【我的夢想我創造】_讓心沸騰起來吧! ….


諮詢郵箱:[email protected]

【I Create My Future】 – Stirring passion from the heart

For our dreams. . .
We used to be full of passion and are fearless in our pursuit!
For the sake of one’s own faith, one doesn’t hold back and courageously charge ahead to fulfill his dreams.
However, life is not a bed of roses and during the pursuit of one’s dreams, he might encounter obstacles that make him feel disheartened at times.
When you have experienced the harshness of reality and feel extremely frustrated, do you still persevere on pursuing your dreams?

There is a saying that goes: “We cannot always build a future for our youth, but we can always build our youth for the future.
How do you overcome your fears and pursue your dreams?
How can you withstand the challenges you might encounter and make a breakthrough?

Put your thoughts into action!
Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp promises to give you and your children a brighter future!
Give your children and yourself a chance to expand your potential!

Click the link below for more details

? Registration Method?:
Please contact your local Bodhi Meditation Centre and register there.
Contact email: [email protected]

More information about Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp (BMYC)

#ICreateMyFuture, #BodhiMeditationYouthCamp, #Persistence, #AdmissionMessage #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTeachings


【慈善路】需要你的接棒! . 一份心,是…

讓我們燃起希望的火光 , 照亮整個世界!!
#慈善 #希望 #照亮世界
#菩提禅修青年营 #BodhiMeditationYouthCamp
【Charity Path】 Needs your contribution!

Every effort is a ray of light.
Let us ignite the light of hope, and illuminate the world!!

#Charity, #Hope, #IlluminateTheWorld, #BodhiMeditationYouthCamp
菩提禪修國際青年部,聯合馬來西亞菩提禪修慈善基金,將於今年夏天在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉辦《菩提禪修慈善服務隊》。本屆慈善服務隊的主題是 【選擇行善人生】。通過社區服務、參訪貧困家庭、體驗當地生活,服務隊隊員將有機會深度了解馬來西亞的社會問題,為貧困家庭和學生提供實質性資助。希望本次活動可以喚醒隊員的社會責任感,使隊員理解慈悲行善的重要意義,也更加懂得珍惜感恩自己擁有的生活。
?Announcement【2018 Bodhi Meditation Service Trip】Application is now OPEN!! ? ?
Bodhi Meditation International Youth Department, along with Bodhi Meditation Malaysia Bhd (BMMB), will run a service trip this summer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The theme of the trip is “Choose A Life of Kindness” (or “Choose Kind” for a more catchy slogan). Through community service, visiting underprivileged families, and experiencing different local lifestyles, participants will gain a better understanding of social issues in Malaysia and have an opportunity to help those in need. It is hoped that the trip is able to instill a sense of social responsibility in all participants, and help participants to not only grasp the importance of compassion and volunteer services, but also feel grateful towards their current living condition.


【新視頻發布預告】_四無量心 . 找尋超…

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2018年06月01日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2018年06月02日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2018年06月01日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2018年06月02日 凌晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2018年06月02日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2018年06月02日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2018年06月02日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2018年06月02日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2018年06月02日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2018年06月02日 上午11:00開始

【Newly released notice】 Four Immeasurables
How to transcend beyond our wisdom to self-liberate
I believe everyone has heard of the story “Blessing in disguise”. The story describes how misfortune can turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Whether something proves to be good or bad can be easily transformed when the right conditions are met.
In fact, life itself is a huge stage for cultivation. Scenes of sadness, happiness, separation and reunion play out continuously. Everyone is an actor as well as a director. So in our stage of life, how can we be a better actor and write a better script in order to lead a more interesting and peaceful life?
So how do we distinguish the good from bad? How can we better manage the changes between the good and the bad?
Let us explore the “Four Immeasurables” in greater depth during this Saturday’s Online Global Group Practice.
May all gain greater clarity as you gain access to the key of perfect practice and transcendental wisdom!
You are welcome to share the post.
More sharing, more blessings!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/Santiago Pacific Time Zone: Jun 1, 2018, at 18:00hrs
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong: Jun 2, 2018, at 09:00hrs
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando Eastern Time Zone: Jun 1, 2018, at 21:00hrs
4. London: Jun 2, 2018, at 01:00hrs
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Jun 2, 2018, at 03:00hrs
6. Romania: Jun 2, 2018, at 04:00hrs
7. Yangon, Myanmar: Jun 2, 2018, at 07:30hrs
8. Jakarta, Indonesia: Jun 2, 2018, at 08:00hrs
9. Seoul, Korea: Jun 2, 2018, at 10:00hrs
10. Melbourne, Australia: Jun 2, 2018, at 11:00hrs
Note: The Global Group Practice on Saturday is typically scheduled at 9:00am at Bodhi Meditation centers. Interested participants and practitioners are advised to refer in advance to the operational hours of the local Bodhi Meditation center.

