爬上天梯的伏羲 . .   傳說,以前有…



He who climbed the stairs to Heaven – Fuxi
According to legend, there used to be a place called Hua Xu Guo, where the people were happy and lived long lives. It was like heaven on earth. However, due to the lack of hardship, the people there were lazy – they did not have the motivation to work or to create things.
However, there was a young lad named Fuxi who was different from all the others. He felt that the life in Hua Xu Guo was too mundane and he found the lack of creativity boring. Once, he chopped down a Phoenix tree and made a musical instrument by attaching fifty strings to it. This musical instrument was called a Se (an ancient Chinese plucked zither). The sound of the Se was crisp, clear, and so heavenly that it seemed to soar through the clouds into the sky.
One day, as Fuxi was playing the Se as usual, he heard the sound of thunder in the distance. He looked up at the sky and thought to himself: “My father is supposedly the Thunder God who lives in heaven. How I wish that I can go up there to take a look. I’ve heard that there is a magic tree south-east from here. Supposedly it rises up into the clouds, like a staircase to heaven. As long as I climb along the magic tree, I should be able to go up into heaven!”
With that thought, Fuxi took his beloved Se and left Hua Xu Guo in search of the staircase to heaven. Along the way, he encountered chilling scenes. He quickly learned that people outside of Hua Xu Guo lived very barbaric lives. He witnessed many brutal scenes of the strong preying on and devouring the weak.
Suddenly, Fuxi emerged into a wide, open grassland, where he saw a beautiful lady pacing sorrowfully. He found out that she was the Goddess in charge of all the wildernesses, Sunu.
“Excuse me, do you know where I can find the magic tree that goes up into heaven?” Fuxi sked.
“Why don’t you remain on the ground? Why do you want to search for the magic tree to heaven?”

Fuxi replied: “Because there are beautiful palaces and flowers up in heaven. And my father, the Thunder God, lives there.”

“Alright, I can tell you where the magic tree is. But you have to remember this: As you climb up the tree, you must never look downwards!”
Fuxi looked in the direction pointed by the goddess. Right in the center of the grass plains, he saw a gigantic tree rising up into the sky like a column of smoke! He took down the Se which he had been carrying all this while, and gave it to the goddess as a gift. Then he started his climb up the huge trunk.
As he climbed, he heard the sound of someone tuning the strings on the Se. The goddess was playing a farewell melody for Fuxi.
As he climbed to the top of the tree, he was not far away from the heaven. Suddenly the song played by the goddess floated into his ears. The melody was hauntingly hopeless and sad, reminding him of the wails of the animals which he witnessed being devoured earlier. The haunting melody tugged at Fuxi’s heart. Forgetting the warning from the goddess, he glanced downwards.
Immediately his hand slipped off the smooth trunk and he fell, head-first. Fortunately for him, he was saved by a thick carpet of grass which cushioned his fall. Fuxi was furious: “Why did the goddess play such a haunting melody to distract me? I must talk to her!”
However, the goddess was nowhere to be found. Disappointed, Fuxi stared moodily into the dark waters. Without warning, the water parted, and a mythical creature that resembled a dragon and a horse at the same time emerged. There was a picture of an octagon on the back of the creature. The creature spoke: “I know that you are looking for the goddess. You won’t find her, as she has already left. She asked me to pass you a message – There are so many people who are suffering in this world. They are uneducated and uninformed. They need a wise person to lead them, to help them. How can you bear to desert them and enjoy life on your own in heaven? You did not fall because of the goddess’ sad music. You fell because you still have empathy and sympathy for the people who are suffering. Your wish is to help these people!”
After hearing the words of the creature, Fuxi had a realization: “I am smart. I can use my wisdom to help improve the lives of these people!”
From then on, Fuxi stopped thinking about climbing up the staircase to heaven. He returned to his hometown, where he led his countrymen to build up an empire. He also led in the creation of the calendar system, and taught his people to tame wild animals. That was the start of animal domestication. He also taught his people to create stone tools, to start fire through drilling of wood, and to start the habit of cooking food before consumption. This greatly reduced the occurrences of diseases as a result of eating unclean raw food, and also reduced the incidence of people getting hurt by wild animals.
Most importantly, he was inspired by the prints on the mythical creature and invented the eight trigrams commonly known as Bagua. This increased mankind’s general knowledge about the world of nature and introduced order into the society. This was how a barbaric place in the east was eventually transformed into a happy kingdom.
#Fuxi, #Bagua, #Invention, #Happiness, #FirstDayOfTheTwelveLunarMonth


在〈爬上天梯的伏羲 . .   傳說,以前有…〉中有 29 則留言

  1. 师父早上好!感恩师父分享这个神奇故事!有能力一定要帮助需要的人,用慈悲心去感化身边有缘人,学习佛法,能开悟人生。祝师父吉祥!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示!是啊!天堂离我们很远!一直想往!可是用好我们的智慧去服务带领大众走出痛苦!那不是也是很美好!用我们所受益和所学的法让人知道!让大家一起快乐健康幸福生活!?叩拜

  3. Xuemei Li

  4. 感恩师父的分享!

  5. 师父早安吉祥!感恩师父慈悲的分享!这个故事告诉我们要常常用慈悲心来帮助身边的人。?感恩顶礼叩拜师父。

  6. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享励志故事!我们学习师父传授的妙法,身心灵都受益了,接下来要做的就是帮助更多的有缘大众都能进来受益,帮助更多的人找回健康快乐,来传播师父的慈悲理念,造福人类,造福国家。感恩师父慈悲开示和指引!顶礼叩拜师父!???????❤???

  7. 感恩師父分享!龍馬出黃河背負河圖,神龜出洛水背負洛書。伏羲氏根據河圖洛書圖案畫出先天八卦圖,到周朝周文王再繪出後天八卦。自然界的八卦蘊含了深厚的道理,與做人的道理想通是密不可分。盤古時期躍野天地間的蠻人不懂禮教,河圖洛書的出現是以教世人禮數,儒道云;一日克己復禮天下歸仁也!懂禮的人必有德,五常八德,乃做人的根本。

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享伏羲神话故事!小伙子聪明智慧又有慈悲善良之心,乐于邦人行善,对改变人类的生活环境、改善生活方式、改造世界做出了卓越贡献,太了不起了!我们愿意永世跟随佛师实现药师佛十二大愿,改造这个世界!顶礼叩拜佛师!

  9. 我的愿望是什么?有时候感觉迷失了自己。???但今天中午在走八卦的时候,又想到:要处处从别人的立场出发,为别人着想。感恩师父!

  10. 感恩上师慈悲分享爬上天梯的伏羲故事!最喜欢上师讲故事,非常有趣,使人禁不住一口气看完,故事中还蕴含着深奥的人生哲理!这个故事中印象最深的是,背上有八角图案的龙马神兽对伏羲说的话:人世間苦難的人這麼多,他們沒有知識,沒有學識,正需要有智慧的人引領與幫助,你怎麼忍心一個人爬到天上享福呢?更重要的,是他受到龍馬的啟示,由龍馬背上的長短斑紋,發明了八卦,人們因此懂得自然界的基本知識和秩序,東方蠻荒的土地,最後終於成了一塊幸福的王國。然后许多许多年之后演绎出了八卦内功引领着无数深受疾病痛苦折磨的人们找回了健康和快乐!叩拜恩师!

  11. 师父好!原来落入人间只是因为心中一份慈悯和造福人间的愿望。而其中还提到上极乐天堂并不容易,滑不溜丢,一不小心就会摔个四脚朝天。

  12. Xuemei Li
    Xuemei Li
