
Translated by Xiangcui, Edited by Fayang, edited by Zhouyou

A Miracle for chronic insomnia, within 3 days.

Insomnia refers to poor quality sleep disorder, prevalent amongst city dwellers. Although it is not life threatening, it can lead to mental breakdown and affects the ability to lead a normal life.

Prolonged insomnia may cause illnesses or aggravates existing health conditions like short temper, depression, poor memory, giddiness and tinnitus, high blood pressure, dry eyes, irritation, vulnerable to fever and flu, heart palpitations, body aches, hair loss, even obesity, etc.

Shuyin Chen suffered from chronic insomnia for the past 10 years. She was tormented by restless sleep and had difficulty falling asleep. For the first time in 10 years, she experiences the joy of waking up naturally. Her happiness is obvious to all who sees her.

How did she resolve her sleep problem? Here is her story!

(Note: Effects of meditation vary according to individual)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate discontinuation or reduction of medication in the absence of doctor’s advice.

From the video:

My chronic insomnia of 10 years dissipated after practicing Bodhi

My name is Shuyin Chen and I am 48 years old.
I suffered from chronic insomnia for the past 10 years.
Every night, I would feel very exhausted by 7pm and would need a short nap to rest.
Normally, I would be awakened before 8pm and thought I had slept for a very long time.
My sleeping problem worsened in March last year.
I would lie in bed the whole night, tossing and turning, till dawn.

I cannot be caught wet in the rain.
This inability to be exposed to rain affected me since more than 15 years
Not even a light drizzle ….
If I got wet from the rain, I would suffer from headaches, followed by flu-like
symptoms. I would feel very hot suddenly and the next moment, very cold.
During such period,
I would wrap myself like a mummy at home;
layered with sweaters, long pants and socks,
covered under a blanket in bed.
As a result, my husband did not want to sleep in the same room as me.

I knew Bodhi Meditation from my cousin who joined in the last few months of 2015.
I came to try Energy Bagua for a day and felt my sleep pattern improved after that.
Hence, I signed up for the 8.5-day Health & Happiness Retreat on 24th December.
During these 8.5 days, my body became warm and I discovered that I was not so sensitive to cold.
When I practiced “The Meditation of Greater Illumination”, my body started perspiring.
During the wheel mudra, when I circled my hands around my stomach, I continued to sweat.
Towards the end of the practice, while breathing in and out,
the wind in my stomach was dispelled from my body.
This went on for some time.
By the end of “Ah Mi Te”,
I felt energetic.
Since then, I practice daily “The Meditation of Greater Illumination” at home.
When I am in a rush for time, I practice once, the 30-minute version. If I have time, I practice 2 sessions followed by “The Meditation of Purity”.
My entire body felt comfortable and relaxed by the third day of my class.
A miracle happened – I managed to sleep well for one whole night!
And I was able to fall asleep shortly upon going to bed…. like within 30 minutes, I was asleep deeply.
Now, I sleep well, wake up naturally and feel very fresh upon waking up.

Finally being able to sleep till I wake up naturally, after 10 years, makes me very happy indeed.
It is, as if, I had found something dear that I lost.
I can finally experience what others feel!
I am really very happy!

My friend commented I look much better and more radiant.Perhaps I was too pale previously.
I told him I go to Bodhi Meditation, to learn and practice meditation.
I can now lead a normal life and my family is also becoming more harmonious.
My husband no longer sleeps in the living room now.
Bodhi Meditation brings me good health and happiness.
My spirits are high.
Thanks to Bodhi Meditation!

#Insomnia, #Headache, #EnergyBagua, #LiveTestimonial, #FollowAdviceOfDoctor


在〈奇蹟–嚴重的失眠症,在短短的三天內出現…〉中有 31 則留言

  1. 師父早上好!感恩師父分享!恭喜師姐得以健康!也感恩師父!之前有位街坊也有2o多年的優鬱和失眠,跟弟子一齊走八卦五天後,心情和失眠症都好了,只是弟子沒夠功德可以令她長期走!感恩師父!

  2. 感恩师父分享!陈淑茵师姐在短短的三天中,10年的失眠症消除了,可喜可贺,又是一個奇迹!祝愿一切有缘人都耒菩提,活出健康的风彩.顶礼佛师!

  3. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲分享!恭敬真诚顶礼叩拜师父!?????????????

  4. 师父上午好!师姐禅修身体恢复健康,10年的失眠疾病好了,为她高兴。以前我也失眠,与她感同身受,备受折磨。禅修后晚上能睡着觉了。心中特别高兴,人的精神面貌有了很大的改观。禅修真是很神奇,一些很难治的疾病在这里都能得到康复。感恩师父为我们传授无上妙法!使我们健康快乐!

