【禪師APP 助你完成百日築基!】

【禪師APP 助你完成百日築基!】 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

【禪師APP 助你完成百日築基!】
📥 下載禪師APP:https://www.puticollege.com/mobile?lang=zh-cn
🥳 打卡的5大好處
1. 記錄開始走八卦之前的身心狀態,方便之後做對比 🌳
2. 設定里程碑,讓修行更有目標與動力 🏃
3. 每天記錄修行感悟,見證自己身心靈的提升 ✨
4. 完成每一期目標,將獲得徽章,還有金菩提宗師的祝福與鼓勵!🏅
5. 有3個驚喜百寶箱,等你來開啟! 🌠
打卡5步驟 👉👉👉 https://youtu.be/mrqqceaXA3c?t=6715
#八卦 #八卦内功 #百日築基 #打卡 #禪師APP #金菩提 #金菩提宗師

【禪師APP 助你完成百日築基!】
📥 下載禪師APP:https://www.puticollege.com/mobile?lang=zh-cn
🥳 打卡的5大好處
1. 記錄開始走八卦之前的身心狀態,方便之後做對比  🌳
2. 設定里程碑,讓修行更有目標與動力 🏃
3. 每天記錄修行感悟,見證自己身心靈的提升 ✨
4. 完成每一期目標,將獲得徽章,還有金菩提宗師的祝福與鼓勵!🏅
5. 有3個驚喜百寶箱,等你來開啟! 🌠
打卡5步驟  👉👉👉 https://youtu.be/mrqqceaXA3c?t=6715
#八卦 #八卦内功 #百日築基 #打卡 #禪師APP #金菩提 #金菩提宗師



#陰陽平衡 #陰陽 #八卦 #八卦內功 #八卦哲學 #正向積極 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師


【如何選擇適合走八卦的樹? 】 在八卦內功的修練過程中,樹扮演了很重要的角色,是我們與天地自然交流的媒介,幫助補充正能量,療癒我們的身心。 世界各地樹木的種類不同,我們可以根據當地的環境,選擇合適走八卦的植物。

【如何選擇適合走八卦的樹? 】 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

【如何選擇適合走八卦的樹? 】


✅ 合適走八卦的植物:

🏠 室內:
• 盡量選擇木本植物(比草本更好)
• 可以選擇不需要太多陽光就可以存活的植物
• 葉片要高過眼睛(盆栽本身如果比較矮,可以墊高)
• 例如:巴西木,發財樹,富貴竹

🌞 室外:
• 選擇能量向上、健康的樹
• 樹幹粗壯筆直
• 例如:松樹,杉樹
❎ 不合適走八卦的植物:
• 容易招陰氣的樹;例如:柳樹,槐樹,榕樹
• 結大果實的樹 (果實掉落可能會傷人);例如:榴槤樹
• 看上去形狀奇怪,給人不好印象的樹
• 樹幹不直的樹(歪脖樹)
• 長刺、尖葉子的樹
• 有毒的樹
• 不要選擇在一片樹林中最高的樹 (有雷擊的風險)

⭐️ 注意:如果所在地完全沒有任何植物或樹,可以用一根木桿,但一定不要圍繞金屬桿走八卦


#健康 #八卦 #走八卦 #八卦內功 #神秘的八卦內功 #健康長壽 #樹 #八卦密碼


腿痛能不能走「八卦」? . 有人說:「我…



爬上天梯的伏羲 . .   傳說,以前有…



He who climbed the stairs to Heaven – Fuxi
According to legend, there used to be a place called Hua Xu Guo, where the people were happy and lived long lives. It was like heaven on earth. However, due to the lack of hardship, the people there were lazy – they did not have the motivation to work or to create things.
However, there was a young lad named Fuxi who was different from all the others. He felt that the life in Hua Xu Guo was too mundane and he found the lack of creativity boring. Once, he chopped down a Phoenix tree and made a musical instrument by attaching fifty strings to it. This musical instrument was called a Se (an ancient Chinese plucked zither). The sound of the Se was crisp, clear, and so heavenly that it seemed to soar through the clouds into the sky.
One day, as Fuxi was playing the Se as usual, he heard the sound of thunder in the distance. He looked up at the sky and thought to himself: “My father is supposedly the Thunder God who lives in heaven. How I wish that I can go up there to take a look. I’ve heard that there is a magic tree south-east from here. Supposedly it rises up into the clouds, like a staircase to heaven. As long as I climb along the magic tree, I should be able to go up into heaven!”
With that thought, Fuxi took his beloved Se and left Hua Xu Guo in search of the staircase to heaven. Along the way, he encountered chilling scenes. He quickly learned that people outside of Hua Xu Guo lived very barbaric lives. He witnessed many brutal scenes of the strong preying on and devouring the weak.
Suddenly, Fuxi emerged into a wide, open grassland, where he saw a beautiful lady pacing sorrowfully. He found out that she was the Goddess in charge of all the wildernesses, Sunu.
“Excuse me, do you know where I can find the magic tree that goes up into heaven?” Fuxi sked.
“Why don’t you remain on the ground? Why do you want to search for the magic tree to heaven?”

