【11月台曆】按計畫修行,功到自然成。 …


#台曆 #計畫 #成功 #八卦內功 #正向積極


#台曆 #計畫 #成功 #八卦內功 #正向積極


【三月】一分辛勤,十分收穫! . 小和尚…

小和尚:「經常,我覺得自己付出很多,收穫卻很少 ?」

【March】 An ounce of effort reaps 10 pounds of harvest!

A little monk said to his master, “Master, there is one thing I don’t understand.”

“What is it?” asked the old monk.

“I realized that the effort I put in is usually much more than what I gain.” said the young monk.

“Tell me what is the effort you put in and what is your gain?”

“Well, I clean the inside and outside of the temple, fetch water from miles away daily, but I gain nothing in return at all.”

The old monk smiled and asked the young monk to step outside.

“What do you see on both sides of the path?” asked the old monk.

Beautiful blossoms decorated both sides of the path, fragrance filled the air and birds chirping along the way. Craning his head for a closer look, he saw a variety of fruit trees.

The old monk picked a fruit for the young monk and said “This fruit grow so well because you spilt water on the way back to the temple every day! You are too focused on the immediate gain and overlooked that you have actually harvested a pretty scenery of flowers and fruits!”

He continued “The reason why people can’t see the reward is because they care too much about the end result. The truth is, whenever we work wholeheartedly for one thing, we always reap more in return and benefit from the experience. These are priceless harvest!

Therefore, be grateful and you will realize that your reward is much more than your effort!

#March, #DeskCalendar, #EffortAndHarvest


【二月】日行一善,陽光燦爛。 . 古時候…


【February】 One kind deed a day makes every day a sunny day.

During ancient time, there was a granny by the surname Lim in Fujian Province. She was the owner of an eatery selling steamed rice rolls. Apart from selling, she also distributed her rice rolls to the poor for free. One day, a beggar approached granny Lim for free rice rolls. Usually, others only asked for one free rice roll. However, he asked for six to seven rice rolls. Granny Lim gave them to him without a second word.

On the very next day, the beggar came again. Granny Lim told him to take as many as he wanted. Again, the beggar took six to seven rice rolls and left. On the third day, he took the same number of rice rolls.

Other people advised granny Lim not to give away her rice rolls so freely to the beggar. However, granny Lim brushed their comments off. As days turned into years, granny Lim continued to give free steamed rice rolls to the beggar. This went on for three years.

One day, the beggar said to granny Lim: “There is nothing I can do to repay your kindness. I manage to find a valuable plot of land with excellent geomancy. Your descendants will be blessed with a bright future if you are buried there after your death. Many of them will become court officials.” He left after saying these words.

When granny Lim passed on, her children buried her on that auspicious plot of land. True enough, many of her descendants were subsequently appointed as court officials when they passed the imperial examination with flying colors. In fact, a popular saying started circulating in Fujian Province: There is bound to be at least one scholar with the surname Lim in every imperial examination.

As ordinary human beings, it is not easy for us to perform an outstanding and impressive feat. However, one small act of kindness each day serves to accumulate and paves our path to a Bodhisattva life.

The simple act of giving is by itself a form of harvest. When other people benefit from our kind gesture, we and the recipient of our kind deeds will feel happy. This happiness is the dharma bliss bestowed by Buddha and Bodhisattvas. Not only does this improve our life in this lifetime, we and our descendants will be rewarded with a blessed and beautiful future and afterlife.

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #PerformKindDeeds, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #TableCalendar


【一月】我的命運我創造 . 有個人天生口…


【January】 I create my own destiny

Someone was born with some physical disabilities. He stuttered and suffered from a paralysis of the left side of his facial muscles. When he was 14 years old, he was fired and his dream was to become a Superstar in Hollywood; another was living a life of poverty. His two business expeditions failed and he became burdened with debts. As a result, he suffered a mental breakdown and was even bed-ridden for a period of time. He ran for US President as his dream was to become one. The first person was Sylvester Stallone and the second, Abraham Lincoln.

