九年的中風終於恢復健康了 . 他是一個音…

我叫鐘紫山 ,來自馬來西亞,今年61歲。
課程第3天駕車來禪堂的路上,我決定等一下要嘗試著帶領大家背誦《金菩提聖經》。於是,我利用45分鐘的路程時間,嘗試背誦。真沒想我竟然全背下來了! 這是中風以後9年的時間裡,我第一次能夠完整記憶。當天下午,我咳出了一些帶有小顆粒的痰,很臭,但喉嚨卻感覺舒服了很多。
課程第 4 天, 折磨了我十多年的脖子僵硬和疼痛,竟然徹底改善完全輕鬆了!頭部轉動的幅度恢復正常了。這幾天我的睡眠時間減少了,可是每天起來都覺得精神飽滿。體重也在逐漸下降,到結業那天,共減掉4.6公斤。之前,我每天須服2次的降血糖藥,血糖還一直在7-9mmol/L 之間;可在課程期間,沒有服降血糖藥,血糖也沒有超過9mmol/L(編者注:菩提禪修不提倡自行停藥、減藥,請遵循醫囑)。

就在結業當天,我決定挑戰自己,重拾放下十多年的笛子為大家演奏,我挑戰成功了!我太開心了! 感恩金菩提宗師!我一定會繼續堅持修練。
#見證禪修、#馬來西亞、#中風、#菩提健身班、#八卦內功、#恢復健康、#快樂rnrn[Malaysia] Speedy recovery from the side effects of stroke of 9 years ago and a stiff neck that troubled him for more than a decade.

A music enthusiast was able to easily play his flute with melodious Bodhi music after giving up more than ten years ago. This music marked the end of pain and suffering for him, heralding a new life of good health. Here is the wonderful sharing of the meditation journey of Zhong Zi Shan.
My name is Zhong Zi Shan and I live in Malaysia. I am 61 years old. I suffered a stroke in 2008, but was fortunate to regain most of my mobility after treatment. But a blood clot, a size of a 50-cent coin remained in my brain, which affected the clarity of my thoughts and a deteriorating memory. I was very poor at remembering events that just happened. My speech also suffered as I could not seem to convey my meaning and I also stutter. The doctor told me that there was no medication that could improve my conditions effectively.

This year, I had the good fortune to come across the “Meditation and Health” magazine. I first signed up for Energy Bagua. After practicing it for a while, the benefits are good and I decided to proceed for the Health and Happiness retreat in Aug 2017, to deepen my understanding of Bodhi Meditation. From the second day, I felt a vast improvement in my energy level, and my thoughts also became more organized and clear.

As I was driving to the meditation center on the third day of the retreat, I decided to attempt to lead the class in reciting “Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words”. I tried to memorize it during the 45 min drive, and the miracle happened – I was able to memorize all of it during that short period of time! This is the first time that I am able to memorize anything ever since the stroke 9 years ago. That afternoon, I coughed out some smelly phlegm that had some small particles in it, after which my throat felt very comfortable.
On the fourth day of the retreat, I experienced a vast improvement in my neck stiffness that had plagued me for more than a decade. I was finally able to relax fully! There was also an improvement in the degree to which I could turn my neck. I have been sleeping fewer hours this week, but each morning I felt more refreshed and energetic when I wake up. I also lost some weight – about 4.6kg by the end of the retreat. Before the class, I took medication twice a day to control my blood sugar level which hovered between 7-9mmol/L. During the retreat, I stopped my medication and yet my blood sugar level never exceeded 9mmol/L. (Editor’s note: Bodhi Meditation does not encourage students to stop or reduce dosage of medication without consulting the doctor. Please follow doctor’s instructions).
While we were watching Master’s “The Empowerment of Compassion”, I too experienced Master’s energy blessings. Tears ran down my cheeks, mucus flowed freely from my nose, and I felt what seemed like an electric current flowing within my head. This persisted for two days. I also noticed that the small red dots that were on my inner knees had also faded quite a bit after the energy blessing.

