1. 盡量不吃葡萄糖、蔗糖、蜜糖等製品,例如蛋糕、糖果等。
2. 少喝果汁、沖泡式復合加工食品;主食改吃小米、小麥、糙米、蕎麥。
3. 豆類的含糖量比麵粉、大米要低許多。
4. 蔬菜中含糖少的有黃瓜、南瓜、番茄、苦瓜、洋蔥、四季豆、包菜、竹筍、白菜、芹菜、豆芽;水果則有芭樂、蘋果、梨子、草莓、木瓜、櫻桃都適合食用。
5. 堅果的含糖量也不高,能量很強,像是腰果、芝麻、核桃、榛子等,適量的食用都非常適合拿來補充營養。
6. 另外,不要飲酒,還有使用降糖藥物的人要注意預防低血糖的發生。
#糖尿病、#高血糖、#八卦內功、#糖尿病、#養生、#長壽rnrn【Bodhi Meditation Health Treasure Chest】 — Diabetic Care
There is a disease that is most ‘fearful’ of “sweet temptations” – it is diabetes. Diabetes is due to defective insulin secretion and immune system disorders. It is often accompanied by adverse complications affecting the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves and so on.
When natural circulatory systems are disrupted, there must be a cause.
For diabetes, there are many causes – excessive sugar consumption is one of them.
When I was in Myanmar, I found that their eating habits includes a lot of high sugar content food. As a result many people of Myanmar have high blood sugar levels.
What should diabetics pay attention to and strive for in their diet?
1. Try to limit glucose, sucrose, honey and other products such as cakes, candies and the like.
2. Drink less juice, instant, re-constituted and processed foodstuffs; on staple foods, switch to millet, wheat, brown rice, and buckwheat.
3. Consume legumes that have much lower sugar content to that of flour and rice.
4. Consume suitable greens and fruits. Vegetables that contain less sugar include cucumber, pumpkin, tomatoes, bitter-gourd, onion, four season beans, cabbage, bamboo shoots, Chinese cabbages, celery, and bean sprouts; fruit examples include guava, apples, pears, strawberries, papaya and cherries.
5. Supplement nutrition with appropriate amounts of nuts such as cashews, sesame seeds, walnuts and hazelnuts (except for those with nut allergies). Nuts are high in energy and have low sugar content.
6. Lastly, do not consume alcohol; people who use hypoglycemic drugs should pay attention to hypoglycemia (low sugar condition).
To steer clear of diabetes’ predicaments, it is vital that one builds up the body and also exercise regularly.
I knew a female practitioner who was paralyzed and lying on the bed for extended periods due to diabetes. She was immobile and blind due to the disease. As a result, she had to be attended to for her needs. Subsequently, she was introduced to Bodhi Meditation and after practicing for a couple of months, she could get off the bed and even exercise on her own. Thinking back, had she remained immobile, she could have departed from this world within two to three months. Now after more than 10 years, she is volunteering at Bodhi Meditation Center and also leading a group to practice the Meditation of Greater Illumination together.
I conducted an experiment in Myanmar and found that Energy Bagua has exceptional benefits against diabetes. Several Energy Bagua practitioners who had persevered with their practice for an extended period of time surprised their doctors with their physical improvements during their regular medical checkups. Gradually, their doctors reduced their prescribed medication; some no longer need medication as their blood sugar levels became normalized.
We welcome people with diabetes and high blood sugar levels to join us in Energy Bagua! May everyone practice to obtain great health, happiness, and rejuvenated life!
* The effects of meditation vary from person to person.
* Bodhi Meditation does not advocate that patients reduce or even stop taking their prescribed medication; they should follow the advice from their doctor.
Reference source: https://read01.com/O3nAzg.html
#Diabetes, #HighBloodSugar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthMaintenance, #Longevity