【菩提健康百寶箱】—糖尿病的照顧 有…


1. 盡量不吃葡萄糖、蔗糖、蜜糖等製品,例如蛋糕、糖果等。
2. 少喝果汁、沖泡式復合加工食品;主食改吃小米、小麥、糙米、蕎麥。
3. 豆類的含糖量比麵粉、大米要低許多。
4. 蔬菜中含糖少的有黃瓜、南瓜、番茄、苦瓜、洋蔥、四季豆、包菜、竹筍、白菜、芹菜、豆芽;水果則有芭樂、蘋果、梨子、草莓、木瓜、櫻桃都適合食用。
5. 堅果的含糖量也不高,能量很強,像是腰果、芝麻、核桃、榛子等,適量的食用都非常適合拿來補充營養。
6. 另外,不要飲酒,還有使用降糖藥物的人要注意預防低血糖的發生。
#糖尿病、#高血糖、#八卦內功、#糖尿病、#養生、#長壽rnrn【Bodhi Meditation Health Treasure Chest】 — Diabetic Care

There is a disease that is most ‘fearful’ of “sweet temptations” – it is diabetes. Diabetes is due to defective insulin secretion and immune system disorders. It is often accompanied by adverse complications affecting the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves and so on.

When natural circulatory systems are disrupted, there must be a cause.
For diabetes, there are many causes – excessive sugar consumption is one of them.
When I was in Myanmar, I found that their eating habits includes a lot of high sugar content food. As a result many people of Myanmar have high blood sugar levels.

What should diabetics pay attention to and strive for in their diet?
1. Try to limit glucose, sucrose, honey and other products such as cakes, candies and the like.
2. Drink less juice, instant, re-constituted and processed foodstuffs; on staple foods, switch to millet, wheat, brown rice, and buckwheat.
3. Consume legumes that have much lower sugar content to that of flour and rice.
4. Consume suitable greens and fruits. Vegetables that contain less sugar include cucumber, pumpkin, tomatoes, bitter-gourd, onion, four season beans, cabbage, bamboo shoots, Chinese cabbages, celery, and bean sprouts; fruit examples include guava, apples, pears, strawberries, papaya and cherries.
5. Supplement nutrition with appropriate amounts of nuts such as cashews, sesame seeds, walnuts and hazelnuts (except for those with nut allergies). Nuts are high in energy and have low sugar content.
6. Lastly, do not consume alcohol; people who use hypoglycemic drugs should pay attention to hypoglycemia (low sugar condition).

To steer clear of diabetes’ predicaments, it is vital that one builds up the body and also exercise regularly.
I knew a female practitioner who was paralyzed and lying on the bed for extended periods due to diabetes. She was immobile and blind due to the disease. As a result, she had to be attended to for her needs. Subsequently, she was introduced to Bodhi Meditation and after practicing for a couple of months, she could get off the bed and even exercise on her own. Thinking back, had she remained immobile, she could have departed from this world within two to three months. Now after more than 10 years, she is volunteering at Bodhi Meditation Center and also leading a group to practice the Meditation of Greater Illumination together.

I conducted an experiment in Myanmar and found that Energy Bagua has exceptional benefits against diabetes. Several Energy Bagua practitioners who had persevered with their practice for an extended period of time surprised their doctors with their physical improvements during their regular medical checkups. Gradually, their doctors reduced their prescribed medication; some no longer need medication as their blood sugar levels became normalized.

We welcome people with diabetes and high blood sugar levels to join us in Energy Bagua! May everyone practice to obtain great health, happiness, and rejuvenated life!

* The effects of meditation vary from person to person.
* Bodhi Meditation does not advocate that patients reduce or even stop taking their prescribed medication; they should follow the advice from their doctor.

Reference source: https://read01.com/O3nAzg.html
#Diabetes, #HighBloodSugar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthMaintenance, #Longevity


立秋 ──素食也能「貼秋膘」 . . 立…


Beginning of Autumn – where vegetarian dishes can ‘Add Autumn Fat’ too

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ is the first Solar Term in the Fall season, where the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degree. This year the Beginning of Autumn falls on the 7th of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it signifies the end of Summer heat and the beginning of Autumn coolness.

Even though we are entering the Beginning of Autumn Solar Term, the Summer heat has not completely dissipated. Furthermore, the last period of the three hottest periods of summer falls in this solar term. Hence, the days are often extremely hot while the nights are cool and it is important not to catch a cold by adjusting the layers of clothes accordingly and keep yourself warm in bed at night.

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ festival is also known as the 7th month festival where ancient emperors would conduct prayers and offerings session to welcome Autumn on this day. There is also a tradition of comparing one’s body weight during this time to that taken in the Beginning of Summer Solar Term. This is because during the summer months, appetite is usually compromised and people tend to eat simple light food, such that the bodyweight will drop correspondingly. When the temperature starts to drop during this period, appetites will improve significantly and it is a good time to build up one’s body weight through better nourishment so as to compensate the weight lost in summer. Hence there is this saying called ‘Adding Autumn Fat’.

