【春季養生系列──金銀花蜜茶】 . 春季…

1. 將金銀花倒入茶壺;
2. 沖入90-100℃沸水;
3. 加蓋燜泡10-15分鐘;
4. 調入蜂蜜,拌和均勻;
5. 茶色呈淺金色;
6. 倒出飲用。
#養生、#金銀花rnrnFood for healthy living in spring season- Honeysuckle or jinyinhua (金银花)

In spring, it is common that momentary warmth is followed by a return to the cold weather. As the weather changes frequently, it is easy for one to contract respiratory diseases due to infection. Honeysuckle tea brewed with honey helps to relieve diseases due to infection of the respiratory tract, which is common during the spring season, as well as tonsillitis, influenza and other diseases. It helps to “cool the blood” and stops dysentery. It also has a diuretic effect (increasing urine production) and nourishes the liver.

Honeysuckle is a Caprifoliaceae family of dicotyledonous flowering plants (some call it snowberry). The flower of this family of plants is a “cold food” by nature, according to Chinese Medicine tradition. It has a slightly bitter taste and a light fragrance. Honeysuckle is a precious Chinese medicine. The honeysuckle tea has a bright bluish-green color with a rich fragrance. It also has a sweet taste and refreshes the lungs when consumed, with benefits of alleviation of “internal heat” and detoxification. It also has an antibacterial and anti- inflammatory function, and helps to invigorate the circulation of blood and stimulate menstrual flows.

However, one needs to take precautions so that honeysuckle tea is suitable for use at initial stage of the respective symptoms, in order to reap the intended benefits. In addition, honeysuckle tea is “cold” by nature according to Chinese Medicine tradition. This means that those who have weak spleens and stomachs and those who are having their menstruation periods should refrain from taking this tea. Finally, as with all food and beverages, the tea should only be consumed in appropriate amount and not excessively.

The following is the recipe for brewing “honeysuckle tea with honey”:

Ingredients :
Honeysuckle (sun-dried) 5 grams
Honey 5 grams
Water (boiled) 500 ml

Method :
1. Pour the honeysuckle into the teapot;
2. Add boiled water at 90-100 degC;
3. Close the lid and boil for 10 to 15 minutes;
4. Add honey gradually and stir the tea to achieve evenness;
5. The tea is now light-golden in color;
6. Pour out the tea, which is ready for serving.

#HealthyLiving, #Honeysuckle


在〈【春季養生系列──金銀花蜜茶】 . 春季…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 師父您好!

  2. 师父好!感恩师父介绍养生金银花蜜茶的功效。师父在修行方面指导我们,在生活上关心我们。我们好幸福。感恩大慈大悲金菩提上师!!!

  3. 师父下午好!感恩师父介绍养生金银花蜜茶的功效,在修行上师父传授我们神奇妙法,在生话上关心我们,我们好快乐,好幸福,感恩我们最最尊贵的金菩提上师,弟子叩拜恩师!

  4. 感恩師父,又為弟子們開出養生茶的方子,隨時隨地呵護著大家的身體,心繫著大家的健康。可祛病又可強身,大家一起來享用師父的愛心囉!

  5. 感恩师父加持的金银花蜜茶!原来我只会泡金银花没有加蜂蜜!所以没有那么好的功效。今天又学到了养生的方法,看起来好好喝哦!谢谢师父,吉祥!???

  6. 感恩师父慈悲!让我们全方位保健!能量加日常饮食保健!哈哈哈这下我们能超过九十九!有师父真好就像体贴入微的妈妈!❤️您爱您永远爱您!?叩拜

  7. 感恩师父!师父教会我们自己制作春季养生金银花蜜茶,详细讲解金银花蜜茶的功能,作用,注意事项,配方的含量。顶礼感恩无所不能的师父!

  8. 感恩师父关心爱护弟子,让弟子知道怎样适当饮用金银花,记的刚到美国时,房东家种了好多金银花,花开的时候天天都喝到新鲜的金银花茶,真的很好喝,喝的好过瘾,殊不知它也有性凉的一面,要合理应用,感恩慈父关爱!

  9. 感恩师父分享金银花茶!这茶的色泽看起来漂亮极了!我还从来没喝过呢,干的金银花也没有,新鲜的在散步的小径那倒是成片的开!以前还采了金银花插瓶里供养给师父呢,今年采了先供养师父,不新鲜了就放水里煮了喝!哈哈,一举两得呀!希望师父也喜欢这金银花!感恩师父!

  10. 哈哈!谢谢师父!感恩师父!跟着师父没有不知道的事!有师父,我们幸福!我们快乐!感恩师父!祝愿师父天长地久永不老,师父师母永远年轻!我们都爱您!!

  11. 感恩师父为我们推荐春季养生金银花蜜茶。
