我的健康建議──3無政策 . . 來自世…



My health advice – how can we drop the 3 ‘High’s

From the World Health Organization—

?Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death: the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease is more than that of any other cause of death annually.
?It is estimated that 17.5 million people have died of cardiovascular disease in 2012, accounting for 31% of the total number of deaths worldwide. Among these deaths, an estimated 7.4 million people died of coronary heart disease and 6.7 million people died of stroke.
?Patients with cardiovascular disease or high risk (due to the presence of one or more risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or previously suffering from illness) need to detect early so as to effectively managed their condition through counseling and appropriate medications.

How can we reduce the risk factors of cardiovascular disease?

It has been shown that by reducing the salt and sugar intake from our diet, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and doing regular physical exercises can all help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, it may be necessary to take medication for diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood lipids to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent an heart attack or stroke.

As cardiovascular disease has become the world’s leading cause of death, people who die from cardiovascular diseases every year far exceeds those from cancer, the World Health Organization has issued a solemn report warning, hoping to create public awareness and understanding of this new vascular disease.

For health and in order to drop our 3 ‘High’s (high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood lipids), I propose that we say ‘No’ to these 3 food choices for a month: “do not consume milk, meat and sugar.” Through changes in our eating habits , adjust the physiological function, by eating with the appropriate forging chain, you can stay away from the 3 ‘High’s. This month I will continue to recommend options for a healthy diet.

#NoToThese3FoodChoicesForAMonth, #Drop3High, #HealthyDiet
World Health Organization Report Link: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/rnrnMy health advice – how can we drop the 3 ‘High’s

From the World Health Organization—

?Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death: the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease is more than that of any other cause of death annually.
?It is estimated that 17.5 million people have died of cardiovascular disease in 2012, accounting for 31% of the total number of deaths worldwide. Among these deaths, an estimated 7.4 million people died of coronary heart disease and 6.7 million people died of stroke.
?Patients with cardiovascular disease or high risk (due to the presence of one or more risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or previously suffering from illness) need to detect early so as to effectively managed their condition through counseling and appropriate medications.

How can we reduce the risk factors of cardiovascular disease?

It has been shown that by reducing the salt and sugar intake from our diet, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and doing regular physical exercises can all help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, it may be necessary to take medication for diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood lipids to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent an heart attack or stroke.

As cardiovascular disease has become the world’s leading cause of death, people who die from cardiovascular diseases every year far exceeds those from cancer, the World Health Organization has issued a solemn report warning, hoping to create public awareness and understanding of this new vascular disease.

For health and in order to drop our 3 ‘High’s (high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood lipids), I propose that we say ‘No’ to these 3 food choices for a month: “do not consume milk, meat and sugar.” Through changes in our eating habits , adjust the physiological function, by eating with the appropriate forging chain, you can stay away from the 3 ‘High’s. This month I will continue to recommend options for a healthy diet.

#NoToThese3FoodChoicesForAMonth, #Drop3High, #HealthyDiet
World Health Organization Report Link: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/


在〈我的健康建議──3無政策 . . 來自世…〉中有 36 則留言

  1. 師父好。感恩師父倡議的[三無政策],和推薦降低三高的健康飲食。除了注意飲食之外,還有運動也很重要 ; 有許多兄弟們因走八卦內功和修持大光明 , 大禮拜等功法,三高得到很大的改善,甚至恢復健康指數 ! 還未修持這些功法的有緣人不妨試試看。

  2. 感恩师父对众生慈悲呵护!做到「3无政策」的飲食:「无奶、无肉、无糖。」透過飲食習慣的改變,調整生理機能,藉由飲食坚持不间断走八卦三高远离我们!感恩顶礼叩拜师父传授我们的菩提禅修法宝!恭祝师父师母吉祥如意!法体安康!

  3. 师父好!感恩师父的提醒。心血管疾病已成為全球的頭號死因,要想远离心脏病,必须降三高。响应师父倡议的三无月,多吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果。再加上禅修,很快就有效果。我丈夫走了1个月的八卦,血糖值由8.2——6.2。已经不用吃药了。效果非常好。为了身体的健康,管住嘴,迈开腿。自己不遭罪,家人少受累。节省医药费。何乐而不为。感恩师父给我们无上妙法!身体健康,心灵升华,今生获得解脱六道轮回的妙法!让我们好好珍惜这把金钥匙。感恩叩拜上师!!!

  4. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享健康饮食有益身体健康,感恩师父每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  5. 师父好!弟子也不知道身体出现什么毛病了,自6月4号止今就没来月事了,是师父在帮忙调理身体吗?我好害怕啊!请师父慈悲加持我???

  6. 师父好,不知道我是不是可以适当的吃点糖类,因为我有一些贫血,别人都说我的脸色有点暗,就是气血不好的原因!但是饮食方面我是不是吸收的不太好,所以就补不上来?!昨晚上好像一夜都没怎么睡,不知道是不是和气血有关系!是不是修炼可以改善哩,昨天就修一小时大礼拜,前天修了五个半小时,今天待定中!有时间会多修,没时间就少修点!感恩师父???

