【小滿】──清熱除濕 . 太陽到達黃徑6…

Lesser Full Grain (8th of the 24 solar terms)

When the sun reaches the celestial or ecliptic longitude of 60 °, it is the solar term of Lesser Full Grain. This year, it falls on May 21. Lesser Full Grain is the eighth of the twenty-four solar terms, and the second solar term in summer. From here, the average daily temperature will gradually rise and the average rainfall will increase significantly, ushering into a period of rainy seasons in southern China. During the period of Lesser Full Grain, the elements of wind and fire combine, which often result in frustration and unease in temperament. Much attention should be given to mood management through increased outdoor activities such as jogging, trekking as well as practicing the Energy Bagua.

During the Lesser Full Grain period, most people consume cold drinks to wade off the heat when the ambient temperature increases. Consumption of cold drinks may cause stomach, intestinal and abdominal discomfort. It may also result in incomplete development of the digestive system for growing children, and deterioration of organ functions for senior folks. Hence, it is recommended to avoid too much of cold and raw food and beverages.

After the Lesser Full Grain period, the days would get hotter and we tend to perspire more. Coupled with the rainy season, the weather becomes humid and hot. During such a period, it is advisable to consume more fresh greens such as green beans (and green bean soup), winter melon (and winter melon soup), luffa loofah and cucumber. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid fried and spicy food.

#LesserFullGrain, #SolarTerms, #SummerNutritionrnrnLesser Full Grain (8th of the 24 solar terms)

When the sun reaches the celestial or ecliptic longitude of 60 °, it is the solar term of Lesser Full Grain. This year, it falls on May 21. Lesser Full Grain is the eighth of the twenty-four solar terms, and the second solar term in summer. From here, the average daily temperature will gradually rise and the average rainfall will increase significantly, ushering into a period of rainy seasons in southern China. During the period of Lesser Full Grain, the elements of wind and fire combine, which often result in frustration and unease in temperament. Much attention should be given to mood management through increased outdoor activities such as jogging, trekking as well as practicing the Energy Bagua.

During the Lesser Full Grain period, most people consume cold drinks to wade off the heat when the ambient temperature increases. Consumption of cold drinks may cause stomach, intestinal and abdominal discomfort. It may also result in incomplete development of the digestive system for growing children, and deterioration of organ functions for senior folks. Hence, it is recommended to avoid too much of cold and raw food and beverages.

After the Lesser Full Grain period, the days would get hotter and we tend to perspire more. Coupled with the rainy season, the weather becomes humid and hot. During such a period, it is advisable to consume more fresh greens such as green beans (and green bean soup), winter melon (and winter melon soup), luffa loofah and cucumber. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid fried and spicy food.

#LesserFullGrain, #SolarTerms, #SummerNutrition
Lesser Full Grain (8th of the 24 solar terms)

When the sun reaches the celestial or ecliptic longitude of 60 °, it is the solar term of Lesser Full Grain. This year, it falls on May 21. Lesser Full Grain is the eighth of the twenty-four solar terms, and the second solar term in summer. From here, the average daily temperature will gradually rise and the average rainfall will increase significantly, ushering into a period of rainy seasons in southern China. During the period of Lesser Full Grain, the elements of wind and fire combine, which often result in frustration and unease in temperament. Much attention should be given to mood management through increased outdoor activities such as jogging, trekking as well as practicing the Energy Bagua.

During the Lesser Full Grain period, most people consume cold drinks to wade off the heat when the ambient temperature increases. Consumption of cold drinks may cause stomach, intestinal and abdominal discomfort. It may also result in incomplete development of the digestive system for growing children, and deterioration of organ functions for senior folks. Hence, it is recommended to avoid too much of cold and raw food and beverages.

After the Lesser Full Grain period, the days would get hotter and we tend to perspire more. Coupled with the rainy season, the weather becomes humid and hot. During such a period, it is advisable to consume more fresh greens such as green beans (and green bean soup), winter melon (and winter melon soup), luffa loofah and cucumber. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid fried and spicy food.

#LesserFullGrain, #SolarTerms, #SummerNutrition


在〈【小滿】──清熱除濕 . 太陽到達黃徑6…〉中有 21 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父对节气变化的讲解和饮食方面的知识,我们每天都是糊里糊涂,随性过活,哎,遇到师父真是幸运极啦!每天温馨的教诲和牵挂让我们感动,师父您辛苦了!祝师父师母开心快乐,幸福安康,顺心如意,小满愉快。

  2. 小满是二十四节气中的第八个节气,标志着小麦即将成熟,小麦刚硬仁,还没有长满麦粒,到芒种节气就有地方开始收获小麦了,芒种见麦茬。感恩师父分享?

  3. 感恩师父慈悲提醒! ❤❤❤
    我们每天都在师父的慈悲大爱下滋润愉快的生活和修行真的太幸福了!!! 而这种幸福常体会,却无法用语言能形容,也许是因为弟子的表达能力很差,但弟子觉得有时人类的词汇还是欠缺的,也难以完完全全的能够表达的出那种体会和美好感觉。所以,弟子每次都只是简简单单的表达,只有在心里深深感激,欢喜……

  4. 绿豆百合薏仁汤的做法











  5. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享和每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  6. 师父好!感恩师父对节气变化和饮食方面的知识慈悲的关爱,我们有师父真是幸运幸福啊!祝愿师父师母天天开心快乐吉祥!法体安康!恭敬顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  7. 师父好!感恩师父对节节变化和饮食方面的知识慈悲的关爱,我们有伟大的师父真是太幸运幸福..!祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐.祥!法.体安康!弟子顶礼叩拜恩师!

  8. 小滿時風火相煸,人容易感到煩躁不安,要注意保持心情舒暢,可多參與一些戶外活動,跑步登山、走走八卦。。感恩师父!???.

  9. 感恩师父分享与提示。在小满的节气里,注意清热除湿,忌吃生冷食物,要多参与户外运动,特别是走八卦会让我们心情舒畅,消除因节气带来的烦躁不安,顺应季节的变化,合理养生膳食,快乐健康每一天。

  10. 感恩師父分享,對節氣的認識,每次師父都說明很清楚,也都會叮嚀關心弟子的健康,提供養生的食譜療法,我好喜歡,也好感恩師父,齊化合十!

  11. ”春困“真是的很烦人!“春天不是读书时,夏日炎炎正好眠,夏去秋来冬又到,收拾书包好过年”。就说了春天的”犯困“啊。我感觉这几天也很累,不知是否是因”春困“,或是”业力深重”,活该受报。“心不为境动”,什么时候才可以啊?现在幸好有禅修,有师父,要不,真是为“季”所困,更不想动。还好可以每天走八卦,有美好一天的开始!感恩师父的提醒和分享!感恩顶礼叩拜师父!
