【七月】繞樹走一走,活到九十九。 . 清…

清晨,太陽剛剛升起,大地充滿了朝氣。在世界各地許多的公園裡,經常可以看到一群男女老少,雙手平舉、一上一下,繞著大樹轉圈,這就是「八卦內功」,又叫「走八卦」。 每天早晨走上一回八卦內功,能讓你一天神清氣爽。


朝陽中綻開的花朵 . 初昇的朝陽,金光遍…

#健康 #自信
Blooming flowers in the morning sun

The rising sun radiates golden rays.
The steady steps pace the earth.
In Canada Bagua ,
beautiful flowers bloom in circles!

Flowers are peaceful and tranquil
At ease and graceful
Have your flowers bloom today?

Welcome to join us in our morning Bagua practice!
Together we can achieve confidence and good health!

#Health, #Confidence


重生的喜悅 . 牛皮癬是目前世界上最難治…

在萬般無奈之時,她幸運地遇到了一種方法,使她身心重新煥發出健康的色彩,更體驗到 了助人的快樂。一起來看看!
A Brief Introduction to Qi Fang’s Testimonial
Psoriasis is currently one of the most difficult skin diseases to treat. In March, 2015, psoriasis came into her life. The itchiness all over her body caused her exceptional suffering, and seriously affected her work and personal relationships.
In a state of desperation and helplessness, she fortunately encountered a method that allowed her to regain her health but also to experience the joy of helping others. Let’s watch her story together.
#Energy #Bagua


最有效的減肥良方 . . 有個快要結婚的…

A most effective slimming method
Once, a female Bodhi student who was getting married approached me on her problems. She said, “Master, I am getting married soon. Despite putting much effort including eating less, enduring hunger, staying away from sugar and various other means, I am unable to lose weight. I am reluctant to take my wedding photos if I am unable to slim down.”
I took a close look at her. She was a bit rounded but not too plump. I asked her, “Is your boyfriend very concerned about your body figure? If a man wants you to stay hungry in order to satisfy his ego, he may not truly love you. Should this be the case, you may want to reassess your marriage plans.”
“Master, he is not like that. He told me he is not at all concerned about my figure.” said the young lady.
“If he is not concerned, so what is troubling you? ” I asked.
“Master, I wish to be a pretty bride on my wedding day!” she said, looking miserable.
I told her, “enduring hunger and taking slimming pills are not healthy ways. I would share with you a few methods if you wish to slim down!
First, when you wake up in the morning and before every meal, drink a glass of warm water. Cool water is alright too but not chilled water.
Second, practice the Energy Bagua diligently at the designated point at 5am punctually every morning. Third, consume less meat but more vegetables and fruits of the current season.
If you can adhere to these three methods, you will surely slim down.”
With her determination to be a pretty bride, she followed my instructions and practiced faithfully. When I saw her again in less that half a year, and just one week before her wedding, I realized she has slimmed down significantly, at least by 10 kg. She has a beautiful figure now. More than that, she has rosy cheeks and her pimples vanished. She really transformed herself into a very beautiful bride.
If you, too, wish to lose weight and slim down, going hungry and taking slimming pills are definitely not the way!
I wish to emphasize to everyone the importance of “Health”. Even when you work to slim down, you must adopt a healthy method so as to minimize any burden or harm to your body.
Those who wish to lose weight and have a nice figure, can try these above methods. Perhaps, you may also achieve unexpected good results.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone good health and composure, be confident and happy!
#Slimming, #EnergyBagua, #WarmWater, #EatMoreFruitsAndVegetables, #GoodHealth, #SuccessfulWeightLost


【失眠想哭?分享你一個可以跟失眠說 by…

【失眠想哭?分享你一個可以跟失眠說 bye的方法】

【Crying over insomnia? Share with you a method to bide goodbye to insomnia】
She is insomniac and slept only 3-4 hours daily, getting depressed and anxious. However, after practicing Energy Bagua for slightly more than a month, she sleeps well, her temperament improves and she becomes bright and confident! This is the sharing of fellow practitioner from Malaysia – Dongrui.
Many practitioners of Bodhi Meditation used to be from the “Insomnia Club”. Practicing Energy Bagua actually changed their lives. It has become an indispensable exercise routine in their lives.
The simple steps of Energy Bagua brings us into harmony with Heaven and Earth, accessing the energy of the universe, gathering energy rapidly, replenishing the energy and improves our vitality and longevity. As long as you believe and do not give up, you will see the light of life.
Welcome everyone to step out and try “Energy Bagua”! Reclaim your health and happiness. Wishing everyone good fortune and smooth sailing in life!
#Dongrui, #GetRidOfInsomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationJournal, #HealthAndHappiness, #Vitality


