清清爽爽迎立夏 . 5月5日迎來立夏節氣…

參考網址:http://www.sohu.com/a/139121087_391301rnrnWelcome summer with a refreshing mind

May 5, 2018 is the solar term Lixia (Start of Summer). During this time, temperatures tend to be higher with relatively more rain. As the weather transit from Spring into Summer, our body perspires more and this may lead to deficiency in yang energy, so it is imperative for us to nourish the yang energy. Do not be afraid of the hot weather or perspiration and hide in an air-conditioned room. Instead, insist on moderate exercise to promote circulation and to allow the yang energy to flow while stimulating discharge of dampness from our body. However, strenuous exercise is not encouraged during this time. Rather, we should exercise in moderation so that we break out in light sweat. Remember to replenish our body fluids after exercising by drinking more warm water.

During this time, we can include some sour food in our diet, for instance, lemons and pineapples. These fruits stimulate perspiration, dispel dampness from our body, invigorate our stomach and aid digestion. As the hot weather causes us to be easily irritated, we may develop internal heat symptoms if we over-indulge in heaty and fried food. These internal heat may manifest in the form of pimples break out, mouth ulcers and constipation. Therefore we should maintain a light diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals and eat more easily digestible food. For instance, green leafy vegetables and beans. Today I would like to recommend a refreshing vegetable dish—

Stir fried lettuce with peas. These two ingredients are readily available in the market during summer. It is a seasonal and healthy dish.

Ingredients: 300 grams of peas, 200 grams of lettuce, half a capsicum, some salt, light soy sauce, cooking oil, shallots and moderate amount of ginger.

Preparation method:
1) Remove skin of capsicum and cut both lettuce and capsicum into thin slices.
2) Add some cooking oil to stir-fry the peas lightly. Add in half a bowl of water. Remove the peas once they are cooked.
3) Stir-fry some ginger until they give out fragrance. Add in lettuce and capsicum slices to fry.
4) Pour in the cooked peas from number 2 and fry with light soy sauce, salt and vinegar. These seasonings can be moderated according to personal taste. The dish is now ready to be served.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfSummer, #LettuceFriedWithPeas, #SeasonalVegetables
Reference Website: http://www.sohu.com/a/139121087_391301


【一場春雨,一壺春茶】 . 4月20日進…

A Spring Rain, A Pot of Spring Tea – One of 24 Solar Terms “Grain Rain”

April 20 is the start of the Solar Term Grain Rain, the last solar term of Spring. The cold humid climate basically ends and the temperature quickly picks up. There is now minimum sudden fluctuation in temperature, the air is humid with an abundance of precipitation which is very conducive for the growth of crops. Thus, there is an old saying “After the rain, the grain growth begins.”

“The drizzle moistens my gown and the wind caressing my face chills me not”. Stepping outside to look at the flowers on a warm day makes one in an exceptionally good mood. However, some people are afraid of allergy. Spring is also a season that the skin is prone to allergy. In the novel “Dream of Red Chamber”, there is a chapter that describes: During Spring, the beauties of the Grand View Garden grew “apricot buds” on their skin and need to apply “rose ointment”. Although this is a fictional story, the skin allergy is related to a weak body immune system. The ladies of the ancient time did not move around much and therefore had a weak body constitution. It is a pity that no one taught them Energy Bagua at that time. If you want to increase your energy level in Spring, why not find a group of friends to practice Energy Bagua every morning to strengthen your health.

For those who love to drink tea, they will not want to miss the “Grain Rain Tea”. The tea trees, after resting for a few months in the winter, produce budding leaves that are plump, emerald in color and soft. They are rich in amino acids and vitamins, full of flavor and aromas. The China ancient tea monograph “Cha Shu” mentions “Qingming is too early, beginning of Summer is too late, around Grain Rain period is just right”. In recent years, some places in China started to celebrate “National Tea Drinking Day”, which falls on the Grain Rain solar term. This shows the importance of Grain Rain Tea. Now is the Grain Rain period, what are you waiting for? Let’s go and brew a pot of tea.

