緊張、疲憊,使現代人尋求很多方法來放鬆,像出去打球、或者到戶外運動等等。 但這些方法都不如在那兒靜靜地去坐上一個鐘頭,能夠使你的疲勞很快消失,快樂、正面、健康的能量就會充滿全身。
“Meditation in modern times” — Popular, healthy, blissful.
The fast pace of modern life often makes city dwellers exhausted and drained…
There is a new, healthy approach to physical well-being that is increasingly popular and trendy….. “Meditation”.
Can “meditating” brings happiness?
Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry of University of Wisconsin’s Madison School (also Founder and President of Waisman Center’s Mental Health Research Center) has published relevant papers in the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on this.
The research shows, “meditation can transform our mood, and make us happier.”
Stress and exhaustion drives today’s man to search for ways to relax, activities like ball games or outdoor exercises, and so on. However, such efforts pale in comparison to an hour of quiet meditation that rapidly dissipates one’s fatigue and brings about bliss, positivity, and abundant healthy energy to the whole body.
“Meditation” is like when one draws a bucket of water from the river; initially muddy, then the sediment, leaves, and heavier particles sink to the bottom, leaving the centre section relatively clearer, transparent and permeated. With less impurities, the water becomes more transparent.
Thus, people practice meditation as a means to calm down, allowing stale energy to sink and gradually be removed from the body through various channels such as respiration, perspiration, and excretion. The subtle energy rises from within; where does it elevate to? It elevates to our consciousness.
Once the body and mind enter into this calm meditative state, one can naturally filter out the many unnecessary anxieties that are caused by one’s attachment, and come to comprehend the underlying truth in matters easily. This is the miraculous aspect and phenomenon of the Dharma.
“Meditation” transforms our mind, making it calm and clear, allowing bliss to elevate naturally from within. Thus, a conscientious practitioner usually experiences more bliss and happiness than a non-practitioner.
#Meditation, #Delightful, #MeditationInModernTimes, #Happiness, #SettledDown, #LessVexed
Source of reference: http://zzic.org.cn/News/1/201606/1606Y_14665326381139.htmlrnrn「時尚禪修」—流行、健康、快樂。
緊張、疲憊,使現代人尋求很多方法來放鬆,像出去打球、或者到戶外運動等等。 但這些方法都不如在那兒靜靜地去坐上一個鐘頭,能夠使你的疲勞很快消失,快樂、正面、健康的能量就會充滿全身。
“Meditation in modern times” — Popular, healthy, blissful.
The fast pace of modern life often makes city dwellers exhausted and drained…
There is a new, healthy approach to physical well-being that is increasingly popular and trendy….. “Meditation”.
Can “meditating” brings happiness?
Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry of University of Wisconsin’s Madison School (also Founder and President of Waisman Center’s Mental Health Research Center) has published relevant papers in the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on this.
The research shows, “meditation can transform our mood, and make us happier.”
Stress and exhaustion drives today’s man to search for ways to relax, activities like ball games or outdoor exercises, and so on. However, such efforts pale in comparison to an hour of quiet meditation that rapidly dissipates one’s fatigue and brings about bliss, positivity, and abundant healthy energy to the whole body.
“Meditation” is like when one draws a bucket of water from the river; initially muddy, then the sediment, leaves, and heavier particles sink to the bottom, leaving the centre section relatively clearer, transparent and permeated. With less impurities, the water becomes more transparent.
Thus, people practice meditation as a means to calm down, allowing stale energy to sink and gradually be removed from the body through various channels such as respiration, perspiration, and excretion. The subtle energy rises from within; where does it elevate to? It elevates to our consciousness.
Once the body and mind enter into this calm meditative state, one can naturally filter out the many unnecessary anxieties that are caused by one’s attachment, and come to comprehend the underlying truth in matters easily. This is the miraculous aspect and phenomenon of the Dharma.
“Meditation” transforms our mind, making it calm and clear, allowing bliss to elevate naturally from within. Thus, a conscientious practitioner usually experiences more bliss and happiness than a non-practitioner.
#Meditation, #Delightful, #MeditationInModernTimes, #Happiness, #SettledDown, #LessVexed
Source of reference: http://zzic.org.cn/News/1/201606/1606Y_14665326381139.html