給幸福留個位置吧!! . 有人說:「 因…

因為生活的瑣碎和忙碌, 漸漸沒了它的位置,也忘了它的重要!
Save a place for happiness!!
Some people said:”
There’s no time to feel tired due to the hectic schedule?!
There’s no time to fall sick due to the busy lifestyle?!”
As you accomplish your goals and dreams one after another, “Health” is also quietly slipping away. Due to the hectic lifestyle handling the trivial things in life, health has gradually been neglected and has lost its importance.
My dear friends, please don’t forget…
Life is wonderful, yet busy!
The troubles you may encounter, in the days of pursuing a living may be endless!
Please slow down your pace and save a place for happiness!
From the Video:
What is happiness?
This man’s smile is filled with happiness.
He is Wen Jin Chuan and he is an excavator driver. He is the sole support of his family with his monthly salary of $3000. His biggest worry as he grew older was the state of his health.
At that time, I had difficulties squatting, and I also had trouble climbing steps. I even fell down a couple of times. I was only fifty years old then and I feared how it would be when I am sixty? Would I become totally immobile and confined to the bed?
For the past five years, Chuan has tried all possible ways for his legs to get better, but the situation only got worse. He knew very well that if this continued, eventually, he would lose his job and his family would lose their only source of income. That was when he came across Energy Bagua.
About six months ago, my brother-in-law invited me to the meditation center. He drove me to the Cheras Meditation Center to take a look. That was the first time I came across Energy Bagua. I remember that was a Sunday morning. I sat on the swing and watched the people walking around a tree. They would change their hands every eight rounds. I wondered what benefit that would bring. Three days later, I asked one of the lady who was there: Will this help me? Walking round and round the tree? To which the lady replied “Yes of course. Do you want to try?”
Ning Hang:
The very next day he started the Energy Bagua practice with us. His legs hurt a lot in the beginning. I told him that he has to persevere so as to reap the benefits. About a month after he started practicing with us, he told me that he has not taken his usual injection that help to control the pain in his legs. Normally he had to take the injection every month. I encouraged him to continue with the practice. It has been five months since then and he has not had to take a single injection. Last month he shared with me that he was able to carry a pail of water in each hand and climb the stairs from the first to the fifth floor. His legs did not hurt at all.
About three months after I started practicing, I went for my regular health check up. When I stepped onto the weighing machine, I could not believe my eyes. My weight has gone from 105kg down to 91kg! I was so happy. Not only have I benefited from a full recovery of my legs, I have also benefited by losing so much weight!
Grateful for the benefits that he has reaped within such a short period of time, Chuan decided to give back to the Bagua community.
Ning Hang:
Due to the rain these past few days, the ground at where we practice has become very muddy. Chuan woke up really early in the morning and brought sand over to lay the ground for us. All our Bagua mates were really grateful to Chuan as without him, it would have been difficult to practice Bagua.
Once, his sister came to visit with her family.
I feel so happy and lucky. My change has brought about happiness in my family. We chat and laugh together a lot now. Previously I could not move and could only lie in bed. Not only was my income reduced, my family had to help me with the simplest of things. My temper was bad then and we quarreled a lot. Now, I am able to help them with chores whenever they are not free.
Chuan also recounted the time that his daughter paid him a surprise visit. She even brought a small gift for him. It was a pair of reading glasses which was exactly what he needed. With his new pair of glasses, Chuan can now read all the words in the newspapers clearly.

What is happiness? To me, this is happiness.
#菩提禪修 #八卦內功 #禪修見證 #禪修 #挖掘機 #幸福快樂
#BodhiMeditation, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationJournal, #Meditation, #Excavator, #Joyful