#SolarTerm, #GrainRain, #SpringTea, #EnergyBagua


【雨水】春雨來襲,舒肝健脾。 . 2月1…



大寒時節吃「三冬」 . 大寒,在每年西曆…



「富人吃補藥,窮人泡泡腳。」 [The …


[The rich eat tonics, the poor soak their feet] What are the benefits of a foot bath in the winter season?

As the saying goes: 「Chills invade our body through our feet, the legs show the first sign of aging.」 According to the Chinese physicians, 「Humans possess feet just as trees possess roots. The roots will decline first, follow by the withering of the tree. When old age comes to a man, the feet will decline first.」 Therefore, it is important to maintain the health of our feet in the winter season.

5th January in the Gregorian calendar this year is known as the “Minor Cold” solar term. Though termed as Minor Cold, according to past records, temperatures during the Minor Cold are lower than in the “Major Cold”. According to Chinese physicians, 「Blood coagulates when temperature is low」, so blood circulation improves in a warm environment and easily stagnates in a cold environment. Hence it is imperative to engage in more physical activity during the Minor Cold solar term so as to improve blood circulation. Before engaging in any exercise, it is important to do proper warm-ups. The exercise should increase gradually in terms of strength. Do not engage in sudden strenuous exercises so as to avoid sports injuries.

There is an old saying circulating among common folks: 「The rich eat tonics, the poor soak their feet.」 Indeed, a foot bath brings tremendous benefits to the body. During the Minor Cold, it is especially beneficial to have a foot bath just before retiring to bed. A comfortable foot bath should have a water temperature of 40 ℃. You may like to add onions and ginger to further promote blood circulation. After soaking your feet, give your feet a good rub at the center of the sole and wriggle your toes to stimulate acupuncture points of the feet. By massaging your feet gently for ten minutes a day, you can get rid of negative chills, keep your body warm and relieve fatigue, thereby leading to a good sleep. Try it and reap the benefits!

#SolarTerm, #MinorCold, #SoakLegs

Reference website :http://www.39yst.com/20131231/143920.shtml


秋天裡的精神美容 . . 秋季天乾物燥,…

秋季天乾物燥,人體缺乏水分,咽喉、鼻腔常感覺乾燥,這就是「秋燥」, 在飲食方面,應多喝水,少吃辛辣食物,適當多吃芝麻、蓮藕、糯米、銀耳、百合、梨等清潤的食物,起到滋陰潤肺、養陰生津的作用。

Beautify the mind in Autumn

During autumn, the air is dry. Our body lacks water and this results in our throat and nostrils feeling dry. This is referred to as “Autumn Dryness”. In terms of our diet, we need to drink more water, eat less spicy food and consume more nourishing food such as sesame seeds, lotus root, glutinous rice, white fungus, Bai He (bulbus lilii) and pears in order to nourish yin, moisturize our lungs and promote saliva secretion.

The clear and fresh autumn climate is a characteristic of this solar term. This year’s Autumnal Equinox falls on Gregorian calendar September 23. Temperature tends to be cooler when we enter Autumnal Equinox solar term. During this time, we must wear thicker clothing and keep our stomach warm to prevent our tummy from catching a cold, which could lead to gastric discomfort.

During autumn, vegetation wither and leaves scatter to the ground. Trees are bare and everywhere seem cold and bleak. Some people inevitably feel depressed as they look at the desolate scene before them.

Though we cannot turn around our physiological age, we can subjectively control our mental age. As the saying goes, “ if one has a young mind, others will not be able to detect any sign of old age in one’s spirit”. Being young is a state of mind. When you are filled with vitality, are proactive and motivated, you will appear to be childlike even in white hair or seen as a young lady in gray hair, with endless energy.

To increase our energy and spirit, we can participate in more outdoor activities. To exercise and stretch our tendons and muscles to increase our energy level, or even climb mountains to extend our mind. At the same time, we must constantly give ourselves positive affirmations: I am the youngest, I am the healthiest, I am the happiest, I am most charismatic, I am the greatest! With this method of combining illusion to whats real, I believe everyone will exude radiance, remain youthful and enjoy longevity. Autumn is also a season of harvest. May everyone receive a bumper harvest in life, career, self-cultivation and happiness!

