to use shower products that are too alkaline. Pay attention to your daily skin care and remember to exercise regularly such as sports or practice Energy Bagua to promote blood circulation.
★ Diet should include food that are more cooling in nature such as tofu, black beans, pears, white fungus, sesame, lily bulbs, Chinese cabbage, water chestnuts, etc. to moisten the throats and lungs. It is best to choose food that are in season and not those contrary to the season to prevent autumn dryness related diseases.
#ToPreventAutumnDryness, #AutumnHealthAdvice