是神還是鬼? . 回到加拿大溫哥華,有一…

我這才明白過來。 確實,她一別以往如喪家犬,畏畏縮縮的模樣。現在的她整個從內心裡散發著光彩。
God or Ghost?
When I was back in Vancouver, one of our western practitioners, whom I had not met for a while, asked me playfully: “Master, do you think I look like a god or a ghost?”
While I was shocked by her question, I took a quick glance at her from head to toe. And before I can reply, she added:” Last year, you helped me to explain the divine lot that I picked.”
And then she continued telling me her story:
“While learning Bodhi Meditation, I felt a new life mission was calling me fervently, pointing me in a new direction. As I was unsure, I thought I should take a divine lot and ask about my future life direction.
I remembered that you told me: “This is a good divine lot. If you follow and realize it, you’ll achieve your dreams and ambitions”.
However, as my father was bad-tempered, I was always beaten by him when young. When I grew up, my husband is also impatient and bad-tempered and he often beat me. While I did not want to complain about them, I doubted my self worth and questioned about what meaningful things I can do in my life.
And I remembered that you said: “All worries are futile. Nothing can stop you. You have a good future and you can help many people. As you improve in your practice, you may meet more challenges. But you can overcome all these challenges as you are a kind-hearted person. Helping people is your mission.”
I was so happy when I heard what you said. But I was not completely convinced, as the family burden on me was too heavy.
It wasn’t until you spoke at one of the sessions that : “Many members may seem inconspicuous and some are even discouraged and often ridiculed by family members and colleagues; they live like a ghost in the shadows at home or in the society. However, once they start practicing Meditation and understood my talks, they step up to help people. They are just like a god, not that they look like god, but they radiate the warmth and brilliance to help others.”
When I heard what you said, I felt as if you were talking straight to my heart.
“Be like god and help people, or be like a ghost and live in the shadows?” From that day onwards, I decided to start a new life with a new mission.
Now, Master, one year have passed, do you think I am a human or a ghost?”
After hearing her story, I suddenly understood what she was saying. Indeed, in the past, she was like a mournful dog, fearfully timid. But now, she radiates and shines from within. Flipping her hair aside, she said: “I am very confident now. So confident that my husband has been influenced by my change. As he is a scientist, he started to appreciate Meditation with his knowledge and stopped beating me.”
I responded with some humor: “You may want to thank your husband. To a certain extent, his beating you may have brought you out of the small family to a larger society for you to serve the masses. This is what in Buddhism we say : Grow Stronger with Resistance!”
She was delighted to hear what I said, and took out the divine lot that she kept and said: “Master, I’ve been safe-keeping this divine lot to constantly remind me that if I wish to be alive, I must be like a god and not a ghost!”
When she passed me the divine lot, I saw a rainbow at her back and I said: “ That rainbow is you!”
She happily added:” Yes! I once wanted to have a cave, one that I could hide inside and be far away from my family, and not to be disturbed by them. Now that I have found my direction and mission, I no longer run away from my life, and want to help people all over the world. I wish all the people in the world know and practice Bodhi Meditation and learn from you.”
So, I concluded: “The world is yours, be courageous and go for it.”
#GodOrGhost, #VancouverRetreat, #GrowStrongerWithResistance, #DirectionAndMission, #BodhiMeditation


在〈是神還是鬼? . 回到加拿大溫哥華,有一…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 真的好棒好棒好棒棒!這篇文章是寫給我的,我脾氣不好,帶孫子,他太壞不乖會被我揍一頓,哈哈哈哈哈!真該省思慚愧與懺悔。

  2. shifu i thank you n love you too i am a Singaporean.i came to know shifu when i am facing. my hard ship aftet reading your med n health i saw a rainbow.that lighten my loads n brighten my way. i am doing chanting at ching tang in serangoon road.after the prayer
    we have vegetarian meal at ching tang god blesses shifu

  3. 顶礼跪拜感恩尊贵慈悲伟大的师父!感恩尊贵的师父传授我们点石成金、拨开乌云见太阳、奴隶变将军、乌鸦变凤凰、化腐朽为神奇的无上妙法!祝福一切有缘都能沐浴佛光、都能遇难成祥!