#SolarTerm, #HealthPreservation, #AutumnalEquinoxrnrn秋天裡的精神美容
秋季天乾物燥,人體缺乏水分,咽喉、鼻腔常感覺乾燥,這就是「秋燥」, 在飲食方面,應多喝水,少吃辛辣食物,適當多吃芝麻、蓮藕、糯米、銀耳、百合、梨等清潤的食物,起到滋陰潤肺、養陰生津的作用。



立秋 ──素食也能「貼秋膘」 . . 立…


Beginning of Autumn – where vegetarian dishes can ‘Add Autumn Fat’ too

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ is the first Solar Term in the Fall season, where the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degree. This year the Beginning of Autumn falls on the 7th of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it signifies the end of Summer heat and the beginning of Autumn coolness.

Even though we are entering the Beginning of Autumn Solar Term, the Summer heat has not completely dissipated. Furthermore, the last period of the three hottest periods of summer falls in this solar term. Hence, the days are often extremely hot while the nights are cool and it is important not to catch a cold by adjusting the layers of clothes accordingly and keep yourself warm in bed at night.

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ festival is also known as the 7th month festival where ancient emperors would conduct prayers and offerings session to welcome Autumn on this day. There is also a tradition of comparing one’s body weight during this time to that taken in the Beginning of Summer Solar Term. This is because during the summer months, appetite is usually compromised and people tend to eat simple light food, such that the bodyweight will drop correspondingly. When the temperature starts to drop during this period, appetites will improve significantly and it is a good time to build up one’s body weight through better nourishment so as to compensate the weight lost in summer. Hence there is this saying called ‘Adding Autumn Fat’.

‘Adding Autumn Fat’ does not necessarily mean eating meat, but it is about combining a variety of ingredients to provide sufficient nutrients to replenish the weight loss in summer and to build energy reserves for the upcoming winter season. You can consider taking an appropriate amount of wild yam, which is good for strengthening the digestive system and building a strong body. Taking lotus root is also good as it can help to clear internal heat and calm the mind. Eating nutritious beans or beans products are also good choices.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfAutumn, #AddingAutumnFat, #HealthrnrnBeginning of Autumn – where vegetarian dishes can ‘Add Autumn Fat’ too

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ is the first Solar Term in the Fall season, where the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degree. This year the Beginning of Autumn falls on the 7th of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it signifies the end of Summer heat and the beginning of Autumn coolness.

Even though we are entering the Beginning of Autumn Solar Term, the Summer heat has not completely dissipated. Furthermore, the last period of the three hottest periods of summer falls in this solar term. Hence, the days are often extremely hot while the nights are cool and it is important not to catch a cold by adjusting the layers of clothes accordingly and keep yourself warm in bed at night.

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ festival is also known as the 7th month festival where ancient emperors would conduct prayers and offerings session to welcome Autumn on this day. There is also a tradition of comparing one’s body weight during this time to that taken in the Beginning of Summer Solar Term. This is because during the summer months, appetite is usually compromised and people tend to eat simple light food, such that the bodyweight will drop correspondingly. When the temperature starts to drop during this period, appetites will improve significantly and it is a good time to build up one’s body weight through better nourishment so as to compensate the weight lost in summer. Hence there is this saying called ‘Adding Autumn Fat’.

‘Adding Autumn Fat’ does not necessarily mean eating meat, but it is about combining a variety of ingredients to provide sufficient nutrients to replenish the weight loss in summer and to build energy reserves for the upcoming winter season. You can consider taking an appropriate amount of wild yam, which is good for strengthening the digestive system and building a strong body. Taking lotus root is also good as it can help to clear internal heat and calm the mind. Eating nutritious beans or beans products are also good choices.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfAutumn, #AddingAutumnFat, #H


大暑──恬淡平和,安度苦夏。 . 大暑,…

“Major Heat” ── Tranquil and Peaceful Mindset is the Remedy for “Major Heat” in Summer

The “Major Heat” represents the hottest period of the year. It is the summer’s last solar term, when the sun reaches 120° on the celestial longitude. This year, it falls on July 22 in the Gregorian calendar.

