健康口號一起來~ 「經常走八卦,健康頂呱…

見證2. 擺脫失眠的糾纏
見證3. 我的八卦寶寶

Let’s follow this health slogan ~
“Regular Practice of Energy Bagua, Keep Our Health in Tip-Top Condition”

Health is of utmost importance, yet not everyone gets to enjoy it.
With the suitable approach, and perseverance in your practice, health is definitely within reach. Thus, if you’d like to rejuvenate your health, yet are hesitating and lost due to the health information overload, come and check out how these practitioners regained their vitality.

Meditation Journal 1. No Frivolous Spending – Just Super Vitality
Before I started practicing Energy Bagua, I experienced low productivity at work, especially in the afternoon. My mind could not focus. I felt mentally drained, and could not follow the discussions with my colleagues. Now, I can easily manage my work assignments, take on one more part-time assignment, plus volunteer at Bodhi Meditation Center over the weekends.

Meditation Journal 2. Escape from Insomnia
We have an elder sister who suffered from chronic insomnia. She started practicing Energy Bagua with us. Despite her poor form, within 5 – 6 days of practice, she enjoyed better sleep and was elated. Most grateful to Master for imparting Energy Bagua to us!!!

Meditation Journal 3. My Energy Bagua Baby
I had a weak constitution since young, and was predisposed to the cold. The doctor had advised that it would be difficult for me to conceive. Through positive affinity, I was acquainted with Bodhi Meditation. I started practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination with significant results to my health, and subsequently supplemented with the Energy Bagua. Within months, my constitution improved – my body felt warmer than before, and I got pregnant. Now, my baby is very healthy and lovely. Most grateful to Energy Bagua and to Master.

Meditation Journal 4. Energy Bagua Strengthens my Legs
I have absolute confidence in Energy Bagua. Since May last year, I started practicing Energy Bagua. My legs are much stronger, and no longer tremble when I use those squat-type public toilets (ha ha!). Also, I used to be frustrated, experience fatigue and leg numbness during my menstrual period, resulting in poor sleep. The conditions have improved tremendously now, and I attribute it to the Energy Bagua.

Meditation Journal 5. The Joy and Exhilaration at Rejuvenation
Energy Bagua eradicated my 13 years of health issues -backache, insomnia, frequent urination, tinnitus, limb weakness, leg cramps, and heart palpitations. After practicing for a year and a half, my problems were unexpectedly and mostly healed. Also, I pleasantly lost 28kg of weight. I’m grateful to Master for my liberation and rejuvenation.

Meditation Journal 6. My gastric problems are finally cured
I have a teacher who is over 60 years of age. Due to his excessive drinking habit, his stomach suffered and medication was of little use. I provided him with instructions for practicing Energy Bagua and taught him. He had to rise early for work and thus had to practice at home. While his moves were not perfect, his gastric problems went away shortly. Energy Bagua is most amazing! It’s divine! Immense gratitude to Master!

Meditation Journal 7. Recovered from years of Diabetes
Futian is the only male practitioner in our Energy Bagua group, over 70 years of age, and has practiced for a year and a half. Previously, his health was poor. He needed to have insulin injections twice daily before meals, as his blood sugar levels were high, at above 146. Now, he no longer needs the injections, as the blood sugar levels have normalized to around 106. He has also lost his pot belly, along with major improvements to his spirits and health. Energy Bagua has also made him a convert, as he truly relishes the practice.

Meditation Journal 8. Incredible energy circulates the whole body
Recently, an elderly lady joined us in Energy Bagua at the park. Having practiced for barely a week, she shared a piece of good news with us. She had always experienced blockage at her left nostril, and felt that there was something in there. Whilst practicing one day, two thread-like objects were expelled from her nostril. She felt them; they were rather hard though what was amazing was the sense of relief and that she could now breathe smoothly! Her hands also used to feel cold before she started Energy Bagua. However, after today’s session, she could feel the energy circulate gradually from the shoulders to her hands, warming her hands that are no longer icy cold. Best wishes to her – may she enjoy great health, longevity, and happiness, and immense gratitude to Master’s blessings and care! Energy Bagua gives one vitality to 99 years! Friends who want to be healthy, come to Bodhi Meditation quickly!

Congratulations to all above who have shared their journey to great health; may everyone enjoy everlasting health, longevity, happiness, and bliss!

My health suggestion:
Remember, as long as one perseveres in daily practices of the Energy Bagua, general ailments, cold hands and feet etc., can be greatly improved.

Do you also want to elevate your health and well-being?
Or do you have people around you who are in need of a healthy body?
Welcome to try out Energy Bagua and share it with people who would like to be healthy!!
Help yourself and help them regain health and confidence.

