立秋 ──素食也能「貼秋膘」 . . 立…


Beginning of Autumn – where vegetarian dishes can ‘Add Autumn Fat’ too

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ is the first Solar Term in the Fall season, where the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degree. This year the Beginning of Autumn falls on the 7th of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it signifies the end of Summer heat and the beginning of Autumn coolness.

Even though we are entering the Beginning of Autumn Solar Term, the Summer heat has not completely dissipated. Furthermore, the last period of the three hottest periods of summer falls in this solar term. Hence, the days are often extremely hot while the nights are cool and it is important not to catch a cold by adjusting the layers of clothes accordingly and keep yourself warm in bed at night.

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ festival is also known as the 7th month festival where ancient emperors would conduct prayers and offerings session to welcome Autumn on this day. There is also a tradition of comparing one’s body weight during this time to that taken in the Beginning of Summer Solar Term. This is because during the summer months, appetite is usually compromised and people tend to eat simple light food, such that the bodyweight will drop correspondingly. When the temperature starts to drop during this period, appetites will improve significantly and it is a good time to build up one’s body weight through better nourishment so as to compensate the weight lost in summer. Hence there is this saying called ‘Adding Autumn Fat’.

‘Adding Autumn Fat’ does not necessarily mean eating meat, but it is about combining a variety of ingredients to provide sufficient nutrients to replenish the weight loss in summer and to build energy reserves for the upcoming winter season. You can consider taking an appropriate amount of wild yam, which is good for strengthening the digestive system and building a strong body. Taking lotus root is also good as it can help to clear internal heat and calm the mind. Eating nutritious beans or beans products are also good choices.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfAutumn, #AddingAutumnFat, #HealthrnrnBeginning of Autumn – where vegetarian dishes can ‘Add Autumn Fat’ too

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ is the first Solar Term in the Fall season, where the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degree. This year the Beginning of Autumn falls on the 7th of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it signifies the end of Summer heat and the beginning of Autumn coolness.

Even though we are entering the Beginning of Autumn Solar Term, the Summer heat has not completely dissipated. Furthermore, the last period of the three hottest periods of summer falls in this solar term. Hence, the days are often extremely hot while the nights are cool and it is important not to catch a cold by adjusting the layers of clothes accordingly and keep yourself warm in bed at night.

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ festival is also known as the 7th month festival where ancient emperors would conduct prayers and offerings session to welcome Autumn on this day. There is also a tradition of comparing one’s body weight during this time to that taken in the Beginning of Summer Solar Term. This is because during the summer months, appetite is usually compromised and people tend to eat simple light food, such that the bodyweight will drop correspondingly. When the temperature starts to drop during this period, appetites will improve significantly and it is a good time to build up one’s body weight through better nourishment so as to compensate the weight lost in summer. Hence there is this saying called ‘Adding Autumn Fat’.

‘Adding Autumn Fat’ does not necessarily mean eating meat, but it is about combining a variety of ingredients to provide sufficient nutrients to replenish the weight loss in summer and to build energy reserves for the upcoming winter season. You can consider taking an appropriate amount of wild yam, which is good for strengthening the digestive system and building a strong body. Taking lotus root is also good as it can help to clear internal heat and calm the mind. Eating nutritious beans or beans products are also good choices.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfAutumn, #AddingAutumnFat, #H


在〈立秋 ──素食也能「貼秋膘」 . . 立…〉中有 18 則留言

  1. 师父,您好!時間過得真是快,轉眼間,立秋又到了。現在又認識了一个节令—立秋了。謝謝師父的慈悲提示!感恩师父!

  2. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!时间过得真是快,转眼间立秋又到了,现在又认识了一个节令一立秋了。感恩最最尊贵的上师!祝师父师母法体安康!幸福吉祥!

  3. 师父好!感恩师父传授我们节气,及饮食健康知识。祝福师父立秋时节吃好,睡好,贴秋膘;健康快乐,欢喜顺畅,吉祥如意,幸福快乐每一天。

  4. 感恩师父分享!时间就是这样无声无息的过去了,转眼之间又半年过去了。生命就是这样无声无息。珍惜时间做好该做的事情!努力工作!努力修行!顶礼师父!

  5. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享立秋—素食有益身体健康,感恩师父每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  6. 感恩最尊贵的金菩提佛师!慈悲加持呵护我每天坚持修炼:大光明,走八卦,以前我的小腿一压一坑,有时脚也肿现在全好,感恩师父愿光普照全世界!祈愿上师法体安康,法轮带转!怛久注世!顶礼扣拜!

  7. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲大爱,立秋日子师父开示我们养生,素食讲究营养搭配,〔贴秋膘〕素馅饺子很好吃。立秋,注意昼夜温差大,增减衣服,晚上睡觉别贪凉受风。感恩师父对弟子们关爱护佑。顶礼感恩师父!

  8. 春往秋来,若无闲事挂心头,都是人间好时节。感恩师父的介绍及养生好建议,都是来自于佛的加持和呵护。今天早上天气已有点凉意,都多穿了一件衣服,清凉加清晨,八卦结束时那感觉叫人清爽舒意,美好的时光!不由得分享时说:时光葱葱过,了无意义,但有早上八卦这时刻,才感觉到时光不虚度,也实实在在感觉到有属于自己的时间,有这美好的时刻。大家感慨赞叹感恩师父,因师父,才让时间停留在“四季如春”的心灵时节。千拜万叩感恩师父!愿师父在这秋天到来之时,也如“秋高气爽”那样,一切顺畅爽意,幸福美好!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲指导!感恩师父每时每刻慈悲加持关心护佑我们健康!因為人到夏天沒有什麼胃口,飲食清淡簡單,兩、三個月下來,體重一般都要減少。現在天氣轉涼爽了,胃口也好了,想增加一點營養,補償夏天的損失,這就是所謂的「貼秋膘」。顶礼感恩师父的加持护佑!我在这兩、三個月不但没减体重还长13斤,增加体重对我是很难有风湿免疫病的原因,复查直标一次比一次的正常,没吃肉没喝奶没吃糖。有原来的80斤现在是93斤。感谢师父的加持护佑!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  10. 师父真贴心?今天新加坡刚下了一阵小雨☔, 正好有点入秋的感觉。感恩师父带来的甘露, 也终是适时给我们细说每一个节气的到来该注意的事项。。还有各种养生之道。师父也要注意补一补身?‍♀️?

  11. 师父您好,风吹一片叶,万物己入秋,一夕之间,季节转换了冷暖,四季轮回,心还停在盛夏,转眼又秋己近,要珍惜时间做好该做的事情,好好听师父教化,努力修行,多去帮人,感恩师父,时时刻刻对弟子们的加持护佑,弟子忠心祝愿,师父,师母,每天健康,幸福,快乐,弟子,感恩顶礼,叩拜恩师!
