【握住重生的金鑰匙】_從生命低谷 絕處重…

【握住重生的金鑰匙】_從生命低谷 絕處重生
Grasp the Golden Key to a New Life – rebirth from the abyss of life

I received positive response from many FB friends after I posted Xue-rong Lin’s meditation journal on Facebook. Many friends had written in to request for her story to be posted again, in order to benefit more people. Today I would like to share with you once again this true story from Malaysia…

She (Xue-rong Lin) suffered from diabetes which led to many complications including kidney dysfunction, Lupus erythematous, hypertension, asthma, palpitation, difficulty in breathing, and even edema (bloated body) making her almost unable to walk. The prolonged hospitalization and treatment of nearly 10 years had severely afflicted her physically and mentally. During this period, the hospital room became her home, and her own home was merely a hotel. The daily life of her whole family had turned upside down.

Just when she was giving up hopes in life, luck and fortune quietly descended upon her. May I invite all of you to witness the miraculous life encounters of Xue-rong Lin of Malaysia!

#Diabetes, #EnergyBagua, #BodhiMeditation, #LupusErythematosus, #Hypertension, #MeditationJournal, #XuerongLin


通過走八卦,失眠和青光眼消失 . . 現…

來自馬來西亞- 陳銘康的禪修故事

2015年3月,我的眼睛一到晚上看東西就會非常模糊,而且情況越來越嚴重。同年6月份醫生確診我患有青光眼,眼壓達到28mmHg,醫生即刻幫我做了雷射治療,但也只能降到20mmHg(注:眼壓正常值是10-21 mmHg,但醫生說我這種狀況要降到15mmHg以下才算恢復正常)。醫生給我配了眼藥水,同時告訴我眼藥水不一定能控制住眼壓的上升,嚴重的話一定要動手術,但動手術有50%的風險,如果不做手術就可能瞎掉。
除了身體上的收益,我的性格也改變了。幾十年來,我一直是一個很內向的人,不喜歡跟人溝通,每天都活在自己的世界裡,「八卦」點的人都叫我Mr.酷(酷先生)。 2017年3月我走進菩提禪修健身班,我開始變得開朗,喜歡接觸人了,對他人沒有排斥感了,而且我會把好的東西分享給大家,這在之前是從來沒有過的。

#見證禪修 #青光眼 #失眠 #八卦內功rnrnThrough Energy Bagua practice, insomnia and glaucoma disappears
Modern people face stress at work and this leads to insomnia. Bad quality sleep affects our daily life and together with increased usage of handphones and computers, glaucoma has since grown to become one of modern day civilization disease.
After two months of practicing Energy Bagua, his insomnia disappeared. He persisted in practicing Energy Bagua daily and to his surprise, his eye problem also gradually improved. How did he regain good health? Let us read his story.

From Malaysia- Chen Mingkang meditation story
I suffered from insomnia since 2005. On a weekly basis, there will be at least two days where I will only fall asleep at 4-5 am. For the rest of the days, I will wake up at 2-3 am and will not be able to go back to sleep. As I was worried with the side effects of sleeping pills, I abstained from them. Insomnia greatly affected my work and lifestyle because I felt very tired during the day.
In March 2015, I started to experience blurred vision at night and as days passed, my eye condition deteriorated. In Jun 2015, I was diagnosed with glaucoma, my eye pressure was 28mmHg. Doctor immediately performed laser treatment on my eyes but my eye pressure only drop to 20mmHg (Note: Normal eye pressure ranges 10-21 mmHg. However doctor said for my condition, my eye pressure had to drop to below 15 mmHg in order to be considered normal).
Doctor prescribed eye drops for me and told me they may not be effective in controlling my eye pressure. If my eye pressure continued to go up, I may need to go for surgery. To make things worse, I was told the surgery had a risk of 50 percent. However I do not have a choice because if I choose not to go for surgery, I may become blind eventually.
On the morning of July 2016, I saw a group of people practicing Energy Bagua round a tree. Out of curiosity, I joined in and persevered to practice one hour every day. Two months later, my insomnia disappeared. The moment I lie down on bed at 10 pm, I fall asleep immediately and will only wake up the next morning at 6am. This made me very energetic and confident at work during the day. In Nov 2016, I went for medical checkup and was very surprised to find that my eye pressure had dropped to 17 mmHg.
During the beginning of 2017, my eye pressure dropped further to 16mmHg; during 29 April 2017 checkup, my eye pressure resumed to normal level! At the same time, my vision also became clearer. Even the doctor was happy for me.
Apart from physical health benefit, my character also changed for the better. Previously, I had always been an introvert. I do not like to communicate and socialize with people. I lived in my own world. At Energy Bagua point, everyone called me Mr Cool. In March 2017, I joined Bodhi’s Health and Fitness Meditation Retreat. Since then, I have grown to become more sociable and no longer harbour feelings of exclusion towards others. Now I will share good things with others. Before joining Bodhi, all these were alien to me.
From Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I gain a better understanding of compassion. Now I try to maintain a compassionate heart everyday.
I am very grateful to Bodhi Meditation!!
(Note: Meditation effects vary according to individuals.)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate stopping or reducing medication on your own. Please consult the doctor and follow his or her instructions.


