
【金菩提養生食譜】菩提瘦身奶昔 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

羽衣甘藍 2杯
藍莓 1杯
全脂有機酸奶 1杯
紅薯 2片
清水 1杯
🎬 學習更多養生食譜與保健穴位,歡迎觀看『一眼看透小心肝 之2』:https://youtu.be/UbgyZLXgNyg
#瘦身 #健康 #養肝 #養生食譜 #健康養生 #瘦身減肥 #菩提瘦身奶昔 #健康飲料 #羽衣甘藍 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師 #金菩提養生食譜

羽衣甘藍 2杯
藍莓 1杯
全脂有機酸奶 1杯
紅薯 2片
清水 1杯
🎬 學習更多養生食譜與保健穴位,歡迎觀看『一眼看透小心肝 之2』:https://youtu.be/UbgyZLXgNyg
#瘦身 #健康 #養肝 #養生食譜 #健康養生 #瘦身減肥 #菩提瘦身奶昔 #健康飲料 #羽衣甘藍 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師 #金菩提養生食譜




This sharing is from Los Angeles, U.S.A. – Ruxiang’s story on his relaxation and slimming journey.

Practice Energy Bagua gives me relaxation, slimming and hearing improvements!

I am a high school teacher. I teach biology and geography. I typically need to pay much attention to the learning situation for all profiles of students, and found many issues that irritated me. Whenever the pressure to perform rose, I would experience heart palpitations (unhealthy fluctuations in heartbeat rates).

I grew up in the highlands, and after moving to Los Angeles in the year 2000, the change in altitude resulted in negative pressure in my ears, causing my hearing to deteriorate. There were times when I could not clearly hear my students speak in class.

Subsequently, I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation by my wife. In April 2017, I participated in the Energy Bagua foundation class. When I started practicing initially, it was difficult for me to focus. I was also lethargic. But after two days, it became easier, and the more relaxed I was, the more I could focus not only my mind, my body would also be full of energy.

After practicing the Energy Bagua for 3 months, my hearing improved, and I could clearly hear the students speak in class! Moreover, when I encountered various student issues, I could remain calm while resolving them. I realized that there was less burden on my heart, and felt that my heart was serene. I did not tense up as easily; my heartbeat was also relatively stable.

In addition, my weight continued to regulate, falling from the original 205 pounds to 185 pounds. Practicing the Energy Bagua helped me lose 20 pounds; I was really happy!

The Energy Bagua is particularly beneficial, so now as long as I am less busy at work, I will practice it.
I highly recommend that you also come to experience the Energy Bagua and its effects. I believe that we will certainly benefit from it.

* The effect of meditation varies from person to person.
* One pound = 453.59237 grams

#MeditationJournal, #LosAngelesUSA, #RuXiang, #EnergyBagua, #SlimmingAndWeightLossrnrn分享來自於美國洛杉磯_如響的減壓瘦身故事:

This sharing is from Los Angeles, U.S.A. – Ruxiang’s story on his relaxation and slimming journey.

Practice Energy Bagua gives me relaxation, slimming and hearing improvements!

I am a high school teacher. I teach biology and geography. I typically need to pay much attention to the learning situation for all profiles of students, and found many issues that irritated me. Whenever the pressure to perform rose, I would experience heart palpitations (unhealthy fluctuations in heartbeat rates).

I grew up in the highlands, and after moving to Los Angeles in the year 2000, the change in altitude resulted in negative pressure in my ears, causing my hearing to deteriorate. There were times when I could not clearly hear my students speak in class.

Subsequently, I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation by my wife. In April 2017, I participated in the Energy Bagua foundation class. When I started practicing initially, it was difficult for me to focus. I was also lethargic. But after two days, it became easier, and the more relaxed I was, the more I could focus not only my mind, my body would also be full of energy.

After practicing the Energy Bagua for 3 months, my hearing improved, and I could clearly hear the students speak in class! Moreover, when I encountered various student issues, I could remain calm while resolving them. I realized that there was less burden on my heart, and felt that my heart was serene. I did not tense up as easily; my heartbeat was also relatively stable.

In addition, my weight continued to regulate, falling from the original 205 pounds to 185 pounds. Practicing the Energy Bagua helped me lose 20 pounds; I was really happy!