  5. 师父好!看到您分享的奇迹,弟子也分享一个刚刚发生的奇迹—-在八卦点,有个大姐姓穆 ,脑充血在后脑下部开刀做了手术,留下右腿和右手不能动,还有几乎不能说话.,今年3月份我刚到公园走八卦看到她是用左腿拖着右腿挪动,喊她上来走八卦,其他师姐说她都站不住还走八卦?有一位师姐给她一张师父的内存卡,让她多听师父的开示 .7月6号她来八卦点找那位师姐 ,别人就把我叫过去, 我询问她需要什么帮助 ,她说这几个月一直听师父开示,感觉头脑身体说话都好多了 ,这两天不吃饭大便特别多 ,我一听就告诉她你这是辟谷了 ,你心真诚师父加持你 ,辟谷是快速排出身体内疾病.不要担心,不饿不吃.不能走八卦再家做大光明 ,做静功 .她很开心, 再看她走路右脚能抬起来了走路利索多了. .我在禅堂替她点一盏明火灯 ,愿师父加持她脑部快速恢复健康. 3天之后在公园听到很大的声音在喊我 ,一看是穆大姐,我吃惊的问你话都不能说还这么大声音喊我.她说是啊我也不知道. 我过去和她说了一个小时的话 ,几乎是正常人.说话偶尔会停顿.就告诉她你看你说话好了,这都是师父加持的 ,要把你的受益分享出去 ,告诉更多和你一样生病的人,她说等到腿彻底恢复她要和师父一样 [我为人人,不求人人为我] 伟大的师父啊,一个只听您的声音病情就减轻就辟谷了,加上点了一盏灯,就让一个不能说话的人恢复成正常人,这才是真正的奇迹! 我内心的感恩 语言是无法表达的. 我对师父充满万分的信心,万分的奇迹就会发生! 感恩金刚兄弟们的互帮互助. 感恩感谢大慈大悲的师父,,您化身无数,您无处不在,众生有苦有难,只要他们真心想到您他们都会化险为夷,遇难呈祥!

  6. 师父好!收益于菩提八卦内功的人不少,针对的病情也广,只要有缘修,就会有意想不到的收获。感恩师父传妙法!让饱受疾病困扰的人们得到灵丹妙药!

  7. 感恩师父?通过菩提禅修,一个又一个真实生动的神奇案例摆在了世人面前,让人无不折服!佛法的神奇,佛法的无所不能,不可思议的效果是最好的现身说法!但必须是要通过实修实证才能得到!才能让自己从病魔缠身中解脱出来,离苦得乐?感恩师父?

  8. 进来学习菩提禅修,不管是走八卦,修炼大光明,菩提清净观想法,还有很多功课,只要您能每天坚持修炼两三个小时,您的身体就会有质的改变,不信您就试试?想要健康的朋友们速来菩提禅修。我们和很多朋友都是收益与菩提禅修,因为修炼菩提禅修,不但得到了健康,更得到了快乐,还多了很多每天和我一起走八卦和练大光明的朋友们!祝福师姐和家人健康长寿!富贵美满!感恩慈悲伟大的金菩提禅师,感恩您每天加持和护佑!???

  9. 感恩师父分享!菩创造的奇迹太多了!我们都是受益人和见证人。只要有缘走进菩提,吉祥的光芒和能量就会照耀着你,护佑着你,陈年旧疾短时间内恢复健康不是梦想。愿所有有缘早日走进菩提修练菩提受益于菩提!

  10. 在菩提、好像失眠好了真的不算什么,曾听到很多难以言述的不舒服都有好转甚至痊愈。???

  11. 感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜赞叹师姐!是的弟子有时一夜做梦到醒,疲惫不堪睡觉质量问题严重,就马上走八卦,一天的一小时就立刻改变,睡得香甜!唉直可惜没有天天走,八卦是我的最爱!祈愿您我都能自由走八卦!?叩拜

  12. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹,随喜赞叹师姐真棒真幸福健康快乐,感恩慈父恩师因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲赐予菩提禅修健康快乐的神圣妙法让我们无数家庭找回幸福健康快乐生活,我们永远爱您师父,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,愿望圆满,愿佛光普照,愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师

  13. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享菩提禅修健康快乐的见证分享,感恩伟大的师父慈悲赐予菩提禅修健康快乐的神圣妙法,让我们无数家庭找回幸福健康快乐生活,我们永远爱您师父,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  14. 師父!也有一位失眠三十多年手腳不靈,感覺她是心血不足引起的,邀請她一齊走八卦有十多天,她總是想自己有什麼什麼病的,請問師父!弟子要如何幫她呢?感恩師父!

  15. 感恩師父慈悲,又是一樁奇蹟,這種喜悅,我能體會,因為齊化十三年的數星星的日子,是師父的八卦內功 ,還給我一覺好眠的喜悅呢!

  16. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福师姐!师父传授的妙法使我们很多的有缘人都得到了健康快乐!弟子曾经也是神经衰弱,每天晚上很难入睡,身体也是很糟糕,禅修以后睡眠好了,身体健康了,也找到了人生的目标。愿更多的有缘人都来禅修,离苦得乐!顶礼感恩师父!
