孔子的英文名字 . 今天是孔子的誕辰紀念…

孔子收到美國「世界漢學國際研討會」的請柬,邀他在開幕典禮後做專題演講。 孔子十分高興,準備先去印一盒名片。
老闆說:「杜先生本來要印Tu Fu,我一聽表示不好,太像『豆腐』了。後來我就對詩聖說:『您老不是字子美嗎?那就叫Jimmy Tu吧!』」
「真的呀?」孔子更好奇了。「他就印Han Yu吧?」
老闆得意洋洋說:「本來他要這樣的,我一聽又說不行,太像Hang you了。」還是我想到韓老的故鄉,對他說:『您老不是韓昌黎嗎?』那就印Charlie Han好了!」
老闆大聲道:「而且還曾週遊列國,那就印 Johnny Walker 好了!」
Confucius’ English name
Today is the day to commemorate the birth of Confucius, and also Teacher’s Day in some region. Let me post a humorous story here to cheer everyone up and also wish all teachers smiles and happiness!

Confucius received an invitation by America to the “World Chinese International Forum” inviting him to give a keynote speech after the opening ceremony. Confucius is very happy and went to print a box of business cards.
The shopkeeper upon seeing Confucius, asked respectfully if the business cards had to be printed in both Chinese and English language. He asked Confucius, “What should I print on the English side?”
“Can I not print Confucius?” Confucius asked.
The boss smiled and said: “That is the Westerners naming you Confucius out of respect. Don’t you feel embarrassed to proclaim yourself as Confucius?”
“So what name should I print for myself?” Confucius could not help but pondered.
“Du Fu (a renowned poet) came yesterday,” the boss said.
“Oh, how was his name printed?” Confucius asked.
The boss said, “Mr. Du was supposed to print Du Fu, but I think it sounded bad, too much like tofu. So I said to the poet, Isn’t your other name “Zimei” Lets call you Jimmy Tu then! ” (as Zimei sounded like Jimmy)
Confucius laughed and said that’s wonderful!
“In fact, Han Yu (a Chinese writer, poet, and government official of the Tang Dynasty) also came,” the boss said.
Confucius guessed “ Is it simply Han Yu?”
The boss said triumphantly: “I said to him that it sounded too much like Hang you. I said to him, wasn’t his full name Han Changli? So lets call you Charlie Han! ”
“Well, that’s great!” Confucius smiled, then frowned, “They are all settled, but what name should I print in English?”
The boss thought for a moment and exclaimed: “Yes! They also call you Zhongni?” The boss laughed.
“Yes!” Confucius responded in anticipation.
The boss said loudly: “Since you also travel the world a lot. Let’s print Johnny Walker!”
#TeachersDay, #ConfuciusBirthday, #Humor
孔子收到美國「世界漢學國際研討會」的請柬,邀他在開幕典禮後做專題演講。 孔子十分高興,準備先去印一盒名片。
老闆說:「杜先生本來要印Tu Fu,我一聽表示不好,太像『豆腐』了。後來我就對詩聖說:『您老不是字子美嗎?那就叫Jimmy Tu吧!』」
「真的呀?」孔子更好奇了。「他就印Han Yu吧?」
老闆得意洋洋說:「本來他要這樣的,我一聽又說不行,太像Hang you了。」還是我想到韓老的故鄉,對他說:『您老不是韓昌黎嗎?』那就印Charlie Han好了!」
老闆大聲道:「而且還曾週遊列國,那就印 Johnny Walker 好了!」
Confucius’ English name
Today is the day to commemorate the birth of Confucius, and also Teacher’s Day in some region. Let me post a humorous story here to cheer everyone up and also wish all teachers smiles and happiness!

Confucius received an invitation by America to the “World Chinese International Forum” inviting him to give a keynote speech after the opening ceremony. Confucius is very happy and went to print a box of business cards.
The shopkeeper upon seeing Confucius, asked respectfully if the business cards had to be printed in both Chinese and English language. He asked Confucius, “What should I print on the English side?”
“Can I not print Confucius?” Confucius asked.
The boss smiled and said: “That is the Westerners naming you Confucius out of respect. Don’t you feel embarrassed to proclaim yourself as Confucius?”
“So what name should I print for myself?” Confucius could not help but pondered.
“Du Fu (a renowned poet) came yesterday,” the boss said.
“Oh, how was his name printed?” Confucius asked.
The boss said, “Mr. Du was supposed to print Du Fu, but I think it sounded bad, too much like tofu. So I said to the poet, Isn’t your other name “Zimei” Lets call you Jimmy Tu then! ” (as Zimei sounded like Jimmy)
Confucius laughed and said that’s wonderful!
“In fact, Han Yu (a Chinese writer, poet, and government official of the Tang Dynasty) also came,” the boss said.
Confucius guessed “ Is it simply Han Yu?”
The boss said triumphantly: “I said to him that it sounded too much like Hang you. I said to him, wasn’t his full name Han Changli? So lets call you Charlie Han! ”
“Well, that’s great!” Confucius smiled, then frowned, “They are all settled, but what name should I print in English?”
The boss thought for a moment and exclaimed: “Yes! They also call you Zhongni?” The boss laughed.
“Yes!” Confucius responded in anticipation.
The boss said loudly: “Since you also travel the world a lot. Let’s print Johnny Walker!”
#TeachersDay, #ConfuciusBirthday, #Humor


在〈孔子的英文名字 . 今天是孔子的誕辰紀念…〉中有 23 則留言

  1. 哈哈哈!哈哈哈!师父!哦没看懂!哦知只道傻笑!没心没肺,没思维的状态!每天内心充满着欢喜!充满着阳光!充满着希望!充满着快乐!有师父的弟子好幸运!好幸福啊!

  2. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!太逗了,孔子说我要印名片???,孔子也有英文名字了,Johnny Walker ???感恩师父!祝福师父节日快乐!天天开心!吉祥如意!

  3. 感谢师父慈悲分享!有师父我们好幸运!每天内心充满着欢喜!充满着阳光!充满着希望!充满着快乐!祝所有恩师节日快乐????????????

  4. 师父,您好!哈哈!還是孔子的英文名字最update,难怪古今往来,孔子大廈和孔子像巍然屹立在紐約最旺盛的唐人街中心,人鬼(老外)都一樣仰慕了。謝謝师父上传分享!感恩师父!哈哈!希望师父出品多多笑話,让我們笑一笑,十年少吧!

  5. 感恩师父分享幽默短文。入乡随俗孔子出国讲学也需要有一个外国名字,没想到的是孔子的英文名字,竟然是文具店老板给起的,而且文具店的老板,还给过杜甫、韩愈这两个大文豪也起过英文名字。看来文具店的老板也是个专门给名人起英文名字的专业户。有趣!

  6. 感恩师父分享!
    孔子是我们中国人心目中最伟大的圣人,现在他又成了国际名人Johnny Walker,johnny Walker等于孔老夫子,愿孔夫子的文化精髓能够毫无国界地传播到世界的每一个角落。

  7. 感恩师父的分享!
    这个“被”字 ,不读“bei”,而是读“pi”,意思同“披”。
    在文言文中,“加被”读作“加披” 。
