日本小學的午餐 . 日本人很能打拼、能吃…



迎接自信的七彩羽翼_自我肯定與鼓勵 . …

我最慈悲。 我最自信。
我最寬容。 我最勇敢。
天上地上 ,唯我獨尊!!!
Usher in the colorful wings of confidence – Self-Affirmation and Self-Encouragement
When we speak positively and give words of encouragement, we are forming a brilliant and confident thinking habit. ;
When we cease to use dejecting words that put ourselves down, we are bidding farewell to depressing and inferior thinking.
If we recite loudly Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden words every morning and make it into a habit, happiness and confidence will become our colorful robe.
Let us usher in the colorful robe of confidence – Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words
I am most compassionate. I am most confident.
I am most tolerant. I am most courageous.
I keep my word. I am most punctual.
I can do anything!
(The Power of Knowledge)
I am full of wisdom. I am most knowledgeable.
I love reading. I love observing.
I love listening. I love thinking.
I take decisive action!
I am a gift from the Universe. I am most charming. I am most talented.
I sing most beautifully. I like challenges. I am most responsible.
I will fulfill my life purpose!
(The Mantra of life)
In Heaven and on Earth, I am Supreme!!!
Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden words: https://www.puti.org/ch/jinputishengjing
Praise is an encouragement, sharing is the best support.
? Welcome to share, the more you share, the more blessings there is! ! ?
#MasterJinBodhiGoldenWords, #Confidence, #Beautiful, #SelfRecognitionAndEncouragement


「健康」真的可以很簡單 . . 曾經有位…

1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年12月16日,上午9:00開始

「Health」 can be easily attainable
Once there was an American billionaire. He owned one third of the land in the area in which he lived and was known as the richest man there. He lived to an age of 76 years. Before he passed on, he said angrily: “I want to live a longer life; whoever can extend my life by one more year, I will give him one million dollars! I have accumulated so much wealth in this life and I hope to enjoy for a longer time.” However, in the end, no one could help him and no doctor could extend his life span.
Hence, even if you have a lot of money, Chinese physicians and western doctors still cannot help to resolve a lot of health issues.
Actually, there is a very simple and easy method which does not need too much time and physical strength and can swiftly enable a person to accumulate 「energy」and 「health」- Energy Bagua. It does not cost you a single cent and is easy to learn. All you need is a tree and you can easily attain good health and happiness.
If you have any health issue or problem, we welcome you to join me this coming Saturday in our discussion to learn a simple and fast method to quickly accumulate 「energy」and 「health」!
If you like this post, please share. May all enjoy an auspicious, happy and peaceful life!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Dec 16, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Dec 16, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Dec 15, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Dec 15, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Dec 16, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Dec 16, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Dec 16, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Dec 16, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Dec 16, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Dec 16, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#GuideToMeditation, #EnergyBagua, #SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPracticeNotice,#MasterJinBodhiTeachings


負面情緒怎麼來?又要如何消除? . . …

How negative emotions come about? How do we overcome them?
A dreadful factor that contributes to ill health is negative emotion. Eighty percent of our illnesses are attributed to such bad emotions. It can manifest in the form of negative energy and transform into something tangible that blocks our meridians, causing us to become ill.
Where are such negative emotions from and how do we deal with them? How do we free ourselves to achieve health and happiness?
I would like to share my experiences and welcome all to join me. Perhaps you may find them useful.
#ClearBadEmotion, #ClearHeaded, #Meditation, #HappyAndAtEase, #FreeFromBlockages


10個栗子一碗飯? . . 又到了栗子成…

又到了栗子成熟的季節,香甜軟糯的糖炒栗子總讓人停不了口,但可別吃多了! 1個熟栗子重8-10克,10個栗子的熱量差不多就相當於一小碗米飯了。中醫認為栗子能養胃健脾、補腎強筋、益氣壯腰。今天就和大家分享一道紅薯板栗粥。這道粥品特別適合老人補虛益氣,對於脾胃虛寒以及腎虛引起的腰膝酸軟有一定的食補效果。
1、 板栗、紅薯去皮、切小塊。
2、 糯米和小米浸泡15分鐘。
3、 清水煮沸放入糯米和小米,小火熬煮15分鐘。

10 chestnuts is equivalent to a bowl of rice?

It is again the season for harvesting chestnuts. Sweet and soft waxy sugar fried with chestnuts tantalize our taste buds and we simply cannot stop eating. However, do not overeat! One ripe chestnut weighs 8 to 10 grams, 10 chestnuts contain the same amount of calories as one small bowl of rice. According to TCM physicians, chestnuts nourish our spleen and stomach, replenish our kidneys, strengthen our muscles, improve qi circulation and strengthen our waist.

Today we will share a recipe with everyone – chestnut sweet potato porridge. This porridge is suitable for elderly consumpion since it replenishes and invigorates qi and possesses a healing effect on weak loins and knees, which is triggered by cold stomach and spleen as well as weak kidneys.

