
先生說:「其實我也不想離,我也想包容她。有一次她做好了飯,問我好不好吃。我說還可以,但是下次能不能放鹽進去啊(原來菜裡沒放鹽)。第二天我下班回家,太太就煮了一碗麵自己在那吃。我問:『我的飯呢?』她說:『你不是嫌我做得不好吃嗎?』 太太從此不給我做飯吃,這一僵持就是一個月,之後矛盾就更加激化起來了。」
臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
The elixir to a happily life!! (July 22, 2017)

How do we sustain a blissful and happy marriage?
Let me share with you a story to initiate some thoughts.

A young couple came to see me. The wife said: “I want to divorce him.” I asked: “What has it got to do with me? Your marriage certificate is not issued by me.” Hearing this, the husband said: ”If she really wanted a divorce, there is nothing I can do. So we came to seek your advice.” Although both of them wanted a divorce, deep in their hearts, they still have strong feelings for one another. They wanted me to evaluate who is right and who is wrong.

The wife complained: “He does not bother to bathe and brush his teeth regularly. He is so dirty. I brush my teeth four to five times a day.”

I retorted: “You have so much free time? Otherwise, how could you brush your teeth so often?”

The husband continued: “ Actually I do not want a divorce, I tried to accommodate her. Once, she cooked a meal and sought my comments. I merely told her the food was not too bad, and suggested that she add a little salt into the dish next time (apparently, she forgot to add salt). When I reached home after work next day, my wife was eating a bowl of noodles she had cooked for herself. When I asked her: “Where is my share?” She replied: “I thought you complained on my cooking?” Since that fateful day, she stopped cooking for me entirely. This cold war lasted for a month and subsequently the conflicts worsened.”

Personally, I felt this female disciple was too picky; secondly, she loved herself too much. What do you think? Can this couple get along well and enjoy a blissful marriage? Not likely since they cared too much about themselves and are too self-centered. With such spouse, life is bound to be torturous and full of suffering.

In reality, what started as a very small matter got blown out of proportion, which created problems and conflicts. They argued and quarreled daily and now they are contemplating a divorce.

If we want to enjoy a sweet and happy marriage, shouldn’t we show greater consideration towards our spouse and learn to be more tolerant?

I welcome you to join me this Saturday to discuss how can we transform daily squabbles at home into a symphony orchestra so that we enjoy a happier life! Feel free to share your personal experiences so that we can all learn from each other and progress together.

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: July 22, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: July 22, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): July 21, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): July 21, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): July 22, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): July 22, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: July 22, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): July 22, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): July 22, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): July 22, 2017, at 07:30hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)

#OnlineGroupGlobalPracticeNotice, #TolerateWithCompassion ,#MasterJinBodhiTeachings, #CompassionAndTolerant, #RidDesireForGreed
先生說:「其實我也不想離,我也想包容她。有一次她做好了飯,問我好不好吃。我說還可以,但是下次能不能放鹽進去啊(原來菜裡沒放鹽)。第二天我下班回家,太太就煮了一碗麵自己在那吃。我問:『我的飯呢?』她說:『你不是嫌我做得不好吃嗎?』 太太從此不給我做飯吃,這一僵持就是一個月,之後矛盾就更加激化起來了。」
臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
The elixir to a happily life!! (July 22, 2017)

How do we sustain a blissful and happy marriage?
Let me share with you a story to initiate some thoughts.

A young couple came to see me. The wife said: “I want to divorce him.” I asked: “What has it got to do with me? Your marriage certificate is not issued by me.” Hearing this, the husband said: ”If she really wanted a divorce, there is nothing I can do. So we came to seek your advice.” Although both of them wanted a divorce, deep in their hearts, they still have strong feelings for one another. They wanted me to evaluate who is right and who is wrong.

The wife complained: “He does not bother to bathe and brush his teeth regularly. He is so dirty. I brush my teeth four to five times a day.”

I retorted: “You have so much free time? Otherwise, how could you brush your teeth so often?”

