吃錯早餐讓你越吃越想睡 . 都說「一日之…



想增強代謝?最好先開始戒含糖飲料! . …



夏季防中暑飲食 . 炎熱的夏天,是不是又…

1. 西瓜:西瓜性涼,又有清熱解毒的功能,最適合夏天吃了!只是體質比較虛寒、脾胃較弱,或是正值生理期的女性可得少吃一些呀!
2. 香蕉:香蕉當中富含鉀離子和膳食纖維,能防止血壓上升、肌肉痙攣,也可以快速補充能量,還能抗氧化、幫助消化、改善腸胃問題。
3. 芹菜:芹菜性寒,可以清熱、祛風,若是拿來涼拌,可以說是消暑聖品。
4. 小黃瓜:小黃瓜當中具有抗氧化成分,可以解熱、止渴、降火氣,無論是生吃還是拿來涼拌,都非常適合夏天。
5. 白菜:白菜富含膳食纖維,可以助消化、解便秘,對於一到夏天就上火、不易消化的人來說,白菜絕對是餐桌上的首選。
6. 溫開水:想要預防中暑,最重要的當然還是要多喝水,不喝水,吃什麼都是沒有用!水可以調節人的體溫,也可以平衡人體內的各項數值、幫助消化,對身體也好。喝水很好,不過我一向不推薦大家喝冰水,要喝的話,就喝溫水,或者是常溫的水就好了。


「鈉」些你不知道的飲食陷阱 . 我們都知…



最有效的良方 . 問:「師父,我小時候家…

The Most Effective Methodology

Question: “Master, when I was young, my family was poor and I had to go hungry from time to time; When I was older and started working, my hours were very irregular and I often had my meals at odd hours. Now that I am getting old, my body has started to protest, and I now suffer from gastric pain whenever I miss my meals. Sometimes my gastric would act up simply after a cup of coffee or even for no reason at all and medication only helps to alleviate the symptoms slightly. Master, this has severely affected my retirement life! Is there anything I can do to improve the situation?”

I replied: “You are well aware that your gastric woes are a result of your irregular mealtimes. If you want the situation to improve, you have to adjust your habits and your way of life. If you don’t make any permanent changes to your life, nothing will help you.”

Question: “But Master, I have already been diligently adjusting my habits, but my gastric still acts up frequently!”

I replied: “Let me teach you a methodology. First thing in the morning, drink a glass of warm water. Have your meals at regular hours and ensure that you have a balanced diet. Cut down on spicy or fried food which are difficult to digest and reduce your intake of coffee. In addition, refrain from sitting down immediately after meals, but do not exercise vigorously either. Walk or stroll for 15 to 30 minutes after your meals. Last but not least, form the habit to exercise regularly. If you are not sure what exercise to take up, visit the nearest Bodhi Meditation Center or the nearest Energy Bagua Point near your place and join the other practitioners in practicing Energy Bagua. Once you have done all these, you should see improvements in your gastric problem.”

Desperate to get better, he followed my advice – having his meals at regular hours and waking up an hour early every day to practice Energy Bagua nearest to his house. About half a year later, I ran into him again and asked about his gastric problem. True enough, his situation has improved tremendously and his gastric has not acted up in a long time.

#Gastric, #Diet, #IrregularHours, #EnergyBaguarnrnThe Most Effective Methodology

Question: “Master, when I was young, my family was poor and I had to go hungry from time to time; When I was older and started working, my hours were very irregular and I often had my meals at odd hours. Now that I am getting old, my body has started to protest, and I now suffer from gastric pain whenever I miss my meals. Sometimes my gastric would act up simply after a cup of coffee or even for no reason at all and medication only helps to alleviate the symptoms slightly. Master, this has severely affected my retirement life! Is there anything I can do to improve the situation?”

I replied: “You are well aware that your gastric woes are a result of your irregular mealtimes. If you want the situation to improve, you have to adjust your habits and your way of life. If you don’t make any permanent changes to your life, nothing will help you.”

Question: “But Master, I have already been diligently adjusting my habits, but my gastric still acts up frequently!”

I replied: “Let me teach you a methodology. First thing in the morning, drink a glass of warm water. Have your meals at regular hours and ensure that you have a balanced diet. Cut down on spicy or fried food which are difficult to digest and reduce your intake of coffee. In addition, refrain from sitting down immediately after meals, but do not exercise vigorously either. Walk or stroll for 15 to 30 minutes after your meals. Last but not least, form the habit to exercise regularly. If you are not sure what exercise to take up, visit the nearest Bodhi Meditation Center or the nearest Energy Bagua Point near your place and join the other practitioners in practicing Energy Bagua. Once you have done all these, you should see improvements in your gastric problem.”

Desperate to get better, he followed my advice – having his meals at regular hours and waking up an hour early every day to practice Energy Bagua nearest to his house. About half a year later, I ran into him again and asked about his gastric problem. True enough, his situation has improved tremendously and his gastric has not acted up in a long time.

#Gastric, #Diet, #IrregularHours, #EnergyBagua



喜歡就請分享,給更多需要幫助的人們,多傳多福。。 。