世界上沒有不可能,只有願不願意去嘗試! …

他(富通),從小有習慣性脖子痙攣_俗稱肌筋膜疼痛症候群 myofascial pain syndrome,下方備註已解說。)根據台灣健保局資料統計,關節肌肉軟組織疼痛門診的就診人數,肩頸部酸痛的盛行率,為所有科別門診數的55%,而且這個比率隨著現代人工作,及生活型態越來越緊張,正在逐漸升高。
(備註: 肌筋膜疼痛症候群_myofascial pain syndrome,是人體骨骼肌肉因不當使用而出現症狀的總稱。這個毛病不是肌肉本身的發炎反應,而是附近組織的病變,使肌肉長期處於緊張狀態下,引起肌肉疼痛的現象。)
Nothing is impossible in this world, as long as you are willing to give it a try!
Futong has myofascial pain syndrome1 since young. According to Taiwan National Health Insurance Bureau statistics, the prevalence rate for shoulder neck pain outpatient visits constitutes 55% of all other divisions’ outpatient numbers for muscle, joint and soft tissue clinic. This percentage is gradually increasing as the work and lifestyle of modern man becoming more hectic.
Myofascial pain syndrome can be said to be a modern civilization common disease. Actually, this type of illness can be eased by a simple and speedy method. So, what is this method? Let us hear from Futong of North America, have him tell us his meditation story. Let’s us share in his miracle and joy.
Note 1: Myofascial pain syndrome is the general term for symptoms related to wrong usage of human musculoskeletal system. The illness is not due to the inflammation of the muscle but the pathological change of the surrounding tissue that resulted in long term tension of the muscle which causes the muscle pain phenomenon.
(Note: Effect of meditation varies according to individuals)
*Bodhi Meditation does not encourage self withdrawal and reduction of medicine. Please consult your doctor for advice.
#FuTong, #EnergyBagua, #BottomVertebra, #CervicalVertebra, #LiveTestimonialOnMeditation


「健康」真的可以很簡單 . . 曾經有位…

1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年12月16日,上午9:00開始

「Health」 can be easily attainable
Once there was an American billionaire. He owned one third of the land in the area in which he lived and was known as the richest man there. He lived to an age of 76 years. Before he passed on, he said angrily: “I want to live a longer life; whoever can extend my life by one more year, I will give him one million dollars! I have accumulated so much wealth in this life and I hope to enjoy for a longer time.” However, in the end, no one could help him and no doctor could extend his life span.
Hence, even if you have a lot of money, Chinese physicians and western doctors still cannot help to resolve a lot of health issues.
Actually, there is a very simple and easy method which does not need too much time and physical strength and can swiftly enable a person to accumulate 「energy」and 「health」- Energy Bagua. It does not cost you a single cent and is easy to learn. All you need is a tree and you can easily attain good health and happiness.
If you have any health issue or problem, we welcome you to join me this coming Saturday in our discussion to learn a simple and fast method to quickly accumulate 「energy」and 「health」!
If you like this post, please share. May all enjoy an auspicious, happy and peaceful life!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Dec 16, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Dec 16, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Dec 15, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Dec 15, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Dec 16, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Dec 16, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Dec 16, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Dec 16, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Dec 16, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Dec 16, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#GuideToMeditation, #EnergyBagua, #SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPracticeNotice,#MasterJinBodhiTeachings


