「時尚禪修」—流行、健康、快樂。 . ….

緊張、疲憊,使現代人尋求很多方法來放鬆,像出去打球、或者到戶外運動等等。 但這些方法都不如在那兒靜靜地去坐上一個鐘頭,能夠使你的疲勞很快消失,快樂、正面、健康的能量就會充滿全身。
“Meditation in modern times” — Popular, healthy, blissful.
The fast pace of modern life often makes city dwellers exhausted and drained…
There is a new, healthy approach to physical well-being that is increasingly popular and trendy….. “Meditation”.

Can “meditating” brings happiness?
Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry of University of Wisconsin’s Madison School (also Founder and President of Waisman Center’s Mental Health Research Center) has published relevant papers in the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on this.
The research shows, “meditation can transform our mood, and make us happier.”

Stress and exhaustion drives today’s man to search for ways to relax, activities like ball games or outdoor exercises, and so on. However, such efforts pale in comparison to an hour of quiet meditation that rapidly dissipates one’s fatigue and brings about bliss, positivity, and abundant healthy energy to the whole body.

“Meditation” is like when one draws a bucket of water from the river; initially muddy, then the sediment, leaves, and heavier particles sink to the bottom, leaving the centre section relatively clearer, transparent and permeated. With less impurities, the water becomes more transparent.
Thus, people practice meditation as a means to calm down, allowing stale energy to sink and gradually be removed from the body through various channels such as respiration, perspiration, and excretion. The subtle energy rises from within; where does it elevate to? It elevates to our consciousness.

Once the body and mind enter into this calm meditative state, one can naturally filter out the many unnecessary anxieties that are caused by one’s attachment, and come to comprehend the underlying truth in matters easily. This is the miraculous aspect and phenomenon of the Dharma.

“Meditation” transforms our mind, making it calm and clear, allowing bliss to elevate naturally from within. Thus, a conscientious practitioner usually experiences more bliss and happiness than a non-practitioner.
#Meditation, #Delightful, #MeditationInModernTimes, #Happiness, #SettledDown, #LessVexed

Source of reference: http://zzic.org.cn/News/1/201606/1606Y_14665326381139.htmlrnrn「時尚禪修」—流行、健康、快樂。
緊張、疲憊,使現代人尋求很多方法來放鬆,像出去打球、或者到戶外運動等等。 但這些方法都不如在那兒靜靜地去坐上一個鐘頭,能夠使你的疲勞很快消失,快樂、正面、健康的能量就會充滿全身。
“Meditation in modern times” — Popular, healthy, blissful.
The fast pace of modern life often makes city dwellers exhausted and drained…
There is a new, healthy approach to physical well-being that is increasingly popular and trendy….. “Meditation”.

Can “meditating” brings happiness?
Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry of University of Wisconsin’s Madison School (also Founder and President of Waisman Center’s Mental Health Research Center) has published relevant papers in the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on this.
The research shows, “meditation can transform our mood, and make us happier.”

Stress and exhaustion drives today’s man to search for ways to relax, activities like ball games or outdoor exercises, and so on. However, such efforts pale in comparison to an hour of quiet meditation that rapidly dissipates one’s fatigue and brings about bliss, positivity, and abundant healthy energy to the whole body.

“Meditation” is like when one draws a bucket of water from the river; initially muddy, then the sediment, leaves, and heavier particles sink to the bottom, leaving the centre section relatively clearer, transparent and permeated. With less impurities, the water becomes more transparent.
Thus, people practice meditation as a means to calm down, allowing stale energy to sink and gradually be removed from the body through various channels such as respiration, perspiration, and excretion. The subtle energy rises from within; where does it elevate to? It elevates to our consciousness.

Once the body and mind enter into this calm meditative state, one can naturally filter out the many unnecessary anxieties that are caused by one’s attachment, and come to comprehend the underlying truth in matters easily. This is the miraculous aspect and phenomenon of the Dharma.

