??水果飯前吃還是飯後吃⁉ . 我們華人…


Should fruits be eaten before or after a meal!?

Generally the eating habits of the Chinese people is to take fruits after our meals. However, recently someone commented that it is healthier to eat fruits before a meal- hence the question: is it better to consume fruits before or after a meal?

If you also have doubts regarding this, do not miss our upcoming episode of 【Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Wellness Seminar】. I will share with you the way to eat fruits for good health!

#Healthy, #FoodAndDrinks, #Fruits


竹取公主和一群小兔子的故事: . 月亮上…

#中秋節 #八卦內功 #建康 #瘦身減肥 #桂花樹 #能量

The story of Princess Zhu-Qu and the rabbits:

On the moon, besides the legendary Chang-Er and Wu-Gang, there lived a herd of rabbits entrusted with significant tasks!

At the courtyard of the Guang-Han Palace on the moon, which is near the famous osmanthus tree, the chief rabbit with the dress hat was heard hastening his team-mates in disappointment, ” Wake up! wake up! Don’t you know what day it is tomorrow? ” The rabbits, who were sleeping in a haphazard manner around the osmanthus tree, felt guilty on hearing their leader’s reminder.

The chief rabbit continued, “On the day exactly a week from now, Princess Zhu-Qu, who has been leaving in the mundane world, will return to heaven. This takes place once a year. On this day, you have to transform yourselves into fairies to welcome and receive the princess who will be reunited with her family in the heaven… ”

All the rabbits should now be very busy practicing carrying the sedan chair. Even Wu-Gang deliberately stayed away from the osmanthus tree in order not to disturb these rabbits. However, there appeared to be a hiccup this time…

With a mouthful of food, Rabbit One exclaimed, “The pomelo this year is really delicious!” Rabbit Two, who had put on some weight, said, “This year, Sister Chang-Er had ordered too many mooncakes.” Rabbit Three, who covered his face, declared, “.. I was not the one who emptied the bottle of wine.”

All the rabbits had indulged in food, put on weight and suffered from indigestion and become physically weak! So, after just one round of training, all the rabbits were exhausted and laid around the osmanthus tree. The leader was furious.

“Come on, we only do this once a year! This time we even assigned the task of preparing medicine to Brother Wu-Gang. You guys are disappointing! ” The chief rabbit grumbled aloud in great anxiety.

Lowering their heads as much as they could, the rabbits genuinely felt apologetic for their poor work performance. “It is all our fault.. we are willing to continue the training!” So even though all of them were still breathing heavily, the rabbits repented pathetically and expressed willingness to carry on with the training diligently.

“Who are you trying to upset! ” the chief rabbit stopped his scolding with the sincere repentance of the rabbits. The priority for him then was to find a solution. He said, “It just happens that I have an Energy Bagua practice manual, and it is convenient for you to practice around the osmanthus tree and leverage the abundant energy of the tree. I hope you can quickly re-build your energy and health. ”

“Yes, sir!” The rabbits replied simultaneously. Henceforth, the rabbits would complete an hour long Energy Bagua practice before their training on sedan chair carrying!

On the Mid- Autumn day, Princess Zhu-Qu was somewhat puzzled, “I received messages from the heaven that all of you could not withstand the tough training so I thought I might have to arrange my own transportation to return to heaven. But it seems that you guys have merely put on some weight. You don’t seem to feel tired or out of breath while carrying the sedan chair. What happened? ”

The rabbits giggled. Ever since they learnt the Energy Bagua, the rabbits would always practice Energy Bagua for an hour before their regular daily training on carrying the sedan chair. They became stronger and even started to lose weight gradually. Was this hiccup actually a blessing in disguise?

The chief rabbit acted as if nothing had happened, said, “it was a misunderstanding and what you heard was not true. We are just getting more muscular and stronger, not fatter! ”

#MidAutumnFestival, #EnergyBagua, #Healthy, #Slimming, #OsmanthusTree, #Energy


【週六網路共修】慈悲的力量 . 泥土髒嗎…

【Saturday Online Global Group Practice】 The Power of Compassion

Is the soil dirty?

