【菩提養生素食教室】──養生百合粥 . …

1、 銀耳百合粥:乾銀耳1份(約10克),乾百合1份(約10克),粳米2份(約20克)。銀耳泡發洗淨,與百合、粳米同放入鍋中,加水適量煮成粥。
2、 南瓜百合粥:鮮百合3顆,大米100克,糯米50克,南瓜適量(個人喜好)。南瓜切小塊,與大米、糯米同煮半小時後,再放入洗淨的百合片,再煮半小時出鍋。
3、 蓮子百合粥:乾百合25克,蓮子25克,大米150克,枸杞少許提味。蓮子提前泡水,所有原料共同熬煮半小時即可。
4、 百合紅棗粥:乾百合10克、紅棗10顆、山藥15克、薏仁20克,用文火熬煮,軟爛成粥即可。

【Bodhi Healthy Vegetarian Classroom】 – Healthy Lily Bulb Porridge

During the autumn and winter season, the weather is dry and we need to drink some healthy porridge with soothing properties to ease dry cough and dry skin problems. Lily bulbs helps to nourish Yin, moisten the lungs, empties one’s mind of worries and calms the nerves. Hence it is a very important ingredient in healthy autumn and winter recipes.
Let us introduce a few lily books bulb porridge recipes for everyone to try
1. White Fungus Lily Bulb Porridge:
Dried white fungus (about 10g)
Dried lily bulb (about 10g)
Polished round-grained non glutinous rice (about 20g)
Wash and soak the white fungus, add in together with the rest of the ingredients into a pot, add sufficient water and boil till it becomes porridge.

2. Pumpkin Lily Bulb Porridge :
3 pieces of fresh lily bulb
100g rice
50g glutinous rice
appropriate amount of pumpkin (up to individual preference).
Cook cubed diced pumpkin, rice and glutinous rice for half an hour , then add into washed slices of lily bulb, continue to cook for another half an hour and it’s ready to be served .

3. Gingko Lily Bulb Porridge:
25g dried lily bulb
25g lotus seed
150g rice
A little wolf-berries to improve the taste.
Soak the lotus seeds in advance.
Add all ingredients and cook for half an hour and it’s ready to be served.

4. Lily Bulb Red Dates Porridge:
10g dried lily bulb
10 pieces of red dates
15g Yam
20g barley
Cook with small fire till soft and serve.

5. Millet Lily Bulb Porridge:
Appropriate amount of millet and fresh lily bulb
Cook millet for half an hour first then add fresh lily bulb and cook for another 5 minutes and it’s ready to be served.

#Healthy, # LilyBulb, #RedDates, #Pumpkin, #NourishYinMoistenLungs
1、 銀耳百合粥:乾銀耳1份(約10克),乾百合1份(約10克),粳米2份(約20克)。銀耳泡發洗淨,與百合、粳米同放入鍋中,加水適量煮成粥。
2、 南瓜百合粥:鮮百合3顆,大米100克,糯米50克,南瓜適量(個人喜好)。南瓜切小塊,與大米、糯米同煮半小時後,再放入洗淨的百合片,再煮半小時出鍋。
3、 蓮子百合粥:乾百合25克,蓮子25克,大米150克,枸杞少許提味。蓮子提前泡水,所有原料共同熬煮半小時即可。
4、 百合紅棗粥:乾百合10克、紅棗10顆、山藥15克、薏仁20克,用文火熬煮,軟爛成粥即可。


在〈【菩提養生素食教室】──養生百合粥 . …〉中有 19 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享菩提素食养生百合粥有益身体健康,感恩慈父恩师因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  2. 谢谢师父介绍五种养生粥,可以常吃,因为脾胃最喜欢粥因易消化吸妆健脾和胃。我也有一种养生粥,吃上一段时间指甲盖变红月牙白变大,大家也可试试:黑豆、黑芝麻各一小把黑米、大米各两小把,薏仁米兰小把,百合十片(干,,核桃两个(可用花生代),红来糖适量。先洗净泡三四小时再著稠为止。

  3. 感恩师父分享这么多好吃的粥,我是很爱吃粥的人,学到了。我这两天腌了点萝卜,是用甜面酱腌的,今晚可以开吃了,味道应该还行吧。观想供养师父和同修们啦!