“Meditation” transforms our mind, making it calm and clear, allowing bliss to elevate naturally from within. Thus, a conscientious practitioner usually experiences more bliss and happiness than a non-practitioner.
#Meditation, #Delightful, #MeditationInModernTimes, #Happiness, #SettledDown, #LessVexed

Source of reference: http://zzic.org.cn/News/1/201606/1606Y_14665326381139.html



Those who are helpful to others, would in turn find support easily when they need it.rnrn經常得到別人幫助的人,一定是經常去幫助別人。
Those who are helpful to others, would in turn find support easily when they need it.


健康過端午 . 端午,又稱端陽節、五月節…

Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival healthily

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Tuen Ng Festival, Double Fifth Festival, Dumpling Festival, falls on May 30, 2017 of the Gregorian calendar.

Since ancient times, the Dragon Boat Festival is a festival for hygiene because it is the first festival in summer. During summer, with temperature on the rise, people tend to fall sick easily. Therefore, people undertake a massive scale of preventive measures like detoxification before the peak of summer heat to avoid plague and illnesses.

A volatile oil of the Artemisia argyi (Chinese mugwort) has a unique fragrance that can help to repel insects and purify air. Hence, around the Dragon Boat festival period, people like to hang Artemisia argyi on the latch of their doors to drive away diseases and dispel negative chills or even burn them to repel insects, dispel illnesses, avoid negative chills and purify air. Some people will use some aromatic “qi” regulating herbs, for instance agastache rugosa, acorus calamus, mint etc. to create a scented sachet to wear on their body to dispel negative chills, diseases and keep their minds clear.

With the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, may everyone be health, full of vitality and celebrate the festival happily with family members.

#DragonBoatFestival, #ScentedSachet, #CustomaryTradition, #ArtemisiaArgyi ,#HealthFestival, #Healthyrnrn健康過端午
Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival healthily

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Tuen Ng Festival, Double Fifth Festival, Dumpling Festival, falls on May 30, 2017 of the Gregorian calendar.

Since ancient times, the Dragon Boat Festival is a festival for hygiene because it is the first festival in summer. During summer, with temperature on the rise, people tend to fall sick easily. Therefore, people undertake a massive scale of preventive measures like detoxification before the peak of summer heat to avoid plague and illnesses.

A volatile oil of the Artemisia argyi (Chinese mugwort) has a unique fragrance that can help to repel insects and purify air. Hence, around the Dragon Boat festival period, people like to hang Artemisia argyi on the latch of their doors to drive away diseases and dispel negative chills or even burn them to repel insects, dispel illnesses, avoid negative chills and purify air. Some people will use some aromatic “qi” regulating herbs, for instance agastache rugosa, acorus calamus, mint etc. to create a scented sachet to wear on their body to dispel negative chills, diseases and keep their minds clear.

With the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, may everyone be health, full of vitality and celebrate the festival happily with family members.

#DragonBoatFestival, #ScentedSachet, #CustomaryTradition, #ArtemisiaArgyi ,#HealthFestival, #Healthy


經常走八卦,健康頂呱呱。 . . 隨著社…



Stay Healthy through Regular Energy Bagua Practice

As the pressure of the society increases and the pace of modern life accelerated, many people these days are in a state of sub-health. A reason for this is the lack of energy in the body.
I have learnt a practice method while I was young and that is “Energy Bagua”. Energy Bagua harmonizes Nature and man. It allows the body to return to its natural state, improve immunity and enhance vitality. It is an effective way to improve health.
This practice also positively benefits the heart, brain, blood vessels and kidneys. When the heart and kidneys are healthy, the liver, spleen and stomach will be healthy too. Many older practitioners with weak legs actually find that their leg’s strength improve with the practice. Those with pot-belly will find this method useful too.
If a woman of child-bearing age has hands colder than usual, she may find it hard to conceive. However with regular Energy Bagua practice, her chance of conceiving may increase due to better peripheral circulations, thus warming up her hands and feet.
Remember this: a half hour daily session of Energy Bagua will greatly enhance the health of those who suffer from high blood pressure, fatty liver, stressed-related illnesses and cold hands and feet.
Would you like to have a better health?
Do you have someone in mind that needs to stay healthy?
Do give Energy Bagua a try and share this practice with more people who want to be healthy!
Help yourself and help others to find health and confidence.