Note: For practitioners with medical conditions and/ or are on medication, please seek and follow the doctor’s advice in connection with the Energy Bagua practice.
#EnergyBagua, #MeditationJournal, #Longevity, #Health, #Pregnant, #ChronicDisease
#八卦內功、 #見證分享、 #長壽、 #健康、 #懷孕、 #慢性病rnrn健康口號一起來~
見證2. 擺脫失眠的糾纏
見證3. 我的八卦寶寶

Let’s follow this health slogan ~
“Regular Practice of Energy Bagua, Keep Our Health in Tip-Top Condition”

Health is of utmost importance, yet not everyone gets to enjoy it.
With the suitable approach, and perseverance in your practice, health is definitely within reach. Thus, if you’d like to rejuvenate your health, yet are hesitating and lost due to the health information overload, come and check out how these practitioners regained their vitality.

Meditation Journal 1. No Frivolous Spending – Just Super Vitality
Before I started practicing Energy Bagua, I experienced low productivity at work, especially in the afternoon. My mind could not focus. I felt mentally drained, and could not follow the discussions with my colleagues. Now, I can easily manage my work assignments, take on one more part-time assignment, plus volunteer at Bodhi Meditation Center over the weekends.

Meditation Journal 2. Escape from Insomnia
We have an elder sister who suffered from chronic insomnia. She started practicing Energy Bagua with us. Despite her poor form, within 5 – 6 days of practice, she enjoyed better sleep and was elated. Most grateful to Master for imparting Energy Bagua to us!!!

Meditation Journal 3. My Energy Bagua Baby
I had a weak constitution since young, and was predisposed to the cold. The doctor had advised that it would be difficult for me to conceive. Through positive affinity, I was acquainted with Bodhi Meditation. I started practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination with significant results to my health, and subsequently supplemented with the Energy Bagua. Within months, my constitution improved – my body felt warmer than before, and I got pregnant. Now, my baby is very healthy and lovely. Most grateful to Energy Bagua and to Master.

Meditation Journal 4. Energy Bagua Strengthens my Legs
I have absolute confidence in Energy Bagua. Since May last year, I started practicing Energy Bagua. My legs are much stronger, and no longer tremble when I use those squat-type public toilets (ha ha!). Also, I used to be frustrated, experience fatigue and leg numbness during my menstrual period, resulting in poor sleep. The conditions have improved tremendously now, and I attribute it to the Energy Bagua.

Meditation Journal 5. The Joy and Exhilaration at Rejuvenation
Energy Bagua eradicated my 13 years of health issues -backache, insomnia, frequent urination, tinnitus, limb weakness, leg cramps, and heart palpitations. After practicing for a year and a half, my problems were unexpectedly and mostly healed. Also, I pleasantly lost 28kg of weight. I’m grateful to Master for my liberation and rejuvenation.

Meditation Journal 6. My gastric problems are finally cured
I have a teacher who is over 60 years of age. Due to his excessive drinking habit, his stomach suffered and medication was of little use. I provided him with instructions for practicing Energy Bagua and taught him. He had to rise early for work and thus had to practice at home. While his moves were not perfect, his gastric problems went away shortly. Energy Bagua is most amazing! It’s divine! Immense gratitude to Master!

Meditation Journal 7. Recovered from years of Diabetes
Futian is the only male practitioner in our Energy Bagua group, over 70 years of age, and has practiced for a year and a half. Previously, his health was poor. He needed to have insulin injections twice daily before meals, as his blood sugar levels were high, at above 146. Now, he no longer needs the injections, as the blood sugar levels have normalized to around 106. He has also lost his pot belly, along with major improvements to his spirits and health. Energy Bagua has also made him a convert, as he truly relishes the practice.

Meditation Journal 8. Incredible energy circulates the whole body
Recently, an elderly lady joined us in Energy Bagua at the park. Having practiced for barely a week, she shared a piece of good news with us. She had always experienced blockage at her left nostril, and felt that there was something in there. Whilst practicing one day, two thread-like objects were expelled from her nostril. She felt them; they were rather hard though what was amazing was the sense of relief and that she could now breathe smoothly! Her hands also used to feel cold before she started Energy Bagua. However, after today’s session, she could feel the energy circulate gradually from the shoulders to her hands, warming her hands that are no longer icy cold. Best wishes to her – may she enjoy great health, longevity, and happiness, and immense gratitude to Master’s blessings and care! Energy Bagua gives one vitality to 99 years! Friends who want to be healthy, come to Bodhi Meditation quickly!