On the seventh day, I was able to sit cross-legged while chanting. Previously I was not able to sit cross-legged for a long period of time. While practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination in the afternoon, I coughed out more phlegm and felt a strong sense of comfort and relaxation in my throat after that.

From the start of the 8.5-day retreat, I went into spontaneous fasting for more than a week. I was not thirsty even though I had not drunk anything the whole day. I felt energetic without food or drink the whole duration. (Editor’s note: Spontaneous fasting is a natural occurrence in the process of meditation and cannot be self-imposed. During the fasting period, the practitioner would eat very little or not eat at all, yet he or she would not feel hungry or thirsty. The hours of sleep would also be reduced, yet he or she would feel energetic and at ease). After the retreat, friends around me also noticed that I have become more eloquent, my thoughts are clearer and my memory improved. Before meditation, I could never remember the melody of music pieces that sounded really familiar to me. Yet now, they are all starting to resurface in my memory. On the day of graduation, I took on a challenge to pick up the flute which I have stopped playing for more than a decade, and played a song for all my classmates. It was a success! I am filled with happiness!

I am deeply grateful to Master Jin Bodhi! And I stand in praise of the meditation methods taught by the master! I will definitely persevere in my practice!


在〈九年的中風終於恢復健康了 . 他是一個音…〉中有 42 則留言

  1. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!祝贺这位同修通过禅修恢复了健康快乐的身体!感恩伟大的佛师为我们有缘人授予这么好的功法!让所有禅修者都能获得身心灵的健康!顶礼叩拜师父!???

  2. 师父师母早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!祝师兄通过禅修获得身心灵的健康!感恩师父!因为我们有您!我们健康了!我们快乐幸福了!真诚叩拜佛师!

  3. 感恩师父,菩提禅修奇迹连连,佛陀伸出放着七彩光芒的大手,将我们深受病痛折磨的苦难众生一个个托起,抚平我们的伤痛、去除我们的无名与烦恼,恢复我们完整的生命,让我们身心光明无碍,让我们充满信心与能量,扶我们踏上人生的光明大道!幸运的我们,顶礼跪拜感恩慈悲伟大的佛陀!祝愿一切有缘的苦难众生早日皈依佛陀座下,早日沐浴佛光,早日离苦得乐!

  4. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!祝贺这位同修通过禅修恢复了健康快乐的身体!感恩伟大的佛师为我们有缘人授予这么好的功法!让所有禅修者都能获得身心灵的健康!顶礼叩拜师父!???

  5. 师父早上好 ! 师父吉祥如意 ! 感恩师父慈悲分享 ! 师父慈悲的光芒,传授无上妙法让我们获得健康快乐!恭敬感恩顶礼膜拜师父?????????

  6. 感恩师父!并祝福这位师兄!是师父的慈悲大爱拯救了我们这些受苦受难的众生,今生得遇恩师并能跟随师父修行,是多大的福报啊!师父,我们永远爱您!

  7. 感恩师父!又一个重回新生的生命!九死一生,只有真正的失去了才会知道健康对一个人有多重要!感恩师父妙法传天下!愿有缘众生都能健康自在!

  8. 师父好!感恩慈悲的师父传授的神奇妙法!让这位师兄重回新生的生命,九死一生只有真正的失去了才会知道健康对一个人有多重要。感恩敬爱的佛师!顶礼叩拜恩师!

  9. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹,随喜赞叹师兄真棒真幸福健康快乐,感恩师父的慈悲大爱把佛法传遍全世界,让我们无数家庭找回幸福健康快乐生活,感恩师父慈悲救了我一家人的命和无数众生的命,我们永远爱您师父,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,法体安康,弘法顺利,愿望圆满,愿佛光普照,愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  10. 感恩师父的慈悲分享,因为师父的慈悲加持,我的丈夫夏天因为喝冰镇啤酒引起的说话口齿不清,因为每天持续禅修三小时,吃了十副中药,弟子每天给他按摩,艾灸,祈福,夜晚弟子梦见师父真的来了,还赐予宝葫芦,结果短短半个月就完全恢复了。真的很感谢师父,而且我的丈夫变好了许多。

  11. 师父好!感恩大慈大悲金菩提佛师传授的神奇妙法!让这位师兄重回新生的生命,九死一生只有真正的失去了才会知道健康对一个人有多重要。感恩佛师慈悲与加持!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜佛师!???

