健康回來了,5年的輪椅Bye-bye ….

2012年5月,我突然間無法行走,經醫生檢查後被診斷出有2節腰椎軟骨壞死,壓迫了坐骨神經線,導致我的雙腿無力,不能站立,更沒法步行,需要以輪椅代步! 有時腰痛起來就連打針也不能緩解疼痛,上下床都沒辦法。
清明祭祖活動後,我每天早上9:30 到中午12:30 ,到禪堂修練「無量大光明修持法」和念佛。到了第2個星期,我感覺雙腿比以前有力了,我可以自己扶著輪椅慢慢走到禪堂了!
短短3週,我恢復了行走能力,擺脫了5年的輪椅生活,真的非常開心!我做夢也想不到,我龍碧雲的雙腿,竟然可以康復! 感謝這5年來家人的照顧及關心!感謝交來禪堂所有的義工們像家人一樣的關懷和鼓勵!感恩金菩提宗師!
Regained health & bided farewell to my wheelchair of 5 years

For most of us who can walk normally, it is impossible to understand those who spend their days on the wheelchair. For 5 years, she could only rely on the wheelchair for mobility. Luckily there was a miracle, and within a short span of 3 weeks, she overcame her immobility and no longer relied upon the wheelchair. What is this amazing and true story about? Let us hear her story..
Testimonial from Malaysia

In May 2012, I suddenly could not walk. The doctor’s examination revealed that I was stricken with lumbar cartilage necrosis in 2 vertebrae, and compression of the sciatic nerves. This resulted in weakness in both legs. I could not stand, much less walk, and had to rely on the wheelchair to move about! At times when the backache acted up, even injections were useless in relieving the pain, and I could not shift from my bed.

Over the next two years, western medicine, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and orthopedics; I tried them all, but none was of use to my condition. Surgery was recommended by western doctors, but the risk was high, with disability or death as high as 50%. Having discussed with my family, I decided not to undergo surgery. Despite exhausting my lifetime savings, cure was not in sight, and my confidence eroded. Since 2014, I’d abandoned all treatments.

I used to be active, but due to the illness I had to rely on the wheelchair, and on the all-round support to move around. I lost interest in going out. I began to dislike myself, as I felt that I was a burden to the family. I felt I was repulsive, and became short-tempered. One day, I came across the website by Bodhi Meditation on the internet. I read various testimonials and was inspired. Thus, I registered for the Qing Ming Festival Chanting and Light Offering event at Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center that was held around March 28th this year.

On the first day of the chanting class, I arrived at the center in my wheelchair. I was blessed with the warm assistance by the volunteers, who helped me in and out of the wheelchair. They also accompanied me in all activities throughout the week. It was a warm feeling. My fellow brothers and sisters constantly encouraged me to persevere and not give up, selflessly shared their experiences and testimonials, allowing me to build my courage and confidence. These volunteers also urged me to attempt to stop using the wheelchair; supporting me in my bids to take slow steps, one at a time.

After the Qing Ming Festival worship activities, I would proceed daily to the Bodhi Meditation Center between 9.30am to 12.30pm in the afternoon for the Meditation of Greater Illumination as well as for chanting. By the second week, I felt my legs were stronger than before, and I could walk slowly to the meditation centre with the support of my wheelchair! What was more miraculous was, by the third week, I could finally and completely leave the wheelchair days behind! Since then, I have walked to the meditation centre by myself, and with steady strides!

I’m finally able to move about by myself! In a short span of 3 weeks, I regained the ability to walk, and can finally leave the days with the wheelchair of 5 years behind. I was elated! It was beyond my wildest dreams that me, Long Biyun could have my legs recovered! I’m also thankful for the utmost care and concern of my family over the past 5 years! Special thanks to all volunteers at the Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center for the familial care and encouragements! Most grateful to Master Jin Bodhi!

May those who are afflicted with illness and pain find solace in Bodhi Meditation and swiftly regain health and happiness.