The husband continued: “ Actually I do not want a divorce, I tried to accommodate her. Once, she cooked a meal and sought my comments. I merely told her the food was not too bad, and suggested that she add a little salt into the dish next time (apparently, she forgot to add salt). When I reached home after work next day, my wife was eating a bowl of noodles she had cooked for herself. When I asked her: “Where is my share?” She replied: “I thought you complained on my cooking?” Since that fateful day, she stopped cooking for me entirely. This cold war lasted for a month and subsequently the conflicts worsened.”

Personally, I felt this female disciple was too picky; secondly, she loved herself too much. What do you think? Can this couple get along well and enjoy a blissful marriage? Not likely since they cared too much about themselves and are too self-centered. With such spouse, life is bound to be torturous and full of suffering.

In reality, what started as a very small matter got blown out of proportion, which created problems and conflicts. They argued and quarreled daily and now they are contemplating a divorce.

If we want to enjoy a sweet and happy marriage, shouldn’t we show greater consideration towards our spouse and learn to be more tolerant?

I welcome you to join me this Saturday to discuss how can we transform daily squabbles at home into a symphony orchestra so that we enjoy a happier life! Feel free to share your personal experiences so that we can all learn from each other and progress together.

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: July 22, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: July 22, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): July 21, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): July 21, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): July 22, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): July 22, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: July 22, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): July 22, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): July 22, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): July 22, 2017, at 07:30hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)

#OnlineGroupGlobalPracticeNotice, #TolerateWithCompassion ,#MasterJinBodhiTeachings, #CompassionAndTolerant, #RidDesireForGreed


在〈獲得幸福生活的靈丹妙藥!!(2017年7…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 师父好!修行就是修正自己的行为,遇到具体做事情时,多为对方考虑,不要在乎自己的感受,师父说:“其实很小的事情,欲激化出很多的问题和矛盾,人与人之间应该多几分宽容”。顶礼感恩师父!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示!不管夫妻还是其他人遇事都要相互包容,不然就无法和解,容易产生嗔恨。弟子期待中……,顶礼叩拜师父!?❤???

  3. 感恩师父!真实的修行,真正的慈悲是幸福生活的灵丹妙药,心中真正有了慈悲才能够宽容,才能够包容,人生才会有幸福!期待周六共修,聆听师父慈悲教化!

  4. 感恩师父开示!夫妻之间要相互包容和理解!如果总是挑剔对方,别说做夫妻了,连朋友也没得做。多看对方的长处和优点,这跟师傅父学佛后,感觉好多事情都想开了,不要总去看对方的错误,这个错误往往就是自己内心的化现,自己越是执着于哪方面就越会感觉对方的不好,而忽略了对方的长处,而自己有很多错误,自己却看不到,

  5. 师父好!想要拥有幸福甜蜜的婚姻,人与人之间应该多几分宽容。这周六弟子准时收看师父开示——谈谈这每天都会在家中上演的锅碗瓢盆交响曲,改如何才能奏出悦耳动听的乐章。感恩师父慈悲开示!

  6. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,夫妻之间相互理解,相互帮助,慈悲包容对方才是幸福健康快乐生活的灵丹妙药,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,我们永远爱您师父,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  7. 要想获得幸福快乐的生活,人與人之間應該多幾分寬容;想要擁有幸福甜蜜的婚姻,夫妻之間更應該多幾分寬容。。。感恩师父!

  8. 师父好,尽管生活中还是有些不尽人意,但总体说来还算幸福吧,师父啊,其实我是知道这一切都是师父的加持恩赐!期待感恩师父关于婚姻幸福生活的话题开示,弟子会准时恭候聆听!感恩师父为我们方方面面费心,弟子们都会越来越幸福!

  9. 感恩师父!我现在是一个比较大的家庭,全家十二口人住在一起。我们一家人非常的开心快乐。在这感恩师父教会我用笑声征服世界,用宽容心包容一切的真理,应用在现实生活当中就是密法中的妙法。顶礼叩拜根本上师!!!???

  10. 感恩师父分享!由师父分享的故事,我想到做人心胸要象大海一样能够容纳,与人相处,多想别人的好处。期待周六聆听师父的教诲!
