【二月】日行一善,陽光燦爛。 . 古時候…


【February】 One kind deed a day makes every day a sunny day.

During ancient time, there was a granny by the surname Lim in Fujian Province. She was the owner of an eatery selling steamed rice rolls. Apart from selling, she also distributed her rice rolls to the poor for free. One day, a beggar approached granny Lim for free rice rolls. Usually, others only asked for one free rice roll. However, he asked for six to seven rice rolls. Granny Lim gave them to him without a second word.

On the very next day, the beggar came again. Granny Lim told him to take as many as he wanted. Again, the beggar took six to seven rice rolls and left. On the third day, he took the same number of rice rolls.

Other people advised granny Lim not to give away her rice rolls so freely to the beggar. However, granny Lim brushed their comments off. As days turned into years, granny Lim continued to give free steamed rice rolls to the beggar. This went on for three years.

One day, the beggar said to granny Lim: “There is nothing I can do to repay your kindness. I manage to find a valuable plot of land with excellent geomancy. Your descendants will be blessed with a bright future if you are buried there after your death. Many of them will become court officials.” He left after saying these words.

When granny Lim passed on, her children buried her on that auspicious plot of land. True enough, many of her descendants were subsequently appointed as court officials when they passed the imperial examination with flying colors. In fact, a popular saying started circulating in Fujian Province: There is bound to be at least one scholar with the surname Lim in every imperial examination.

As ordinary human beings, it is not easy for us to perform an outstanding and impressive feat. However, one small act of kindness each day serves to accumulate and paves our path to a Bodhisattva life.

The simple act of giving is by itself a form of harvest. When other people benefit from our kind gesture, we and the recipient of our kind deeds will feel happy. This happiness is the dharma bliss bestowed by Buddha and Bodhisattvas. Not only does this improve our life in this lifetime, we and our descendants will be rewarded with a blessed and beautiful future and afterlife.

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #PerformKindDeeds, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #TableCalendar


在〈【二月】日行一善,陽光燦爛。 . 古時候…〉中有 29 則留言

  1. 南无金菩提上师!我今天把资料转给了一个同修,请师父加持她。感恩师父!叩拜师父!

  2. 師父,師母,早安吉祥如意,惑恩師父,師母的慈悲♥分享與提醒,南無阿彌陀佛???

  3. 顶礼感恩师父慈悲开示!日行一善,不因善小而不为,为子孙积累功德,成就菩萨人生。顶礼感恩师父!

  4. 感恩师父!我尝到了天天做善事的好处啦!现在,打死我,我都不会去造恶啦!因为,我明白修行不先断恶修善,无论你再精进的修行,结果还是在烦恼之中。

  5. 感恩师父的开示与分享的教悔!多学习福建的林婆婆,每天做一件小善事,就是在積累,成就著我們的菩薩人生!日行一善!阳光灿烂!付出、本身就是一種收穫。別人因為你的善行而得到幫助,彼此都會心生歡喜,這種歡喜是來自佛菩薩賜予的法喜,不僅帶給你今世的生命滋養,也使你的後代、以及你的來世,都將得到美好、善良的回報!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!恭祝师父新年快乐!吉祥如意!

  6. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示与教化!弟子收到明白照做!叩拜感恩师父!☕???????????

  7. 日行一善!阳光灿烂!众善奉行!诸恶莫作!慈悲喜舍!造福子孙!实修实证!千真万确!感恩师父教化!???

  8. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑!感恩师父教化我们每天做日行一善!阳光灿烂!我们永远爱您师父!因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  9. 师父,您好!謝謝師父上传分享和常常教导我們!我们如果常常做善事,就算人不知道,但是天会知道的,所以天会护佑我们的。感恩师父!

  10. 感恩师父的开示与分享的教悔!多学习福建的林婆婆,每天做一件小善事,就是在積累,成就著我們的菩薩人生!日行一善!阳光灿烂!付出、本身就是一種收穫。善行自然會有善果!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!恭祝师父闔家新年快乐!吉祥如意 !???

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示!按师父开示教导去做,积小善成大善!昨天有邻居请吃饭,由于心在师父网页,提煎走出饭店,看到一老妇人弯着腰手拎一箱牛奶,走一步放下再拎起又走一步放下,我立即上前一步拎起牛奶问道:需要帮助吗?她说腰痛的历害!我说走!到什么地方我送你,他说车站,我将他送到车站,挥手祝您早日康复!感恩师父教导顶礼叩拜!

  12. 感恩师父分享!这位林婆婆太慈悲了,种了福田让子孙后代受益。非常好,我们要向林婆婆学习。

  13. 师父好!祝福师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到啦!日行一善,帮助别人,快乐自己,付出爱,让别人感受善良,心生欢喜,自己心里就会充满阳光,就是法喜,付出时候,不图回报,就会得到师父、佛菩萨加持吉祥光芒能量,有利于自己家人和子孙后代!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜恩师!

  14. 不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之。日行一善,阳光灿烂,慈悲大爱,帮人就是帮己,善举善心善行终会有回报。

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示!要想收获必须有付出。每个成功的背后都有无尽的付出。像金笑丽老师这样天天为群里300多人讲做人之道讲慈悲心,使很多人受益,当然也有背信弃义的人,不管什么样的人她都一视同仁苦口婆心的一天两次的给大家分享讲解,真的很了不起,真是师父的好弟子!我们都要像她学习慈悲无我无私的帮助别人。顶礼师父!