More information is available at the Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide….


#BodhiMeditation, #EnergyBagua, #SubHealth, #Energy, #Healthrnrn經常走八卦,健康頂呱呱。


Stay Healthy through Regular Energy Bagua Practice

As the pressure of the society increases and the pace of modern life accelerated, many people these days are in a state of sub-health. A reason for this is the lack of energy in the body.
I have learnt a practice method while I was young and that is “Energy Bagua”. Energy Bagua harmonizes Nature and man. It allows the body to return to its natural state, improve immunity and enhance vitality. It is an effective way to improve health.
This practice also positively benefits the heart, brain, blood vessels and kidneys. When the heart and kidneys are healthy, the liver, spleen and stomach will be healthy too. Many older practitioners with weak legs actually find that their leg’s strength improve with the practice. Those with pot-belly will find this method useful too.
If a woman of child-bearing age has hands colder than usual, she may find it hard to conceive. However with regular Energy Bagua practice, her chance of conceiving may increase due to better peripheral circulations, thus warming up her hands and feet.
Remember this: a half hour daily session of Energy Bagua will greatly enhance the health of those who suffer from high blood pressure, fatty liver, stressed-related illnesses and cold hands and feet.
Would you like to have a better health?
Do you have someone in mind that needs to stay healthy?
Do give Energy Bagua a try and share this practice with more people who want to be healthy!
Help yourself and help others to find health and confidence.

More information is available at the Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide….


#BodhiMeditation, #EnergyBagua, #SubHealth, #Energy, #Health



I like to open a Bodhi Meditation Center in Sydney, Australia…
and in Romania and London too…rnrn我想在澳大利亞的悉尼開一間禪堂。也在羅馬尼亞和倫敦開!哈哈~
I like to open a Bodhi Meditation Center in Sydney, Australia…
and in Romania and London too…


常思他人過,必然惹災禍。 . 很多時候,…

學習找人好處,就是在完善你自己,當你能善待自己,無論看見任何人、事、物,都感到「快樂幸福」,那麼你才會遇到「快樂幸福」的事情,生命才能處處都是美好的。。 。
Seeking out the faults of others would ultimately lead to your own demise.

Far too often, we spend a lot of time pointing out other people’s faults when we should instead focus on improving ourselves.

When we learn to see the good in people, that leads us on the path towards self improvement. When you are able to develop kindness within yourself, you will then be able to experience happiness and bliss regardless of the person, situation or object in front of you. You will then experience happiness in every aspect of your life.

#SeeTheGoodInOthers, #Happiness, #Blissrnrn常思他人過,必然惹災禍。
學習找人好處,就是在完善你自己,當你能善待自己,無論看見任何人、事、物,都感到「快樂幸福」,那麼你才會遇到「快樂幸福」的事情,生命才能處處都是美好的。。 。
Seeking out the faults of others would ultimately lead to your own demise.

Far too often, we spend a lot of time pointing out other people’s faults when we should instead focus on improving ourselves.

When we learn to see the good in people, that leads us on the path towards self improvement. When you are able to develop kindness within yourself, you will then be able to experience happiness and bliss regardless of the person, situation or object in front of you. You will then experience happiness in every aspect of your life.

#SeeTheGoodInOthers, #Happiness, #Bliss


端午時節,包粽慶團圓 ──馬來西亞交來禪…

1. 將糯米洗淨用油炒香
2. 新鮮香菇調味炒香
3. 將豆子、栗子、炒好的香菇、糯米、馬來香葉包入進洗淨的粽葉
4. 粽子綁好後放入鍋中煮上兩三小時即可
#端午、#素粽、#馬來香葉、#馬來西亞、 #包粽子教學 、#金榜題名
Dragon Boat Festival, Dumpling-making and Reunion
── Bodhi Meditation Centre in Cheras, Malaysia, Specialty vegetarian rice dumplings.

Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three most important and major festivals in the Chinese society. Chinese all over the world celebrate the festival in different ways, and rice dumplings is a must-eat during the Dragon Boat Festival. This year, the Bodhi Meditation Centre in Cheras prepared two varieties of the local specialty vegetarian rice dumplings to share with us – a sweet variety and a savory variety. I’m posting the recipe here to share with interested friends, and would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone excellent health, excellent results for candidates sitting for examinations, and a joyous festive season!