‘Adding Autumn Fat’ does not necessarily mean eating meat, but it is about combining a variety of ingredients to provide sufficient nutrients to replenish the weight loss in summer and to build energy reserves for the upcoming winter season. You can consider taking an appropriate amount of wild yam, which is good for strengthening the digestive system and building a strong body. Taking lotus root is also good as it can help to clear internal heat and calm the mind. Eating nutritious beans or beans products are also good choices.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfAutumn, #AddingAutumnFat, #HealthrnrnBeginning of Autumn – where vegetarian dishes can ‘Add Autumn Fat’ too

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ is the first Solar Term in the Fall season, where the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degree. This year the Beginning of Autumn falls on the 7th of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it signifies the end of Summer heat and the beginning of Autumn coolness.

Even though we are entering the Beginning of Autumn Solar Term, the Summer heat has not completely dissipated. Furthermore, the last period of the three hottest periods of summer falls in this solar term. Hence, the days are often extremely hot while the nights are cool and it is important not to catch a cold by adjusting the layers of clothes accordingly and keep yourself warm in bed at night.

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ festival is also known as the 7th month festival where ancient emperors would conduct prayers and offerings session to welcome Autumn on this day. There is also a tradition of comparing one’s body weight during this time to that taken in the Beginning of Summer Solar Term. This is because during the summer months, appetite is usually compromised and people tend to eat simple light food, such that the bodyweight will drop correspondingly. When the temperature starts to drop during this period, appetites will improve significantly and it is a good time to build up one’s body weight through better nourishment so as to compensate the weight lost in summer. Hence there is this saying called ‘Adding Autumn Fat’.

‘Adding Autumn Fat’ does not necessarily mean eating meat, but it is about combining a variety of ingredients to provide sufficient nutrients to replenish the weight loss in summer and to build energy reserves for the upcoming winter season. You can consider taking an appropriate amount of wild yam, which is good for strengthening the digestive system and building a strong body. Taking lotus root is also good as it can help to clear internal heat and calm the mind. Eating nutritious beans or beans products are also good choices.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfAutumn, #AddingAutumnFat, #H


保溫瓶綠豆湯 . 綠豆性涼、味甘,具有清…

Green Bean Soup in Thermos Flask

Green beans are sweet and cooling in nature. They can be used to remove heat in the body, detox, quench thirst and strengthen the stomach. It is commonly used in summer as a beverage for young and old. If you are busy with work and do not have time to boil soup, here’s a simple way to prepare it using a thermos flask as recommended by a netizen. Ingredients needed and method of preparation are as follows:

Ingredients : Green Beans 50g

Method :
1. Wash 50g green beans
2. Rinse thermal flask with boiling water
3. Put green beans into thermal flask
4. Pour in 100 degrees boiling water to about 80% full, cover over and tighten the cap of the thermal flask
5. Green bean soup will be ready in 4 hours

Please note: for those whose body are weaker in constitution should not take green bean soup frequently. Similarly, those who are taking Chinese medication should not consume green bean soup too.

#Summer, #Healthy, #GreenBean, #Cooling, #RelieveHeatrnrn保溫瓶綠豆湯
Green Bean Soup in Thermos Flask

Green beans are sweet and cooling in nature. They can be used to remove heat in the body, detox, quench thirst and strengthen the stomach. It is commonly used in summer as a beverage for young and old. If you are busy with work and do not have time to boil soup, here’s a simple way to prepare it using a thermos flask as recommended by a netizen. Ingredients needed and method of preparation are as follows:

Ingredients : Green Beans 50g

Method :
1. Wash 50g green beans
2. Rinse thermal flask with boiling water
3. Put green beans into thermal flask
4. Pour in 100 degrees boiling water to about 80% full, cover over and tighten the cap of the thermal flask
5. Green bean soup will be ready in 4 hours

Please note: for those whose body are weaker in constitution should not take green bean soup frequently. Similarly, those who are taking Chinese medication should not consume green bean soup too.

#Summer, #Healthy, #GreenBean, #Cooling, #RelieveHeat


【菩提養生素食教室】 . 感謝網友推薦來…

1、香椿芽 100g
2、新鮮豆腐 400g
3、 鹽、香油適量
1、 食用香椿時一定要焯水(川燙),既可以使香味揮發出來,又可以去除香椿中的亞硝酸鹽,一舉兩得。
Bodhi vegetarian health food recommendation- Chinese toon mixed with Tofu

1. 100g Chinese Toon sprout
2. 400g Fresh Tofu
3. Salt, Sesame Oil

1. Wash the Chinese toon sprout and blanch for 30 seconds, quickly wash with cold water, strain and chop into small pieces.
2. Dice the tofu into small pieces, blanch for 20 seconds, drain and put in a bowl.
3. Put the Chinese toon on top of the tofu, add a dash of salt and sesame oil and toss.