The Energy Bagua is particularly beneficial, so now as long as I am less busy at work, I will practice it.
I highly recommend that you also come to experience the Energy Bagua and its effects. I believe that we will certainly benefit from it.

* The effect of meditation varies from person to person.
* One pound = 453.59237 grams

#MeditationJournal, #LosAngelesUSA, #RuXiang, #EnergyBagua, #SlimmingAndWeightLoss

This sharing is from Los Angeles, U.S.A. - Ruxiang's story on his relaxation and slimming journey.
Practice Energy Bagua gives me relaxation, slimming and hearing improvements! 
I am a high school teacher.  I teach biology and geography.  I typically need to pay much attention to the learning situation for all profiles of students, and found many issues that irritated me.  Whenever the pressure to perform rose, I would experience heart palpitations (unhealthy fluctuations in heartbeat rates).
I grew up in the highlands, and after moving to Los Angeles in the year 2000, the change in altitude resulted in negative pressure in my ears, causing my hearing to deteriorate.  There were times when I could not clearly hear my students speak in class.  
Subsequently, I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation by my wife.  In April 2017, I participated in the Energy Bagua foundation class.  When I started practicing initially, it was difficult for me to focus.  I was also lethargic.  But after two days, it became easier, and the more relaxed I was, the more I could focus not only my mind, my body would also be full of energy.
After practicing the Energy Bagua for 3 months, my hearing improved, and I could clearly hear the students speak in class!  Moreover, when I encountered various student issues, I could remain calm while resolving them.  I realized that there was less burden on my heart, and felt that my heart was serene.  I did not tense up as easily; my heartbeat was also relatively stable.
In addition, my weight continued to regulate, falling from the original 205 pounds to 185 pounds.  Practicing the Energy Bagua helped me lose 20 pounds; I was really happy!
The Energy Bagua is particularly beneficial, so now as long as I am less busy at work, I will practice it.
I highly recommend that you also come to experience the Energy Bagua and its effects.  I believe that we will certainly benefit from it.
* The effect of meditation varies from person to person.
* One pound = 453.59237 grams
#MeditationJournal, #LosAngelesUSA, #RuXiang, #EnergyBagua, #SlimmingAndWeightLossrnrn分享來自於美國洛杉磯_如響的減壓瘦身故事:
This sharing is from Los Angeles, U.S.A. - Ruxiang's story on his relaxation and slimming journey.
Practice Energy Bagua gives me relaxation, slimming and hearing improvements! 
I am a high school teacher.  I teach biology and geography.  I typically need to pay much attention to the learning situation for all profiles of students, and found many issues that irritated me.  Whenever the pressure to perform rose, I would experience heart palpitations (unhealthy fluctuations in heartbeat rates).
I grew up in the highlands, and after moving to Los Angeles in the year 2000, the change in altitude resulted in negative pressure in my ears, causing my hearing to deteriorate.  There were times when I could not clearly hear my students speak in class.  
Subsequently, I was introduced to Bodhi Meditation by my wife.  In April 2017, I participated in the Energy Bagua foundation class.  When I started practicing initially, it was difficult for me to focus.  I was also lethargic.  But after two days, it became easier, and the more relaxed I was, the more I could focus not only my mind, my body would also be full of energy.
After practicing the Energy Bagua for 3 months, my hearing improved, and I could clearly hear the students speak in class!  Moreover, when I encountered various student issues, I could remain calm while resolving them.  I realized that there was less burden on my heart, and felt that my heart was serene.  I did not tense up as easily; my heartbeat was also relatively stable.
In addition, my weight continued to regulate, falling from the original 205 pounds to 185 pounds.  Practicing the Energy Bagua helped me lose 20 pounds; I was really happy!
The Energy Bagua is particularly beneficial, so now as long as I am less busy at work, I will practice it.
I highly recommend that you also come to experience the Energy Bagua and its effects.  I believe that we will certainly benefit from it.
* The effect of meditation varies from person to person.
* One pound = 453.59237 grams
#MeditationJournal, #LosAngelesUSA, #RuXiang, #EnergyBagua, #SlimmingAndWeightLoss


竹取公主和一群小兔子的故事: . 月亮上…

#中秋節 #八卦內功 #建康 #瘦身減肥 #桂花樹 #能量

The story of Princess Zhu-Qu and the rabbits:

On the moon, besides the legendary Chang-Er and Wu-Gang, there lived a herd of rabbits entrusted with significant tasks!

