Playing with mud makes you healthy?
2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha revealed that the Universe is made up of many different elements.
Another scientist discovered that an African volcano on a grassland spewed volcanic ashes and smoke every two to three years, destroying the neighboring grass. Remnants of ashes would float and land on the grass nearby.
Newly grown grass is healthy since they have been fertilized by the abundance of minerals and elements found in volcanic ashes. When cows eat these newly grown grass the following year, they become strong and healthy.
We also find that animals like horses, cows, goats and donkeys like to roll in the mud to ruffle their body’s fur and give out two grunts when they feel exhausted. Through this action, the animals alleviate their tiredness, rest and recharge.
When they are rolling, their spines touch the ground and are being stretched, while the muscles and skin will relax. In the process, they are receiving an abundance of elements from the mud, stones and water, which replenishes their energy quickly.
Hence, human beings also need to come into contact with nature by rolling or playing games in the mud, regardless of whether we are an adult or a child. Or we can choose to walk barefooted on the sandy beaches or in sea water, so as to absorb energy. Through coming into contact with nature, we strengthen our immunity system and are less likely to fall sick.
Hence, do not be afraid to come into contact with mud. Even when your hands, body or clothes are covered with mud, it is not dirty. You are returning to nature to receive energy and this is an excellent way to gain good health.
#Energy, #TracesOfMinerals, #Elements, #GetNearNature, #PlayingWithMudMakesYouHealthyrnrn玩泥巴變健康?
Playing with mud makes you healthy?
2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha revealed that the Universe is made up of many different elements.
Another scientist discovered that an African volcano on a grassland spewed volcanic ashes and smoke every two to three years, destroying the neighboring grass. Remnants of ashes would float and land on the grass nearby.
Newly grown grass is healthy since they have been fertilized by the abundance of minerals and elements found in volcanic ashes. When cows eat these newly grown grass the following year, they become strong and healthy.
We also find that animals like horses, cows, goats and donkeys like to roll in the mud to ruffle their body’s fur and give out two grunts when they feel exhausted. Through this action, the animals alleviate their tiredness, rest and recharge.
When they are rolling, their spines touch the ground and are being stretched, while the muscles and skin will relax. In the process, they are receiving an abundance of elements from the mud, stones and water, which replenishes their energy quickly.
Hence, human beings also need to come into contact with nature by rolling or playing games in the mud, regardless of whether we are an adult or a child. Or we can choose to walk barefooted on the sandy beaches or in sea water, so as to absorb energy. Through coming into contact with nature, we strengthen our immunity system and are less likely to fall sick.
Hence, do not be afraid to come into contact with mud. Even when your hands, body or clothes are covered with mud, it is not dirty. You are returning to nature to receive energy and this is an excellent way to gain good health.
#Energy, #TracesOfMinerals, #Elements, #GetNearNature, #PlayingWithMudMakesYouHealthy