Once, I overheard a child said, “I like to play with my dad because my mother always disallows me to play with soil or dig in sand. She says it’s too dirty, and will make me sick! But dad tells me that “dirty” children are healthier. That’s why I like to play with my dad!”

Upon hearing the conversation, I contemplated. Is the soil really dirty? I actually feel that being in touch with nature, such as simple soil, sand, grass, small stones and so on are not dirty, but are in fact beautiful.

Once, I went out for a stroll with some disciples, we came across a big, lush and vibrant tree. Without looking for a stool, I directly sat on the ground near the tree, close to earth. A disciple with good intention came forward, “Master, here’s a cushion for you. If that is not enough, we can add a few more layers. Would you like me to put my jacket on top so that it will not soil your bottom?”

“Is the grass dirty?” I responded. “The grass is cleaner than your clothes! Your clothes are made from synthetic fibers while earth is all natural. Do you know?” The fact is we do need earth to nourish and protect us. Many people play in nature with thick shoes, double layered socks, face mask and all wrapped up like mummy. How is this in touch with nature!

Let us give this a thought – if there is compassion deep in our hearts, we will have broad vision, and we can accommodate everything. This extends to the appreciation of original appearance of forms, and their benefits. With this dynamic exchange, there will be positive changes in our behavior.

So how do we better approach nature and interact positively with nature?
Now, let me invite all friends to get together to discuss “The Power of Compassion” in our group practice. All are welcome to share or leave a message to express your views.
Here’s wishing all of you a healthier and happier life!

#SaturdayGlobalGroupPractice, #ThePowerOfCompassion, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTeachings, #SoilFragrance, #Healthy


「幸福家庭」其實可以很簡單~ . 所謂的…

[Happy family life] can be easily attainable….
A happy family life can be as simple as having the companionship of our family members to enjoy our meals together; with endless of topics to chat about, and to be blessed with a healthy body. This simple and yet real happiness is actually easily attainable!
Let us listen to the sharing of Liang Jianfu from Malaysia!
Hopefully this can help you open the door to a happy family life.
(Note: Effect of meditation varies according to individuals)
*Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping and reducing medicine without consulting a doctor.
#HappyFamilyLife, #LiangJianFu, #Meditation, #Healthy, #Happiness, #LiveTestimonial, #Companionship


【緬甸_大金石】 . . 看見信仰的力量…

緬甸_大金石(Golden Rock)位於緬甸南部_孟邦(Mon State),位在海拔1100多公尺的山頂上,這顆大金石身長長約8公尺、有上百噸重,以令人難以置信的姿態,佇立於懸崖峭壁間,彷彿一不小心,就會滾落山崖。
石頭上面建造了一座_吉諦瑜佛塔(Kyaiktiyo Pagoda),約7公尺。傳說因為塔下埋著佛祖的兩根頭髮,所以才能撐住這顆大石不會滾落,信眾們深信不疑,將金箔貼滿了整顆石頭,因此變成一顆大金石。
【The Golden Rock – Myanmar】
Witness the power of faith! Even if poor, one should offer the best before the Buddha.
The Golden Rock is located in the Mon state to the south of Myanmar. With an altitude of more than 1,100 meters above the sea level at its peak, the stone measures about 8 meters long, with a weight exceeding hundreds of tons. It is perched in a remarkable (yet treacherous) position against the cliff, where it seems a careless move can cause it to plunge into the abyss below.
Built atop the rock is the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, of about 7 meters. Legend has it that due to two strands of the Buddha’s hair buried under the pagoda, the rock is well secured and thus has not tumbled down the cliff. Followers unwaveringly believe in it, and have used gold foil to plaster the whole stone, honoring it as the Golden Rock.
Myanmars believe that if one makes 3 pilgrimages to the Golden Rock in a year, he/ she will not be poor in this life. Thus, the monument will be crowded with followers from diverse places every morning. They reckon, “the hair of the Buddha represents the Buddha’s head. To have the opportunity to sleep by the Buddha’s head, is indeed very rare!” So, around the compound of the rock, there would be many people and families alike, laying mats, lying down and taking a nap – relishing with much pleasure despite the inherent risk.
Everyone is welcome to visit this monument, and if there’s time, take a stroll, pay homage and venerate the Buddha!!
Lastly, I wish everyone;
May the compassionate radiance of the Buddha illuminate every corner of the universe!
May the Buddha bless you with prosperity, auspiciousness, happiness, peace and serenity.
May you attain unparalleled wisdom, expertise and achievements.
Many thanks to our online friends in Myanmar who helped to source for beautiful photographs.
References – http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140607000699-260116
#Myanmar, #GreatIllumination, #Prosperity, #Auspiciousness, #Longevity, #Healthy, #Happiness, #GoldenRock
#緬甸、#光明、 #富貴、#吉祥、#長壽、#健康、#幸福、 #大金石


