【多做功德,改命改運!】 . 在《了凡四…


Accumulate more merits to change your destiny!

According to Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, there are a few types of people who are masters of their own life destiny!

1. Philanthropist
2. Evil person
3. One who performs meritorious deeds to accumulate merits
4. Diligent self-cultivator

LiaoFan Yuan, from the Ming Dynasty, started to self-cultivate after receiving advice and guidance from an esteemed cultivator. Since then, he refrained from unkind, evil acts and performed meritorious deeds to change his life destiny.

Before LiaoFan embarked on the path of self-cultivation, esteemed Master predicted he would have no descendant and live a short life. He was in fact, destined to live to age 53 years. However, due to his diligent self-cultivation and accumulated merits, he had child and passed away at an age of 74 years, which was an extension of 21 years. This is an attestation that heaven will bless us with longevity and good fortune when we perform meritorious deeds.

Hence, if you want to transform your life destiny, you need to learn:
「Create no evil and perform kind deeds.」

May you successfully transform your life destiny through accumulating merits!!

#AccumulateMerits, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #FortuneAndLongevityBestowedByHeavenrnrn【多做功德,改命改運!】

Accumulate more merits to change your destiny!

According to Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, there are a few types of people who are masters of their own life destiny!

1. Philanthropist
2. Evil person
3. One who performs meritorious deeds to accumulate merits
4. Diligent self-cultivator

LiaoFan Yuan, from the Ming Dynasty, started to self-cultivate after receiving advice and guidance from an esteemed cultivator. Since then, he refrained from unkind, evil acts and performed meritorious deeds to change his life destiny.

Before LiaoFan embarked on the path of self-cultivation, esteemed Master predicted he would have no descendant and live a short life. He was in fact, destined to live to age 53 years. However, due to his diligent self-cultivation and accumulated merits, he had child and passed away at an age of 74 years, which was an extension of 21 years. This is an attestation that heaven will bless us with longevity and good fortune when we perform meritorious deeds.

Hence, if you want to transform your life destiny, you need to learn:
「Create no evil and perform kind deeds.」

May you successfully transform your life destiny through accumulating merits!!

#AccumulateMerits, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #FortuneAndLongevityBestowedByHeaven

Accumulate more merits to change your destiny!
According to Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, there are a few types of people who are masters of their own life destiny!
1.     Philanthropist
2.     Evil person
3.     One who performs meritorious deeds to accumulate merits
4.     Diligent self-cultivator
LiaoFan Yuan, from the Ming Dynasty, started to self-cultivate after receiving advice and guidance from an esteemed cultivator. Since then, he refrained from unkind, evil acts and performed meritorious deeds to change his life destiny. 
Before LiaoFan embarked on the path of self-cultivation, esteemed Master predicted he would have no descendant and live a short life. He was in fact, destined to live to age 53 years.  However, due to his diligent self-cultivation and accumulated merits, he had child and passed away at an age of 74 years, which was an extension of 21 years. This is an attestation that heaven will bless us with longevity and good fortune when we perform meritorious deeds.
Hence, if you want to transform your life destiny, you need to learn:
「Create no evil and perform kind deeds.」
May you successfully transform your life destiny through accumulating merits!!
#AccumulateMerits, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #FortuneAndLongevityBestowedByHeavenrnrn【多做功德,改命改運!】
Accumulate more merits to change your destiny!
According to Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, there are a few types of people who are masters of their own life destiny!
1.     Philanthropist
2.     Evil person
3.     One who performs meritorious deeds to accumulate merits
4.     Diligent self-cultivator
LiaoFan Yuan, from the Ming Dynasty, started to self-cultivate after receiving advice and guidance from an esteemed cultivator. Since then, he refrained from unkind, evil acts and performed meritorious deeds to change his life destiny. 
Before LiaoFan embarked on the path of self-cultivation, esteemed Master predicted he would have no descendant and live a short life. He was in fact, destined to live to age 53 years.  However, due to his diligent self-cultivation and accumulated merits, he had child and passed away at an age of 74 years, which was an extension of 21 years. This is an attestation that heaven will bless us with longevity and good fortune when we perform meritorious deeds.
Hence, if you want to transform your life destiny, you need to learn:
「Create no evil and perform kind deeds.」
May you successfully transform your life destiny through accumulating merits!!
#AccumulateMerits, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #FortuneAndLongevityBestowedByHeaven


【二月】日行一善,陽光燦爛。 . 古時候…


【February】 One kind deed a day makes every day a sunny day.

During ancient time, there was a granny by the surname Lim in Fujian Province. She was the owner of an eatery selling steamed rice rolls. Apart from selling, she also distributed her rice rolls to the poor for free. One day, a beggar approached granny Lim for free rice rolls. Usually, others only asked for one free rice roll. However, he asked for six to seven rice rolls. Granny Lim gave them to him without a second word.

On the very next day, the beggar came again. Granny Lim told him to take as many as he wanted. Again, the beggar took six to seven rice rolls and left. On the third day, he took the same number of rice rolls.

Other people advised granny Lim not to give away her rice rolls so freely to the beggar. However, granny Lim brushed their comments off. As days turned into years, granny Lim continued to give free steamed rice rolls to the beggar. This went on for three years.

One day, the beggar said to granny Lim: “There is nothing I can do to repay your kindness. I manage to find a valuable plot of land with excellent geomancy. Your descendants will be blessed with a bright future if you are buried there after your death. Many of them will become court officials.” He left after saying these words.

When granny Lim passed on, her children buried her on that auspicious plot of land. True enough, many of her descendants were subsequently appointed as court officials when they passed the imperial examination with flying colors. In fact, a popular saying started circulating in Fujian Province: There is bound to be at least one scholar with the surname Lim in every imperial examination.

As ordinary human beings, it is not easy for us to perform an outstanding and impressive feat. However, one small act of kindness each day serves to accumulate and paves our path to a Bodhisattva life.

The simple act of giving is by itself a form of harvest. When other people benefit from our kind gesture, we and the recipient of our kind deeds will feel happy. This happiness is the dharma bliss bestowed by Buddha and Bodhisattvas. Not only does this improve our life in this lifetime, we and our descendants will be rewarded with a blessed and beautiful future and afterlife.

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #PerformKindDeeds, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #TableCalendar