這是外星人的自我療愈方式嗎?! . . …





如果是看書,我可能不會相信;可這次,我是面對面,直接採訪這些真實的生命故事,直接感受到他們的生命,從低谷到天堂,從黑暗到光明,就仿佛我和他們,也一起走過了那些生命中的苦難,「八卦」在他們生命最低谷的時刻,伸出一雙強而有力的手,將他們一個一 個解救出來,恢復健康,看見陽光。
Is this how the aliens heal themselves?
A Taiwanese fellow practitioner left me a message today.
She said, “Master, I conduct research into the life sciences. Is the Energy Bagua tree from another planet?! When I first watched ET, I was incredulous, yet now I’m somewhat convinced…”
I was curious; “Oh, so have you had any special insights lately?”
She said, “Not merely insights, but (I’m) astonished beyond words!”
I was more intrigued; “Did something big happen?”
She responded, “It is not one big event. It’s a series of happenings when taken together have led the scientific-minded I to change my perception of the world completely…”
She continued, “I was curious, so I recently decided to join the Energy Bagua group in the neighborhood park. There were about 30-40 practitioners, and I was not familiar with everyone. One day, the interview team from Bodhi Meditation visited us. The sister in-charge was unfortunately delayed due to a traffic jam. I’d learned a little about interviewing when I was in college and volunteered to help out. As a result, I realized that everyone around me had unusual experiences…”
“That day, I interviewed more than ten practitioners, and heard several inconceivable stories in the process:
1. One practitioner who suffered from serious insomnia for more than 20 years could sleep through the night after practicing Energy Bagua for one week!
2. Another fellow practitioner who suffered from chronic gastric disorder for ten years, and who had used to wince at the sight of the dining bowl felt considerable improvement after two days of Energy Bagua practice. Now, having practiced for a few months, she could happily consume her food without fear of stomach discomfort!
3. Another practitioner could now walk normally despite dislocation of the hip bone following a car accident!
4. Many troubling years of high blood pressure concern had also been resolved!
5. Perpetually cold hands and feet issues were put to rest with warm sensations!
6. Those with serious sinus allergies enjoyed smoother breathing after Energy Bagua practice and no longer had to worry about having a pack of tissue to wipe their nose! There are other many other incredible testimonials…”.
“Master, I was educated in a science stream, and had always believed in seeing evidence and examining data. Yet after witnessing everything at that day’s interview, I can no longer use conventional thinking on the Energy Bagua practice! The picture of ET repeatedly plays in my mind; it seems that this is the healing method of the aliens, as life sciences rarely witness such a magical transformation to life on earth!”
“What impressed me most was the testimony of one of the seniors who was more than 60 years of age. He had undergone kidney dialysis for more than 20 years, suffered a stroke six years ago, and also had to tend to a more than 80-year-old mother. However his stroke incapacitated his left hand and he could not even handle the simplest task of eating with the bowl and chopsticks, let alone work. Every time when he dined with his mother, he had to think of excuses, such as that he’d eaten, in order not to make his mother sad. When the mother turned away, he’d quickly pour the rice to the plate and licked the food up like a dog. He said he felt that he had lost his human dignity, and there was no worth in his existence at all. If not for his elderly mother, he felt that there was no purpose for him to live on…”
“However, this ex-stroke patient merely practiced the Energy Bagua for half a year, and had unexpectedly recovered to the extent that he could now run and jump normally, eat freely, regain operation of precision machinery tools and re-engage in his hobby since young – playing the guitar! Looking at his smile, watching him use the stroke of the finger to lift the electric fan off the ground, I really can’t believe that this can happen in the world!”
“After that day, I went to seven or eight more Energy Bagua practice grounds and interviewed more than 100 fellow practitioners, hearing their personal life miracles time and time. Due to Energy Bagua, those who had been seriously ill, leading a life no better than death, and with no life dignity can now live healthily, happily and even work!”
“Subsequently, I went online and read about many Malaysian fellow practitioners who had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease by doctors, as well as cancer, lupus, etc… These impossibly challenging examples of diseases in western medicine, as if experienced the healing by ET of the child’s injured fingers in an entirely inconceivable medical approach, unexpectedly healed the wounds, with the pain having mysteriously disappeared.”
“If this was a book, I might not have believed it; yet this time, I was directly in contact with them, interviewing these real life stories, distinctly feeling their lives, from the low point to the heaven, from darkness to illumination, as if they and I had walked through the life sufferings. Energy Bagua had, at their lowest point in their lives, extended a formidable hand, rescued them one by one, restored their health and allowed them to see the light.”
So she had wanted to ask me, “.. Is it aliens who had some hidden gems in the tree? So that life of Earth can be revitalized so swiftly?”
She posed me a series of other questions. After hearing all, I laughed and told her, “There’s no need to associate these with the aliens, it’s great so long as it is effective!”
(Note: The effects of meditation vary from person to person.)
* Bodhi Meditation does not advocate the withdrawal from, or reduction in prescribed medication; please consult and follow the doctor’s medical advice.
#MeditationJournal, #Alien, #EnergyBagua, #HealthAndHappiness, #Energy