  4. 感恩师父。最近我似乎也慢慢找到了自己的路,努力再努力,脚踏实地去做,坚持再坚持。我期待一年后,也能给师父写一封信,报恩师父,我在改变我的人生,也希望有一天把这一点点曙光分享给一切还在受苦的有缘人。愿所有人都能找到自己的人生之路。

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!



  6. 感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!感恩师父慈悲的开示与分享!感恩师父给我们找到自己的人生之路!感恩师父!真诚顶礼叩拜师父!

  7. Thank you Master for the sharing that l have been following though I don’t have the opportunity to be at your Bodhi center l am lucky to get the opportunity to follow Master’s sharings.l have seen the rainbow on CNY when l was traveling back from KL to Bm.My son is very bad temper especially when driving and my daughter is calm but most of the time feel irritated because of the attitude of her brother. I always kept quite and pray for Buddha, Golden Medicine Buddha n The Four POWERS Of Goddess Kwan Yin for Protection .On this journey home though it’s not raining l saw the rainbow several times.l am thankful for Master’s sharings and the Blessings we received.Gratitude Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

  8. 感恩师父! 这正是如我的故事一般。几年前也抽到了上上签,就是不敢放手去做。今天早上大礼拜时,就觉得应该开始做了。还马上看到师父的这个故事,真的好像是已经安排好了似的。❤️

  9. 感恩师父分享这个故事!禅修能改变心态,从心到外发出光彩,照亮自已也利益他人,从不自信到像神一样帮人助人,祝福这位神一样的师姐!感恩师父指点迷津!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享!师父慈悲开示,让众生离苦得乐,祝福师姐,按师父开示认真去做,战胜懦弱,活的象神一样光彩,改变自己,改变家人。顶礼感恩师父一路有您护佑加持,这个世界是我们的!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲教化。菩提禅修让生命充满了活力,带给人们身心灵的变化,即便是一个懦弱的人也会在禅修后,让自信的力量大放光芒,菩提禅修改变命运,让曾经像鬼一样生活人找到了人生的方向,要像神一样去帮人,走出去勇敢的去做,这个世界就是你的。

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜祝福师姐!好个像神还是鬼!找到生命的归宿与使命像神一样发出无限的光芒!勇敢的去做!世界属于你的!感恩师父慈悲!?叩拜

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!做才有希望,不做去逃避生活,那永远只是生活的逃兵。不能被生活所压倒,而要勇敢的跟生活挑战,做最优秀的自己。用优秀的自己带动身边的人。顶礼师父!

  14. 感恩伟大的师父!看到师父的开示,弟子感觉我以前也是鬼一样的活着,没有智慧,糊里糊涂。现在学了师父的法以后也变成了神!有智慧去帮助别人,挺直了腰杆,我的天空也是一片彩虹。真诚叩拜感恩伟大的佛师!有您真好!祝愿您法轮常转,弘法顺利!

  15. 金理通

  16. 感恩师父慈悲加持!『一切擔心都是多餘,那些事情不能障碍你。你的未來很好,可以幫助很多人。修的越好,可能會碰到越多障礙,但是你都能夠跨越過去。因為你的內心非常善良,多幫人,才是你的使命!』選擇新的使命、新的生活!散發出像神一樣的光芒去幫助大家!???

  17. 顶礼跪拜感恩尊贵慈悲伟大的师父!感恩尊贵的师父传授我们点石成金、拨开乌云见太阳、奴隶变将军、乌鸦变凤凰、化腐朽为神奇的无上妙法!祝福一切有缘都能沐浴佛光、都能遇难成祥!

  18. 感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,我们永远爱您师父,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,多做善事多帮人,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!