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate to stop or reduce any meditation, please consult your doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #EnergyBagua, #SwiftOfFoot
#見證禪修 #八卦 #健步如飛 #健康長壽rnrn健康回來了,5年的輪椅Bye-bye
2012年5月,我突然間無法行走,經醫生檢查後被診斷出有2節腰椎軟骨壞死,壓迫了坐骨神經線,導致我的雙腿無力,不能站立,更沒法步行,需要以輪椅代步! 有時腰痛起來就連打針也不能緩解疼痛,上下床都沒辦法。
清明祭祖活動後,我每天早上9:30 到中午12:30 ,到禪堂修練「無量大光明修持法」和念佛。到了第2個星期,我感覺雙腿比以前有力了,我可以自己扶著輪椅慢慢走到禪堂了!
短短3週,我恢復了行走能力,擺脫了5年的輪椅生活,真的非常開心!我做夢也想不到,我龍碧雲的雙腿,竟然可以康復! 感謝這5年來家人的照顧及關心!感謝交來禪堂所有的義工們像家人一樣的關懷和鼓勵!感恩金菩提宗師!
Regained health & bided farewell to my wheelchair of 5 years

For most of us who can walk normally, it is impossible to understand those who spend their days on the wheelchair. For 5 years, she could only rely on the wheelchair for mobility. Luckily there was a miracle, and within a short span of 3 weeks, she overcame her immobility and no longer relied upon the wheelchair. What is this amazing and true story about? Let us hear her story..
Testimonial from Malaysia

In May 2012, I suddenly could not walk. The doctor’s examination revealed that I was stricken with lumbar cartilage necrosis in 2 vertebrae, and compression of the sciatic nerves. This resulted in weakness in both legs. I could not stand, much less walk, and had to rely on the wheelchair to move about! At times when the backache acted up, even injections were useless in relieving the pain, and I could not shift from my bed.

Over the next two years, western medicine, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and orthopedics; I tried them all, but none was of use to my condition. Surgery was recommended by western doctors, but the risk was high, with disability or death as high as 50%. Having discussed with my family, I decided not to undergo surgery. Despite exhausting my lifetime savings, cure was not in sight, and my confidence eroded. Since 2014, I’d abandoned all treatments.

I used to be active, but due to the illness I had to rely on the wheelchair, and on the all-round support to move around. I lost interest in going out. I began to dislike myself, as I felt that I was a burden to the family. I felt I was repulsive, and became short-tempered. One day, I came across the website by Bodhi Meditation on the internet. I read various testimonials and was inspired. Thus, I registered for the Qing Ming Festival Chanting and Light Offering event at Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center that was held around March 28th this year.

On the first day of the chanting class, I arrived at the center in my wheelchair. I was blessed with the warm assistance by the volunteers, who helped me in and out of the wheelchair. They also accompanied me in all activities throughout the week. It was a warm feeling. My fellow brothers and sisters constantly encouraged me to persevere and not give up, selflessly shared their experiences and testimonials, allowing me to build my courage and confidence. These volunteers also urged me to attempt to stop using the wheelchair; supporting me in my bids to take slow steps, one at a time.

After the Qing Ming Festival worship activities, I would proceed daily to the Bodhi Meditation Center between 9.30am to 12.30pm in the afternoon for the Meditation of Greater Illumination as well as for chanting. By the second week, I felt my legs were stronger than before, and I could walk slowly to the meditation centre with the support of my wheelchair! What was more miraculous was, by the third week, I could finally and completely leave the wheelchair days behind! Since then, I have walked to the meditation centre by myself, and with steady strides!

I’m finally able to move about by myself! In a short span of 3 weeks, I regained the ability to walk, and can finally leave the days with the wheelchair of 5 years behind. I was elated! It was beyond my wildest dreams that me, Long Biyun could have my legs recovered! I’m also thankful for the utmost care and concern of my family over the past 5 years! Special thanks to all volunteers at the Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center for the familial care and encouragements! Most grateful to Master Jin Bodhi!

May those who are afflicted with illness and pain find solace in Bodhi Meditation and swiftly regain health and happiness.