Ingredients: 10 chestnuts, 80 grams of sweet potato, 50 grams of glutinous rice, 25 grams of millet

Preparation method:
1) Remove the skin of chestnuts and sweet potatoes nd cut into small cubes
2) Soak glutinous rice and millet in water for 15 minutes
3) Boil some water. Add glutinous rice and millet to boiling water and cook for 15 minutes using a small flame
4) Add chestnuts and cook for another 10 minutes
5) Add sweet potatoes, cook till it becomes soft and the porridge is ready to be served

Reference material:http://z.xiziwang.net/zhoudegongxiao/38772/rnrn10個栗子一碗飯?
又到了栗子成熟的季節,香甜軟糯的糖炒栗子總讓人停不了口,但可別吃多了! 1個熟栗子重8-10克,10個栗子的熱量差不多就相當於一小碗米飯了。中醫認為栗子能養胃健脾、補腎強筋、益氣壯腰。今天就和大家分享一道紅薯板栗粥。這道粥品特別適合老人補虛益氣,對於脾胃虛寒以及腎虛引起的腰膝酸軟有一定的食補效果。
1、 板栗、紅薯去皮、切小塊。
2、 糯米和小米浸泡15分鐘。
3、 清水煮沸放入糯米和小米,小火熬煮15分鐘。


放生的真諦 . 最近有個學員來問我: 「…

#放生、#慈悲、#不殺生、#不忍 #20171019FB直播、#溫哥華rnrnThe True Meaning of Life Release.

A student asked me recently,
“Someone told me that to learn compassion, we need to release animals so that they can live (life release) or if I am sick, then I need to perform life release and only then will my sickness be cured. Is this true?”

A: “I do not advocate this form of life release.”
The idea of life release is good – it is a manifestation of compassion but if more fishes die because of your release of fishes, not only will you not achieve your goal, you would have sinned hugely instead!

For example, if you put the ocean fishes into the river, you actually kill them. If you put river fishes into a lake, they may not survive; it is also inappropriate to put ocean fishes back into the sea as how many fishes you put back to the sea equals to how many fishes get killed. Why?

Looking at the strict marine biological control adopted by all countries and you will understand why. There is a river called the Mississippi River in the United States. There is a flourishing number of Chinese carp. The local fishes have been eaten up. This may be caused by the release of Chinese carp by the Chinese people.

The concept of “compassion”, as I understand, means “letting go of life without killing”.

Instead of performing life release, it will be better if you practice non-killing – do not kill pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens etc. Let them not get killed because of your gluttony or because of your carelessness. You are then practicing releasing of lives.

Therefore, I think, the essence of “releasing of lives” should be:
In our daily practice, it is a way of treating all sentient beings, not bearing to see them suffer this in itself is compassion.

Therefore, in my opinion, “If you do not kill a sentient being, it means you are practicing releasing them! ”
Share if you like. More sharing, more blessing ~

#Release, #Compassion, #DoNotKill, #CouldNotBear, #20171019FBLive, #Vancouver


蓮池一夜蓮花開 ‧ 前些天收到一位網友來…





Lotus flower from lotus pond bloom after just one night
A few days ago, a netizen wrote me a letter with the header
(Master, lotus pond is crowded with blooming beautiful lotus flowers!)
When I read the note, I was puzzled but curiosity prompted me to read on…
Netizen explained in the later part of her letter:
Master, it’s like this.
I love your drawing on the lotus pond. When I saw your post, I downloaded it immediately and shared the post with my friends.
Everyone liked your drawing especially when they knew that it was for a good cause- fund raising to build a school in Myanmar. Hence they also shared the post with their friends.
A few of my friends even asked me enthusiastically how they can contribute to this worthy school building project in Myanmar! Now my timeline is filled with comments on the lotus pond drawing. It is literally thousands of blooming lotus flowers!
There was even a young girl who asked her mother to leave me a note:
(I like your lotus pond, I tell my mother I do not want to buy any more new clothes from now on. I want to save my pocket money and not buy sweets so that the Burmese children would be able to attend school.)
I felt so touched when I saw that even a child was so eager to help!
I felt that I merely did a “throw brick” action and this attracted many “beautiful jade”! (Master’s lotus pond is the world’s most beautiful, perfect and auspicious brick!)
I was very happy when I saw this. A charitable heart blossomed to become the world’s most beautiful lotus flower overnight….
Lastly, I want to tell this netizen the most beautiful brick still remain as a brick ultimately! However if this brick can help others, then even if this is merely a brick, it becomes a supreme priceless treasure!
I hope that everyone can become a “throw brick” Bodhisattva!
The more you share, the more blessings you will receive!
#Myanmar, #BuildSchools, #Charity, #LotusPond, #ThrowBrick