Around this “Major Heat” period, temperature and humidity reach the peak for the year. Chinese doctors believe this is the time when it is most “damp” resulting in symptoms such as loss of appetite, mouth sores, diarrhea, vomiting, and sticky stools, etc. Therefore, one should “avoid dampness” to maintain good health. Some of the ways to do so includes: First, engage in suitable exercise to allow perspiration to expel “dampness” from the body. Second, avoid lying on the cold ground as moisture in the cold air and air from the air-conditioning system will automatically sink and settle near the ground, resulting in “dampness” that could enter the body. Third, consume less cold drinks, so as not to affect digestion and the gastrointestinal functions that reduce immunity.

During the “Major Heat”, it is easy for tempers to flare, and often there are inexplicable listless-ness, frustration and sense of distraction. The Tang Dynasty great poet, Bai Juyi in his “Experience Summer” poem wrote, “allay the summer lethargy, stay in a courtyard; ensure no clutter in your sight, let in the breeze by the window; dispel the heat with tranquility of the mind, enjoy serenity in a spartan room; relish this instance, with a wholly different mindset”. It suggests that one stays at a shady courtyard, keeps the house uncluttered, opens the windows to the soothing cool breeze, settles the mind at ease and quietude, then peacefully revel in the tranquility that a calm mind brings. Doesn’t this resembles our practice of the Meditation of Purity in Bodhi Meditation?

When the irritable mood manifests, we can practice the Meditation of Purity. Through its visualizations, we would relish the tranquility, and be at ease to appreciate this “Major Heat”.

#SolarTerm, #GreatHeat, #ExpelDampness, #MeditationOfPurityrnrn大暑──恬淡平和,安度苦夏。
“Major Heat” ── Tranquil and Peaceful Mindset is the Remedy for “Major Heat” in Summer

The “Major Heat” represents the hottest period of the year. It is the summer’s last solar term, when the sun reaches 120° on the celestial longitude. This year, it falls on July 22 in the Gregorian calendar.

Around this “Major Heat” period, temperature and humidity reach the peak for the year. Chinese doctors believe this is the time when it is most “damp” resulting in symptoms such as loss of appetite, mouth sores, diarrhea, vomiting, and sticky stools, etc. Therefore, one should “avoid dampness” to maintain good health. Some of the ways to do so includes: First, engage in suitable exercise to allow perspiration to expel “dampness” from the body. Second, avoid lying on the cold ground as moisture in the cold air and air from the air-conditioning system will automatically sink and settle near the ground, resulting in “dampness” that could enter the body. Third, consume less cold drinks, so as not to affect digestion and the gastrointestinal functions that reduce immunity.

During the “Major Heat”, it is easy for tempers to flare, and often there are inexplicable listless-ness, frustration and sense of distraction. The Tang Dynasty great poet, Bai Juyi in his “Experience Summer” poem wrote, “allay the summer lethargy, stay in a courtyard; ensure no clutter in your sight, let in the breeze by the window; dispel the heat with tranquility of the mind, enjoy serenity in a spartan room; relish this instance, with a wholly different mindset”. It suggests that one stays at a shady courtyard, keeps the house uncluttered, opens the windows to the soothing cool breeze, settles the mind at ease and quietude, then peacefully revel in the tranquility that a calm mind brings. Doesn’t this resembles our practice of the Meditation of Purity in Bodhi Meditation?

When the irritable mood manifests, we can practice the Meditation of Purity. Through its visualizations, we would relish the tranquility, and be at ease to appreciate this “Major Heat”.

#SolarTerm, #GreatHeat, #ExpelDampness, #MeditationOfPurity


【立夏】 ──立夏繩,佑平安 . . 2…

Beginning of Summer
Summer thread, Protects the wearers.

