我有救了!—— 「睡夢殺手」得到改善 ….

我有救了!—— 「睡夢殺手」得到改善

There is hope for me — Rid of Sleep Apnea (Death Trigger In Sleep).

Sleep Apnea is an illness that may cause one to stop breathing whilst asleep. It can also lead to high blood pressure and potential heart attacks. Presently, there is no medical cure for Sleep Apnea and when serious, it is necessary for patients to use breathing apparatus during sleep.

Despite this, a student resolved his sleep apnea, a life threatening illness, in less than 108 days. He also cleansed his body of toxins. All these happened without medication. So, what magical method did he use?

Share with your friends if you like this. The more you share, the more you benefit!!

#SleepApnea, #Meditation, #Health, #Happiness, #Testimonial, #MeditationJournal, #Confidence

From the video:
Bodhi Meditation gave me a second chance at life.
My name is Zhiyuan Su and my Dharma name is Dongbing.
I suffered from several illnesses and have Sleep Apnea.
In my routine medical checks, the average times I stopped breathing per hour was 28.8 times.
According to my doctor, if the frequency reaches 30 times per hour, it is considered serious.
Presently, there is no medical cure for Sleep Apnea.
Based on my conditions, my doctor advised me to put on breathing apparatus when I sleep. I also suffer from heartburn (or acid reflux) and have breathing problems.

When I came to Bodhi Meditation, I practice Energy Bagua.
My blood pressure, cholesterol level and kidney function index used to be borderline high, indicating poor condition of internal organ functions.

After 2 weeks of Energy Bagua practice, my blood pressure dropped from 148 to 110.
I was diligent with my daily checks and scheduled my annual health checks in November.
Before I completed the 108 days of Energy Bagua practice, I went for a check-up and noticed that, apart from a lower blood pressure, my cholesterol level also reduced from 6.2mmol/L to 5.8 mmol/L. Kidney function indicators improved from my usual high of 112umol/L to 108 umol/L, which is below the normal standard level of 109umol/L.
I was exhilarated and full of confidence! I’m saved!
My Energy Bagua teacher used to tell us that Energy Bagua practice can rid our body of accumulated toxins and increase our body immunity to give us a fresh start to good health.
During the process of healing, my whole body was covered with spots like German Measles from head to toe, growing in size to that of Leopard spots and it worries me.
I also noticed snow flake-like stuff like dandruff, appeared all over my head.
Despite washing my hair regularly, it was hard to get rid of them.
Eventually, when the skin started to peel, I realized that I was undergoing a detoxification process.
Now, I feel good and confident. After a month of detoxification, my body feels good and I am free from Sleep Apnea.
All these benefits are results of my Bodhi Meditation practices.
It can benefit the public. Hopefully, more will come to Bodhi Meditation and thereafter, share their testimonials to those who are still not aware of Bodhi Meditation.
I’ve attained good health, many thanks to Bodhi Meditation.
There are many people who are troubled with illnesses and it is my wish that more can benefit from Bodhi Meditation and gain good health, and share their testimonials too.

Once you practice Bodhi Meditation
You’ll feel the physiological, psychological and spiritual improvements
You’ll feel free and healthy
—Jin Bodhi Master


在〈我有救了!—— 「睡夢殺手」得到改善 ….〉中有 30 則留言

  1. 师父师母好!感恩师父的慈悲分享!感恩师父的加持护佑!弟子顶礼师父师母!叩拜师父师母!祝师父师母法体安康!吉祥如意!

  2. 师父好!感恩师父分享。又见证了一位师兄禅修恢复健康。睡眠窒息症,在医学上都无法解决。通过走八卦睡眠窒息症好了,而且其他的疾病也痊愈了,和以前相比判如俩人。真是可喜可贺。禅修是绿色自然疗法,既省钱又安全。由于家里的情况,我没有办法上外面走八卦,心中很是着急。经过我自己的努力,在家附近有了一个八卦场。早上可以走八卦了,心中特别高兴。但愿有缘人和我一起走八卦。收获健康快乐!!!感恩叩拜师父!!!

  3. 师父上午好!感恩师父慈悲分享!这位师兄终于得水文了重获新生!感恩师父的神奇妙法!祈愿所有缘人都能受益得以健康!感恩最尊贵的上师!弟子恭敬顶礼叩拜恩师!

  4. 师父好!感恩师父分享的视频!看到东炳师兄讲到血压由148降到110,我一下想到今天早上走八卦时,一位刚来20天的师兄说他血压由以前的160降到110了,真的是太好了,这个八卦对降血压效果真快。感恩师父传授如此妙法!愿所有晨练的人都来走八卦,都走出健康美丽!

  5. 师父好!随喜赞叹这位师兄!感恩师父赐给弟子们这么殊胜的禅修方法!祈愿有更多的有缘人受益于我们菩提禅修!祈愿菩提禅修传遍全世界!顶礼叩拜师父!!

  6. 我自己是菩提受益者,我的家人也都是

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!每次听完见证后都无比的激动与感恩!每位都是疑难杂症,都是奇迹般快速的恢复了健康快乐!恭喜师兄姐们重获新生!快乐健康幸福了!恭祝尊贵的上师法体安康法轮常转!?叩拜

  8. 感恩师父分享!恭喜祝贺师兄禅修恢复健康重获新生!感恩师父传授菩提禅修法宝妙法!愿所有有缘人都能来受益获得幸福人生健康快乐!感恩叩拜师父!!!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享与开示!这位师兄真是好福气,通过修八卦内功将睡眠窒息症治好了恢复了健康,继续加油哟!恩师传受的无上妙法,给有缘人带来了身心灵的升华。我会倍加珍惜同时将恩师的妙法传递出去,让更多有缘人共同分享健康幸福快乐!感恩慈悲的佛师!!!

  10. 感恩师父分享。菩提禅修带给人们的是由内而外的改变,元气不足疾病缠身,元气充足了,身心灵才会健康,疾病才会消失,修练八卦内功,医治了多少疑难杂症,八卦内功创造了无数个人间奇迹,让久违的健康重新找回,让开心的笑容在每一个获得健康人的脸上绽放。健康是生命的保障,要想健康快乐幸福,就快来菩提禅修吧!

  11. 首先祝福师兄,您真有福!太棒啦!经过这么短的时间修炼八卦内功,获得这么大的收效!真真切切的感恩慈悲伟大的上师!祈愿八卦内功能受宜于天下所有人!

  12. 师父好!感恩师父!让更多有缘人受益菩提法,让有缘人健康快乐幸福,我看到好多人都受益,真高兴真神奇,我感恩师父慈悲妙法救更多有缘人。叩拜恩师!

  13. 感恩师父!很危险的病,医疗却没有办法。菩提禅修,药师佛法真让无数人消灾延寿,无数个家庭得到了幸福圆满!真诚顶礼最尊贵的金菩提上师!

  14. 感恩師父慈悲分享東炳師兄的見證分享!

  15. Truly happy for brother’s big improvement. Thanks our master. We all own him so practice diligently and help whoever we can. Glad to have all bro & sis on this journey!

  16. 用最真诚的心感恩叩拜顶礼恩師世間的大医王您的妙法让世上千千万有缘人找回健康快乐幸福,恭祝尊贵的上师法体安康法轮常转,弟子感恩叩拜顶礼在您的脚下永随恩師!