Special reminder:
1. Blanching Chinese toon not only helps bring out the fragrance of the vegetable, it also helps to remove the nitrite on it.
2. Place the blanched and drained Chinese toon in a zip-lock bag and store in the freezer to ensure that you can enjoy this delicious vegetable that is only available in spring any time of the year.
3. This dish is suitable for everybody except for people who tend to have allergic reactions, especially those suffering from skin diseases, should consume less of this dish.
#NutritionAndHealth #Vegetarianfood #ChinesetoonMixWithTofu


【春季養生系列──金銀花蜜茶】 . 春季…

1. 將金銀花倒入茶壺;
2. 沖入90-100℃沸水;
3. 加蓋燜泡10-15分鐘;
4. 調入蜂蜜,拌和均勻;
5. 茶色呈淺金色;
6. 倒出飲用。
#養生、#金銀花rnrnFood for healthy living in spring season- Honeysuckle or jinyinhua (金银花)

In spring, it is common that momentary warmth is followed by a return to the cold weather. As the weather changes frequently, it is easy for one to contract respiratory diseases due to infection. Honeysuckle tea brewed with honey helps to relieve diseases due to infection of the respiratory tract, which is common during the spring season, as well as tonsillitis, influenza and other diseases. It helps to “cool the blood” and stops dysentery. It also has a diuretic effect (increasing urine production) and nourishes the liver.

Honeysuckle is a Caprifoliaceae family of dicotyledonous flowering plants (some call it snowberry). The flower of this family of plants is a “cold food” by nature, according to Chinese Medicine tradition. It has a slightly bitter taste and a light fragrance. Honeysuckle is a precious Chinese medicine. The honeysuckle tea has a bright bluish-green color with a rich fragrance. It also has a sweet taste and refreshes the lungs when consumed, with benefits of alleviation of “internal heat” and detoxification. It also has an antibacterial and anti- inflammatory function, and helps to invigorate the circulation of blood and stimulate menstrual flows.

However, one needs to take precautions so that honeysuckle tea is suitable for use at initial stage of the respective symptoms, in order to reap the intended benefits. In addition, honeysuckle tea is “cold” by nature according to Chinese Medicine tradition. This means that those who have weak spleens and stomachs and those who are having their menstruation periods should refrain from taking this tea. Finally, as with all food and beverages, the tea should only be consumed in appropriate amount and not excessively.

The following is the recipe for brewing “honeysuckle tea with honey”:

Ingredients :
Honeysuckle (sun-dried) 5 grams
Honey 5 grams
Water (boiled) 500 ml

Method :
1. Pour the honeysuckle into the teapot;
2. Add boiled water at 90-100 degC;
3. Close the lid and boil for 10 to 15 minutes;
4. Add honey gradually and stir the tea to achieve evenness;
5. The tea is now light-golden in color;
6. Pour out the tea, which is ready for serving.

#HealthyLiving, #Honeysuckle


【春季養生系列──菊花枸杞茶】 . 根據…

菊花,具有養肝、清肝、明目的功效;枸杞、山楂,均能滋養肝腎 。菊花,加上枸杞、山楂、冰糖一起泡來飲用,可以起到清熱排毒、明目養顏的作用。

1. 將菊花、枸杞、山楂、冰糖倒入茶壺;
2. 沖入90-100℃沸水;
3. 加蓋燜泡10分鐘左右;
4. 倒出即可飲用。
【Spring Health Series ─ ─ Chrysanthemum wolf-berry tea】

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the five internal organs correspond to the four seasons. Among them, spring is categorized under the wood element, same as the liver in the human body. Thus, in spring, liver-fire is strong and so spring is also the season for frequent recurrence of liver illnesses. Therefore, to nourish the liver in spring, we need to adapt to seasonal changes to keep it in good health.

Chrysanthemum has the effect of nourishing and cleansing the liver as well as improving eyesight; both wolf-berries and hawthorn help to nourish the liver and kidney. Chrysanthemum, with wolf-berry, hawthorn, and rock sugar can be steeped into a drink which has cooling and detoxifying effect. It also helps to improve eyesight and promote younger-looking skin.

It should be noted that chrysanthemum tea is of bitter-cold nature, thus unsuitable for people with weak physical conditions. Those with stomach problems should limit the intake of chrysanthemum tea. Due to the large varieties of chrysanthemum available, many people do not know how to choose them. They tend to pick the big, white flowers. In fact, the small, unsightly yellowish chrysanthemum flowers are the best choice. The ingredients and process for making healthy wolf-berry chrysanthemum tea are as follows.

Chrysanthemum, 20 pieces
Dried wolf-berries, 10 pieces
Hawthorn 3 pieces
Rock sugar 150 grams
Water 1000ml.

1. Put chrysanthemum, wolf-berry, hawthorn and rock sugar into a teapot;
2. Pour 90-100 ℃ boiling water to it.
3. Cover and steep for about 10 minutes;
4. Enjoy.

#Health, #Recipes, #ChrysanthemumTea
