[Livestream Announcement] Qingming Festival Chanting and Blessings
Honoring our ancestors during the Qingming Festival not only represents the continuation of our lineage but also embodies the spirit of filial piety. Our lives stem from our parents and ancestors. Through respectful worship of ancestors and departed relatives, we express our filial piety and simultaneously educate our children about gratitude, teaching them to remember their roots. If our ancestors are well, we and our descendants will be auspicious. So how can we ensure our departed relatives are well? How can we use this special day to send auspicious energy to our ancestors, so they can attain exceptional merit and benefits?
Youtube(Indonesian) :
Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only
⏰ 直播时间
北美温哥华 2024年3月30日,晚上6点
亚洲台北 2024年3月31日,早上9点
中文 YT链接:https://youtu.be/Yc7x4iTiJ4k
[Livestream Announcement] Qingming Festival: Chanting & Blessings
In Chinese tradition, Qingming Festival is an important season for us to honor our ancestors. Let’s sincerely chant and pray for Buddha’s blessings. May our ancestors be illuminated by Buddha’s light, escape from the sea of suffering and attain liberation!
⏰Livestream Time
Vancouver 30th March 2024, 6pm
Asia Taipei 31st March 2024, 9am
English YT Link: https://youtube.com/live/LXsgd4HG-R0
⏰ 直播时间
北美温哥华 2024年3月30日,晚上6点
亚洲台北 2024年3月31日,早上9点
中文 YT链接:https://youtu.be/Yc7x4iTiJ4k
[Livestream Announcement] Qingming Festival: Chanting & Blessings
In Chinese tradition, Qingming Festival is an important season for us to honor our ancestors. Let's sincerely chant and pray for Buddha's blessings. May our ancestors be illuminated by Buddha's light, escape from the sea of suffering and attain liberation!
⏰Livestream Time
Vancouver 30th March 2024, 6pm
Asia Taipei 31st March 2024, 9am
English YT Link: https://youtube.com/live/LXsgd4HG-R0](https://scontent-iad3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/434289250_962753718570894_5552033497595692243_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p130x130&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=ceMiBvbFKOwAX8yuUVQ&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.xx&edm=ALdPpPkEAAAA&oh=00_AfD7V8XdknTEMHnl9yNk2_1iH8LuudiFzIGvc9hg3DxkgA&oe=660DC87A)
健康长寿的城市🌿 欢迎大家光临加拿大温哥华菩提禅堂!🏠 Th
健康长寿的城市🌿 欢迎大家光临加拿大温哥华菩提禅堂!🏠
The city of health & longevity🌿 All are welcome to visit the Bodhi Meditation Vancouver Center!🏠

🪔 为祖先供灯:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0
[Qingming Festival Honor Ancestors Light]
Qingming Festival is an important day to honor our ancestors. Offering lights and praying for deceased loved ones and ancestors allows them to receive the protection and guidance of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, enabling them to escape from the sea of suffering and be reborn in lands of peace.
When our ancestors are liberated from suffering, we as descendants will be blessed with good health, peace, prosperity and auspiciousness in our lives.
🪔 Offer Lights for your Ancestors: https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0
I will also personally chant and bless all lamp offerors this Qingming Festival. May our deceased loved ones be illuminated by Buddha’s light, eliminate all karmic debts and be liberated from all suffering!
🪔 为祖先供灯:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0
[Qingming Festival Honor Ancestors Light]
Qingming Festival is an important day to honor our ancestors. Offering lights and praying for deceased loved ones and ancestors allows them to receive the protection and guidance of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, enabling them to escape from the sea of suffering and be reborn in lands of peace.
When our ancestors are liberated from suffering, we as descendants will be blessed with good health, peace, prosperity and auspiciousness in our lives.
🪔 Offer Lights for your Ancestors: https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0
I will also personally chant and bless all lamp offerors this Qingming Festival. May our deceased loved ones be illuminated by Buddha's light, eliminate all karmic debts and be liberated from all suffering!](https://scontent-iad3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/434246456_960399065473026_880232511612459279_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p130x130&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=UHOHVIzSCc4AX8CayXV&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.xx&edm=ALdPpPkEAAAA&oh=00_AfDv6pDbLY0FXbyDGi1znio405P9mAbIvrm_7Sw8EeVLoQ&oe=660720B6)
📲 下载链接(提供中英下载):www.bit.ly/yinyue88
🌳 八卦内功练习音乐,八卦健身操
🧘🏻 禅修音乐:大光明修持法,清净观想法,化骨法
🙏🏻 佛号:包括 药师佛心咒,观世音菩萨圣号,六字大明咒 等
🎵 睡眠音乐,疗愈音乐,学习音乐
也可以方便下载到电脑 💻 、播放器 📻、USB 🗂
Free Downloads Available: Bodhi Meditation Music
Good News! 🥳🎊
We now offer free downloads for Bodhi Meditation-related music. You may download these audio files for free, directly to your phone, and be able to listen and practice anytime, even without the internet. It is simple and convenient!
📲 Download Link (Chinese & English Available):www.bit.ly/yinyue88
Music available for download include:
🌳 Energy Bagua Practice Music, Energy Bagua Aerobics
🧘🏻 Meditation Music: The Meditation of Greater Illumination, The Meditation of Purity, The Meditation of Bone Melting
🙏🏻 Mantras: Including the Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra, Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Mantra & Six-Syllable Mantra etc.