如果是看書,我可能不會相信;可這次,我是面對面,直接採訪這些真實的生命故事,直接感受到他們的生命,從低谷到天堂,從黑暗到光明,就仿佛我和他們,也一起走過了那些生命中的苦難,「八卦」在他們生命最低谷的時刻,伸出一雙強而有力的手,將他們一個一 個解救出來,恢復健康,看見陽光。
Is this how the aliens heal themselves?
A Taiwanese fellow practitioner left me a message today.
She said, “Master, I conduct research into the life sciences. Is the Energy Bagua tree from another planet?! When I first watched ET, I was incredulous, yet now I’m somewhat convinced…”
I was curious; “Oh, so have you had any special insights lately?”
She said, “Not merely insights, but (I’m) astonished beyond words!”
I was more intrigued; “Did something big happen?”
She responded, “It is not one big event. It’s a series of happenings when taken together have led the scientific-minded I to change my perception of the world completely…”
She continued, “I was curious, so I recently decided to join the Energy Bagua group in the neighborhood park. There were about 30-40 practitioners, and I was not familiar with everyone. One day, the interview team from Bodhi Meditation visited us. The sister in-charge was unfortunately delayed due to a traffic jam. I’d learned a little about interviewing when I was in college and volunteered to help out. As a result, I realized that everyone around me had unusual experiences…”
“That day, I interviewed more than ten practitioners, and heard several inconceivable stories in the process:
1. One practitioner who suffered from serious insomnia for more than 20 years could sleep through the night after practicing Energy Bagua for one week!
2. Another fellow practitioner who suffered from chronic gastric disorder for ten years, and who had used to wince at the sight of the dining bowl felt considerable improvement after two days of Energy Bagua practice. Now, having practiced for a few months, she could happily consume her food without fear of stomach discomfort!
3. Another practitioner could now walk normally despite dislocation of the hip bone following a car accident!
4. Many troubling years of high blood pressure concern had also been resolved!
5. Perpetually cold hands and feet issues were put to rest with warm sensations!
6. Those with serious sinus allergies enjoyed smoother breathing after Energy Bagua practice and no longer had to worry about having a pack of tissue to wipe their nose! There are other many other incredible testimonials…”.
“Master, I was educated in a science stream, and had always believed in seeing evidence and examining data. Yet after witnessing everything at that day’s interview, I can no longer use conventional thinking on the Energy Bagua practice! The picture of ET repeatedly plays in my mind; it seems that this is the healing method of the aliens, as life sciences rarely witness such a magical transformation to life on earth!”
“What impressed me most was the testimony of one of the seniors who was more than 60 years of age. He had undergone kidney dialysis for more than 20 years, suffered a stroke six years ago, and also had to tend to a more than 80-year-old mother. However his stroke incapacitated his left hand and he could not even handle the simplest task of eating with the bowl and chopsticks, let alone work. Every time when he dined with his mother, he had to think of excuses, such as that he’d eaten, in order not to make his mother sad. When the mother turned away, he’d quickly pour the rice to the plate and licked the food up like a dog. He said he felt that he had lost his human dignity, and there was no worth in his existence at all. If not for his elderly mother, he felt that there was no purpose for him to live on…”
“However, this ex-stroke patient merely practiced the Energy Bagua for half a year, and had unexpectedly recovered to the extent that he could now run and jump normally, eat freely, regain operation of precision machinery tools and re-engage in his hobby since young – playing the guitar! Looking at his smile, watching him use the stroke of the finger to lift the electric fan off the ground, I really can’t believe that this can happen in the world!”
“After that day, I went to seven or eight more Energy Bagua practice grounds and interviewed more than 100 fellow practitioners, hearing their personal life miracles time and time. Due to Energy Bagua, those who had been seriously ill, leading a life no better than death, and with no life dignity can now live healthily, happily and even work!”
“Subsequently, I went online and read about many Malaysian fellow practitioners who had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease by doctors, as well as cancer, lupus, etc… These impossibly challenging examples of diseases in western medicine, as if experienced the healing by ET of the child’s injured fingers in an entirely inconceivable medical approach, unexpectedly healed the wounds, with the pain having mysteriously disappeared.”
“If this was a book, I might not have believed it; yet this time, I was directly in contact with them, interviewing these real life stories, distinctly feeling their lives, from the low point to the heaven, from darkness to illumination, as if they and I had walked through the life sufferings. Energy Bagua had, at their lowest point in their lives, extended a formidable hand, rescued them one by one, restored their health and allowed them to see the light.”
So she had wanted to ask me, “.. Is it aliens who had some hidden gems in the tree? So that life of Earth can be revitalized so swiftly?”
She posed me a series of other questions. After hearing all, I laughed and told her, “There’s no need to associate these with the aliens, it’s great so long as it is effective!”
(Note: The effects of meditation vary from person to person.)
* Bodhi Meditation does not advocate the withdrawal from, or reduction in prescribed medication; please consult and follow the doctor’s medical advice.
#MeditationJournal, #Alien, #EnergyBagua, #HealthAndHappiness, #Energy