At the courtyard of the Guang-Han Palace on the moon, which is near the famous osmanthus tree, the chief rabbit with the dress hat was heard hastening his team-mates in disappointment, ” Wake up! wake up! Don’t you know what day it is tomorrow? ” The rabbits, who were sleeping in a haphazard manner around the osmanthus tree, felt guilty on hearing their leader’s reminder.

The chief rabbit continued, “On the day exactly a week from now, Princess Zhu-Qu, who has been leaving in the mundane world, will return to heaven. This takes place once a year. On this day, you have to transform yourselves into fairies to welcome and receive the princess who will be reunited with her family in the heaven… ”

All the rabbits should now be very busy practicing carrying the sedan chair. Even Wu-Gang deliberately stayed away from the osmanthus tree in order not to disturb these rabbits. However, there appeared to be a hiccup this time…

With a mouthful of food, Rabbit One exclaimed, “The pomelo this year is really delicious!” Rabbit Two, who had put on some weight, said, “This year, Sister Chang-Er had ordered too many mooncakes.” Rabbit Three, who covered his face, declared, “.. I was not the one who emptied the bottle of wine.”

All the rabbits had indulged in food, put on weight and suffered from indigestion and become physically weak! So, after just one round of training, all the rabbits were exhausted and laid around the osmanthus tree. The leader was furious.

“Come on, we only do this once a year! This time we even assigned the task of preparing medicine to Brother Wu-Gang. You guys are disappointing! ” The chief rabbit grumbled aloud in great anxiety.

Lowering their heads as much as they could, the rabbits genuinely felt apologetic for their poor work performance. “It is all our fault.. we are willing to continue the training!” So even though all of them were still breathing heavily, the rabbits repented pathetically and expressed willingness to carry on with the training diligently.

“Who are you trying to upset! ” the chief rabbit stopped his scolding with the sincere repentance of the rabbits. The priority for him then was to find a solution. He said, “It just happens that I have an Energy Bagua practice manual, and it is convenient for you to practice around the osmanthus tree and leverage the abundant energy of the tree. I hope you can quickly re-build your energy and health. ”

“Yes, sir!” The rabbits replied simultaneously. Henceforth, the rabbits would complete an hour long Energy Bagua practice before their training on sedan chair carrying!

On the Mid- Autumn day, Princess Zhu-Qu was somewhat puzzled, “I received messages from the heaven that all of you could not withstand the tough training so I thought I might have to arrange my own transportation to return to heaven. But it seems that you guys have merely put on some weight. You don’t seem to feel tired or out of breath while carrying the sedan chair. What happened? ”

The rabbits giggled. Ever since they learnt the Energy Bagua, the rabbits would always practice Energy Bagua for an hour before their regular daily training on carrying the sedan chair. They became stronger and even started to lose weight gradually. Was this hiccup actually a blessing in disguise?

The chief rabbit acted as if nothing had happened, said, “it was a misunderstanding and what you heard was not true. We are just getting more muscular and stronger, not fatter! ”

#MidAutumnFestival, #EnergyBagua, #Healthy, #Slimming, #OsmanthusTree, #Energy


健康不再是口號 __2017年5月20日…

健康不再是口號 __2017年5月20日
1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:

#甜蜜的誘惑、#健康美麗、#瘦身減肥、#長壽rnrn健康不再是口號 __2017年5月20日
1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:



走出健康 . 前些天有位同修在這兒分享她…

Ann Nah :「師父,我走八卦一個星期後便秘消失啦!走八卦前是一個星期解1-2次,走八卦一個星期後每天解兩次,肚子感覺很通暢,那種脹脹的感覺消失啦。現在走八卦接近三個月了,由走八卦前的58kg減到了現在的51kg。短短的三個月不靠任何藥物,不刻意做激烈運動,正正瘦了7kg!
Ann Nah :「師父,我走八卦一個星期後便秘消失啦!走八卦前是一個星期解1-2次,走八卦一個星期後每天解兩次,肚子感覺很通暢,那種脹脹的感覺消失啦。現在走八卦接近三個月了,由走八卦前的58kg減到了現在的51kg。短短的三個月不靠任何藥物,不刻意做激烈運動,正正瘦了7kg!
