最有效的減肥良方 . . 有個快要結婚的…

A most effective slimming method
Once, a female Bodhi student who was getting married approached me on her problems. She said, “Master, I am getting married soon. Despite putting much effort including eating less, enduring hunger, staying away from sugar and various other means, I am unable to lose weight. I am reluctant to take my wedding photos if I am unable to slim down.”
I took a close look at her. She was a bit rounded but not too plump. I asked her, “Is your boyfriend very concerned about your body figure? If a man wants you to stay hungry in order to satisfy his ego, he may not truly love you. Should this be the case, you may want to reassess your marriage plans.”
“Master, he is not like that. He told me he is not at all concerned about my figure.” said the young lady.
“If he is not concerned, so what is troubling you? ” I asked.
“Master, I wish to be a pretty bride on my wedding day!” she said, looking miserable.
I told her, “enduring hunger and taking slimming pills are not healthy ways. I would share with you a few methods if you wish to slim down!
First, when you wake up in the morning and before every meal, drink a glass of warm water. Cool water is alright too but not chilled water.
Second, practice the Energy Bagua diligently at the designated point at 5am punctually every morning. Third, consume less meat but more vegetables and fruits of the current season.
If you can adhere to these three methods, you will surely slim down.”
With her determination to be a pretty bride, she followed my instructions and practiced faithfully. When I saw her again in less that half a year, and just one week before her wedding, I realized she has slimmed down significantly, at least by 10 kg. She has a beautiful figure now. More than that, she has rosy cheeks and her pimples vanished. She really transformed herself into a very beautiful bride.
If you, too, wish to lose weight and slim down, going hungry and taking slimming pills are definitely not the way!
I wish to emphasize to everyone the importance of “Health”. Even when you work to slim down, you must adopt a healthy method so as to minimize any burden or harm to your body.
Those who wish to lose weight and have a nice figure, can try these above methods. Perhaps, you may also achieve unexpected good results.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone good health and composure, be confident and happy!
#Slimming, #EnergyBagua, #WarmWater, #EatMoreFruitsAndVegetables, #GoodHealth, #SuccessfulWeightLost


在〈最有效的減肥良方 . . 有個快要結婚的…〉中有 17 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父!传授我们最有效的健康与減肥良方方法!我姐姐通过2个月的八卦就减掉了4公斤,感恩师父传授的最有效的方法#瘦身、#八卦內功、#溫開水、#多吃蔬菜水果、#健康、#減肥成功???

  2. 感恩师父分享!走八卦能减肥,变成漂亮美女!健康,快乐!长寿!大家都来走八卦!坚持永远年轻美丽!祝愿师父师母永远年轻漂亮!身心健康!快乐吉祥!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!弟子谨记您的秘方。我们这个八卦点很多人想瘦下来,明天就告诉她们这三个方法。也感恩师父的祝福弟子收到!祝福师父永远年轻,英俊潇洒,吉祥如意!

  4. 恭喜师姐,做个美丽的新娘!禅修真的很好!这好真是一切的好!开智慧啊,健康快乐啊,幸福吉祥啊,瘦更是“小事一桩”。只要禅修,有能量在,吃少一点,再有走八卦,真的是很快没有赘肉了。说起穿婚纱拍照,想起以前领导一家去拍婚纱艺术照,领导太太太胖了,任何一件婚纱都穿不下,最后只穿了一件日本的和服来拍照。要是当初有“菩提禅修”,也许她也不至于胖到那个样子。还有能量的摄入,因禅修少吃也不饿,真的很明显的。漫画家蔡志忠一天只吃一顿,一生从没去过医院,也从未生过病,他也说过,吃过天食的人,不再留恋人间美食(但他喝很多咖啡)。他给他自己身份最大的定义是物理学家,每天仰望星空半个小时,想必也是得宇宙大能量的滋养。禅修给到的能量,相信也“如出一辙”。听师父话,跟着师父去做,相信一定会获得大能量的。自己每天吃二顿,如果周六回去弟子共修,中午这顿吃得早一点,晚上喝喝水,也不饿,也就这样过去了。自己如果能做到每天只吃一顿多好啊。??可能自己是贪心了,但身体好才是最重要的。感恩师父赋予的一切美好!??????

  5. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!最好的减肥药、就是走八卦、健康、快乐、长寿、美丽、我们永远坚持走、感恩八卦内功创始人、金菩提上师!祝福上师阖家欢乐!法体安康!!!

  6. 师父好,真心感觉当师父难,当个好师父更难!弟子们资质不同,需求不同,求子的,求法的,减肥的,病痛的…问题要求等等五花八门,层出不穷,都要师父给解决!辛苦师父了???!师父是无所不能,但给开出“良药”,弟子们需得“按时服用”,方才能“药到病除”!我们好好听师父的话,不辜负师父慈悲的心意最重要!祝福大家所愿皆得!
