大暑──恬淡平和,安度苦夏。 . 大暑,…

“Major Heat” ── Tranquil and Peaceful Mindset is the Remedy for “Major Heat” in Summer

The “Major Heat” represents the hottest period of the year. It is the summer’s last solar term, when the sun reaches 120° on the celestial longitude. This year, it falls on July 22 in the Gregorian calendar.

Around this “Major Heat” period, temperature and humidity reach the peak for the year. Chinese doctors believe this is the time when it is most “damp” resulting in symptoms such as loss of appetite, mouth sores, diarrhea, vomiting, and sticky stools, etc. Therefore, one should “avoid dampness” to maintain good health. Some of the ways to do so includes: First, engage in suitable exercise to allow perspiration to expel “dampness” from the body. Second, avoid lying on the cold ground as moisture in the cold air and air from the air-conditioning system will automatically sink and settle near the ground, resulting in “dampness” that could enter the body. Third, consume less cold drinks, so as not to affect digestion and the gastrointestinal functions that reduce immunity.

During the “Major Heat”, it is easy for tempers to flare, and often there are inexplicable listless-ness, frustration and sense of distraction. The Tang Dynasty great poet, Bai Juyi in his “Experience Summer” poem wrote, “allay the summer lethargy, stay in a courtyard; ensure no clutter in your sight, let in the breeze by the window; dispel the heat with tranquility of the mind, enjoy serenity in a spartan room; relish this instance, with a wholly different mindset”. It suggests that one stays at a shady courtyard, keeps the house uncluttered, opens the windows to the soothing cool breeze, settles the mind at ease and quietude, then peacefully revel in the tranquility that a calm mind brings. Doesn’t this resembles our practice of the Meditation of Purity in Bodhi Meditation?

When the irritable mood manifests, we can practice the Meditation of Purity. Through its visualizations, we would relish the tranquility, and be at ease to appreciate this “Major Heat”.

#SolarTerm, #GreatHeat, #ExpelDampness, #MeditationOfPurityrnrn大暑──恬淡平和,安度苦夏。
“Major Heat” ── Tranquil and Peaceful Mindset is the Remedy for “Major Heat” in Summer

The “Major Heat” represents the hottest period of the year. It is the summer’s last solar term, when the sun reaches 120° on the celestial longitude. This year, it falls on July 22 in the Gregorian calendar.

Around this “Major Heat” period, temperature and humidity reach the peak for the year. Chinese doctors believe this is the time when it is most “damp” resulting in symptoms such as loss of appetite, mouth sores, diarrhea, vomiting, and sticky stools, etc. Therefore, one should “avoid dampness” to maintain good health. Some of the ways to do so includes: First, engage in suitable exercise to allow perspiration to expel “dampness” from the body. Second, avoid lying on the cold ground as moisture in the cold air and air from the air-conditioning system will automatically sink and settle near the ground, resulting in “dampness” that could enter the body. Third, consume less cold drinks, so as not to affect digestion and the gastrointestinal functions that reduce immunity.

During the “Major Heat”, it is easy for tempers to flare, and often there are inexplicable listless-ness, frustration and sense of distraction. The Tang Dynasty great poet, Bai Juyi in his “Experience Summer” poem wrote, “allay the summer lethargy, stay in a courtyard; ensure no clutter in your sight, let in the breeze by the window; dispel the heat with tranquility of the mind, enjoy serenity in a spartan room; relish this instance, with a wholly different mindset”. It suggests that one stays at a shady courtyard, keeps the house uncluttered, opens the windows to the soothing cool breeze, settles the mind at ease and quietude, then peacefully revel in the tranquility that a calm mind brings. Doesn’t this resembles our practice of the Meditation of Purity in Bodhi Meditation?

When the irritable mood manifests, we can practice the Meditation of Purity. Through its visualizations, we would relish the tranquility, and be at ease to appreciate this “Major Heat”.

#SolarTerm, #GreatHeat, #ExpelDampness, #MeditationOfPurity


在〈大暑──恬淡平和,安度苦夏。 . 大暑,…〉中有 33 則留言

  1. 师父好!清早走八卦,9点做菩提清静观想法!然后做大光明。晚上再做菩提清静观想法,入睡时不热不烦,睡得好。感恩师父授予妙法!祝师父吉祥!

  2. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示分享(大暑养生之道)!感恩师父慈悲呵护我们!恭敬感恩真诚顶礼叩拜师父!?????????