  12. 感恩师父分享!九年的中风后遗症,八天半的健身班,轻松辟谷不吃不喝,身体奇迹般地康复了,又拥有了健康快乐的好心情。这就是菩提禅修的效果,这就是菩提禅修的魅力所在,感恩大慈大悲法力无边的师父!感恩师父传授健康快乐的菩提禅修,让无数无量的人受益离苦得乐!

  13. 感恩师父传授的妙法!让一個10年前患有中风后遗症的病人重拾健康,开始了全新的生活,这就是神奇的菩提!愿天下一切有缘众生都能荻得健康快乐!感恩佛师!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享!通过菩提禅修获得健康快乐的奇迹,随喜赞叹师兄!感恩师父菩提法宝妙法传遍整个世界!愿有缘众生通过菩提禅修获得健康快乐!感恩顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  15. 師父下午好、感恩師父慈悲馬來西亞見証分享、恭喜這位師兄、短短幾天的課程就拾回九年重風的痛苦、而恢復健康回來。祝福您!繼續加油哦!

  16. 师父好!感恩大慈大悲金菩提佛师传授的神奇妙法!让这位师兄重回新生的生命,九死一生只有真正的失去了才会知道健康对一个人有多重要。感恩佛师慈悲与加持!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜佛师!???

  17. 大慈大悲的師父吉祥、我師兄張勝品、現在住院、内湖三軍總醫院、情况危急、呼吸困難、肺積水、吞嚥困難、手腳無力、查無病因、弟子 墾求師父、佛光注照、佛力加持、張勝品、身無病痛、早日出院、早日到台北共修、弟子、跪拜、叩谢、感恩 師父。

  18. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜师兄!九年那是多慢长的日子呀!在?️怕的疾病里,可在菩提却恢复了!多让人高兴啊!无尽的感恩!感恩大慈大悲的师父啊!弟子永远❤️您!祈愿佛光普照众生都来禅修!?叩拜

  19. 师父我也是每天两个小时大光明,一个小时八卦,和一个小时大礼拜,还有半个小时禅悦!有时一天四个半小时,有时一天五个半小时,这几天每天做的时候都感觉嘴里面凉凉的,因为我火气大!还有总是感觉寒气大风湿犯困!但是好像这几天总是肚子痛!腿酸痛,很麻,今天去了三次厕所!拉肚子一样,我也没吃凉东西,我知道有可能又在往出排了!所以也没管没怕!感恩师父加持会继续努力禅修的!

  20. 感叹,赞叹,菩提禅修,化腐朽为神奇,实修实证,不可思议!还是那句话,越修越觉得自己的福报,越修对师父越感恩戴德,感动流泪!只能是自己得益,多做法报施,让更多的人受益,让天下人都美好,让师父的慈悲福泽苍生万民,登上法船,脱离苦海,离苦得乐!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父大慈大悲!

  21. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父的慈悲无上秒法,让有众生脱离苦海,身心健康幸福快乐了!感恩师父慈悲大爱!师父您为了每个人的家庭幸福快乐太辛苦了!弟子祝福师父法体安康弘法顺利吉祥如意!愿师父永远年轻开心快乐!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  22. ဘာေတြ မွန္းေတာ့မသိဘူး..အာ့ေဖာင္ေတာ့ေျပးသတိရတယ္
    က်န္းမာပါေစ.. ေဘးရန္ကင္းၾကပါ..ဉာဏ္အလင္းပြင့္ လင္းၾကပါေစ
