竹取公主和一群小兔子的故事: . 月亮上…

#中秋節 #八卦內功 #建康 #瘦身減肥 #桂花樹 #能量

The story of Princess Zhu-Qu and the rabbits:

On the moon, besides the legendary Chang-Er and Wu-Gang, there lived a herd of rabbits entrusted with significant tasks!

At the courtyard of the Guang-Han Palace on the moon, which is near the famous osmanthus tree, the chief rabbit with the dress hat was heard hastening his team-mates in disappointment, ” Wake up! wake up! Don’t you know what day it is tomorrow? ” The rabbits, who were sleeping in a haphazard manner around the osmanthus tree, felt guilty on hearing their leader’s reminder.

The chief rabbit continued, “On the day exactly a week from now, Princess Zhu-Qu, who has been leaving in the mundane world, will return to heaven. This takes place once a year. On this day, you have to transform yourselves into fairies to welcome and receive the princess who will be reunited with her family in the heaven… ”

All the rabbits should now be very busy practicing carrying the sedan chair. Even Wu-Gang deliberately stayed away from the osmanthus tree in order not to disturb these rabbits. However, there appeared to be a hiccup this time…

With a mouthful of food, Rabbit One exclaimed, “The pomelo this year is really delicious!” Rabbit Two, who had put on some weight, said, “This year, Sister Chang-Er had ordered too many mooncakes.” Rabbit Three, who covered his face, declared, “.. I was not the one who emptied the bottle of wine.”

All the rabbits had indulged in food, put on weight and suffered from indigestion and become physically weak! So, after just one round of training, all the rabbits were exhausted and laid around the osmanthus tree. The leader was furious.

“Come on, we only do this once a year! This time we even assigned the task of preparing medicine to Brother Wu-Gang. You guys are disappointing! ” The chief rabbit grumbled aloud in great anxiety.

Lowering their heads as much as they could, the rabbits genuinely felt apologetic for their poor work performance. “It is all our fault.. we are willing to continue the training!” So even though all of them were still breathing heavily, the rabbits repented pathetically and expressed willingness to carry on with the training diligently.

“Who are you trying to upset! ” the chief rabbit stopped his scolding with the sincere repentance of the rabbits. The priority for him then was to find a solution. He said, “It just happens that I have an Energy Bagua practice manual, and it is convenient for you to practice around the osmanthus tree and leverage the abundant energy of the tree. I hope you can quickly re-build your energy and health. ”

“Yes, sir!” The rabbits replied simultaneously. Henceforth, the rabbits would complete an hour long Energy Bagua practice before their training on sedan chair carrying!

On the Mid- Autumn day, Princess Zhu-Qu was somewhat puzzled, “I received messages from the heaven that all of you could not withstand the tough training so I thought I might have to arrange my own transportation to return to heaven. But it seems that you guys have merely put on some weight. You don’t seem to feel tired or out of breath while carrying the sedan chair. What happened? ”

The rabbits giggled. Ever since they learnt the Energy Bagua, the rabbits would always practice Energy Bagua for an hour before their regular daily training on carrying the sedan chair. They became stronger and even started to lose weight gradually. Was this hiccup actually a blessing in disguise?

The chief rabbit acted as if nothing had happened, said, “it was a misunderstanding and what you heard was not true. We are just getting more muscular and stronger, not fatter! ”

#MidAutumnFestival, #EnergyBagua, #Healthy, #Slimming, #OsmanthusTree, #Energy


在〈竹取公主和一群小兔子的故事: . 月亮上…〉中有 36 則留言

  1. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐!感恩师父慈悲分享,我们每天早晚走八卦,祝愿师父师母中秋节快乐,法体安康,弘法顺利,合家幸福,吉祥如意!

  2. 师父好,好有趣,八卦传到月宫去了,兔子们也得到师父亲传八卦内功,个个身强力壮,吴刚都得甘拜下风了,感恩师父!祝师父合家中秋佳节快乐吉祥!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!故事讲的好,让我明白了道理,现在这个中秋节到外边走八卦,树的能量满满,给人补充元气和能量最好时光!师父您太慈悲了,让我感动,我忏悔我对不起师父,我修的太少了,我从今天起一定多走八卦内功,多修行让恩师放心。弟子太懒了,我一定努力做好自己的功课,用真心叩拜恩师!

  4. 哈哈哈!师父分享的故事太好笑啦!我就向这些小兔子一样,每天都发愿把自己修练成内外皆美时,在去见我们日思夜想的慈母恩师!可是,每天还想着好吃的水果,好吃的饭菜,运动又很少所以身体越来越发福。还好,有师父教给我们即减肥又能快速恢复强健体魄的八卦内功。

  5. 感恩師父分享這麼可愛又討喜的月亮的故事,我們也要像兔兒們一樣,勤走八卦內功,感恩師父???

