
喜歡就請分享,給更多需要幫助的人們,多傳多福。。 。


吃杮子的禁與忌 . 杮子是秋冬季節的常見…



人的命運能改變嗎? . . 有很多人真的…

#命由我做、 #福由心生、 #改命、 #改運、 #行善積德、 #福蔭子孫rnrnCan the destiny of humans be changed?

There are many people who work very hard. No matter how hard they strive, they do not reap what they sow. Unsuccessful people work even harder than successful people. However, riches and happiness just slip through their fingers. This is called “fate”. Can we change our fate? Let me tell you a story.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a person by the name of Yuan Liaofan. He came from Jiangnan, Wujiang . In his early years, he was studying to be a physician. Later, he met a Mr Kong who was proficient in life science. Mr. Kong predicted Liaofan’s life : “You will come in 14th position for the county examination, 71st position in the house exam and 9th position in the provincial examination”. Liaofan took note of Mr Kong’s prediction.

In the following year, Liaofan cleared both the county and the house examination, and the admission of the ranking was indeed consistent with Mr. Kong’s prediction.
Thus, he requested Mr. Kong to predict his life’s fortune and misfortune

Mr. Kong then gave his prediction again on the year that Liaofan would be taking some more examinations and how he would fare. Mr Kong predicted that he would eventually become a magistrate. After holding the post for three and a half years, he would resign and go back to his hometown. He would die of old age at the age of 53, on 14th August between 1am to 3am, and he would be childless.

As all Mr Kong’s predictions later came true, Yuan Liaofan believed that all things are destined and beyond a human’s control. Thus, he became nonchalant on all matters.

One day, Le Fan went to Qixia mountain and visited Yun Gu Zen Master. The Master told him ‘One is in control of one’s own destiny, happiness is controlled by the heart, and the way to happiness is through accumulating merits by doing lots of good deeds”.

The second year, he went to Beijing to attend the Ministry of (Confucian) Rites in the Imperial China examination. He came in first position although Mr Kong had predicted that he would come in third position. Mr. Kong ‘s predictions was beginning to be inaccurate. Liaofan was overjoyed at the turn of events. He worked even harder at doing good deeds, sought blessings to have children, and vowed to do three thousand kind acts.

During the Ming Longqing fourth year, he was admitted to Jinshi and was made the county magistrate. He was frugal and used the money he saved to buy charity items so as to aid the poor, help people in crisis, buy and release living species, provide vegetarian food to monks and supporting them in other activities that would bring benefit to all sentient beings.

Mr. Kong had predicted that Liaofan would be childless and live till age of fifty-three only. However, he managed to survive till seventy-four years and even had a son. His son was later admitted to Jinshi.

People on earth are not free of woes. However, many do not know how to resolve their problems. Only at their death beds do they realize that only those who have always been doing kind deeds, having positive energy and wisdom, are able to overcome any obstacles in life. Even in the absence of wisdom, Buddha will give the practitioner inspiration, letting them uphold the five precepts and exterminate the disaster in their lives, and helping them remain safe and sound.

#ICreateMyLife, #BlessingsFromTheHeart, #ChangeOfHumanDestiny, #ChangeOfFortune, #MeritsAccumulatedThroughGoodDeeds, #BlessingsForDescendants


【茶香齋】──黃金糕 . . 向大家推薦…

金瓜1500 g
香菇腳攪碎80 g


感謝網友提供 「誰動了我的豆豆?」 最傻…



S171202c 感謝網友提供「誰動了我的豆豆?」

Thanks to netizen for recommending the video.
「Who moved my beans?」
The most stupid, yet adorable criminal caught red-handed, but immediately know how to please!
You really wonder if you should discipline him or hug him! Not knowing whether to cry or to laugh…
(Welcome your recommendations)
Credit source:



Tainan fellow practitioners shared with me some interesting _Tainan Garden night market encounter of dogs’ street fighting!!
#台南禪堂、 #台南美食、 #台南有趣街景


風水師不敢說的秘密 . . 我給大家講一…





#風水、#慈悲、#富豪、#命運rnrnThe undisclosed secret of Feng Shui masters

Let me tell you a true story.

A wealthy man bought a piece of land and built a detached family villa. His large courtyard was also planted with many hundred-year-old lychee trees. His friend persuaded him to engage the services of a famous geomancer. Originally not receptive to geomancy, the wealthy man nonetheless appreciated his friend’s kind intention and paid a special visit to invite a very famous Fengshui master to read the feng shui his house.

After receiving the master, they both went straight to the villa. On the way, the wealthy man would always give way to an overtaking car. The master smiled, “Your driving is most steady!” The wealthy man replied cordially, “.. well, let’s not delay these overtaking drivers, as they could be experiencing emergencies.”

When the car entered the town, the streets were narrower and the wealthy man had to slow down. Suddenly, a child who was laughing dashed out of the alley in front of them. The wealthy man pressed firmly on the brakes. The child smiled and ran past. Thereafter, the driver paused slightly instead of stepping on the gas. Soon, another child sprang out in pursuit of the earlier one.
The master was surprised, and asked, “How did you know that there were children behind?” 」
The wealthy man replied, “Children are typically chasing and playing, otherwise they would not be laughing so happily.”
After hearing this, the master agreed with a thumb-up, elaborating, “You really have a kind heart!”

Upon arriving at the villa, the wealthy man alighted with the key, ready to open the door. From the backyard, a few birds suddenly flew up, accompanied by a burst of laughter. The wealthy man saw the situation, and decided to stop at the gate. Apologetic, he turned to the master, and said, “..(may) the master stay here and wait for a while.”
Master asked, “What’s the matter?”
The wealthy man responded, “Now, there must be kids at my backyard stealing lychees from our orchard. If we open the gate now, the children will panic in a bid to escape, and it will not be good if they fall, so let them have a moment to pick the fruits.”
After some silence, the master said, “You can just send me back to the railway station. There’s no need to read the Fengshui of this house!”
The wealthy man was taken aback. He asked, “Why is that so, master?”
“Sir, wherever you are, the place will enjoy auspicious Fengshui energy” was the reply.

In reality, the general geomancy approach does not allow people’s luck or destiny to be fundamentally changed. Upon hearing this, you must be curious to understand how then can we change our luck or destiny. That should be premised on the energy and merit of compassion in order for a person to enjoy good luck. This is because the energy of compassion can resolve all calamities, change the destiny and usher in good fortune; hence we must perform more good deeds.

#Geomancy, #Compassion, #WealthyMan, #Destiny