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate to stop or reduce any meditation, please consult your doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #EnergyBagua, #SwiftOfFoot
#見證禪修 #八卦 #健步如飛 #健康長壽

在〈健康回來了,5年的輪椅Bye-bye ….〉中有 42 則留言

  1. 我由衷的顶礼叩拜感恩师父?传授的神奇妙法?随喜赞叹?龙碧云新同修的神奇效果分享,师父在国内时这种实例举不胜举!试想:一个对生命失去信心的人,通过菩提禅修,竟然奇迹般地离开坐了五年的轮椅♿️站立起来自如行走,这是多么让人惊喜而幸福快乐的事情啊!龙碧云同修➕加油⛽️真诚恭敬感恩师父?

  2. 师父好!随喜赞叹这位师姐,受益于菩提禅修!感恩师父传授给我们殊胜的妙法!也祈盼有更多的有缘人受益于菩提禅修!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  3. 师父好!恭喜赞叹这位师姐,激动流出眼泪,师父的妙法神奇,让五年坐轮椅奇迹的站立起来,身体复回健康,望龙碧云师姐多传播菩提禅修,让更多人从痛苦中解脱出来,让菩提禅修传播全世界每一个角落。感恩大慈大悲金菩提上师!

  4. 感恩师父分享。人间的奇迹,医学上无法治愈的疾病,坐轮椅五年不能站立,参加菩提禅修仅仅21天就恢复了行走能力,告别轮椅彻底痊愈。这是多么开心快乐幸福的事情啊,只有经历了病苦煎熬的人,才能体会到重获健康快乐的喜悦之情,这一切都是菩提禅修带给她的生命的体验和身心灵的改变,是师父的慈悲能量 ,是爱的给予,是坚定信念的修行,才能创造这不可思议的奇迹!希望更多的有缘人,都能早日结缘菩提禅修,收获健康快乐幸福自在!

  5. 师父好!随喜赞叹!祝福这位师姐通过禅修身体获得了建康。感恩师父为我们授予这么殊胜佛法!愿有缘人早日走进菩提,获取更健康的身体。顶礼师父!叩拜师父!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享与加持!真诚感恩师父的神奇无上妙法!救渡了无数有缘人得到了健康快乐!祝福这位同修通过禅修改变了命运,短短三周就摆脱了5年的轮椅生活,真是可喜可贺!希望更多的有缘人都来禅修吧!共同沐浴佛光!健康幸福快乐!感恩师父!!!

  7. 感恩师父分享!在轮椅上坐了五年,练无量大光明竟然短短21天时间恢复自动行走!医学界都无法医治。由此可见菩提禅修师父的慈悲能量的真实见证!感恩师父的妙法让这么多有缘人都能获得人生的第二次生命!顶礼大慈大悲的金菩提上师!

  8. 感恩師父。唯有在經歷了失去健康的過程中重新得回健康的人,才能體會健康的重要,也才能真正懂得感恩。恭喜師姐,感恩師父。

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父传授的妙法,菩提禅修获得健康快乐!忠心的祝福师姐告别了5年的轮椅生活,获得了健康快乐!愿更多的有缘人都来获得健康快乐。

  10. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹,随喜赞叹师姐摆脱5年轮椅病苦身体健康快乐了幸福了,感恩伟大的慈父恩师慈悲赐予菩提神圣妙法—菩提禅修健康快乐,让我们无数家庭找回幸福健康快乐生活,我们永远爱您师父,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,感恩师父慈悲加持和护佑,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,法体安康,弘法顺利,愿望圆满,愿佛光普照,愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  11. 感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜赞叹这位师姐!师父赐给我们的菩提妙法,使无数身受病痛折磨的人,重新找回了健康和自信。从此走向幸福美好的人生。感恩顶礼叩拜师父!

  12. How great!!! This sister can walk herself now,it only took her three weeks to get out of the wheelchair. Bodhi meditation is very very good!!!I hope many many people can get benifits from Bodhi meditation.Thank shifu for your sharing!!!

