牛奶—不能說的秘密? 有個同修來問我…


The hidden secret of milk

One fellow practitioner asked me, “As people become wealthier, they would also want to eat better food. Milk should be one of the most nutritious and better quality food, is this correct?”

Allow me to clarify with regards to this question – cow’s milk is for calves, human’s milk is for human babies. If adult human consume lots of cow’s milk, it may cause health problems over time.

Let us take a look at the results of scientific research done by international specialists…

The latest discovery done by China and American research specialists:

The China–Cornell–Oxford Project was a large observational study led by T. Colin Campbell, professor of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University, who summarized the results in his book, The China Study. Other lead researchers were Chen Junshi, Deputy Director of Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine in Beijing, Richard Peto of the University of Oxford, and Li Junyao of the China Cancer Institute. The study was conducted over 20 years in rural China on 6,500 people, jointly funded by Cornell University, The University of Oxford, and the government of China. It has received the highest prestige prize in scientific improvement from China’s Ministry of Health. The New York Times has also termed the study “The Grand Prix of epidemiology”.

They have discovered the most astonishing secret on what the human population view as most nutritious and quality food – cow’s milk, eggs, are the most harmful to health. Yet those who depend on plant based nutrition are the healthiest and suffer less chronic diseases.

People thought that milk is liquid

In fact for most adult human, milk is the least digestible food regardless of whether it is human’s milk or cow’s milk. Yet for babies before teething their stomach is the best organ to digest and absorb milk, isn’t it strange? As human babies start teething, their ability to digest milk is lost as it is part of physiological evolution as we age.

To put it simply, the protein in cow’s milk is meant specifically for calves and has nothing to do with human. It will cause allergic reactions like stuffy nose, diarrhea, rashes etc as the human immune system reacts to the unfriendly protein.

Thus, what do you consider as a healthy meal?

It is best to avoid cow’s milk as it is meant for calves and not human.

#DairyProducts, #HealthyDiet, #ChinaAmeircanMedicalResearch, #Adults


The hidden secret of milk

One fellow practitioner asked me, “As people become wealthier, they would also want to eat better food. Milk should be one of the most nutritious and better quality food, is this correct?”

Allow me to clarify with regards to this question – cow’s milk is for calves, human’s milk is for human babies. If adult human consume lots of cow’s milk, it may cause health problems over time.

Let us take a look at the results of scientific research done by international specialists…

The latest discovery done by China and American research specialists:

The China–Cornell–Oxford Project was a large observational study led by T. Colin Campbell, professor of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University, who summarized the results in his book, The China Study. Other lead researchers were Chen Junshi, Deputy Director of Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine in Beijing, Richard Peto of the University of Oxford, and Li Junyao of the China Cancer Institute. The study was conducted over 20 years in rural China on 6,500 people, jointly funded by Cornell University, The University of Oxford, and the government of China. It has received the highest prestige prize in scientific improvement from China’s Ministry of Health. The New York Times has also termed the study “The Grand Prix of epidemiology”.

They have discovered the most astonishing secret on what the human population view as most nutritious and quality food – cow’s milk, eggs, are the most harmful to health. Yet those who depend on plant based nutrition are the healthiest and suffer less chronic diseases.

People thought that milk is liquid

In fact for most adult human, milk is the least digestible food regardless of whether it is human’s milk or cow’s milk. Yet for babies before teething their stomach is the best organ to digest and absorb milk, isn’t it strange? As human babies start teething, their ability to digest milk is lost as it is part of physiological evolution as we age.

To put it simply, the protein in cow’s milk is meant specifically for calves and has nothing to do with human. It will cause allergic reactions like stuffy nose, diarrhea, rashes etc as the human immune system reacts to the unfriendly protein.

Thus, what do you consider as a healthy meal?

It is best to avoid cow’s milk as it is meant for calves and not human.

#DairyProducts, #HealthyDiet, #ChinaAmeircanMedicalResearch, #Adults