🎵 Healing Music, Sleep Music, Study Music, and more!
It is also very convenient to download directly to your computer 💻, audio player📻 and USB 🗂
Feel free to share this good news with your friends and family! 🌏
After you have downloaded the files, you can play them anytime! No internet or telephone signal required, and you may even listen on the airplane! When you lock your phone screen, the audio continues playing! 🎧
【最新直播】与灵魂互动 🪔 · 我们都曾面对失去亲人的痛苦,
【最新直播】与灵魂互动 🪔
[Livestream Announcement] Interacting with Spirits
We have all experienced the pain of losing loved ones, and our longing for then etches deeply in our hears. But perhaps, their spirits still remain connected to us, communicating and interacting in special ways.
If given the chance to feel their love once again, even for a brief moment, would you be willing to try?
Youtube(Indonesian) :
Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only
🌳 八卦内功练习音乐,八卦健身操
🧘🏻 禅修音乐:大光明修持法,清净观想法,化骨法
🙏🏻 佛号:包括 药师佛心咒,观世音菩萨圣号,六字大明咒 等
🎵 睡眠音乐,疗愈音乐,学习音乐
也可以方便下载到电脑 💻 、播放器 📻、USB 🗂
📂 下载链接(提供中英下载):
🍎 苹果手机 iPhone 用户:www.bit.ly/yinyue88
📲 非苹果手机,安卓手机 Android 用户:www.bit.ly/mingyue99
💻 电脑下载,以上链接都可以
Free Downloads Available: Bodhi Meditation Music
Good News! 🥳🎊
We now offer free downloads for Bodhi Meditation-related music. You may download these audio files for free, directly to your phone, and be able to listen and practice anytime, even without the internet. It is simple and convenient! Music available for download include:
🌳 Energy Bagua Practice Music, Energy Bagua Aerobics
🧘🏻 Meditation Music: The Meditation of Greater Illumination, The Meditation of Purity, The Meditation of Bone Melting
🙏🏻 Mantras: Including the Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra, Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Mantra & Six-Syllable Mantra etc.
🎵 Healing Music, Sleep Music, Study Music, and more!
It is also very convenient to download directly to your computer 💻, audio player📻 and USB 🗂
Feel free to share this good news with your friends and family! 🌏
After you have downloaded the files, you can play them anytime! No internet or telephone signal required, and you may even listen on the airplane! When you lock your phone screen, the audio continues playing! 🎧
📂 Download Links (Chinese & English Available):
🍎 iPhone Users: www.bit.ly/yinyue88
📲 Android phone users & other non-Apple phone users:www.bit.ly/mingyue99
💻 Both links can be used for computer downloads
【直播预告】与灵魂互动 🪔
【直播预告】与灵魂互动 🪔
北美温哥华 2024年3月23日,晚上6点
亚洲台北 2024年3月24日,早上9点
📹 中文Youtube链接:https://youtube.com/live/m312M57maUk?feature=share
[Livestream Announcement] Interacting with Spirits 🪔
We have all experienced the pain of losing loved ones, and our longing for then etches deeply in our hears. But perhaps, their spirits still remain connected to us, communicating and interacting in special ways.
If given the chance to feel their love once again, even for a brief moment, would you be willing to try?
⏰Livestream Timing:
Vancouver (Canada) Time: 23 March 2024, 6pm
Taipei Time: 24 March 2024, 9am
📹 English Youtube Link:https://youtube.com/live/Z69ogE_YP8Q?feature=share
![【直播预告】与灵魂互动 🪔
北美温哥华 2024年3月23日,晚上6点
亚洲台北 2024年3月24日,早上9点
📹 中文Youtube链接:https://youtube.com/live/m312M57maUk?feature=share
[Livestream Announcement] Interacting with Spirits 🪔
We have all experienced the pain of losing loved ones, and our longing for then etches deeply in our hears. But perhaps, their spirits still remain connected to us, communicating and interacting in special ways.
If given the chance to feel their love once again, even for a brief moment, would you be willing to try?
⏰Livestream Timing:
Vancouver (Canada) Time: 23 March 2024, 6pm
Taipei Time: 24 March 2024, 9am
📹 English Youtube Link:https://youtube.com/live/Z69ogE_YP8Q?feature=share](https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/434238023_958792572300342_3639215607282021641_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p130x130&_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=TwKCr_YZQXoAX9cu4UH&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&edm=ALdPpPkEAAAA&oh=00_AfBC1rpi9At8Wm6sK5iX3QlgG6rPQviRvjOSOGWfed1VmA&oe=66039DF5)
【最新直播】巫師與真實的靈異事件 · 世上有一些人,擁有與天
[Livestream Announcement] Sorcerers & True Supernatural Events
There are some people who possess the special ability to communicate with nature, spirits, and ghosts. Usually, we call them sorcerers. When people encounter bizarre and strange events that they cannot resolve, they often seek the help of these psychic sorcerers.
Youtube(Indonesian) :
Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 馬來西亞地區:僅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only
特此通知 因技术与综合原因,我们已暂时关闭了Youtube与
Important Notice
Due to technical reasons, we have temporarily disabled the comments function on our Youtube and Facebook channels.
We appreciate your enthusiastic support, and sincerely apologize for any inconveniences caused.