《牧牛人金花獻佛》 . 我們為何要佛前供…

Why do we need to offer flowers to the Buddha?
What are the benefits of offering flowers to the Buddha?
Let me share a story from the Buddhist scriptures.
Once upon a time, there was a lake that was surrounded by blossoming golden flowers, creating a scenery of beauty and splendor. Faced with this beautiful view, a shepherd was inspired: “Let me offer these magnificent flowers to Buddha.” Hence, he picked baskets of the beautiful golden flowers and started walking towards Buddha’s abode with the offering.
Unfortunately, the shepherd never made it to the abode. Halfway there, he was trampled to death by a raging bull. But because he had the heart to make the offering to Buddha, after his death, he was reborn to Trayastrimsa as an honored celestial being. He lived in the grandest of palaces and was offered precious nectar as refreshment every day. Outside the halls of his palace, fresh golden flowers grew in abundance, effusing brilliant light and showering the palace in dazzling hues.
One day, the shepherd was using his special power to view his past life. He realized that his rebirth as a celestial being was purely due to his sincere intention of offering the flowers to Buddha. He was amazed: “I gained this huge karmic reward simply by having the intention to make an offering to Buddha. What kind of karmic rewards would be awarded to the virtuous ones who practice positive karma accumulation over a sustained period of time?”.
From that day onwards, the shepherd started to pick and collect the beautiful golden flowers every day, hoping to be able to fulfill his wish of making an offering to Buddha.
Other celestial beings were puzzled by what he was doing, and came to ask him: “You were reborn as a celestial being not that long ago. Why are you working so hard at picking the flowers instead of enjoying the fruits of your karmic reward?”
To which the shepherd replied: “When I was alive, I wanted to offer the golden flowers to Buddha. But I was killed before I could fulfill that wish. Even then, simply by having that intention, I was awarded the karmic reward of being reborn as a celestial being and am able to enjoy unlimited riches and glory. I am picking all these flowers now so that I can fulfill my wish to actually make the offering to Buddha, from which I will gain even more karmic merits and wisdom for the future.”
This inspired the other celestial beings to achieve enlightenment. As a result, a total of eighty-four thousand celestial beings came down to earth to make offerings to Buddha. Unfortunately, they were not able to find the Buddha. Instead, they met an accomplished monk who taught them the way of the dharma. From his teachings, the celestial beings discovered dharma joy and accumulated karmic merits. Not long after that, they met the Buddha.
The Buddha personally gave them teachings about the dharma. All of them were enlightened and attained the Sotapanna state.

The shepherd and the other eighty-four thousand celestial beings were, in actuality, spiritual friends who pursued the dharma together in previous lives. In their current life, the affinities and conditions were ripe and so they were able to attain enlightenment.
Classical story extracted from the upper scroll of <>
Buddha Dharma teaches us to practice self-reflection every day: “Continue to cultivate the kind thoughts that have arisen and inspire the kind thoughts that have yet to arise; extinguish evil thoughts that have arisen and eradicate evil thoughts which have yet to arise.” The birth of a kind thought will, at the very moment, eradicate all evil thoughts, just like how a torch will eradicate darkness in a room. Hence we need to constantly remind ourselves to cultivate kind thoughts, which will beget good rewards.
#BuddhasLight, #GoldenFlowers, #OfferingFlowersToBuddha, #KarmicRewardsOfCelestianBeings, #Longevity, #FullOfGoodFortune


在〈《牧牛人金花獻佛》 . 我們為何要佛前供…〉中有 26 則留言

  1. 感恩师父师母!感恩师父慈悲开示,佛前献花,供养佛陀,善念永驻,终得善果!

  2. 顶礼跪拜感恩尊贵的师父慈悲教化!时时刻刻都要提醒自己增长善念,心存善念,善果自来。弟子一定谨记在心,时时提醒自己,好好把控自己。佛光普照,也祝愿一切有缘时时刻刻增长善念,种善因得善果。

  3. 感恩师父的慈悲教化,真心供佛?。感恩师父慈悲开示,心只要一起善念,当下即无恶念。愿更多的人能得到师父的加持,反省自心,念念向善。感恩师父的慈悲教导????!

  4. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示和教化!当我看完这个佛典故事后,让我更加懂的珍惜我们与师父来之不易的这份缘!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!???????❤???

  5. 感恩师父慈悲教化!


  6. 师父好!感恩师父!我一定多做善事,起心动念都是善良心对人对事,人人平等。感恩师父教育我们成长,只有慈悲心才能成就自已。叩拜恩师!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲教化!师父用这个故事教育弟子,让弟子时时刻刻不要忘记增长善念,警惕恶念发生,”?”时刻让慈悲善良作主。心存善念,善果自来!师父!弟子永远记住这善因结善果的真理!顶礼叩拜佛师!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,我们永远爱您师父,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,多做善事多帮人,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  9. 細說共花是親近你自己的心裡 實際上是委託神佛把你的惡事 行盡江宜清淨 說一句老實話這只個自我堆謝 責任 如果自信 不修真再多的神佛也不可能幫助你因為一切天地都在看著你如何來做人 再見~

  10. สาธุค่ะขอให้ชีวิตดีตลอดไปไม่อยากมีปัญหากับใครแต่ทำไมมีคนชอบมีปัญหากับเราชาตนี้ใช้ให้หมดไปชาติน้าขออย่าได้เจอกันอีกเลยชาตินี้ลำบากพอแล้วสาธุสาธุสาธุค่ะ