讓好運陪你過元旦 . 元旦倒數計時了,狗…

May good luck be with you as you cross over the New Year
As New Year approaches, doggy braced himself and proposed to lady bear:
[Will you marry me? I will make you happy.] Lady bear replied: [ No. I will not marry you. If I marry you, I will give birth to a bear (combination of Chinese character Dog and bear). I want to marry a cat. Then I will give birth to a panda (combination of Chinese character bear and cat) which is more prestigious. ]May all enjoy a good laugh and forget all your troubles.
May all become a better person than you were before.
May lotus flower bloom, luck and auspiciousness be with you as you cross into the New Year.
May Buddha and Bodhisattvas bestow you with auspicious brilliance, may you receive a golden egg and become more prosperous, may all brighten up physically and mentally, enjoy a smooth life in the New Year, be accompanied by auspiciousness and good health . Happy New Year!
#HappyNewYear, #Auspicious, #Healthy, #Happy, #GoodLuck


改變人生 . . 你問我:「人為什麼會有…

你又問我:「您說的我都明白,但我就是無法改變自己的人生? 」
Transform destiny
You asked me: “Why do people worry constantly?”
I replied: “Because there are too many desires left unfulfilled, learn to 「let go」 and you will not be troubled”
You asked me: “How can we eliminate worries?”
I replied: “Learn to 「be contented」 and 「grateful」”
Again you asked: “Why is this world so beautiful?”
I replied: “The most beautiful thing in the world is a pure, optimistic, open-minded and confident heart”.
You asked me: “I understand what you are telling me but why am I not able to transform my destiny?”
I replied: “When you learn to accept the blessings of others and in turn give more blessings to others, your life will start to change.”
Hence the key to transforming destiny is to transform ourselves and our spiritual realm…
#TransformDestiny, #Positive, #Tranquil, #Healthy, #Happy, #FamilyHappiness, #Complete, #Blessings
#改變人生、#樂觀、 #安定、#健康、 #快樂、 #幸福家庭、 #美滿、#祝福


【菩提養生素食教室】──養生百合粥 . …

1、 銀耳百合粥:乾銀耳1份(約10克),乾百合1份(約10克),粳米2份(約20克)。銀耳泡發洗淨,與百合、粳米同放入鍋中,加水適量煮成粥。
2、 南瓜百合粥:鮮百合3顆,大米100克,糯米50克,南瓜適量(個人喜好)。南瓜切小塊,與大米、糯米同煮半小時後,再放入洗淨的百合片,再煮半小時出鍋。
3、 蓮子百合粥:乾百合25克,蓮子25克,大米150克,枸杞少許提味。蓮子提前泡水,所有原料共同熬煮半小時即可。
4、 百合紅棗粥:乾百合10克、紅棗10顆、山藥15克、薏仁20克,用文火熬煮,軟爛成粥即可。

【Bodhi Healthy Vegetarian Classroom】 – Healthy Lily Bulb Porridge

During the autumn and winter season, the weather is dry and we need to drink some healthy porridge with soothing properties to ease dry cough and dry skin problems. Lily bulbs helps to nourish Yin, moisten the lungs, empties one’s mind of worries and calms the nerves. Hence it is a very important ingredient in healthy autumn and winter recipes.
Let us introduce a few lily books bulb porridge recipes for everyone to try
1. White Fungus Lily Bulb Porridge:
Dried white fungus (about 10g)
Dried lily bulb (about 10g)
Polished round-grained non glutinous rice (about 20g)
Wash and soak the white fungus, add in together with the rest of the ingredients into a pot, add sufficient water and boil till it becomes porridge.