#NewlyReleased, #OnlineGlobalGroupPracticeNotice, #FourImmeasurables, #TranscendWisdom


減少囤積 清爽過日 . 你有沒有發現,在…

減少囤積 清爽過日
其實,人生的快樂,完全不在於他擁有了多少,相反的,「少即是多–less is more–簡單就是美」。簡約主義不是甚麼高深的哲學,而是能理解人生其實是一連串減法的過程,只有讓自己越來越簡單,才會越來越快樂,東西越少越沒有負擔,才能讓心靈身體達到真正的自由,毫無牽掛!

#禪師開示 #斷捨離 #囤積是病 #物盡其用 #心靈自由 #生活智慧rnrnReduce clutter and lead a carefree life

Have you noticed that some elderly like to amass possessions? Some of them do this due to loneliness – they do not have their children at their side and frequently reminisce about the past. Some do this due to thrift.

Unlike hobbyists who have specific targets of collection – music albums, models or books – the elderly amasses random items without purpose. The psychology behind this behavior is actually a lack of security. Their sense of security increases with the amount of possessions they have.

In reality, happiness does not depend on how much a person has. In fact, as the saying goes: “Less is more; Simplicity is beautiful.” Minimalism is not a profound philosophy. It is about how to gain a better understanding of life by reducing the clutter in your life. By simplifying your life, your burdens will be reduced and you will gain true happiness and freedom!

Some people think that it is only a problem if the items are stored messily. But in reality, no matter how neatly you pack the items, or how expensive they are, if they are not used, they are still meaningless clutter.

To counteract this mentality, we need to recognize that life is just a platform for us to learn to give and to let go. Rather than hold on to things that we have no use for, we should give them away to people who need it more than we do. That is a lot more meaningful and it will give us a lot of happiness – much more than money can ever give.

Reference material: https://www.managertoday.com.tw/articles/view/53587
#MasterJinBodhiDharmaTalk, #LearnToLetGo, #MassAccumulationIsADisease, #UseWhatYouNeed, #Freedom, #LifeWisdom


瘋路跑,如何正確運動 減少不必要傷害? …

瘋路跑,如何正確運動 減少不必要傷害?

蘋果日報 https://tw.news.appledaily.com/headline/…/20180417/37988466/

#新聞時事、#健康小知識、#正確運動免傷身、#試試走八卦rnrnHow do we exercise properly and avoid unnecessary injuries in marathons?

In recent years with increased health awareness level, we see marathons springing up around us. With this emerging trend, more sports injuries are also being reported.

While frequent running strengthens our heart and increases our metabolism rate, it also results in wear-and-tear of our knees. The main cause of such a condition is due to the diminishing amount of fluid in our knee cartilage and the cartilage not able to regenerate. If the wear-and-tear is excessive, knee replacement might even be required.

Running has its pros and cons. Doing warm up exercises before a run is important as it conditions the leg muscles. With strong leg muscles, it would offer some protection to the knees and minimize injury to the knees and joints.

Generally, there isn’t such a thing as full recovery for sports injury. Once you have injured yourself, you would need to manage it well for life to prevent repercussions. Therefore, while you participate in marathons, it is important to minimize the chance of injury so as to prevent early degeneration of your joints. That brings us back to the importance of doing warm up exercises again post run recovery.

