給幸福留個位置吧!! . 有人說:「 因…

因為生活的瑣碎和忙碌, 漸漸沒了它的位置,也忘了它的重要!
Save a place for happiness!!
Some people said:”
There’s no time to feel tired due to the hectic schedule?!
There’s no time to fall sick due to the busy lifestyle?!”
As you accomplish your goals and dreams one after another, “Health” is also quietly slipping away. Due to the hectic lifestyle handling the trivial things in life, health has gradually been neglected and has lost its importance.
My dear friends, please don’t forget…
Life is wonderful, yet busy!
The troubles you may encounter, in the days of pursuing a living may be endless!
Please slow down your pace and save a place for happiness!
From the Video:
What is happiness?
This man’s smile is filled with happiness.
He is Wen Jin Chuan and he is an excavator driver. He is the sole support of his family with his monthly salary of $3000. His biggest worry as he grew older was the state of his health.
At that time, I had difficulties squatting, and I also had trouble climbing steps. I even fell down a couple of times. I was only fifty years old then and I feared how it would be when I am sixty? Would I become totally immobile and confined to the bed?
For the past five years, Chuan has tried all possible ways for his legs to get better, but the situation only got worse. He knew very well that if this continued, eventually, he would lose his job and his family would lose their only source of income. That was when he came across Energy Bagua.
About six months ago, my brother-in-law invited me to the meditation center. He drove me to the Cheras Meditation Center to take a look. That was the first time I came across Energy Bagua. I remember that was a Sunday morning. I sat on the swing and watched the people walking around a tree. They would change their hands every eight rounds. I wondered what benefit that would bring. Three days later, I asked one of the lady who was there: Will this help me? Walking round and round the tree? To which the lady replied “Yes of course. Do you want to try?”
Ning Hang:
The very next day he started the Energy Bagua practice with us. His legs hurt a lot in the beginning. I told him that he has to persevere so as to reap the benefits. About a month after he started practicing with us, he told me that he has not taken his usual injection that help to control the pain in his legs. Normally he had to take the injection every month. I encouraged him to continue with the practice. It has been five months since then and he has not had to take a single injection. Last month he shared with me that he was able to carry a pail of water in each hand and climb the stairs from the first to the fifth floor. His legs did not hurt at all.
About three months after I started practicing, I went for my regular health check up. When I stepped onto the weighing machine, I could not believe my eyes. My weight has gone from 105kg down to 91kg! I was so happy. Not only have I benefited from a full recovery of my legs, I have also benefited by losing so much weight!
Grateful for the benefits that he has reaped within such a short period of time, Chuan decided to give back to the Bagua community.
Ning Hang:
Due to the rain these past few days, the ground at where we practice has become very muddy. Chuan woke up really early in the morning and brought sand over to lay the ground for us. All our Bagua mates were really grateful to Chuan as without him, it would have been difficult to practice Bagua.
Once, his sister came to visit with her family.
I feel so happy and lucky. My change has brought about happiness in my family. We chat and laugh together a lot now. Previously I could not move and could only lie in bed. Not only was my income reduced, my family had to help me with the simplest of things. My temper was bad then and we quarreled a lot. Now, I am able to help them with chores whenever they are not free.
Chuan also recounted the time that his daughter paid him a surprise visit. She even brought a small gift for him. It was a pair of reading glasses which was exactly what he needed. With his new pair of glasses, Chuan can now read all the words in the newspapers clearly.

What is happiness? To me, this is happiness.
#菩提禪修 #八卦內功 #禪修見證 #禪修 #挖掘機 #幸福快樂
#BodhiMeditation, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationJournal, #Meditation, #Excavator, #Joyful


在〈給幸福留個位置吧!! . 有人說:「 因…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享见证禅修!随喜赞叹师兄通过禅修八卦找回了健康和快乐!感恩师父传授给我们的神奇妙法!好感动!让更多的有缘人都受益了。感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!?❤???