《牧牛人金花獻佛》 . 我們為何要佛前供…

Why do we need to offer flowers to the Buddha?
What are the benefits of offering flowers to the Buddha?
Let me share a story from the Buddhist scriptures.
Once upon a time, there was a lake that was surrounded by blossoming golden flowers, creating a scenery of beauty and splendor. Faced with this beautiful view, a shepherd was inspired: “Let me offer these magnificent flowers to Buddha.” Hence, he picked baskets of the beautiful golden flowers and started walking towards Buddha’s abode with the offering.
Unfortunately, the shepherd never made it to the abode. Halfway there, he was trampled to death by a raging bull. But because he had the heart to make the offering to Buddha, after his death, he was reborn to Trayastrimsa as an honored celestial being. He lived in the grandest of palaces and was offered precious nectar as refreshment every day. Outside the halls of his palace, fresh golden flowers grew in abundance, effusing brilliant light and showering the palace in dazzling hues.
One day, the shepherd was using his special power to view his past life. He realized that his rebirth as a celestial being was purely due to his sincere intention of offering the flowers to Buddha. He was amazed: “I gained this huge karmic reward simply by having the intention to make an offering to Buddha. What kind of karmic rewards would be awarded to the virtuous ones who practice positive karma accumulation over a sustained period of time?”.
From that day onwards, the shepherd started to pick and collect the beautiful golden flowers every day, hoping to be able to fulfill his wish of making an offering to Buddha.
Other celestial beings were puzzled by what he was doing, and came to ask him: “You were reborn as a celestial being not that long ago. Why are you working so hard at picking the flowers instead of enjoying the fruits of your karmic reward?”
To which the shepherd replied: “When I was alive, I wanted to offer the golden flowers to Buddha. But I was killed before I could fulfill that wish. Even then, simply by having that intention, I was awarded the karmic reward of being reborn as a celestial being and am able to enjoy unlimited riches and glory. I am picking all these flowers now so that I can fulfill my wish to actually make the offering to Buddha, from which I will gain even more karmic merits and wisdom for the future.”
This inspired the other celestial beings to achieve enlightenment. As a result, a total of eighty-four thousand celestial beings came down to earth to make offerings to Buddha. Unfortunately, they were not able to find the Buddha. Instead, they met an accomplished monk who taught them the way of the dharma. From his teachings, the celestial beings discovered dharma joy and accumulated karmic merits. Not long after that, they met the Buddha.
The Buddha personally gave them teachings about the dharma. All of them were enlightened and attained the Sotapanna state.

The shepherd and the other eighty-four thousand celestial beings were, in actuality, spiritual friends who pursued the dharma together in previous lives. In their current life, the affinities and conditions were ripe and so they were able to attain enlightenment.
Classical story extracted from the upper scroll of <>
Buddha Dharma teaches us to practice self-reflection every day: “Continue to cultivate the kind thoughts that have arisen and inspire the kind thoughts that have yet to arise; extinguish evil thoughts that have arisen and eradicate evil thoughts which have yet to arise.” The birth of a kind thought will, at the very moment, eradicate all evil thoughts, just like how a torch will eradicate darkness in a room. Hence we need to constantly remind ourselves to cultivate kind thoughts, which will beget good rewards.
#BuddhasLight, #GoldenFlowers, #OfferingFlowersToBuddha, #KarmicRewardsOfCelestianBeings, #Longevity, #FullOfGoodFortune


大雪時節品普洱 . 大雪是冬天的第三個節…


The “Great Snow” season – time for Pu-er tea
The “Great Snow” is the winter’s third solar term during the winter. It falls on December 7 this year, with northern China experiencing a large blanket of snow ushering the cold, chilling weather. One should pay attention to keep warm from the chill, especially at the head, neck, back and the feet. According to the Chinese Medicine thesis of “nourishing the Yang energy during spring and summer; and nourishing the Yin energy during autumn and winter”, one should pay attention to the Yin energy, so as to prevent excessive heat in the body. Thus, in addition to hydration by drinking more water, one should consume appropriate and nourishing Yin food, such as the lotus root, pear, lily, soy milk, white fungus, etc. Aged Pu-er tea in particular, is most suited as a beverage for the winter. Why is that so?
First, weight management: Entering the winter season, the human body’s metabolism slows. Combined with the decline in activity due to the cold weather, many people gradually put on weight during winter. The Pu-er tea, during its fermentation process, produces a variety of beneficial bacteria that can reduce absorption of triglycerides and sugar in the small intestine.
Second, nourish the stomach: Aged Pu-er tea has a mild body, with a slight sweet aftertaste. It helps warm the body, and protects and nourishes the stomach. The modern generation, owing to irregular dietary habits, including high fat, high-protein diets, experiences aggravated gastrointestinal conditions, so drinking the Pu-er tea can help improve intestinal microbial health, and aid digestion.
Third, cultivate serenity: It is easy for one to feel downcast and apprehensive during the harsh winter season. The theanine in Pu-er tea can help ease one’s central nervous system, allowing the drinker to enjoy a pleasing sense of joy while appreciating the tea, and cultivating a peaceful and happy mood.
Four, supplementation with trace elements: Pu-er tea contains more than 30 kinds of trace elements needed by the human body – mainly amino acids, polyphenols, vitamins, lipids, enzymes, as well as iron, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals – to help the normal functioning of human body.
#GreatSnow, #PuEr, #AgedTea
Credit –