最有彈性的復健──八卦內功 . . 問:…

A most flexible form of rehabilitation ─ ─ Energy Bagua
Someone asked : “I had a serious accident a few years ago and broke my leg in 3 areas. After a long period of rehabilitation, I have no problem walking. However, when the weather changes, my leg is so sore and painful even to get out of bed. Every step felt like drilling several nails into my leg. The pain is so unbearable, let alone practice Energy Bagua?
I said: “When you practice Energy Bagua, apart from perseverance, please take note of the following. Should there be intense discomfort or pain after 5 to 10 minutes of Energy Bagua, stop for a rest and continue when you feel better. ”
He asked again: “if I stop and continue and stop and continue, would there be any benefit?
I said: “No matter what you do, it is not good to go beyond your limits. You have to adjust according to your own physical conditions while practicing Energy Bagua , so it doesn’t matter how many times you stop, the most important thing to having good results is to align your moves and positions as accurately as possible. ”
Subsequently, he followed my suggestions, he would stop and rest whenever he feels tired, resuming when he is better. With diligent and consistent practice, he progressed slowly from few minutes to two hours of practice within a year. Furthermore, his injured leg is no longer in any pain when the weather changes.
So, even if you have a good method, it is important to apply correctly. Energy Bagua can bring us good health. Above all, it is important for everyone to practice Energy Bagua in a most relaxed and comfortable state.My purpose of teaching Energy Bagua is to provide everyone with an effective method to obtain good health with happiness and joy.
#EnergyBagua, #InjuredLimbs, #WithinOurLimits, #ApplyTheMethodCorrectly, #Relax


【新視頻出爐】_八卦內功_初級教學 DV…

【新視頻出爐】_八卦內功_初級教學 DVD

歡迎您聯絡全球各地禪堂法物窗口請購「八卦內 初級教學 DVD」.


【New Release】Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Energy Bagua Series:
Energy Bagua Primary Teaching Guide DVD
Energy Bagua taps into the powerful positive energy of Heaven and Earth. As the saying goes, “Walk around a tree and live a good long life.” Energy Bagua is gaining popularity globally. Through practicing Energy Bagua, one can quickly invigorate vital energy, gain health and fitness, boost immunity, strengthen the overall constitution, and increase longevity.
To help you learn more about the basics of Energy Bagua and avoid common mistakes, I have created the Energy Bagua Primary Teaching Guide DVD. This is part of the Energy Bagua Series. I welcome all to learn through this educational DVD, so as to accurately grasp the essentials of Energy Bagua.
How to purchase? Please contact any Bodhi Meditation Center worldwide to purchase the Energy Bagua Primary Teaching Guide DVD, or visit CiBeiYin online store at www.cibeiyin.com for the Energy Bagua Primary Teaching Guide video download.
February 20, 2018 is the grand opening of online purchase (for Mandarin version).
#八卦內功、 #教學、 #新視頻出爐、 #宇宙能量、 #金菩提宗師開示


天寒地凍,誰有更好的絕招?? . . 近…

太白金星:「王母娘娘,您最近為何總是悶悶不樂? 」

「唉,我最近發現玉帝總往人間看,原來是在看姑娘。 」 王母娘娘說

「是啊,不光玉帝,很多神仙也在偷看。 」太白金星答


太白金星答:「現在人間的姑娘呀,清一色蕾絲配小高,低胸還露腰,就是不怕寒冷呀。 」

王母娘娘聽完大怒:「傳旨下 去,降溫!! 連續幾天颳風再下雪,凍死這些狐狸精!!! 」


健康有捷徑嗎? 給想健康,卻又苦尋不著方…

有一種養生方法,它不僅簡單易學,還能夠快速補充身體 #元氣,而且還能有效幫助人體 #增強免疫力。八卦內功的效果,從實用的角度來說,就是對我們的 #健康有好處。


Short cut to Good Health?
Specially for those of you who crave for good health but have not been able to find the way~

There is a method which is easy to learn and allows the body to quickly replenish vital energy and improve its immunity. Judging from the effects of practicing Energy Bagua, it is apparent that Energy Bagua is beneficial for our health.

Energy Bagua is one of the easiest exercises to learn, and it can be practiced indoors or outdoors, regardless of weather conditions. It is also suitable for people of all ages. If you would like to improve your strength and overall health, or if you would like to get pregnant, you ought to give it a try. Energy Bagua lets you attain good health in a easy and relaxed manner.

【My Suggestions for Good Health】
First of all, for those who need to recover from sicknesses, you ought to practice at least one to two hours of Energy Bagua daily, for 108 days continuously. It is best to practice at the same time every day. For instance, you can choose to practice at 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am or 10am every morning.
Secondly, morning is the best time to practice. According to energy and cosmology, as we view the sun rising, we are exposed to rising levels of energy, which is beneficial to our health. In comparison, practicing in the afternoon does not yield as much benefit as practicing in the morning.

I welcome all of you to join me to “Walking around a tree brings you longevity”.
May all of you be blessed with good health, longevity, good fortune and happiness!

To gain a better understanding of Energy Bagua, please click on the following:
1. Energy Bagua Practice Music CD

#EnergyBagua, #HealthImprovement, #Longevity, #FirmAndQuickSteps, #WarmingUpTheHandsAndLegs