Fuxi replied: “Because there are beautiful palaces and flowers up in heaven. And my father, the Thunder God, lives there.”

“Alright, I can tell you where the magic tree is. But you have to remember this: As you climb up the tree, you must never look downwards!”
Fuxi looked in the direction pointed by the goddess. Right in the center of the grass plains, he saw a gigantic tree rising up into the sky like a column of smoke! He took down the Se which he had been carrying all this while, and gave it to the goddess as a gift. Then he started his climb up the huge trunk.
As he climbed, he heard the sound of someone tuning the strings on the Se. The goddess was playing a farewell melody for Fuxi.
As he climbed to the top of the tree, he was not far away from the heaven. Suddenly the song played by the goddess floated into his ears. The melody was hauntingly hopeless and sad, reminding him of the wails of the animals which he witnessed being devoured earlier. The haunting melody tugged at Fuxi’s heart. Forgetting the warning from the goddess, he glanced downwards.
Immediately his hand slipped off the smooth trunk and he fell, head-first. Fortunately for him, he was saved by a thick carpet of grass which cushioned his fall. Fuxi was furious: “Why did the goddess play such a haunting melody to distract me? I must talk to her!”
However, the goddess was nowhere to be found. Disappointed, Fuxi stared moodily into the dark waters. Without warning, the water parted, and a mythical creature that resembled a dragon and a horse at the same time emerged. There was a picture of an octagon on the back of the creature. The creature spoke: “I know that you are looking for the goddess. You won’t find her, as she has already left. She asked me to pass you a message – There are so many people who are suffering in this world. They are uneducated and uninformed. They need a wise person to lead them, to help them. How can you bear to desert them and enjoy life on your own in heaven? You did not fall because of the goddess’ sad music. You fell because you still have empathy and sympathy for the people who are suffering. Your wish is to help these people!”
After hearing the words of the creature, Fuxi had a realization: “I am smart. I can use my wisdom to help improve the lives of these people!”
From then on, Fuxi stopped thinking about climbing up the staircase to heaven. He returned to his hometown, where he led his countrymen to build up an empire. He also led in the creation of the calendar system, and taught his people to tame wild animals. That was the start of animal domestication. He also taught his people to create stone tools, to start fire through drilling of wood, and to start the habit of cooking food before consumption. This greatly reduced the occurrences of diseases as a result of eating unclean raw food, and also reduced the incidence of people getting hurt by wild animals.
Most importantly, he was inspired by the prints on the mythical creature and invented the eight trigrams commonly known as Bagua. This increased mankind’s general knowledge about the world of nature and introduced order into the society. This was how a barbaric place in the east was eventually transformed into a happy kingdom.
#Fuxi, #Bagua, #Invention, #Happiness, #FirstDayOfTheTwelveLunarMonth


八卦是什麼? . 大家都愛「八卦」, 大家…

#八卦 #健康 #快樂 #自信 #美麗
What is Bagua?

Everyone loves Bagua
Everyone is practicing Bagua .

Will Bagua lead you to become healthier ?
Will Bagua lead you to become more confidence ?
Will Bagua lead you to become more beautiful?

Let’s see why everyone is so obsessed about Bagua .

Feel free to share and like this post !

#Bagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Beautiful, #Confidence


擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。 ….