“Savory dumplings”
glutinous rice
fresh mushrooms
pandan leaves

1. Rinse the glutinous rice, then stir fry with oil for fragrance
2. Stir fry the mushrooms for fragrance
3. Wrap the beans, chestnuts, fried mushrooms, glutinous rice, pandan leaves in clean dumpling leaves
4. Cook the neatly wrapped and tied dumplings in a pot for two or three hours

“Sweet dumplings”
glutinous rice
red dates
winter melon strips

1. Rinse the glutinous rice
2. Wrap the glutinous rice, red dates, beans and winter melon strips into the dumpling leaves, place them in the pot to cook for two or three hours

Special thanks to Bodhi Meditation Centre in Cheras, Malaysia for the information

#DragonBoatFestival, #VegetarianDumpling, #Pandan, #Malaysia, #RiceDumplingMakingInformation, #TopNomination


「健康很好說,我的健康建議…」??? ….



2. 我們要想健康、窈窕減肥、除了注意飲食,還有可以來修練「八卦內功」。

My recommendations for good health… ? ? ?

1. Reduce intake of sugar. Let us do our best to live by this principle.
“Outside of mealtimes, stay away from sweets or any food or drinks that contain sugar.”
Hunger actually stimulates our brains which is why we should never engorge ourselves. When it comes to maintaining good health, the ancients were very wise and believed that one who is keen on self-cultivation should refrain from eating after noon time to maintain a healthy and clear mind.

2. Besides watching our diets, we can also practice Energy Bagua to maintain good health and to reduce our weight.
Energy Bagua can rapidly break down the sugars in our body. This method of practice is not linked to any religion, is stress-free and delivers obvious results with only an hour per day. Many people have, over the course of a hundred hours of practice, attained good health, regained their waistlines and even achieved longevity.

Hence, other than reducing our intake of sugar, we should also increase the amount of exercise and training to balance the excess sugars in our body and regain good health and beauty.

As a Chinese idiom goes, “Diseases enter from the mouth”.
We are what we eat. So how and what should we eat?
Let us begin with small changes starting from today.
If you like this article, please share it so that more people can benefit and enjoy good health and longevity.

WHO articles for reference:

Picture source: from the internet網路好圖

#WHOWorldHealthOrganisation, #MasterJinBodhi, #GoodHealthAndLongevity, #WeightLossAndGraceful, #ReduceSugarIntake, #EnergyBagua



2. 我們要想健康、窈窕減肥、除了注意飲食,還有可以來修練「八卦內功」。

My recommendations for good health… ? ? ?

1. Reduce intake of sugar. Let us do our best to live by this principle.
“Outside of mealtimes, stay away from sweets or any food or drinks that contain sugar.”
Hunger actually stimulates our brains which is why we should never engorge ourselves. When it comes to maintaining good health, the ancients were very wise and believed that one who is keen on self-cultivation should refrain from eating after noon time to maintain a healthy and clear mind.

2. Besides watching our diets, we can also practice Energy Bagua to maintain good health and to reduce our weight.
Energy Bagua can rapidly break down the sugars in our body. This method of practice is not linked to any religion, is stress-free and delivers obvious results with only an hour per day. Many people have, over the course of a hundred hours of practice, attained good health, regained their waistlines and even achieved longevity.

Hence, other than reducing our intake of sugar, we should also increase the amount of exercise and training to balance the excess sugars in our body and regain good health and beauty.

As a Chinese idiom goes, “Diseases enter from the mouth”.
We are what we eat. So how and what should we eat?
Let us begin with small changes starting from today.
If you like this article, please share it so that more people can benefit and enjoy good health and longevity.

WHO articles for reference:

Picture source: from the internet網路好圖

#WHOWorldHealthOrganisation, #MasterJinBodhi, #GoodHealthAndLongevity, #WeightLossAndGraceful, #ReduceSugarIntake, #EnergyBagua