2. Pumpkin Lily Bulb Porridge :
3 pieces of fresh lily bulb
100g rice
50g glutinous rice
appropriate amount of pumpkin (up to individual preference).
Cook cubed diced pumpkin, rice and glutinous rice for half an hour , then add into washed slices of lily bulb, continue to cook for another half an hour and it’s ready to be served .

3. Gingko Lily Bulb Porridge:
25g dried lily bulb
25g lotus seed
150g rice
A little wolf-berries to improve the taste.
Soak the lotus seeds in advance.
Add all ingredients and cook for half an hour and it’s ready to be served.

4. Lily Bulb Red Dates Porridge:
10g dried lily bulb
10 pieces of red dates
15g Yam
20g barley
Cook with small fire till soft and serve.

5. Millet Lily Bulb Porridge:
Appropriate amount of millet and fresh lily bulb
Cook millet for half an hour first then add fresh lily bulb and cook for another 5 minutes and it’s ready to be served.

#Healthy, # LilyBulb, #RedDates, #Pumpkin, #NourishYinMoistenLungs
1、 銀耳百合粥:乾銀耳1份(約10克),乾百合1份(約10克),粳米2份(約20克)。銀耳泡發洗淨,與百合、粳米同放入鍋中,加水適量煮成粥。
2、 南瓜百合粥:鮮百合3顆,大米100克,糯米50克,南瓜適量(個人喜好)。南瓜切小塊,與大米、糯米同煮半小時後,再放入洗淨的百合片,再煮半小時出鍋。
3、 蓮子百合粥:乾百合25克,蓮子25克,大米150克,枸杞少許提味。蓮子提前泡水,所有原料共同熬煮半小時即可。
4、 百合紅棗粥:乾百合10克、紅棗10顆、山藥15克、薏仁20克,用文火熬煮,軟爛成粥即可。


?【八卦英雄獎】得獎名單出爐啦 ? . …

?【八卦英雄獎】得獎名單出爐啦 ?
大家期待已久的「八卦英雄獎,獎落誰家?」今天終於揭曉答案啦!! ???
1⃣ 請得獎者與您的「所屬禪堂」聯繫,並出示此篇公告領獎,獎品將會統一寄到您的所屬禪堂。(未出示此篇公告領獎者,需出示臉書帳號,證明為投稿得獎者。)
3⃣未完成授權者,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。
? ? ?「八卦英雄帖」得獎名單如下: ? ? ?
馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_千人八卦



馬來西亞_龍泉禪堂 (68則投稿)
馬來西亞_妙法禪堂 (65則投稿)
北美 加拿大_多倫多禪堂 (37則投稿)
1.馬來西亞 妙法禪堂_美佳樂八卦點

2. 紐約 菩提八卦日_自由女神

3.馬來西亞 胖熊帶您走八卦

4.馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_加埔八卦點

5.紐約 曬八卦點_堅持走八卦

6.台灣 嘉義_興嘉公園八卦_81歲倉瞻師兄

7.香港 觀塘健身中心_七天八卦內功活動

8.韓國 安山禪堂_小朋友也來共修了


10.台灣 台中 念醒_走八卦的奇遇

11.美國 白蓮禪堂_歡樂八卦

12.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦家庭聚會

13.美國 灣區_Fremont伊麗莎白湖八卦點

14.台灣 台南隆生禪堂_八卦戶外弘法

15.美國 白蓮禪堂_海邊一日遊

16.馬來西亞 淡邊八卦點_400多位師兄姐們一起走八卦和享用早餐


17.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦點

18.台灣 臺北禪堂_世杰_期待與師父一起走八卦

19.澳大利亞 冬季八卦


21.馬來西亞 檳城_發林八卦點_150多人走八卦

22.馬來西亞 曹榮安(瑉湛)的故事_踏上攝影新旅程

23.馬來西亞 芙蓉禪堂_我和八卦內功的不解之緣

24.馬來西亞 寶靈禪堂_越南船上八卦

25.紐約 富茶 Kristen_收穫自信人生

26.紐約 金持徹_不負自己不負卿

27.印尼 曬八卦點_2016年的八卦豐收

28.韓國 青年八卦

29.溫哥華 加拿大禪堂_『八卦內功』班

30.緬甸 文化瘋八卦


? Winners of the [Energy Bagua Hero Award]

The results are finally out!