身心靈獲得了提升 當義工服務大眾
Farewell to prolong suffering from hyperthyroidism and menstrual cramps
Illness does not only affect the elderly. Since young, she suffers from swelling of the thyroid that affected her body, emotions, life, career and interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the symptoms aggravated. After 11 years searching for a cure in her fight against hyperthyroidism, she finally discovered that the end to her nightmares in life lies in a non-medical approach. Let us hear her story….
My name is Yanling Li.
Ten years ago, when I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The disease made me suffer from an accelerated heartbeat, exophthalmos, shaky hands, thick neck and poor sleep interrupted by many dreams. The lack of sleep made it difficult for me to focus on my work and my temperament deteriorated. As my neck was thicker than normal, I lost my self-confidence and did not have the courage to wear shirts without collars. The doctor advised against surgery as the probability of relapse is high. I took the medication prescribed by the doctor for 4 years, which helped to regulate my heartbeat, reduced the swelling of my neck as well as ease the trembling of my hands. However, the medication had side effect, which caused my body to swell all over. There was also no improvement to the quality of my sleep, and the doctor advised me to stop the course of medication. Not long after that, all the previous symptoms returned with a vengeance.
When I realized that western medicine was unable to help, I turned to traditional Chinese medicine for a cure. Over the course of more than 11 years, I have used up almost all my savings, and yet I was unable to find a method to help me or ease my pain. I was thoroughly disheartened! In addition, due to my sleeping problem over the years, I became more and more moody and unable to focus. To add on to my woes, I started experiencing serious menstrual cramps from the age of 22 years. The cramps were so bad that I had to take medical leave almost every month. My work efficiency declined and so did my relationship with my colleagues.
The 7-day class tremendously reduced the swelling on my neck and my menstrual cramps
A friend encouraged me to signup for the “Thousand practitioners Energy Bagua event” at the end of 2016, followed by the 7-day Energy Bagua Foundation class in January of 2017. On the third day of the class, a pungent smell constantly emanated from my throat. It felt as if there was a lot of phlegm dissolving away. During this period of time, I kept throwing up phlegm and the swelling on my neck showed signs of getting smaller. At the end of the 7-day class, the swelling on my neck greatly reduced in size, and even my decade-old sleep problem showed signs of improvement: I was able to fall into deeper sleep as the occurrences of dreams reduced. Even my menstrual cramps reduced in intensity. My skin became smoother, my hands no longer trembled and my heartbeat returned to normal. Other than the physical swelling, almost all the other symptoms of hyperthyroidism were gone.
As my mind and body went through uplifting improvement, I became a volunteer to serve the public.
All these changes made me ecstatic: I have finally found the solution to my health problems! At that instant, I was filled with a great sense of hope. No words can describe my sense of exhilaration! Since then, I have persevered on by practicing Energy Bagua daily. The ambience of the meditation center and the enthusiasm of the volunteers filled me with warmth. I felt like this was home. Hence I signed up to be a volunteer in the meditation center in February.
Following that, I also attended the Health and Happiness Meditation Class in March. As I listened to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I was uplifted in both body and mind. Colleagues felt that I had become a lot gentler and my interpersonal relations have improved. As my family witnessed the changes in me, they became very supportive of what I was doing, and even wanted to attend the Health and Meditation class to increase their understanding of Bodhi Meditation.
Now, every morning, I practice an hour of Energy Bagua, followed by an hour of Meditation of Greater Illumination.
I am eternally grateful to Bodhi Meditation, and to Grandmaster JinBodhi, for regaining my health, happiness and confidence! I have also vowed to follow Master’s compassionate teachings and help more people regain their health and happiness!
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
* Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medicine dosage without consulting the doctor. Please follow the advise of the doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #Hyperthyroidism, #MenstrualCramps, #Insomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination
#見證禪修、 #馬來西亞、 #甲狀腺病、 #痛經、 #失眠、 #八卦、#八卦內功、 #無量大光明rnrn擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。
身心靈獲得了提升 當義工服務大眾
Farewell to prolong suffering from hyperthyroidism and menstrual cramps
Illness does not only affect the elderly. Since young, she suffers from swelling of the thyroid that affected her body, emotions, life, career and interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the symptoms aggravated. After 11 years searching for a cure in her fight against hyperthyroidism, she finally discovered that the end to her nightmares in life lies in a non-medical approach. Let us hear her story….
My name is Yanling Li.
Ten years ago, when I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The disease made me suffer from an accelerated heartbeat, exophthalmos, shaky hands, thick neck and poor sleep interrupted by many dreams. The lack of sleep made it difficult for me to focus on my work and my temperament deteriorated. As my neck was thicker than normal, I lost my self-confidence and did not have the courage to wear shirts without collars. The doctor advised against surgery as the probability of relapse is high. I took the medication prescribed by the doctor for 4 years, which helped to regulate my heartbeat, reduced the swelling of my neck as well as ease the trembling of my hands. However, the medication had side effect, which caused my body to swell all over. There was also no improvement to the quality of my sleep, and the doctor advised me to stop the course of medication. Not long after that, all the previous symptoms returned with a vengeance.
When I realized that western medicine was unable to help, I turned to traditional Chinese medicine for a cure. Over the course of more than 11 years, I have used up almost all my savings, and yet I was unable to find a method to help me or ease my pain. I was thoroughly disheartened! In addition, due to my sleeping problem over the years, I became more and more moody and unable to focus. To add on to my woes, I started experiencing serious menstrual cramps from the age of 22 years. The cramps were so bad that I had to take medical leave almost every month. My work efficiency declined and so did my relationship with my colleagues.
The 7-day class tremendously reduced the swelling on my neck and my menstrual cramps
A friend encouraged me to signup for the “Thousand practitioners Energy Bagua event” at the end of 2016, followed by the 7-day Energy Bagua Foundation class in January of 2017. On the third day of the class, a pungent smell constantly emanated from my throat. It felt as if there was a lot of phlegm dissolving away. During this period of time, I kept throwing up phlegm and the swelling on my neck showed signs of getting smaller. At the end of the 7-day class, the swelling on my neck greatly reduced in size, and even my decade-old sleep problem showed signs of improvement: I was able to fall into deeper sleep as the occurrences of dreams reduced. Even my menstrual cramps reduced in intensity. My skin became smoother, my hands no longer trembled and my heartbeat returned to normal. Other than the physical swelling, almost all the other symptoms of hyperthyroidism were gone.
As my mind and body went through uplifting improvement, I became a volunteer to serve the public.
All these changes made me ecstatic: I have finally found the solution to my health problems! At that instant, I was filled with a great sense of hope. No words can describe my sense of exhilaration! Since then, I have persevered on by practicing Energy Bagua daily. The ambience of the meditation center and the enthusiasm of the volunteers filled me with warmth. I felt like this was home. Hence I signed up to be a volunteer in the meditation center in February.
Following that, I also attended the Health and Happiness Meditation Class in March. As I listened to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I was uplifted in both body and mind. Colleagues felt that I had become a lot gentler and my interpersonal relations have improved. As my family witnessed the changes in me, they became very supportive of what I was doing, and even wanted to attend the Health and Meditation class to increase their understanding of Bodhi Meditation.
Now, every morning, I practice an hour of Energy Bagua, followed by an hour of Meditation of Greater Illumination.
I am eternally grateful to Bodhi Meditation, and to Grandmaster JinBodhi, for regaining my health, happiness and confidence! I have also vowed to follow Master’s compassionate teachings and help more people regain their health and happiness!
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
* Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medicine dosage without consulting the doctor. Please follow the advise of the doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #Hyperthyroidism, #MenstrualCramps, #Insomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination
#見證禪修、 #馬來西亞、 #甲狀腺病、 #痛經、 #失眠、 #八卦、#八卦內功、 #無量大光明


