最有效的良方 . 問:「師父,我小時候家…

The Most Effective Methodology

Question: “Master, when I was young, my family was poor and I had to go hungry from time to time; When I was older and started working, my hours were very irregular and I often had my meals at odd hours. Now that I am getting old, my body has started to protest, and I now suffer from gastric pain whenever I miss my meals. Sometimes my gastric would act up simply after a cup of coffee or even for no reason at all and medication only helps to alleviate the symptoms slightly. Master, this has severely affected my retirement life! Is there anything I can do to improve the situation?”

I replied: “You are well aware that your gastric woes are a result of your irregular mealtimes. If you want the situation to improve, you have to adjust your habits and your way of life. If you don’t make any permanent changes to your life, nothing will help you.”

Question: “But Master, I have already been diligently adjusting my habits, but my gastric still acts up frequently!”

I replied: “Let me teach you a methodology. First thing in the morning, drink a glass of warm water. Have your meals at regular hours and ensure that you have a balanced diet. Cut down on spicy or fried food which are difficult to digest and reduce your intake of coffee. In addition, refrain from sitting down immediately after meals, but do not exercise vigorously either. Walk or stroll for 15 to 30 minutes after your meals. Last but not least, form the habit to exercise regularly. If you are not sure what exercise to take up, visit the nearest Bodhi Meditation Center or the nearest Energy Bagua Point near your place and join the other practitioners in practicing Energy Bagua. Once you have done all these, you should see improvements in your gastric problem.”

Desperate to get better, he followed my advice – having his meals at regular hours and waking up an hour early every day to practice Energy Bagua nearest to his house. About half a year later, I ran into him again and asked about his gastric problem. True enough, his situation has improved tremendously and his gastric has not acted up in a long time.

#Gastric, #Diet, #IrregularHours, #EnergyBaguarnrnThe Most Effective Methodology

Question: “Master, when I was young, my family was poor and I had to go hungry from time to time; When I was older and started working, my hours were very irregular and I often had my meals at odd hours. Now that I am getting old, my body has started to protest, and I now suffer from gastric pain whenever I miss my meals. Sometimes my gastric would act up simply after a cup of coffee or even for no reason at all and medication only helps to alleviate the symptoms slightly. Master, this has severely affected my retirement life! Is there anything I can do to improve the situation?”

I replied: “You are well aware that your gastric woes are a result of your irregular mealtimes. If you want the situation to improve, you have to adjust your habits and your way of life. If you don’t make any permanent changes to your life, nothing will help you.”

Question: “But Master, I have already been diligently adjusting my habits, but my gastric still acts up frequently!”

I replied: “Let me teach you a methodology. First thing in the morning, drink a glass of warm water. Have your meals at regular hours and ensure that you have a balanced diet. Cut down on spicy or fried food which are difficult to digest and reduce your intake of coffee. In addition, refrain from sitting down immediately after meals, but do not exercise vigorously either. Walk or stroll for 15 to 30 minutes after your meals. Last but not least, form the habit to exercise regularly. If you are not sure what exercise to take up, visit the nearest Bodhi Meditation Center or the nearest Energy Bagua Point near your place and join the other practitioners in practicing Energy Bagua. Once you have done all these, you should see improvements in your gastric problem.”

Desperate to get better, he followed my advice – having his meals at regular hours and waking up an hour early every day to practice Energy Bagua nearest to his house. About half a year later, I ran into him again and asked about his gastric problem. True enough, his situation has improved tremendously and his gastric has not acted up in a long time.

#Gastric, #Diet, #IrregularHours, #EnergyBagua


在〈最有效的良方 . 問:「師父,我小時候家…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 師父!午安!為什庅現在那庅多人得癌症!看見很多身边朋友!感覺身体不舒服!—看診就説長膧瘤!是食安出问题!還是体質问题???

  2. 感恩師父慈悲開示!良方就是自己本身,把自己修好這是根本!自己不努力求誰都沒用。求只是一個觸發點,不是手段,不是自然之道!

  3. 感恩师父传授我们的菩提八卦内功!让世界有缘的人都从病痛折磨解救出来了,我非常收益八卦内功,让我的严重风湿免疫疾病吃药都不好控制的疑难病,从去年医生诊断一粒药都不在给我吃了,感恩师父给予了我新的生命健康快乐!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  4. 感恩师父分享!吃饭要安时吃起来喝温水,在走八卦一半个小,结果胃变好了。愿更多人都听师父的教导去做,有健康的身体是最幸福的!祝愿师父吉祥如意!叩拜恩师!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示!八卦内功这个看试检单的绕?走,却有化腐朽于神奇的惊喜!生活做息规律正常,走走八卦!让您轻松愉快生活美满!?叩拜

  6. ??这师兄遇到师父,就遇到幸福了,赞叹他的福报!早上走八卦,真是最有效的良方。纵观从古至今,所有的圣贤大德,无不是能早起。早起就是一个很好的生活养生方法了。如果能晨运,那更是好的养生,更不要说用师父教的”妙法“,能走八卦,这种”养生“法,让你体会到方方面面的好!能走得进去的话,是不想走出来的。臂如今天,昨天下午开始下雨一直没停,我们八卦点没有一个人缺席的,都是冒着雨出来,和着雨水走,声音开到最大,也感觉到还是被雨水覆盖,但那种”场“啊,妙不可言。走进去,就感觉到雨水不是问题了,只有那刻的安静和天地相融。八卦那种能量,总叫人沉淀,身体安驻在天地那一刻,意到功到,功到身清,功到身轻。走八卦的、还未走八卦的,都来沾师父的慈悲吧,这种就是”大爱“啊。感恩师父,让弟子身心光明,离苦得乐!爱师父!爱八卦!?????????

  7. 感恩师父!通过禅修、走八卦,我身上的许多疾病已经消失的无影无踪,也包括胃病、心脏病等等等等,真心的感谢师父!!