  3. 感恩师父?大暑是一年二十四节气中的第十二个节气,大暑时节,人体容易为署、湿、邪所侵,故而需吃热性食物以驱除署湿,恰合“冬病夏治”、“寒病夏治”之医理。多吃淮山药一类益气养阴的食品,补脾健胃。修行人多吃丝瓜、西兰花和茄子?等当季蔬菜。感恩师父?

  4. 感恩师父分享!???

  5. 师父好!感恩师父开示!这几天真的酷热难耐,就想盘腿念佛不想站着做功了。感恩师父提示:修习《清净观想法》,在这大暑时节享受那份清净与自在。

  6. 當煩躁的情緒出現時,不妨嘗試修習《清淨觀想法》,藉由觀想讓我們能在這大暑時節享受那份清淨與自在。。。感恩师父的分享!

  7. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示与关怀!天气闷热,人就容易心烦。{當煩躁的情緒出現時,不妨嘗試修習《清淨觀想法》,藉由觀想讓我們能在這大暑時節享受那份清淨與自在。}顶礼感恩师父!

  8. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父时时处处关心我们的健康!弟子谨记,在这样的情况下多修清静观想法。顶礼叩拜师父!???

  9. 师父上午好!感恩师父!!!弟子跟师父报告好消息,我儿子昨天的大学成功录取了!弟子恭敬顶礼感恩师父给予孩子的加持护佑与引领!感恩观世音菩萨!!!感恩师父!!!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示与关怀!天气闷热,人就容易心烦。感恩师父传授好方法,心静自然凉,多练清静观想法,消暑降烦燥.,在這大暑時節享受那份清淨與自在!顶礼感恩师父!!!

  11. 感恩师父开示!师父告诉我们如何在大暑的节气怎样养生。当心情烦躁时,多多修炼清净观想法,心静自然凉。感恩师父传授给我们的法宝,无论严寒还是酷暑,我们都能安然度过。感恩师父!!!

  12. 师父,您好!哈哈!現在又认识了一個节令—大暑了。谢谢师父对我们无微不至的关怀时常传给我们的知识!感恩师父!并且多谢师父的好建议,推荐我们在大暑时期听《清净观想法》

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!是的清净观想法!之前没带小孩都是早上起来或上班的路上做一遍!清静愉悦一整天!真的很棒!嘻嘻大家一起享受着愉悦的夏季吧!?叩拜

  14. 感恩师父慈悲开示!走八卦一身汗,排出身体的湿气,大光明也排汗,达到养生《避湿》的作用。避开空调,不喝冷饮,心静自然凉。多做静功。

  15. 感恩佛师慈悲的开示与关怀!我们又学了一个生活中的知识一个节令–大暑了。高温天气人们酷热难耐烦躁的情绪容易出现,不妨练一练《清净观想法》,就能使我们的心情平和不急躁。哈哈!做师父的弟子真的是太幸福!太幸运!太快乐了!

  16. 感恩佛师开示大暑的由来???我们这已连续好几天高温了,昨天只是流汗,今天是不断流汗,就是在水中豆大的汗珠。真的好热。《清静观想法》弟子坐下一会就困了,放着音乐念佛号?

  17. 师父好!感恩师父教导,大暑太热,师父您也要保重身体,注意身体健康。我一定听师父的话,不吃大冷的食品,不睡地不让湿进入身体。感恩师父!叩拜恩师!

  18. 感恩师父!“夏有凉风冬有雪”。夏天的“凉风”是美好和快乐的所在。心生凉风,更能“心静自然凉”,禅修能为之,《清淨觀想法》,还有八卦。早上走八卦,汗水从后背一串串往下流,但因心的清静,反而不觉得热和烦躁,心能融进自己的所思所想的情境当中。改动一下上面的诗:“何以銷煩暑,早上八卦中。眼前枝叶长,四面有清風。熱散有心靜,涼生因禅空。此時身自得,難更與人同”。感恩师父妙法,度一切苦厄。感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!

  19. 师父好!感恩师夂慈悲开示与分享,让我们跟随师父学到很多知识,身心健康了,快乐了!有您我们好快乐幸福哟!真诚顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  20. 感恩师父分享大暑节气及注意事项!今年我终于算是把冰的冷饮给控制了,包括西瓜都基本不买不吃了,现又得师父提醒不要睡地板,昨晚赶紧跟儿子上床睡!再加上走八卦排排汗,再听师父建议做做清净观想法来静静心,哈哈,今年的大暑时节最是健康和自在!感恩师父!
