牛奶—不能說的秘密? 有個同修來問我…


The hidden secret of milk

One fellow practitioner asked me, “As people become wealthier, they would also want to eat better food. Milk should be one of the most nutritious and better quality food, is this correct?”

Allow me to clarify with regards to this question – cow’s milk is for calves, human’s milk is for human babies. If adult human consume lots of cow’s milk, it may cause health problems over time.

Let us take a look at the results of scientific research done by international specialists…

The latest discovery done by China and American research specialists:

The China–Cornell–Oxford Project was a large observational study led by T. Colin Campbell, professor of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University, who summarized the results in his book, The China Study. Other lead researchers were Chen Junshi, Deputy Director of Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine in Beijing, Richard Peto of the University of Oxford, and Li Junyao of the China Cancer Institute. The study was conducted over 20 years in rural China on 6,500 people, jointly funded by Cornell University, The University of Oxford, and the government of China. It has received the highest prestige prize in scientific improvement from China’s Ministry of Health. The New York Times has also termed the study “The Grand Prix of epidemiology”.

They have discovered the most astonishing secret on what the human population view as most nutritious and quality food – cow’s milk, eggs, are the most harmful to health. Yet those who depend on plant based nutrition are the healthiest and suffer less chronic diseases.

People thought that milk is liquid

In fact for most adult human, milk is the least digestible food regardless of whether it is human’s milk or cow’s milk. Yet for babies before teething their stomach is the best organ to digest and absorb milk, isn’t it strange? As human babies start teething, their ability to digest milk is lost as it is part of physiological evolution as we age.

To put it simply, the protein in cow’s milk is meant specifically for calves and has nothing to do with human. It will cause allergic reactions like stuffy nose, diarrhea, rashes etc as the human immune system reacts to the unfriendly protein.

Thus, what do you consider as a healthy meal?

It is best to avoid cow’s milk as it is meant for calves and not human.

#DairyProducts, #HealthyDiet, #ChinaAmeircanMedicalResearch, #Adults


The hidden secret of milk

One fellow practitioner asked me, “As people become wealthier, they would also want to eat better food. Milk should be one of the most nutritious and better quality food, is this correct?”

Allow me to clarify with regards to this question – cow’s milk is for calves, human’s milk is for human babies. If adult human consume lots of cow’s milk, it may cause health problems over time.

Let us take a look at the results of scientific research done by international specialists…

The latest discovery done by China and American research specialists:

The China–Cornell–Oxford Project was a large observational study led by T. Colin Campbell, professor of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University, who summarized the results in his book, The China Study. Other lead researchers were Chen Junshi, Deputy Director of Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine in Beijing, Richard Peto of the University of Oxford, and Li Junyao of the China Cancer Institute. The study was conducted over 20 years in rural China on 6,500 people, jointly funded by Cornell University, The University of Oxford, and the government of China. It has received the highest prestige prize in scientific improvement from China’s Ministry of Health. The New York Times has also termed the study “The Grand Prix of epidemiology”.

They have discovered the most astonishing secret on what the human population view as most nutritious and quality food – cow’s milk, eggs, are the most harmful to health. Yet those who depend on plant based nutrition are the healthiest and suffer less chronic diseases.

People thought that milk is liquid

In fact for most adult human, milk is the least digestible food regardless of whether it is human’s milk or cow’s milk. Yet for babies before teething their stomach is the best organ to digest and absorb milk, isn’t it strange? As human babies start teething, their ability to digest milk is lost as it is part of physiological evolution as we age.

To put it simply, the protein in cow’s milk is meant specifically for calves and has nothing to do with human. It will cause allergic reactions like stuffy nose, diarrhea, rashes etc as the human immune system reacts to the unfriendly protein.

Thus, what do you consider as a healthy meal?

It is best to avoid cow’s milk as it is meant for calves and not human.

#DairyProducts, #HealthyDiet, #ChinaAmeircanMedicalResearch, #Adults



在〈牛奶—不能說的秘密? 有個同修來問我…〉中有 37 則留言

  1. 师父好!师父吉祥。感恩师父給我们讲牛奶的作用,我们一直以为牛奶补钙有营养,哈哈!原来是盲点,是误区。感恩师父分享!

  2. 赞赞赞???

  3. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享牛奶不能喝对身体健康有伤害,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,尽量做到不喝奶多吃素食有益身体健康,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师

  4. 感恩师父!以前看到师父分享的:人们为了喝牛奶把刚出生的小牛宰杀了卖牛肉,而母牛产出的奶就供给我们人喝这个视频之后,我就不再喝牛奶了。我还尽量告诉别人不要喝牛奶,不要把我们的幸福寄托再别的生命痛苦之上。感恩感谢师父慈悲分享!

