【八卦內功問答Q&A】奇問篇 . ?‍♀…


【Energy Bagua Q&A】 Special Questions

Q7. Can a person who is not in good health and experiences hands and feet that are unusually hot, practice ‘Energy Bagua’?

I think it’s worth a try, as the rotational practice of alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise movements is a balanced approach. Thus, the replenished energy is not merely ‘yang’ or ‘hot’ energy, but a balanced and holistic blend of ‘qi’ or energy.

The feverish body condition that arises due to poor health can be alleviated through the practice of ‘Energy Bagua’, as the negative energy is transformed into positive energy, thereby improving the condition of hot hands and feet.
You are welcome to try this practice!

Q8. If we want to avoid the cold winter outside, can we put up an artificial tree in the house to practice ‘Energy Bagua’?

I have ever used a jug or a pole in place of the tree to practice ‘Energy Bagua’. It is not merely the tree, but the overall technique that is beneficial to us.
Therefore if conditions do not allow, we can occasionally replace the tree with artificial trees or other items to practice.

Some small trees can be cultivated indoors in our modern city living space, notwithstanding the chilly winter outside. So, one can purchase a potted tree to place in the house for use during practice. Just ensure that such trees do not have sharp thorns. A few fellow practitioners had asked me, “My family has a cactus plant that grows very big. As this is my family’s only plant, could I place it in the centre when practicing?”

I would suggest that we minimize close contact with the cactus, as we could get hurt by the thorns in the face, or even scratched our eyes.
In Energy Bagua practice, safety for all practitioners should come first. Our health and lives are foremost priorities.

#EnergyBagua, #EnergyForLife, #MeditationAndHealth35, #Q&Arnrn【八卦內功問答Q&A】奇問篇

【Energy Bagua Q&A】 Special Questions

Q7. Can a person who is not in good health and experiences hands and feet that are unusually hot, practice ‘Energy Bagua’?

I think it’s worth a try, as the rotational practice of alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise movements is a balanced approach. Thus, the replenished energy is not merely ‘yang’ or ‘hot’ energy, but a balanced and holistic blend of ‘qi’ or energy.

The feverish body condition that arises due to poor health can be alleviated through the practice of ‘Energy Bagua’, as the negative energy is transformed into positive energy, thereby improving the condition of hot hands and feet.
You are welcome to try this practice!

Q8. If we want to avoid the cold winter outside, can we put up an artificial tree in the house to practice ‘Energy Bagua’?

I have ever used a jug or a pole in place of the tree to practice ‘Energy Bagua’. It is not merely the tree, but the overall technique that is beneficial to us.
Therefore if conditions do not allow, we can occasionally replace the tree with artificial trees or other items to practice.

Some small trees can be cultivated indoors in our modern city living space, notwithstanding the chilly winter outside. So, one can purchase a potted tree to place in the house for use during practice. Just ensure that such trees do not have sharp thorns. A few fellow practitioners had asked me, “My family has a cactus plant that grows very big. As this is my family’s only plant, could I place it in the centre when practicing?”

I would suggest that we minimize close contact with the cactus, as we could get hurt by the thorns in the face, or even scratched our eyes.
In Energy Bagua practice, safety for all practitioners should come first. Our health and lives are foremost priorities.

#EnergyBagua, #EnergyForLife, #MeditationAndHealth35, #Q&A


在〈【八卦內功問答Q&A】奇問篇 . ?‍♀…〉中有 25 則留言

  1. 感恩师父!我走了两年多了了,我好像比以前出汗少了,身体比以前好多了!感恩师父!感恩一切!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父传授的八卦内功!每天早上到公园修炼八卦内功,一天精神饱满,轻松自在,身体越来越健康。顶礼感恩恩师!???

  3. 师父,我们走八卦周围的环境变好了,我知道是因为我们的八卦内功改变了这里的整个风水和气场。因为有些土地是工程的回填土,好多年地上不爱长草,去年一年草长多了不少,几乎要覆盖了整片树林,夏天远远望去绿油油的一片,特别是有时候晨雾升起宛若仙境。更可喜的是,秋天这里竟然长了很多蘑菇,要知道公园人实在太多,蘑菇是娇贵的东西人多是不长的,而且这蘑菇还是可以吃的,好几个人天天来釆蘑菇吃,当然他们都活得好好的。

  4. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子每天走八卦脚步越来越轻松,感恩师父???

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示!一切以安全为主,不能放带刺的植物盆栽。佛法真是因人需要而生万法。万物为我所用!顶礼师父!

  6. 师父早上好!感师父慈悲教化与分享八卦内功生命能量!还是在外面环境好!融入大自然怀抱,天地人合一融于一体,能量快速进入丹田,我在修炼八卦内功过程中手脚冰凉很快就温暖了还有好多处如视力,血压,肥胖等等都是在走八卦过程中很快恢复健康!受益匪浅!我获得能量满滿感恩师父赐予八卦内功生命能量!弟子真诚恭敬感恩师父!我们永远爱您!叩拜恩师感恩!???

  7. 感恩师父,第二个问题刚好是自己疑问的,有时候找不到树,方便多地方,这下心里没有疑惑了,哈,感恩师父慈悲

  8. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲赐妙法—菩提禅修健康快乐!感恩师父慈悲教授菩提八卦内功!强身健体!每天早晚走八卦!白天上班!能量满满!轻松自在!感恩师父慈悲加持智慧能量护佑我们健康成长!我们永远爱您师父!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  9. 感恩师父详解走八卦疑问!最喜欢听着师父的八卦引导音乐走啦,这样精力非常集中,不会走神,收功后浑身轻松自如,能量满满!顶礼感恩大慈大悲帅气十足的本师金菩提上师???

  10. 师父吉祥感恩师父创造”的八卦内功确实是一种最高级的功法对我们的身体增加能量增长智慧使我们的头脑灵活天天走八卦使我们越走越健康快乐幸福感恩师父顶礼叩拜 ??????

  11. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示,我刚开始走八卦就是半个多小时手脚才能热上来,现在走两圈就都热了,而且越走身体越轻松,感恩师父?

  12. 感师父慈悲教导与分享八卦内功生命能量!还是在外面环境好!融入大自然,天地人合一融入天地万物!感恩师父赐予八卦内功让我们获得生命能量!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!!!

  13. 师父好! 我最下好意思说了,我走八卦总不专注,手脚冰冷。走完了还是手脚冰冷,连温养都不敢。因为手冰,温不了。???

  14. 弟子从走八卦后,手脚凉的问题改变很多,需要加油走的更健康快乐幸福???感恩佛师???

  15. 师父吉祥如意,感恩师父慈悲问答八卦内功收到?,顶礼感恩叩拜师父,????????????