健康回來了,5年的輪椅Bye-bye ….

2012年5月,我突然間無法行走,經醫生檢查後被診斷出有2節腰椎軟骨壞死,壓迫了坐骨神經線,導致我的雙腿無力,不能站立,更沒法步行,需要以輪椅代步! 有時腰痛起來就連打針也不能緩解疼痛,上下床都沒辦法。
清明祭祖活動後,我每天早上9:30 到中午12:30 ,到禪堂修練「無量大光明修持法」和念佛。到了第2個星期,我感覺雙腿比以前有力了,我可以自己扶著輪椅慢慢走到禪堂了!
短短3週,我恢復了行走能力,擺脫了5年的輪椅生活,真的非常開心!我做夢也想不到,我龍碧雲的雙腿,竟然可以康復! 感謝這5年來家人的照顧及關心!感謝交來禪堂所有的義工們像家人一樣的關懷和鼓勵!感恩金菩提宗師!
Regained health & bided farewell to my wheelchair of 5 years

For most of us who can walk normally, it is impossible to understand those who spend their days on the wheelchair. For 5 years, she could only rely on the wheelchair for mobility. Luckily there was a miracle, and within a short span of 3 weeks, she overcame her immobility and no longer relied upon the wheelchair. What is this amazing and true story about? Let us hear her story..
Testimonial from Malaysia

In May 2012, I suddenly could not walk. The doctor’s examination revealed that I was stricken with lumbar cartilage necrosis in 2 vertebrae, and compression of the sciatic nerves. This resulted in weakness in both legs. I could not stand, much less walk, and had to rely on the wheelchair to move about! At times when the backache acted up, even injections were useless in relieving the pain, and I could not shift from my bed.