Who are the winners of the Energy Bagua Hero award? The long awaited results are finally out today!!

I truly appreciate the overwhelming response and enthusiasm in the participation of the “Energy Bagua heroes activities”. Submissions have poured in from all over the world, with practitioners sharing their fascinating stories ranging wide in content and variety. It turns out, behind every Bagua story, that there are touching and warm moments which we would not have witnessed if not for this activity. Your hard work will also be reflected in your health and touching moments you experienced. I truly believe that your perspiration under the hot sun will bring sparkle and move people. Thank you everyone for putting effort towards your health and for your love ones. May the blessings of Bodhisattva be omnipresent. I praise and cheer for you. With this, the Energy Bagua contribution activity has come to an end. Congratulations for all outstanding works. Thank you for all your participation and efforts which already made you winners in my heart.

As an encouragement to all participants, I have added a few additional special awards to the original top three prizes. “Energy Bagua hero special awards” list has 30 winners. I hope this will serve as an inspiration to our practitioners. I hope everyone will do their best to become winners of their own lives and be the healthiest and happiest people.

Notes to all who won a prize:
1. Please contact your Meditation Center and show this post to collect your prize. Your prize will be sent to your Meditation Center. You need to show your Facebook account as proof.
2. You need to complete personal release authorization in writing to give consent to the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs to be accompanied with proof of written authorization through text messages screenshots or authorization in writing.
3. Work submitted with incomplete authorization in writing will not be shared or shown on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook page even if it has won a prize. If there are any queries on copyright issues, feel free to contact the teachers from your Meditation Center to inquire.

“Energy Bagua hero posts” winners are as follows:
Winners from the Individual category (Top 3)
Congratulation for winning a blessed bracelet each.
1st prize

Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center -Thousand people Energy Bagua

2nd prize
Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)

3rd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)

【Top 3 Meditation Center with the most submissions】
Congratulation for winning a blessed vase each
1st prize
Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center (68 submissions)
2nd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (65 submissions)
3rd prize
Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center (37 submissions)
(Top 5 Meditation Center with the most submissions :1.Dragon Spring 68, 2. Fine Dharma 65, 3.Toronto 37, 4.New York 29, 5. Kepong 15)

【Special Awards】— 30 winners—
Congratulations for receiving a mystery gift each
《Magnificent Grandeur》
1. Malaysia, Fine Dharma- Megah Ria Energy Bagua

2. New York – Mrs. Liberty

3. Malaysia – Energy Bagua with the bear

《Never Give Up》
4. Malaysia, Dragon Spring – Kapar Energy Bagua

5. New York – Bensonhurst Park – persevere in the practice

6. Taiwan Chiayi – 81 year old Cangzhan

7. HK, Kwun Tong- 7 days Energy Bagua activity

《Best Energy Bagua child and youth award》
8. Korea, Ansan -children join in the practice

9. Canada, Toronto – Awakening Wisdom class sharing

10. Taiwan, Taichung – Awake to the happy encounters of Energy Bagua

11.USA, Bailian – Merriment Energy Bagua

《Harmonious Award》
12. Malaysia, Kepong – Bagua Family Day

13.USA, Bay Area _Fremont

14. Taiwan, Tainan – Outdoor Energy Bagua Teaching

15. USA, Bailian – A day at the beach

16. Malaysia, Tampin – 400 over enjoying Energy Bagua and breakfast


《The thousand graces of Bagua》
17. Malaysia , Kapong – Energy Bagua

18. Taiwan , Taipei – Shijie – looking forward to practice Energy Bagua with her dad

19. Australia – Winter Energy Bagua

《Encouraging prize 》
20. USA San Francisco & Bailian joint production – introduction to various practice Centers at the Bay Area.