  13. 师父上午好!感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜赞叹这位师姐,受益于菩提禅修!感恩师父传授我们殊胜而神奇妙法!也祈盼着更多的有缘人早日走进菩提法门,早点脱离病痛。祝师父师母法体安康!万事如意!弟子顶礼叩拜恩师!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享,感恩师父的神奇妙法,让坐了五年轮椅的师姐从新站起来,伟大慈悲的师父,化腐朽为神奇。让一批又一批的生不如死的人们,重生。感恩您大恩上师!弟子永远追随您,做好您的化身。

  15. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福这位师姐!赞叹最大慈大悲的上师!您的妙法让痛苦中的众生得到解脱康复健康快乐幸福感恩的生活!师父的妙法无比殊胜补充大能量!祈愿菩提之法走进千家万户!人人快乐健康幸福感恩慈悲博爱!?叩拜

  16. 感恩师父分享!师父传的法太棒了,前无古人后无来者!今世遇到这个法赶快珍惜好好修,去帮助一切有缘的人!感恩感谢伟大的师父!

  17. 师父好!感恩师父分享!随喜赞叹这位师姐,真的好棒!能摆脱五年的轮椅病苦太棒了!感恩师父抟受殊勝妙法!愿佛光照亮一切有缘病苦众生,都能來菩提禅修得到健康快乐!感恩师父???❤

  18. 感恩师父的分享!随喜赞叹这位师姐,禅修太神奇,短短三个礼拜恢复身体健康,擺脱疾病的痛苦。感恩师父传授菩提妙法,愿更多有缘人早日受益菩提。感恩师父!

  19. 感恩师父慈悲分享,感恩师父的神奇妙法,!忠心的祝福师姐告别了5年的轮椅生活,获得了健康快乐!愿更多的有缘人都来获得健康快乐。

  20. 师父好!真的是太棒了,太好了!正如师父所说,只有真痛过,才能体会到解除痛苦后的轻松自在。只有失去行走能力的人,才能明白行动自由是多么幸福和珍贵。随喜赞叹师姐摆脱了5年轮椅代步,重获自由,感恩师父传授我们这么殊胜神奇的菩提妙法,希望每一位有病痛的人,都能早日学到菩提禅修,早日摆脱疾病的痛苦,祝愿师姐吉祥如意!祝愿大家吉祥如意!感恩师父!

  21. 感恩师父分享见证禅修!祝福师姐通过菩提禅修找回了健康与快乐!太棒了!随喜赞叹!感恩师父传授我们的神奇妙法!让我和无数有缘人都离苦得乐获得了新的生命!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!

  22. 师父好!感恩师父分享!随喜赞叹师姐摆脱了5年轮椅代步,重获自由,感恩师父传授我们殊胜神奇的菩提妙法。祝福同修们!

  23. 真的感恩~恩师带给慈悲真能量,不可思议的奇迹!经历病痛的煎熬的人,重获健康快乐,希望更多有缘人都健康快乐,见证奇迹,感恩~恩师,顶礼合十尊敬恩师~法体安康,吉祥如意

  24. 感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!每次看到师兄师姐恢复健康,摆脱疾病,就想哭!真的很开心!今生能成为师父的弟子,是我和家人的福份!

  25. 感恩师父慈悲分享!有缘份加上自已的努力,在菩提禅修中处处有奇迹出现。感恩佛师推出的妙法,愿一切有缘人都能获得健康快乐!顶礼感恩佛师!

  26. 感恩分享 ! 隨喜 ! 唸佛真是太好, 我最幸運的事情… 這生讓我學習佛法 ! 希望更多眾生與佛有緣, 好好修行, 不要浪費人身 ! 南無阿彌陀佛_/_

  27. 只有受过病魔所折磨的人,扌能体会到固中的痛苦,最后的一个因缘遇到佛法,菩提禪修,经过一番诚心的修練扌把命运改变过来,禪修是一门不可思议的法门,連西医都无法治好的病证,幸好遇到佛法!感恩。

  28. 感恩师父慈悲分享…希望所有的病者们都能像这位同修学習,不要放弃。同时也祝所有的病者们脱离苦海,身心安康,吉祥如意….