#八卦內功、#戶外、#淬煉、#潮冷、#20171019FB直播、#溫哥華rnrnYou may be frail now, but must remain resilient, for you are embarking on the path of strength.

A Vancouver student asked me, “The winter weather is relatively humid and cold; is such a climate suitable for the outdoor practice of Energy Bagua?”

Answer: “One can still practice Energy Bagua outdoor.”
From my personal experience in cultivation, the best approach to practice Energy Bagua is to do so outdoors all-year round, across the four seasons.

As the saying goes, 「practice through the three heat spells in summer, and three cold spells in winter」. After the all-year, uninterrupted daily practices, the rigors from “quenching” over naturally varied temperature of the four seasons will help instill perseverance, foster physical strength, and result in mastery of martial art skills. The outcome is the corresponding increase in energy, kept diseases at bay and maintain health and longevity.
And what’s “quenching”?

“Quenching” is used in the ancient process of making swords. In it, iron and steel are heated in the furnace till red-hot, taken out and hit repeatedly with the hammer so as to temper (harden) it. Thereafter, it is re-heated to red-hot and abruptly plunged into cold water. This method of subjecting the metal to sudden-hot, and sudden-cold temperatures, is called “quenching”, and it tempers the metal, drawing out its utmost strength, and ensuring it will be a very sharp sword.

What if someone says it’s difficult to persevere in practice? Well, if we want to be able to live and work healthily, then you will have to summon some small amount of effort. This is because no matter how good a method is, if one does not practice, then he/ she will not gain from the kung fu (skills), and will not benefit or experience any improvement.

So please bear in mind, if one can conscientiously adhere to the saying, “practice through the three heat spells in summer, and three cold spells in the winter”, and persevere through the year, including the hot summer and cold winter days, one will be fit.

If “quenching” can make us stronger and healthier, then this “quenching” is a worthy form of practice!