Congratulations to all above who have shared their journey to great health; may everyone enjoy everlasting health, longevity, happiness, and bliss!

My health suggestion:
Remember, as long as one perseveres in daily practices of the Energy Bagua, general ailments, cold hands and feet etc., can be greatly improved.

Do you also want to elevate your health and well-being?
Or do you have people around you who are in need of a healthy body?
Welcome to try out Energy Bagua and share it with people who would like to be healthy!!
Help yourself and help them regain health and confidence.

Note: For practitioners with medical conditions and/ or are on medication, please seek and follow the doctor’s advice in connection with the Energy Bagua practice.
#EnergyBagua, #MeditationJournal, #Longevity, #Health, #Pregnant, #ChronicDisease
#八卦內功、 #見證分享、 #長壽、 #健康、 #懷孕、 #慢性病

在〈健康口號一起來~ 「經常走八卦,健康頂呱…〉中有 38 則留言

  1. 感恩师父!感恩师父慈悲分享!天天走八卦,健康顶呱呱。恭敬顶礼叩拜尊贵伟大的师父!感恩师父慈悲授予我们无上妙法!!!??????

  2. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修的奇迹,感恩师父慈悲传授菩提禅修健康快乐,让我们无数家庭找回幸福健康快乐生活,八卦天天走,活到九十九,我们每天公园5点走八卦10人左右,86岁的同修也和我们一起走八卦身体健康快乐了,还有好多同修走2小时八卦,能量满满,轻松自在,我们永远爱您师父,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!我在2012自己学习走八卦,10几天左右,从上到下冰冷的体质己转暖,每年冬天要穿常人2倍的衣服,晚上睡觉得备用暖宝宝,否则身体不会热,现在什么也不用,真的好神奇,非常感恩佛师传的功。

  4. 感恩师父?八卦内功真的是一个神奇不可思议的妙法,有无数的人在八卦行走中不知不觉医治好了各种疾病、包括疑难杂症比如:癌症患者、失眠、腰疼腿疼、心脏病、血压高、血糖高、血脂高、老年骨质疏松等等……天天出去走八卦,健康快乐顶呱呱?感恩师父?

  5. 感恩师父!感恩师父传授我们的八卦内功,真的是一个神奇不可思议的妙法,让我的风湿免疫疾病彻底消除,让无数的人在走八卦了各种疾病、包括疑难杂症比如:癌症患者、失眠、腰疼腿疼、心脏病、血压高、血糖高、血脂高、老年骨质疏松等等……都回复了健康快乐!顶礼感恩师父!「經常走八卦,健康頂呱呱。」

  6. 师父好!感恩师父分享见证禅修!《经常走八卦,健康顶呱呱 》感恩师父传授给我们神奇妙法,让我们都健康了,都快乐了。我愿天下更多的有缘大众都进来走八卦,都能受益,都能健康。感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!???????❤???

  7. 感恩师父,师父传给我们的八卦内功太神奇了,我的个种疾病好很多,心脏病,胃病,风湿,脊柱炎,胆囊炎,都好了。我现在特别健康,开心快乐。叩拜师父。

  8. 哈哈哈!我们是天下最有福气的佛弟子啦!我们不用花

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!

  10. 这边的一位同修满身都是病!只听他说有八大病!都是医院看不了的!他有肠癌和身上有什么皮肤的那种瘤!就通过做大礼拜,走八卦,现在完全好了!他说他很想去禅堂分享他的那些毛病是怎么好的!现在六十多岁了!每次都会说自己身体杠杠的? 感恩师父!替他分享了一下!

  11. 师父好!WOW ! 分享这么多锦上添花的趣味深刻的见证;真是眼花缭乱啊 — 超赞 ???

  12. 感恩师父!走八卦已经成为每天的必需与最爱,不走不行,就像每天都要喝水一样,已成为生命中最重要的事情,坚持就能受益,受益了就更想坚持。这是一项最伟大的健身运动,有世界各地无数无量的人参加,而且身体恢复了健康,创造很多不可思议的奇迹,这真的可以去申请吉尼斯世界纪录了。

  13. 好喜欢师父的“美图”啊。师父英俊挺拨,飒爽英姿。日出东方,茂盛树木,锦绣大地, 忍不住又有点诗兴,师父一笑置之啊。
    感恩师父传授妙法! 感恩师父大慈大悲大爱! 顶礼叩拜师父!

  14. 我联络禅堂义工,为了交通不方便,我只好放棄学习,我在蕉赖一帶加上脚问题。是否有些义工师兄,姐可以在花園教道初次的七天課程,心内不安,很想加入。我是一名長者。感恩。