We are not sent to this world to suffer. Neither are we here to complain about life destiny. In fact, we are sent by Heaven to create a unique life destiny for ourselves. We are born with a meaningless life. It is up to us to define and find our own goals and meaning in life. Regardless of whether they are attainable, never give up. This simple act of not giving up is by itself an accomplishment and paves the path to future success because every successful person went through multiple failures in life before they eventually succeed.

Whenever you are feeling lost and frightened and are contemplating to give up, say to yourself: “In Heaven and on Earth, I am Supreme!” This encourages and reminds you that there is nothing in life that cannot be resolved. Given our short life span of a hundred years, how do you want to go through life to achieve your dreams?

Today is the first day of 2019. Have you thought about your New Year resolutions? If yes, hold them in your hands, place them in your heart and use your life to fulfill them! I will be here to cheer for you!

#MasterJinBodhiAphorism, #January, #FightForYourDream, #ChineseCalendar


【12月】慈悲心使人快速成長 . 一個女…


【December】 A compassionate heart propels a person to fulfill their life purpose.

A girl without kids behaves like a princess – she is used to being taken care of and pampered by those around her. This is true no matter whether she is married or single. However, the moment she becomes a mother, she transforms into a super-human: for her child, she can do anything, no matter how tiring or tough the tasks may be.

Almost overnight, she transforms from a pampered princess into a tough lady; no matter what her child does to her, her love for him or her will never waver. Such colossal transformation is a result of her love and compassion towards her child.

With compassion, one becomes invincible. It increases your sense of responsibility which in turn unleashes the sleeping, limitless potential that you have inside you to help others. Compassion enlarges your heart so that you will not be too focused on your personal gains and losses. Instead, you will start to view things from a more elevated perspective.

Compassion also brings with it greater tolerance. As you look at the world and communicate with it with a gentle heart and an upright mindset, you will discover that all the objects in nature will yield to your touch to help you achieve your aims. Compassion itself encompasses great energy – this is the ultimate secret formula.

#TableCalendar, #December, #AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #Compassion


【十一月】獨釣寒江雪,只因愛孤獨。 . …



【十月】恭敬不如孝敬,孝敬不如行動。 ….



【六月】責罰不如讚美,商量勝過命令。 ….



肆月 . 「佛燈消萬業,孝念祖親恩。」 …





Light Offerings and Filial Piety

What do we actually get from light offerings to the Buddha?

Firstly, our minds are brightened up because when we make a prayer we will be facing a brightly lit Buddha with a solemn, beautiful and compassionate appearance. In addition, we will be guided when faced with obstacles or have worries in our life journey. Secondly, we will have increased wisdom and be able to do the things that others cannot. There should also be success if we are seeking employment. Thirdly, the Buddha will protect us from demonic attack and illnesses and also clear away our bad karma.

In fact, we should seize the opportunity to offer a lamp on behalf of our ancestors during this Qing Ming Festival. Because by doing so, we are sending warmth, illumination and merits to them as the Buddha’s light will illuminate their afterlives, eradicate their bad karma and clear away obstacles in order that they can be guided by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to Pureland and be liberated from samsaric transmigration.

Simultaneously, the fire and radiating light from the Buddha will bless us – the compassionate ones who made the light offerings, with joy, health, happiness, peace, perfection and wisdom. For the ones that we love and respect, during this festival, they will also receive blessings and be sheltered by the radiating light and energy from the Buddha.

#April, #TableCalendar, #ChingMing, # ClearingKarmarnrnApril

Light Offerings and Filial Piety

What do we actually get from light offerings to the Buddha?

Firstly, our minds are brightened up because when we make a prayer we will be facing a brightly lit Buddha with a solemn, beautiful and compassionate appearance. In addition, we will be guided when faced with obstacles or have worries in our life journey. Secondly, we will have increased wisdom and be able to do the things that others cannot. There should also be success if we are seeking employment. Thirdly, the Buddha will protect us from demonic attack and illnesses and also clear away our bad karma.