21. Malaysia , Penang- 150+ people practicing Energy Bagua

22. Malaysia- story of Rong-an Cao stepping into a journey on photography

23. Malaysia, Seremban – My affinity with Energy Bagua

24. Malaysia , Baoling – Energy Bagua on a Vietnamese Boat

25. New York, Kristen- reap a life of confidence

26. New York, Chiche Jin

27. Indonesia – rewards from year 2016 Energy Bagua

28. Korea – Youth Energy Bagua

29. Canada, Vancouver – Energy Bagua Class

30. Myanmer – Rich culture Energy Bagua

Congratulations to all the lucky winners! If you do not see your favorite work here, you are welcome to recommend them to me. As delivery of prizes may take some time, please be patient while waiting for notice.

Finally, wishing everyone wins the biggest prize: biggest blessing, always stay healthy and happy!

#EnergBaguaHero Posts, #ListO f Winners, #Winners, #EnergyBaguaPracticeSite, #Healthy, #Happy #Longevityrnrn?【八卦英雄獎】得獎名單出爐啦 ?
大家期待已久的「八卦英雄獎,獎落誰家?」今天終於揭曉答案啦!! ???
1⃣ 請得獎者與您的「所屬禪堂」聯繫,並出示此篇公告領獎,獎品將會統一寄到您的所屬禪堂。(未出示此篇公告領獎者,需出示臉書帳號,證明為投稿得獎者。)
3⃣未完成授權者,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。
? ? ?「八卦英雄帖」得獎名單如下: ? ? ?
馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_千人八卦



馬來西亞_龍泉禪堂 (68則投稿)
馬來西亞_妙法禪堂 (65則投稿)
北美 加拿大_多倫多禪堂 (37則投稿)
1.馬來西亞 妙法禪堂_美佳樂八卦點

2. 紐約 菩提八卦日_自由女神

3.馬來西亞 胖熊帶您走八卦

4.馬來西亞 龍泉禪堂_加埔八卦點

5.紐約 曬八卦點_堅持走八卦

6.台灣 嘉義_興嘉公園八卦_81歲倉瞻師兄

7.香港 觀塘健身中心_七天八卦內功活動

8.韓國 安山禪堂_小朋友也來共修了


10.台灣 台中 念醒_走八卦的奇遇

11.美國 白蓮禪堂_歡樂八卦

12.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦家庭聚會

13.美國 灣區_Fremont伊麗莎白湖八卦點

14.台灣 台南隆生禪堂_八卦戶外弘法

15.美國 白蓮禪堂_海邊一日遊

16.馬來西亞 淡邊八卦點_400多位師兄姐們一起走八卦和享用早餐


17.馬來西亞 甲洞禪堂_八卦點

18.台灣 臺北禪堂_世杰_期待與師父一起走八卦

19.澳大利亞 冬季八卦


21.馬來西亞 檳城_發林八卦點_150多人走八卦

22.馬來西亞 曹榮安(瑉湛)的故事_踏上攝影新旅程

23.馬來西亞 芙蓉禪堂_我和八卦內功的不解之緣

24.馬來西亞 寶靈禪堂_越南船上八卦

25.紐約 富茶 Kristen_收穫自信人生

26.紐約 金持徹_不負自己不負卿

27.印尼 曬八卦點_2016年的八卦豐收

28.韓國 青年八卦

29.溫哥華 加拿大禪堂_『八卦內功』班

30.緬甸 文化瘋八卦


? Winners of the [Energy Bagua Hero Award]

The results are finally out!

Who are the winners of the Energy Bagua Hero award? The long awaited results are finally out today!!

I truly appreciate the overwhelming response and enthusiasm in the participation of the “Energy Bagua heroes activities”. Submissions have poured in from all over the world, with practitioners sharing their fascinating stories ranging wide in content and variety. It turns out, behind every Bagua story, that there are touching and warm moments which we would not have witnessed if not for this activity. Your hard work will also be reflected in your health and touching moments you experienced. I truly believe that your perspiration under the hot sun will bring sparkle and move people. Thank you everyone for putting effort towards your health and for your love ones. May the blessings of Bodhisattva be omnipresent. I praise and cheer for you. With this, the Energy Bagua contribution activity has come to an end. Congratulations for all outstanding works. Thank you for all your participation and efforts which already made you winners in my heart.