  7. 师父上午好!感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父慈悲博爱,爱护心脏,减少三高,少食盐多吃新鲜食物,铭记师父的教诲不吃奶类,肉类糖类,倡议三无月,定要积极努做到,远离三高活的健康有质量。并且更要传播一切有缘的人,让他们都能做到这些才好呀。祝师父师母法体安康!国泰民安!风调雨顺!

  8. 感恩师父开示!我们的师父是最棒的!每次照师父的建议去做,都能收到不可思议的好的效果。我的血压总是不稳定,有时偏高有时处于临界高血压,百日禅修期间,师父倡议我们辟谷,我辟谷后第二天,血压就降到了111/77,到现在血压都基本上稳定在这个数值左右,特别开心也特别感恩师父!一定照师父的教导去做。昨晚我煮绿豆汤都没放糖,饮食是可以养成习惯的,坚持健康的饮食习惯,那些不健康的食品吃着觉得不好吃呢!感恩师父对我们无微不至的呵护!

  9. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!不看不知道,一看吓一跳,这个参数真的好怕啊!感恩师父慈悲呵护和关爱!感谢师父!顶礼叩拜师父!???????❤???

  10. 师父哎无糖好像不容易做到啊?好多水果都含糖份,现在是夏季,都要吃西瓜的哦? ?,还有现在葡萄很好吃?经不起诱惑啊?多禅修估计也不会有“三高”的啊

  11. 师父好!师父提到三无政策,是对三高最好的对治办法。为了健康管住嘴,坚持不懈修练师父教的法。快乐健康来自师父的慈悲大爱。顶礼感恩师父!

  12. 感恩师父!为了健康,
    为了降三高(高血压 高血糖和高血脂)我积极响应师父的倡议:三无政策的饮食【无奶 无 肉 无糖】 透过饮食习惯的改变,調整生理机能,藉由飲食与适当的锻炼,可以远离三高。感恩感谢师父!

  13. 糖已经充满了我们的整个生活,大多数食物的配料中都有糖,雪糕,面包,点心,各种小吃,我今天早上去超市,准备买一些豆干,结果一看配料表里面含有白砂糖,只好放回去了,师命难违!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲开示!辛苦师父了!为了我们健康快乐解脱觉悟您劳心劳力为我们加持再加持!还怕我们好点又饮食不当又亚健康了!看到儿子与爸爸之间的互动与关爱!我太感恩了!觉得父爱是世界上最宝贵的太美好了太伟大了!我从沒感受到的!因我一岁多就外婆带大的!现在有师父如父如母如佛弟子太幸福了!?太感动了!❤️都是暖暖的有您无时无刻的呵护……玛驰爱您!爱您!爱您永远⋯㊗️师父法体安康!万事如意!天天快乐!?叩拜

  15. 感恩师父慈悲的健康建议!积极响应师父推廣「3无政策」的飲食:「无奶、无肉、无糖。」透過飲食習慣的改變,調整生理機能,远离三高。感恩师父每時慈悲提醒!祝福师父师母法体安康!诸事顺利园满!

  16. 感恩师父!师父心心念念都在牵掛弟子,事事处处都替弟子着想!除了传法,还教我们如何饮食,真是太慈悲了!

  17. 感恩师父慈悲大爱,关怀弟子如“燃眉之急”。师父的心都是为弟子在操和急!不是父母胜父母,这爱之深、恨之切在这一次次的“关怀提醒建议”、真真彻彻的嘱咐和叮咛之中,叫弟子真不敢对自己的身体再“胡作非为、放肆”、放纵”了,尊重生命,好好修行,从爱自己做起。叫师父为弟子们如此操心,师父的大慈大悲,更深一层地体现到,感慨师恩佛恩难报!还在辟谷中。愿师父开心宽心快乐,众生都在等着您!顶礼叩拜师父!

  18. 师父好,关于师父倡议的“三无政策”弟子正执行着,以前不喜欢吃稀饭,每每吃一次必须加糖才吃得下,现在好了,不加糖了,也能吃了,…哎呀,我这两天闲着没事可吃了不少葡萄干,这个也很甜的,不知不觉竟陷入甜蜜陷阱!师父一再提醒,可见事态严重,我自己控制了,家人也跟着受益,感恩师父慈悲提醒督促教导!

  19. 感恩师父对天下众生的慈悲大爱!”三无”健康倡议太好了。弟子十几年一直是:无奶,无肉,无糖(水果都很少吃)并坚持菩提禅修,如今身体原来的疾病都消失了。更无”三高”。听师父的话,按师父的教导去做,每个人都会有一个健康的身体!

  20. 感恩師父慈悲倡導【三無政策】-「無奶、無肉、無糖」!

  21. 谢谢师 父 无 奶 无糖 无肉 对很多人来讲哦 是不容易做到 ,但是我们要学习慢慢 把他 调整好,吃 的方法。 真的现在的病痛 是 饮食方面 对人身体伤害很多 ,感恩师父慈悲的愛和分享。
