
【金菩提養生食譜】三清桑菊飲 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)


乾桑葉 5g
貢菊 15朵
西洋參 3g
山楂乾 7g
乾荷葉 7g
乾玉米鬚 10g

1. 用溫水沖洗材料
2. 把材料放入鍋中,加上6碗水
3. 大火煮,等水開之後,調成中火
4. 繼續用中火熬煮,煮成4碗水的量(約45分鐘)
⭐ 備註:建議使用陶鍋熬煮
🥃 分量:一人份(一天)
🗓 建議服用頻率:連續喝5天,休息3天
✨ 功效:降三高、減肥、美容
* 此配方對多數人都是安全有效的。因為個人的體質不同,如果有特殊考量,或者已經在服用其他藥物,建議食用前先諮詢醫生。
#降三高 #高血糖 #高血脂 #高血壓 #糖尿病 #高脂肪 #脂肪肝 #心腦血管 #清脂 #桑葉 #菊花 #三清桑菊飲 #金菩提 #金菩提養生食譜 #金菩提宗師


乾桑葉 5g
貢菊 15朵
西洋參 3g
山楂乾 7g
乾荷葉 7g
乾玉米鬚 10g

1. 用溫水沖洗材料
2. 把材料放入鍋中,加上6碗水
3. 大火煮,等水開之後,調成中火
4. 繼續用中火熬煮,煮成4碗水的量(約45分鐘)
⭐ 備註:建議使用陶鍋熬煮 
🥃 分量:一人份(一天)
🗓 建議服用頻率:連續喝5天,休息3天
✨ 功效:降三高、減肥、美容
* 此配方對多數人都是安全有效的。因為個人的體質不同,如果有特殊考量,或者已經在服用其他藥物,建議食用前先諮詢醫生。
#降三高 #高血糖 #高血脂 #高血壓 #糖尿病 #高脂肪 #脂肪肝 #心腦血管 #清脂 #桑葉 #菊花 #三清桑菊飲 #金菩提 #金菩提養生食譜 #金菩提宗師


我的健康建議──3無政策 . . 來自世…



My health advice – how can we drop the 3 ‘High’s

From the World Health Organization—

?Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death: the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease is more than that of any other cause of death annually.
?It is estimated that 17.5 million people have died of cardiovascular disease in 2012, accounting for 31% of the total number of deaths worldwide. Among these deaths, an estimated 7.4 million people died of coronary heart disease and 6.7 million people died of stroke.
?Patients with cardiovascular disease or high risk (due to the presence of one or more risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or previously suffering from illness) need to detect early so as to effectively managed their condition through counseling and appropriate medications.

How can we reduce the risk factors of cardiovascular disease?

It has been shown that by reducing the salt and sugar intake from our diet, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and doing regular physical exercises can all help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, it may be necessary to take medication for diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood lipids to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent an heart attack or stroke.

As cardiovascular disease has become the world’s leading cause of death, people who die from cardiovascular diseases every year far exceeds those from cancer, the World Health Organization has issued a solemn report warning, hoping to create public awareness and understanding of this new vascular disease.

For health and in order to drop our 3 ‘High’s (high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood lipids), I propose that we say ‘No’ to these 3 food choices for a month: “do not consume milk, meat and sugar.” Through changes in our eating habits , adjust the physiological function, by eating with the appropriate forging chain, you can stay away from the 3 ‘High’s. This month I will continue to recommend options for a healthy diet.

#NoToThese3FoodChoicesForAMonth, #Drop3High, #HealthyDiet
World Health Organization Report Link: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/rnrnMy health advice – how can we drop the 3 ‘High’s

From the World Health Organization—

?Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death: the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease is more than that of any other cause of death annually.
?It is estimated that 17.5 million people have died of cardiovascular disease in 2012, accounting for 31% of the total number of deaths worldwide. Among these deaths, an estimated 7.4 million people died of coronary heart disease and 6.7 million people died of stroke.
?Patients with cardiovascular disease or high risk (due to the presence of one or more risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or previously suffering from illness) need to detect early so as to effectively managed their condition through counseling and appropriate medications.

How can we reduce the risk factors of cardiovascular disease?

It has been shown that by reducing the salt and sugar intake from our diet, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and doing regular physical exercises can all help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, it may be necessary to take medication for diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood lipids to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent an heart attack or stroke.

As cardiovascular disease has become the world’s leading cause of death, people who die from cardiovascular diseases every year far exceeds those from cancer, the World Health Organization has issued a solemn report warning, hoping to create public awareness and understanding of this new vascular disease.

For health and in order to drop our 3 ‘High’s (high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood lipids), I propose that we say ‘No’ to these 3 food choices for a month: “do not consume milk, meat and sugar.” Through changes in our eating habits , adjust the physiological function, by eating with the appropriate forging chain, you can stay away from the 3 ‘High’s. This month I will continue to recommend options for a healthy diet.

#NoToThese3FoodChoicesForAMonth, #Drop3High, #HealthyDiet
World Health Organization Report Link: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/