As an encouragement to all participants, I have added a few additional special awards to the original top three prizes. “Energy Bagua hero special awards” list has 30 winners. I hope this will serve as an inspiration to our practitioners. I hope everyone will do their best to become winners of their own lives and be the healthiest and happiest people.

Notes to all who won a prize:
1. Please contact your Meditation Center and show this post to collect your prize. Your prize will be sent to your Meditation Center. You need to show your Facebook account as proof.
2. You need to complete personal release authorization in writing to give consent to the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs to be accompanied with proof of written authorization through text messages screenshots or authorization in writing.
3. Work submitted with incomplete authorization in writing will not be shared or shown on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook page even if it has won a prize. If there are any queries on copyright issues, feel free to contact the teachers from your Meditation Center to inquire.

“Energy Bagua hero posts” winners are as follows:
Winners from the Individual category (Top 3)
Congratulation for winning a blessed bracelet each.
1st prize

Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center -Thousand people Energy Bagua

2nd prize
Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)

3rd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)

【Top 3 Meditation Center with the most submissions】
Congratulation for winning a blessed vase each
1st prize
Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center (68 submissions)
2nd prize
JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (65 submissions)
3rd prize
Toronto Bodhi Meditation Center (37 submissions)
(Top 5 Meditation Center with the most submissions :1.Dragon Spring 68, 2. Fine Dharma 65, 3.Toronto 37, 4.New York 29, 5. Kepong 15)

【Special Awards】— 30 winners—
Congratulations for receiving a mystery gift each
《Magnificent Grandeur》
1. Malaysia, Fine Dharma- Megah Ria Energy Bagua

2. New York – Mrs. Liberty

3. Malaysia – Energy Bagua with the bear

《Never Give Up》
4. Malaysia, Dragon Spring – Kapar Energy Bagua

5. New York – Bensonhurst Park – persevere in the practice

6. Taiwan Chiayi – 81 year old Cangzhan

7. HK, Kwun Tong- 7 days Energy Bagua activity

《Best Energy Bagua child and youth award》
8. Korea, Ansan -children join in the practice

9. Canada, Toronto – Awakening Wisdom class sharing

10. Taiwan, Taichung – Awake to the happy encounters of Energy Bagua

11.USA, Bailian – Merriment Energy Bagua

《Harmonious Award》
12. Malaysia, Kepong – Bagua Family Day

13.USA, Bay Area _Fremont

14. Taiwan, Tainan – Outdoor Energy Bagua Teaching

15. USA, Bailian – A day at the beach

16. Malaysia, Tampin – 400 over enjoying Energy Bagua and breakfast


《The thousand graces of Bagua》
17. Malaysia , Kapong – Energy Bagua

18. Taiwan , Taipei – Shijie – looking forward to practice Energy Bagua with her dad

19. Australia – Winter Energy Bagua

《Encouraging prize 》
20. USA San Francisco & Bailian joint production – introduction to various practice Centers at the Bay Area.

21. Malaysia , Penang- 150+ people practicing Energy Bagua

22. Malaysia- story of Rong-an Cao stepping into a journey on photography

23. Malaysia, Seremban – My affinity with Energy Bagua

24. Malaysia , Baoling – Energy Bagua on a Vietnamese Boat

25. New York, Kristen- reap a life of confidence

26. New York, Chiche Jin

27. Indonesia – rewards from year 2016 Energy Bagua

28. Korea – Youth Energy Bagua

29. Canada, Vancouver – Energy Bagua Class

30. Myanmer – Rich culture Energy Bagua

Congratulations to all the lucky winners! If you do not see your favorite work here, you are welcome to recommend them to me. As delivery of prizes may take some time, please be patient while waiting for notice.

Finally, wishing everyone wins the biggest prize: biggest blessing, always stay healthy and happy!

#EnergBaguaHero Posts, #ListO f Winners, #Winners, #EnergyBaguaPracticeSite, #Healthy, #Happy #Longevity