5th of May, 2017 –First day of Summer. This solar term is a time of myriad growth hence is termed “The commencement of Summer”.

The Summer festival has an important tradition–(Summer strings), to tie a thread made up of 5 colored strings around the wrist of children, termed “Longevity thread”. It can help to eliminate calamities and illnesses of children , keep them healthy and safe. Bodhi Meditation also has our own 5 colored thread. Wearers can choose to wear them around their neck or wrist and even wear them with Dzi beads. Five coloured thread can also be hung in cars, latches of house doors or tied to bags.

Five coloured threads can be tied to wrists and ankles of new born babies. These threads serve to bless the entire family with safety and auspiciousness.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfSummer, #FiveColoredThread, #EliminatesCalamities, #EnsureSafetyrnrn【立夏】
Beginning of Summer
Summer thread, Protects the wearers.

5th of May, 2017 –First day of Summer. This solar term is a time of myriad growth hence is termed “The commencement of Summer”.

The Summer festival has an important tradition–(Summer strings), to tie a thread made up of 5 colored strings around the wrist of children, termed “Longevity thread”. It can help to eliminate calamities and illnesses of children , keep them healthy and safe. Bodhi Meditation also has our own 5 colored thread. Wearers can choose to wear them around their neck or wrist and even wear them with Dzi beads. Five coloured thread can also be hung in cars, latches of house doors or tied to bags.

Five coloured threads can be tied to wrists and ankles of new born babies. These threads serve to bless the entire family with safety and auspiciousness.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfSummer, #FiveColoredThread, #EliminatesCalamities, #EnsureSafety


【穀雨】 ──清明斷雪,穀雨斷霜 . 穀…

Grain Rain
— The snow stops after the arrival of Ching Ming (Qingming); the frost stops after the arrival of the Grain Rain.

“Grain Rain” is the last solar term in spring and usually happens around April 20th, when the sun is at 30 degrees longitude. This year, Grain Rain falls exactly on April 20th. In the past, people believed that rainwater comes from heavens and possesses special energy that stimulates growth. There was an old saying, “The rain gives life to hundred types of grain”. That was how the term “Grain Rain” came about.

This is the best time for planting seeds and transplanting seedlings. Seedlings require lots of water for nourishment. It was believed that the reason why the first bout of heavy rainfall usually occurs around this period was because the heavens want to help the seedlings grow.

As the saying goes, “The snow stops after the arrival of Ching Ming; The frost stops after the arrival of the Grain Rain.” After the Grain Rain, temperatures normally start to rise and the weather starts to turn warm. Taking walks or practicing Energy Bagua are both good outdoor activities to undertake during this period. The breeze will blow our troubles and fatigue away; The rain will cleanse the dust off our bodies and minds; Our lives will be purified by nature.

#GrainRain #SolarTerm #HeavenlyRainrnrnGrain Rain
— The snow stops after the arrival of Ching Ming (Qingming); the frost stops after the arrival of the Grain Rain.

“Grain Rain” is the last solar term in spring and usually happens around April 20th, when the sun is at 30 degrees longitude. This year, Grain Rain falls exactly on April 20th. In the past, people believed that rainwater comes from heavens and possesses special energy that stimulates growth. There was an old saying, “The rain gives life to hundred types of grain”. That was how the term “Grain Rain” came about.

This is the best time for planting seeds and transplanting seedlings. Seedlings require lots of water for nourishment. It was believed that the reason why the first bout of heavy rainfall usually occurs around this period was because the heavens want to help the seedlings grow.

As the saying goes, “The snow stops after the arrival of Ching Ming; The frost stops after the arrival of the Grain Rain.” After the Grain Rain, temperatures normally start to rise and the weather starts to turn warm. Taking walks or practicing Energy Bagua are both good outdoor activities to undertake during this period. The breeze will blow our troubles and fatigue away; The rain will cleanse the dust off our bodies and minds; Our lives will be purified by nature.

#GrainRain #SolarTerm #HeavenlyRain