In fact, we should seize the opportunity to offer a lamp on behalf of our ancestors during this Qing Ming Festival. Because by doing so, we are sending warmth, illumination and merits to them as the Buddha’s light will illuminate their afterlives, eradicate their bad karma and clear away obstacles in order that they can be guided by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to Pureland and be liberated from samsaric transmigration.

Simultaneously, the fire and radiating light from the Buddha will bless us – the compassionate ones who made the light offerings, with joy, health, happiness, peace, perfection and wisdom. For the ones that we love and respect, during this festival, they will also receive blessings and be sheltered by the radiating light and energy from the Buddha.

#April, #TableCalendar, #ChingMing, # ClearingKarma


參月 . 「天天大禮拜,智慧身端莊。」 …





這孩子好多天沒睜眼,也沒聲音了,現在竟能哭出聲音來,媽媽高興得不會笑只會哭了。 這事兒一傳開,喇嘛再也不能磕頭禮拜了,因為只要他一露面,整村的人就「呼」地撲上去找他治病。
【Practice Prostration daily for wisdom and a dignified appearance】
To buddhists and dharma practitioners, prostration is the most respectable ritual to the Buddha. Besides being a religious rite, what benefits does prostration bring to ordinary people? Based on my own experience in meditation, prostration brings many benefits including improvement in physical, mental and emotional health. The more advanced practitioners can even access the compassionate energy of the Buddha and Heavenly beings, receive their blessings and protection, and may even develop special Dharma power.
“The story of healing by a lama”
Enclosing the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Tibet, is a street named Bakuo Street. In Tibetan Buddhism, prostrating in circumambulation of a temple is a form of meditation practice. Along this street of prostration, there was a lama who prostrated daily. His forehead had a bump, the size of half an egg- probably due to prolonged period of prostration and kowtows (knocking the forehead on the ground).
One day, a woman carrying a child who was unconscious came to seek assistance. She stopped a lama who passed by and pleaded, “Teacher, please help him. ” The lama shook his head, “I am unable to help.” He stroked the child’s head and said, “I have blessed and wished him well.” However, the child remained unconscious.
I pointed to the lama who was prostrating and told the woman, “Seek his help”. She stopped the lama who was prostrating and said, “I plead to you, teacher! My child had been unconscious for several days and doctors could not cure nor find the cause, please help to heal him.”
The lama replied, “I don’t know healing, why do you come to me?” I said, “I saw Buddha and Buddha said you are able to heal. Place your hands on the child’s head and try.” So the lama did as told. “What do I do next? ” he asked. “Have you seen the Buddha’s light during prostration?” I asked and he replied yes. I told him, “Send the Buddha’s light to the child.”
The lama placed his hand on the child, and after a while, the child miraculously opened his eyes and started crying. The child had been unconscious and silent for several days, but now he was able to open his eyes and cry. The mother was overjoyed with tears. Ever since this incident, the lama could no longer prostrate at the same place. Whenever he appears, he would attract a huge crowd asking for healing.
Actually, this lama was a diligent meditation practitioner. Though he had acquired strong energy, he did not know how to make use of it. He was actually not an intelligent person, and also did not do well in his academic and Buddhism studies. Nor was he competent in the Buddhism rituals except prostration. His master had told him, “prostration helps to develop your wisdom, and you would be wiser in the next life. ” In order to be a more intelligent person in his next life, the lama prostrated every day and kow-towed repeatedly. He lost count of the number of times he had prostrated and kow-towed. He would prostrate with every step, rise and continue with the next step of prostration. He would not skip any step, nor take a break till he completed the round. Over a long period of continued practice, he accumulated very strong energy.
So even for an ordinary person who is not intelligent at all, as long as he practices prostration diligently and sincerely, he will attain excellent results. We should refrain from high expectations initially, but instead begin with the objective of improving mental and physical health. Meditating in purity and calmness, our body will emanate auspicious energy and our mind will be clear and not confused. We will be able to view problems with broader perspective. With a broader mind, we will attain a clear purpose in life and direction. This will help us overcome ignorance and reduce mistakes in life.
#March, #table calendar, #Prostrate to a beautiful life, #Full prostration, #Story of healing by a Lama