Over the next two years, western medicine, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and orthopedics; I tried them all, but none was of use to my condition. Surgery was recommended by western doctors, but the risk was high, with disability or death as high as 50%. Having discussed with my family, I decided not to undergo surgery. Despite exhausting my lifetime savings, cure was not in sight, and my confidence eroded. Since 2014, I’d abandoned all treatments.

I used to be active, but due to the illness I had to rely on the wheelchair, and on the all-round support to move around. I lost interest in going out. I began to dislike myself, as I felt that I was a burden to the family. I felt I was repulsive, and became short-tempered. One day, I came across the website by Bodhi Meditation on the internet. I read various testimonials and was inspired. Thus, I registered for the Qing Ming Festival Chanting and Light Offering event at Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center that was held around March 28th this year.

On the first day of the chanting class, I arrived at the center in my wheelchair. I was blessed with the warm assistance by the volunteers, who helped me in and out of the wheelchair. They also accompanied me in all activities throughout the week. It was a warm feeling. My fellow brothers and sisters constantly encouraged me to persevere and not give up, selflessly shared their experiences and testimonials, allowing me to build my courage and confidence. These volunteers also urged me to attempt to stop using the wheelchair; supporting me in my bids to take slow steps, one at a time.

After the Qing Ming Festival worship activities, I would proceed daily to the Bodhi Meditation Center between 9.30am to 12.30pm in the afternoon for the Meditation of Greater Illumination as well as for chanting. By the second week, I felt my legs were stronger than before, and I could walk slowly to the meditation centre with the support of my wheelchair! What was more miraculous was, by the third week, I could finally and completely leave the wheelchair days behind! Since then, I have walked to the meditation centre by myself, and with steady strides!

I’m finally able to move about by myself! In a short span of 3 weeks, I regained the ability to walk, and can finally leave the days with the wheelchair of 5 years behind. I was elated! It was beyond my wildest dreams that me, Long Biyun could have my legs recovered! I’m also thankful for the utmost care and concern of my family over the past 5 years! Special thanks to all volunteers at the Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center for the familial care and encouragements! Most grateful to Master Jin Bodhi!

May those who are afflicted with illness and pain find solace in Bodhi Meditation and swiftly regain health and happiness.

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate to stop or reduce any meditation, please consult your doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #EnergyBagua, #SwiftOfFoot
#見證禪修 #八卦 #健步如飛 #健康長壽rnrn健康回來了,5年的輪椅Bye-bye
2012年5月,我突然間無法行走,經醫生檢查後被診斷出有2節腰椎軟骨壞死,壓迫了坐骨神經線,導致我的雙腿無力,不能站立,更沒法步行,需要以輪椅代步! 有時腰痛起來就連打針也不能緩解疼痛,上下床都沒辦法。
清明祭祖活動後,我每天早上9:30 到中午12:30 ,到禪堂修練「無量大光明修持法」和念佛。到了第2個星期,我感覺雙腿比以前有力了,我可以自己扶著輪椅慢慢走到禪堂了!
短短3週,我恢復了行走能力,擺脫了5年的輪椅生活,真的非常開心!我做夢也想不到,我龍碧雲的雙腿,竟然可以康復! 感謝這5年來家人的照顧及關心!感謝交來禪堂所有的義工們像家人一樣的關懷和鼓勵!感恩金菩提宗師!
Regained health & bided farewell to my wheelchair of 5 years

For most of us who can walk normally, it is impossible to understand those who spend their days on the wheelchair. For 5 years, she could only rely on the wheelchair for mobility. Luckily there was a miracle, and within a short span of 3 weeks, she overcame her immobility and no longer relied upon the wheelchair. What is this amazing and true story about? Let us hear her story..
Testimonial from Malaysia

In May 2012, I suddenly could not walk. The doctor’s examination revealed that I was stricken with lumbar cartilage necrosis in 2 vertebrae, and compression of the sciatic nerves. This resulted in weakness in both legs. I could not stand, much less walk, and had to rely on the wheelchair to move about! At times when the backache acted up, even injections were useless in relieving the pain, and I could not shift from my bed.