Bodhi Meditation Energy Bagua is a good option for those who would like to keep fit yet minimize injury since it is a low-impact exercise. The concept of Energy Bagua is about energy exchange with the universe. While it appears to be a gentle exercise, the benefits of Energy Bagua in terms of energy accumulation is huge. In fact, many people around the world have benefitted from Energy Bagua and regained their health.

So, if your goal of exercising is to be fit and healthy, do give Energy Bagua a try, and you are likely to benefit from it, yet not risk getting injured.

Lastly, here’s wishing all “Practice Energy Bagua daily, lets you live till 99”
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0_kwtvXvcE
Apple Daily:  https://tw.news.appledaily.com/headline/…/20180417/37988466/

#currentaffairs# #healthytips# #rightwaytoexercisetominimiseinjury# #tryoutEnergyBagua#


祝福大家衛塞節快樂! . 今天是五月第一…

Vesak day

Today is the first full-moon of May. According to the Theravada Buddhist tradition, this special day is called the Vesak Day. Vesak means full moon; It is the day to commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and nirvana of Sakyamuni Buddha. The actual day of Vesak Day is not a fixed day in the calendar. However, it usually falls on the first fill-moon day of May.

What do we do on Vesak Day?
Some Asian countries that include Buddhism as a religion like Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand and Sri-Lanka designate Vesak Day as a public holiday. On this day, most of the Buddha statues are decorated, together with hosting of grand celebratory events including bathing of the Buddha, chanting, praying for blessings, circumambulating the temples and do charitable acts for the unfortunate. There may also be music, dance and parades.

The main attraction would usually be the parade of lights along the main thoroughfare of the city. Different countries and regions have various ways of celebrations, adding to the aura of peace and auspiciousness of the day.

Wishing all on Vesak Day, a day of reunion, like the full-moon, and be blessed with happiness!!

#VesakDay, #BuddhistFestival, #Celebration


叱吒商海幾十年,不如叱吒健康的巔峰!! …

Having ten years of career success is nothing compared to having good health

He is a young Malaysian entrepreneur who has attained extraordinary achievement for more than a decade. Although successful, he had to deal with extreme stress and suffered from the torment of goiter. He felt adrift in life, like a boat lost at sea.

An opportunity combined with his persistency allowed him to climb out of his abyss of suffering and regain joy in his family life. Let’s listen to his story.

#YoungEntrepreneur, #Goiter, #Persistence, #Miracle, #BodhiMeditation, #Health& #HappinessRetreat


【幸福520】多倫多_浴佛嘉年華會 . …

【Happiness 520】 Toronto – Bathing the Buddha Carnival

On this Victorian weekend, more than 2,000 people participated in the Bathing the Buddha Carnival at the Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto!

I was very happy to participate in the entire Bathing the Buddha Celebration. Our fellow Bodhi practitioners are very efficient, and quickly created an activity album. I also glad to be able to share this celebratory day with our fellow practitioners. It is indeed a joyful event atmosphere for all to enjoy together.

During the event, nearly 70 exhibition booths from all walks of life in Toronto were set up. They featured traditional arts activities such as Chinese paintings, calligraphy, oil paintings, and ancient Chinese technique of dyeing cloths.

Turning around the corner, we saw practitioners dressed as fairies in colorful costumes showcasing a dazzling performance for everyone. All performers were impressive and showcased their talented skills. They were similar to the the Eight Immortals who crossed the sea and displayed their supernatural powers, making the entire carnival more lively and interesting.

Our practitioners also made their national snacks such as pancakes, egg noodles, sushi, spring rolls, glutinous rice cakes, various kinds of dim-sums, fruit juices, milk teas, and cheese cakes popular in Toronto. Hoped that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable time and connected with the Buddha during this festival. Bathing the Buddha helps to cleanse our mind and soul.

Wishing everyone a peaceful state of mind, health and happiness! !

#Toronto #BathingTheBuddhaFestival