  6. 师父,您好!真是很感動的故事啊!大家也心照不宣了。看了這個故事后,我也不好意思头低到不能再低了。謝謝师父耐心的教诲!為了身壯力健,我們会努力去练八卦內功。感恩师父!预祝师父和师母,中秋節快樂!法体安康!吉祥如意!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享竹取公主和一群小兔子的故事!师父幸苦了!为了让弟子得到功法变着花样为我们传法,感恩师父的良苦用心。顶礼金菩提上师!

  8. 師父早上好:感恩分享,原来兔子在月亮,我会传達師父之声,我身旁有幾位亲人 屬兔,有 有緣就去走八卦。師父開示每个人感想都不一样,跟着心當時想法,去做。善意,???

  9. 哈哈,天上的玉兔,修八卦都可以减肥、恢复身材,金刚兄弟们都早点起来快点修吧。感恩师父分享!???

  10. 师父好!感恩师父分享的故事!恭祝师父师母全家中秋节快乐!真城顶礼叩拜尊贵的恩师!??????????

  11. 师父好!这个故事有教育意义,太好了!感恩师父慈悲教化和指点!提前祝福师父、师母及家人中秋节快乐!感恩师父!☕???????????

  12. 感恩师父慈悲开示与呵护!恭祝佛师师母中秋节快乐!听师父话健康幸福快乐每一天。感恩师父!!!

  13. 師父吉祥!很附有教育意義的故事,太好了!感恩師父慈悲教化和指導!提前祝福師父闔家家人中秋節快樂!感恩師父!☕???????????

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享教化!弟子一定好好认真修行,恭敬顶礼叩拜伟大尊贵的佛师???

  15. 感恩师父为我们讲童话故事:新版广寒宫玉兔走八卦的传说。中秋佳节即将来临,在节日里不要只沉浸在美食中,要坚持走八卦才能强身健体,精气神充足,开悟得智慧。八卦内功风靡全世界老少皆宜,上至神仙,下至黎民百姓都在修练八卦内功,八卦简单易学,去病效果快,普及八卦健康快乐。

  16. 顶礼感恩师父!感恩师父通过讲故事开示我们!中秋节快到了,不能贪吃美食,健康最重要,坚持走八卦,补充能量,恢复元气,病人走八卦恢复健康,八卦全地球人受益。感恩师父传授的八卦内功,

  17. 感恩师父分享。这个也许只是个有趣的故事,我身边却有一个真实的故事。我身边的几个同修每天早上一起走八卦。有一次,她早上稍稍晚了一点,正往八卦点走,就看到一对母子从她身边跑过,母亲还说:“快点吧,八卦可能已经开始了。”等她到了,看到母子已经在八卦队伍里了。但是,故事的重点在后面这句话——这对母子不是人身,只有这位同修自己看到了,听到了。所以,当我们修炼各种功法时,除了我们自己在修,还有很多无形无相的生命也在和我们一起修。由此我也想到了师父曾经说过:我们的功课有条件的话,最好是在固定的时间修固定的功法。这个要求不只是有助于我们把自己的修行稳固下来,是不是也方便其他跟随众的修行呢?

  18. 感恩师父慈悲开示!八卦能增强能量!健康长寿!八月十五块到了!恭祝师父师母节日快乐!天天开心!吉祥如意!顶礼师父!

  19. 哈哈……师父说的故事情节, 好幽默逗趣的哦!八卦~八卦~我爱你~谢谢师父??????

  20. 感恩师父慈悲开示!???我们只是精壮些不是肥胖!练了八卦内功就?️健康好身体!天上仙子也受益!?️缘的您和我练起来……感恩大慈大悲的师父赐予健康吉祥的八卦内功!?叩拜

  21. 感恩师父慈悲分享,竹取公主和一群小兔子的故事。故事情节太棒了!感恩师父慈悲教化!有缘获得师父的无上秒法,跟随师父每天坚持走八卦强身健体!瘦身减肥!每天不走就感觉缺少什么!感恩师父对弟子的加持护佑跟着您精进修行,早曰成就!叩拜恩师!!!

  22. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福’师父法体安康’,八卦真棒,不但得到身体健康!又带来信心满满.活力充沛!提前祝师父合家中秋佳节愉快。

  23. 感恩师父慈悲分享!非常有趣、生动的小兔子的故事!兔子隊員們一個個最近因為貪吃、變胖、代謝變差,體力也變差了!???对照一下自己,好像也有这样的毛病。开始對著桂樹練習《八卦內功》,借助樹滿滿的能量,搶救體力和健康。其实几年下来,越练越体会到《八卦內功》的殊胜功效,真的是非常难得的功法,当倍加珍惜!感恩叩拜恩师!???