Over the next two years, western medicine, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and orthopedics; I tried them all, but none was of use to my condition. Surgery was recommended by western doctors, but the risk was high, with disability or death as high as 50%. Having discussed with my family, I decided not to undergo surgery. Despite exhausting my lifetime savings, cure was not in sight, and my confidence eroded. Since 2014, I’d abandoned all treatments.

I used to be active, but due to the illness I had to rely on the wheelchair, and on the all-round support to move around. I lost interest in going out. I began to dislike myself, as I felt that I was a burden to the family. I felt I was repulsive, and became short-tempered. One day, I came across the website by Bodhi Meditation on the internet. I read various testimonials and was inspired. Thus, I registered for the Qing Ming Festival Chanting and Light Offering event at Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center that was held around March 28th this year.

On the first day of the chanting class, I arrived at the center in my wheelchair. I was blessed with the warm assistance by the volunteers, who helped me in and out of the wheelchair. They also accompanied me in all activities throughout the week. It was a warm feeling. My fellow brothers and sisters constantly encouraged me to persevere and not give up, selflessly shared their experiences and testimonials, allowing me to build my courage and confidence. These volunteers also urged me to attempt to stop using the wheelchair; supporting me in my bids to take slow steps, one at a time.

After the Qing Ming Festival worship activities, I would proceed daily to the Bodhi Meditation Center between 9.30am to 12.30pm in the afternoon for the Meditation of Greater Illumination as well as for chanting. By the second week, I felt my legs were stronger than before, and I could walk slowly to the meditation centre with the support of my wheelchair! What was more miraculous was, by the third week, I could finally and completely leave the wheelchair days behind! Since then, I have walked to the meditation centre by myself, and with steady strides!

I’m finally able to move about by myself! In a short span of 3 weeks, I regained the ability to walk, and can finally leave the days with the wheelchair of 5 years behind. I was elated! It was beyond my wildest dreams that me, Long Biyun could have my legs recovered! I’m also thankful for the utmost care and concern of my family over the past 5 years! Special thanks to all volunteers at the Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center for the familial care and encouragements! Most grateful to Master Jin Bodhi!

May those who are afflicted with illness and pain find solace in Bodhi Meditation and swiftly regain health and happiness.

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate to stop or reduce any meditation, please consult your doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #EnergyBagua, #SwiftOfFoot
#見證禪修 #八卦 #健步如飛 #健康長壽


【百日修行_圓滿分享】 一個承諾,一份責…


[100-day Meditation Practice – Completion Sharing]

Promise, Responsibility, Habit, Perseverance

Today, is the successful completion of 100-day Meditation Practice.
Have you experienced joy and happiness?
I welcome everyone to share your experience, regardless whether they are good or bad.
Although the 100-day practice has already been completed, whether it was a success or not, it is the perseverance that leads us to complete our dream. Only when we are able to overcome ourselves can we truly achieve success.
It is consistent actions that form habits and habits mould personality which eventually determines destiny. Thus, if laziness if our habit, we will achieve nothing.
I hope that we can continue to adhere to this good practice habit and strive for continuous improvement.

Let us continue with this good habit of regular practice and strive for improvement.
Together, we will attain personal fulfillment, success and great energy.

Here’s wishing you auspiciousness, health and happiness!
Do share this auspiciousness with more people.

#DateInMeditativeState, #100dayPracticeExperienceSharing, #WarmthOftheBodhisattva, #MeditationofGreaterIllumination, #EnergyBagua, #Chanting, #Prostration, #CompletionOf100DayPractice

[100-day Meditation Practice – Completion Sharing]

Promise, Responsibility, Habit, Perseverance

Today, is the successful completion of 100-day Meditation Practice.
Have you experienced joy and happiness?
I welcome everyone to share your experience, regardless whether they are good or bad.
Although the 100-day practice has already been completed, whether it was a success or not, it is the perseverance that leads us to complete our dream. Only when we are able to overcome ourselves can we truly achieve success.
It is consistent actions that form habits and habits mould personality which eventually determines destiny. Thus, if laziness if our habit, we will achieve nothing.
I hope that we can continue to adhere to this good practice habit and strive for continuous improvement.

Let us continue with this good habit of regular practice and strive for improvement.
Together, we will attain personal fulfillment, success and great energy.

Here’s wishing you auspiciousness, health and happiness!
Do share this auspiciousness with more people.

#DateInMeditativeState, #100dayPracticeExperienceSharing, #WarmthOftheBodhisattva, #MeditationofGreaterIllumination, #EnergyBagua, #Chanting, #Prostration, #CompletionOf100DayPractice