20171019 Grandmaster JinBodhi Live

#EnergyBagua, #Outdoor, #Quenching, #Cold, #20171019LiveOnFacebook, #Vancouver


重陽傳說 . . 很久以前有個農夫,他住…

收伏了怪獸,老者向村民們說: 「記住,這些功法需要持續精進修行,不僅可以快速治癒身心的疾病,還能改惡行善,增福增壽,使家國富強。」還將菩提寶瓶贈送給大家做為鎮村之寶,說完後老者突然現出藥師佛莊嚴的法相,冉冉升向天空消失了。
#重陽傳說、 #大光明修持法、 #八卦內功、 #清淨觀想法、 #消災延壽 #却病延年


走八卦該蹲很低嗎? 【學員問:走八卦時,…


——20171004-FB直播-中秋茶香rnrnA student asked: when we practice Energy Bagua, do we need to bend our knees very low? The lower the better?

We learn Energy Bagua for only one reason, that is to be healthy and enjoy longevity.
If you have started to learn Energy Bagua for a short period of time, you may not want to rush to see the outcome and effects of Energy Bagua and be too bothered by how low you bend your knees while practicing as this may hurt your knees. This is not what we want.

However, if you have already practiced Energy Bagua for a consistent period of time, you will have garnered some good basic foundation and energy. You are healthy and strong in constitution and thus when you practice Energy Bagua, it will be good if you are able to naturally bend your knees more.

#EnergyBagua, #BendYouKnee, #KneeJoint
——20171004-FBLive-Mid-Autumn aroma tea


若想不被人伺候,必須八卦天天走。 朋友們…

If you do not want to be waited upon by others, practice Energy Bagua daily.
My friends, keep up the momentum!!!
#EnergyBagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Longevity
If you do not want to be waited upon by others, practice Energy Bagua daily.
My friends, keep up the momentum!!!
#EnergyBagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Longevity


你知道為何休息再多還是覺得很疲累? 問:…


「我每天工作,回到家後都累趴了,什麼事也幹不了!就算睡了一覺,隔天床後還是覺得很疲累,每天的疲累感,加上工作壓力,導致我常常精神恍惚,家事跟工作都顧不好,怎麼辦呢? 」
1. youtube連接:
2. 菩提禪修官網下載連接:
3. 試聽音頻MP3下載:
4. 試聽視頻MP4影片下載:
5. 八卦內功音樂試聽版連接:


#八卦內功、#修行好處、#工作、#充電、#能量滿滿、#釋放壓力、#放鬆rnrnDo you know why you still feel fatigued even after you rested?


Everyday, after I return home from work, I felt exhausted and can’t do anything else! Even after a night’s sleep, I still feel very tired the next day. Adding to the stress at work, I am constantly in a daze and cannot manage both family and work matters. What shall I do?

Energy Bagua practice can be a good choice for your situation.

Do many people experience the lack of energy despite regular sleep?
When one lacks energy, the first obvious sign is general lethargy. If it becomes serious, illness can result. Just like when you feel the hands of people with insufficient energy, you will find the hand is relatively cold; if the energy is adequate, it is warm.

What is energy?
For example, when we were young, we often saw that when the electrical voltage was insufficient, the electric light flickered but it remained bright when there was enough voltage supplied. The same can be said about the human body.

I’ve seen that in some cold regions, especially in Tibet, people use a patch of warm animal skin to wrap over their body joints. In winter, when “frozen limbs” are prevalent, such animal skin wraps are a common sight on the knees of the elderly people in Tibet, who look as if they have just been injured. There are still many people who came walking with a limp even though they are not old, the youngest being 35 years of age; these people seriously lack energy!

My health advice:
I suggest that you try to practice Energy Bagua. After an extended period of practice, you may discover that you actually run instead of walk.

Energy Bagua is exceptionally effective at replenishing your energy.
Lastly, I wish that everyone can reap benefits from practice and always remain healthy, blissful and joyous!

Welcome to share and refer the above to your loved ones and friends, as more sharing begets greater blessings ~

We cordially invite everyone to practice to greater health~
“Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide” trial Music CD audio and video download links:

1. YouTube link:
2. Bodhi Meditation website download:
3. Energy Bagua trial MP3 music download:
4. Energy Bagua trial MP4 video download:
5. Energy Bagua trial music link:

How to purchase “Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide” Music CD?
You’re welcome to contact your nearest Bodhi Meditation Centre for enquiry, or access the following link: https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/

#EnergyBagua, #BenefitsOfMeditation #Occupation, #Recharge, #AbundantEnergy, #ReleaseStress, #Relax