  2. 感恩师父分享〔给幸福留个位置吧!〕什么都不重要,唯有健康最重要。禅修给我们带来健康,每天坚持走八卦,修大光明,大礼拜,干活就没有累的感觉。生活忙碌,烦恼不断,就到禅堂修行,幸福相伴。顶礼叩拜师父!

  3. 师父师母午安吉祥???感恩师父慈悲分享见证禅修???弟子今天早上在禅堂念佛祈福志工。老师说我们都很幸福,能在这儿祈福。地确感到很幸福,感恩師父???弟子进菩提禪修三年多,跟随着修持,地确。。健康快乐?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

  4. 感恩佛陀师父 慈悲分享 金钱再多 房子再大 没有健康 等于零 恭喜 阿荃师兄 从八挂中找到 走出健康的法宝 我们有位老同修 老公 说什么不让修菩提法们 没办法 只好放弃了 去年 冬天 右边 得了 血栓 右手和右脚 都拖着走 今年开始 跟着我们走八卦 他老公 不反对 现在脚能抬起来走路了 我说你用智慧 走完八卦 在家 修 她说好 现在 身体 精神各方面 都好多了 也爱笑了 感恩佛陀师父 恭喜所有 从八卦中走出健康的人们

  5. 人生是精彩的,生命是用來創造的。每天被柴米油鹽綁架,可能創造出更多”無奈”,而漸漸抹滅了人生的精彩。不斷地”創造”的生命旅程是精彩的,且會帶來健康。共勉之!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!菩提禅修健康快乐!菩提禅修幸福吉祥!感恩师父传授我们离苦得乐的无上妙法!随喜赞叹师兄!祝福一切有缘!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!给幸福留个位置吧!真的每天的奔波忙碌,一天不修行浑身不舒服。年龄上身真的离不开八卦,大光明。感恩伟大的师父传授如此好的妙法!祝愿师父永远年轻英俊潇洒!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲的分享见证禅修!随喜赞叹师兄通过禅修,八卦找回了健康和快乐!感恩师父传授给我们的神奇妙法!为什么我们的钱越来越多,房子越来越大,车子越来越好,每天山珍海味,繁华的各种各样的娱乐却使我们体会不到幸福快乐的生活呢?



  9. “你问我什么是幸福?这,就是幸福”。影片结尾的这句话,告诉了我们:“爱”,就是幸福!每天走八卦,都听到师父说:愛是——寬容、通暢、魅力、陽光、長壽、健康、成就、吉祥。这就是幸福!这就是生命的实质。以前喜欢看书,诸如小说类,后发觉都是描述生活层面的东西,诸如名利的争斗,是是非非的恩怨,如师父开示所说的,人们都是在学习谋生的技能和生活及社会的常识,鲜有对生命实质的探索和追求,都是迷迷糊糊地在生活着。现在禅修,跟随师父,学习佛法,才感觉到是实质性的东西,精神层面的满足才是幸福啊。生命是有限的,应站在一定的高层,眼光开阔,合理安排时间,别让幸福的时光溜走,给幸福一个位置!感恩师父教诲及引领!??????

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享!哈哈哈买一送二!脚好了,重也减了!恭喜师兄!健康快乐幸福了!生活更美满幸福!绕?走一走!活到九十九!来走八卦吧!?叩拜

  11. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父传授给我们的神奇妙法!随喜赞叹师兄!感恩师父给予我们的财富健康,幸福!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!????❤??

  12. 师父上午好,感恩师父慈悲分享菩提禅修台湾菩提禅堂的帖子,给幸福?留个位直太好了收到?,泪下,。感恩师父禅修,八卦给有缘人带來健康快乐,幸福吉祥,智慧生命重生,感恩佛菩萨慈悲能量的加持护佑,顶礼叩拜慈悲大爱的恩师。

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!没有病痛,拥有健康完整的身体,能够与家人其乐融融的生活在一起,这就是幸福!給幸福留個位置!???祝福挖掘機司機溫謹荃师兄吉祥如意!