  5. 我原来经常买酸奶,还用来做供品,后来看到报道说现在的人把刚出生的小牛杀掉然后把奶供人喝,等于间接的伤害了生命,从此以后我不再买酸奶了。感恩师父!叩拜师父

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示与呵护!人类认为最营养、最优质的食物—奶、蛋,却是历史上最强最有效率的健康杀手!阿弥陀佛!佛光普照!愿地球家园所有的亲人们都要重视起来,为了自己、为了家人、为了社会,多吃植物性食物!都能身体健康!幸福平安吉祥!

  7. 真诚恭敬感恩师父慈悲教化?人类是世界上最自私最险恶的,为解嘴馋,尤其现在逮住什么动物都敢杀了吃肉,真是灭绝人性。牛奶是给小牛吃的,人奶是给婴儿吃的,成年人喝牛奶容易得病。感恩师父?弟子记住了。

  8. 真的不说你不知,师父那么一说大家都明白了。

  9. 感恩师父分享!弟子不喝牛奶,偶尔吃点酸奶☺为了健康以后也要尽量不吃。顶礼叩拜师父!祈愿师父法体安康、天天开心快乐!永远年轻!!

  10. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父给我们分享了牛奶对人体的副作用!今天才明白。可是有好多人,一直认为牛奶能补钙,增加抵抗力,看来是大错特错。赶快给自己家人做工作哦,少喝牛奶。感恩伟大的佛师!

  11. Yes , is true. I realise myself after stop taking dairy products particularly milk , I am healthier now. So glad to gain this knowledge. I also share my experience and knowledge with my family and friends. Thank you for sharing.

  12. 師父好!往常一般人都認為牛奶很營養,最近從各管道漸漸了解,但是我家兒子為了健身想長肌肉,喝了很多高蛋白的奶粉,近一年來卻變成尋麻疹過敏體質,造成飲食生活上很大的困擾,不知如何是好?請問師父有好方法嗎?

  13. 师父好!我在2011年5月,我去医院做了个大化验,化验结果是所有指标都在最标准的数值内,我是2001年开始素食,我的主食是米和面白菜和茄子(冬天白菜夏天茄子)基本不换样。我由一个体弱多病的丑人变成了一个健康活泼的人!感恩师父!是师父救了我,我的营养就是师父的妙法大光明!顶礼叩拜恩师!

  14. 孩子小时候喝牛奶长大的,上小学还给他定过牛奶,他后来自己不爱喝了,就没定了。我是喝牛奶了觉得不舒服,我也不喝了。看来,还是无意中健康饮食了。感恩师父分享及开示!

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示!圣人云:“朝闻道夕死可矣!”变一个表达的意思:“不闻道死不知矣”。如同几天前师父开示“甜蜜的诱惑”,俗人因为不学就不懂,因为不修听到也不信,很难去执行。世俗习惯太害人可怕了!因此,我们更体会出师父、佛菩萨的悲悯之心,为什么要慈悲普度?方便救度?修行如救头燃?祈愿一切有缘人都能够闻得佛法,懂得和执行道理,走向吉祥智慧的人生!

  16. 感恩师父帮我们走出误区,食用动物的肉和奶看似对人类有营养的补充,其实也会有副作用,人类很多疾病都与我们吃的东西有直接的关系。所以我们要想健康,一定要科学营养膳食,把握好情绪,多运动,最好能来参加菩提禅修,通过禅修获得能量体验辟谷,才能真正找到健康快乐的根源。

  17. 感恩师父!想想也是,上天设计的奶水都是给初生儿的,承接母体产下来的那一段时间,再慢慢分离。不喝牛奶,也避免”母牛“之苦,或一切生理的苦。人类也更按照自然之道去生存和生活,或能找到更好的自然办法。以前我是每天都喝牛奶的,回师父的FB以后,不知为什么,就不喝了,只喝咖啡,或者是想有更好的思考,没想到也改了这一“不好”。感恩师父教诲!顶礼叩拜师父!

  18. It’s also proven that it causes cancer, by eliminating milk and sugar from the diet, cancer patients have been cured…
    It’s good that egg is mentioned as well, I brought this question up during Level 2 when Master came to Toronto for the first time. We can get protein from grains and other non-animal source food. I became vegetarian after Level 2! Much gratitude Master! ♥

  19. 感恩师父慈悲开示!知道牛奶本该是小牛喝的。农场为了奶牛多产奶会用了很多激素,我体质比较明感,喝了牛奶乳房会胀痛,尽量不喝牛奶。?感恩师父!

  20. 感恩师父!弟子素食快二十年了,也没有喝牛奶,身体感觉非常好,就连一些难治的病,腰疼,心烦,胃病,神经衰弱,灰指甲都好了!弟子听师父的话!素食,修炼大光明!感恩师父!我们都爱您!

  21. 感恩师父慈悲分享提醒!好在我家喝牛奶也少,经常性的买一桶没喝完就放坏了!儿子喝牛奶也少,为此很多朋友还说我没照顾好儿子,怕他营养跟不上!这没成想无意中竟然做了对的事!嗯,以后就听师父的话,就跟牛奶说拜拜!辛苦师父为我们所做的操劳!弟子感恩叩拜师父!
