「富人吃補藥,窮人泡泡腳。」 [The …


[The rich eat tonics, the poor soak their feet] What are the benefits of a foot bath in the winter season?

As the saying goes: 「Chills invade our body through our feet, the legs show the first sign of aging.」 According to the Chinese physicians, 「Humans possess feet just as trees possess roots. The roots will decline first, follow by the withering of the tree. When old age comes to a man, the feet will decline first.」 Therefore, it is important to maintain the health of our feet in the winter season.

5th January in the Gregorian calendar this year is known as the “Minor Cold” solar term. Though termed as Minor Cold, according to past records, temperatures during the Minor Cold are lower than in the “Major Cold”. According to Chinese physicians, 「Blood coagulates when temperature is low」, so blood circulation improves in a warm environment and easily stagnates in a cold environment. Hence it is imperative to engage in more physical activity during the Minor Cold solar term so as to improve blood circulation. Before engaging in any exercise, it is important to do proper warm-ups. The exercise should increase gradually in terms of strength. Do not engage in sudden strenuous exercises so as to avoid sports injuries.

There is an old saying circulating among common folks: 「The rich eat tonics, the poor soak their feet.」 Indeed, a foot bath brings tremendous benefits to the body. During the Minor Cold, it is especially beneficial to have a foot bath just before retiring to bed. A comfortable foot bath should have a water temperature of 40 ℃. You may like to add onions and ginger to further promote blood circulation. After soaking your feet, give your feet a good rub at the center of the sole and wriggle your toes to stimulate acupuncture points of the feet. By massaging your feet gently for ten minutes a day, you can get rid of negative chills, keep your body warm and relieve fatigue, thereby leading to a good sleep. Try it and reap the benefits!

#SolarTerm, #MinorCold, #SoakLegs

Reference website :http://www.39yst.com/20131231/143920.shtml


在〈「富人吃補藥,窮人泡泡腳。」 [The …〉中有 21 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享养生保健之道!


  2. 感恩师父慈悲呵护和关爱我们!收到!弟子昨天又重新看了师父开车到禅堂的开示,原来是师父一人边开车边给弟子们开示,在那个时间虽然车很少,但还是要注意安全的,师父为了我们付出的太多太多,感恩师父!祝福师父法体安康!吉祥自在!?❤???

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示!收到!小时候在中国冬天每天都泡脚,其实是洗脚时泡脚后睡觉,福州的冬天也挺寒冷的!现在想想幸福啊!怪不得以前每晚睡前最快乐开心!那个温暖的好幸福!感恩师父赐予弟子幸福快乐!?叩拜

  4. 感恩师父分享,冷冬泡泡脚,泡完暖暖的睡觉,想想都幸福!前天晚上睡前让儿子用热水泡脚一会,他得了好处,立马记住了,昨晚就问,妈妈我想洗两次,先洗澡,玩一会,等要睡觉了我再泡泡脚睡…以后再勤快一点,按师父提到的,烧点水,加葱姜。真正的泡脚!保健好身体,才有继续奋斗的本钱!感恩师父温馨提示!

  5. 哈哈,感恩师父介绍,咱穷人想要身体好,还有补救的办法,就是泡脚,穷有穷的活法??,也许,穷得有滋味呢。咱不怕穷,只因心中富有,身体不舒服,咱就泡脚去。科学证明,人体温度越高,越能杀死癌细胞,这功效不比吃补药的差啊,说不定还能启动和激发人体的循环系统呢。我家也有一个泡脚木桶,可以泡泡脚,看看书,一举多得,回归自然,享受人生!感恩师父!??????

  6. 师父说讲究穿戴是贪执,讲究住大房子是贪执,那讲究吃是否也有贪的成分?我觉得吃饭是为了填饱肚子,让我们这个色身容器正常运转就可以了。冒犯师父了,忏悔!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲教化!脚被称为第二心脏,温水泡脚很重要,龙其在这寒冷的季节更为必须。人老脚先老,除痛外走路不稳且弗劲,由此已证明人真的老了。我们有幸与师父结缘学会师父传授的妙法和八卦内功,全身充满能量,气血充足,经络畅通身心充满活力,三九天在殿堂内穿-短袖衫走八卦太神奇了!师父仍然提醒弟子们保护好双脚,怕弟子在严寒季节受伤害。师父您想的太周到、太关爱、太温暖,让弟子们心存感激不尽!我们有母亲般的师父太幸运和幸福啦!
