《分享》送給孩子最珍貴的禮物 . 分享一…

#分享、#送給孩子最珍貴的禮物、#加持、#光明燈、#菩薩的溫暖rnrnSharing – Giving our children the most precious gift
I’d like to share a true story by a netizen …
Believe that your child is not merely a kid, but a small fairy, or a little Bodhisattva who has come to learn together with you and grow along with you.

A few days ago, I saw a post by Master”.. entrust your children to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas. The Bodhisattvas will teach him how to be a good person, guide him on the right path, and shower him with care! This is the most precious gift for our children.” Hearing that, strong emotions welled up in my heart.
My precious daughter was born with a strong character, as if she’s inherited my genes. At a tender age, she’d aspired to conquer the world. She left the comfort of home and beautiful Vancouver to go to a place with – 30 degrees Celsius climate to the east of Canada. At the end of one school semester, she informed me that she’d like to go to Africa as a volunteer during the vacation. I’d thought, “An 18-year-old girl wanting to go to Africa?” (I was most fearful when I heard that).
During the first year, my daughter juggled between work and studies. Every week, she would work 20 hours and cover five academic subjects, sometimes sleeping only 4.5 hours. She did settle in but I was rather reluctant and my heart ached for her.
Coincidentally, my daughter entered the university at the same time that I had entered the “comprehensive university” of Bodhi Meditation!
Feeling very anxious and worried, I turned to the teacher at Bodhi Meditation to help enlighten my daughter! As we were leaving, we chanced upon Master’s portrait in the main hall. I had a thought, “I have no talent, and no wealth to contribute. Thus I will gift my most precious daughter to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas.”
I was immensely grateful that through the teacher’s guidance, the knot in my daughter’s heart to conquer the world was resolved.
“As my daughter felt that the world was too bleak, with too many people living below the poverty line, led by a small group of people that controlled the wealth by constantly exploiting the poor. She had wanted to go and witness the living conditions of Africans! As a result, she’d wanted to give up her studies as she did not want to become part of the small group of wealthy merchants’ money-making tools and machines.”
The teacher advised my daughter, “To change poverty, the only way is through education! You can choose your path of contribution in the future! And that is to help people in the poverty-prone places!”. My daughter thus realized her life purpose and path.
During the first summer vacation, my daughter applied for and joined a government-sponsored 10-week student program.
The conclusion was, she said, “Mom, it is not enough to be interested and passionate! People need to develop the ability to support themselves!” I believe this was the Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas’ guidance to my daughter, teaching her the way to survive.
During the second summer vacation, my daughter signed up for a 45-day volunteer project in Guatemala. She took care of all the tickets, donations, and living expenses, and did not use any of my money. I was touched beyond words! My daughter had really grown up and was also independent!
As we looked back, my daughter was the apple of our eyes and never experienced hardships and austerity. Yet now, she’s at ease tending to chickens and ducks, and having her meals spontaneously! Seeing that my daughter adapted quickly to the lifestyle, environment, helping with the building of roads, teaching etc., I extend my sincere gratitude to the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas for guiding her into becoming such a well-behaved, sensible and outstanding person.
During her third year summer vacation, my daughter brought me to Costa Rica in Central America on a trip.
It was like going back in time when I was my daughter’s age, enjoying the expanse of nature where there is no destruction of the land and when sentiments were wholesome. I experienced the ecstasy of flight like a bird, complete with wind swirling in the ear!
Zip-lining, rafting, horse-riding in the primeval forest while watching the sunset, listening to the narration by the female Nicaraguan president on her live volcanic exploits – these experiences were beyond my wildest dreams and unexpectedly, my daughter helped me fulfill them.
At the conclusion of my daughter’s four-year university curriculum, her passport had been gloriously imprinted with immigration records of nearly 10 Americas countries and regions!
I’m immensely grateful to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas for facilitating my child’s understanding of this world, including environmental conservationism and most importantly the tenets of life.
Under the guidance of Bodhisattvas, my daughter now has the capacity to earn her keep as well as define her life purpose! I used the savings that was intended for her college education and respectfully offered a light before the Buddha. I prayed that my daughter attains her academic qualifications, be of service to the society and benefit sentient beings, under the blessed illumination of the Buddha.
I’m infinitely grateful from the bottom of my heart! With a momentous thought, I’d “given” my child to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas! Since then, it had been smooth-sailing for us and the results have far exceeded my expectations.
In retrospect, every child is an independent person. He/ she does not belong to us, nor are they our private “property”. I actually felt that I’d sent her away then, but to the right place!
With the Buddha’s illumination as guiding beacons, my daughter’s and my life journeys are always swift and smooth toward our goals! These are all due to Master’s, Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas’ blessings and protection! We have benefitted immeasurably from your compassion and are immensely grateful!
#Sharing, #MostPreciousGiftForOurChild, #Bless, #IlluminatedLight, #BodhisattvasWarmth


在〈《分享》送給孩子最珍貴的禮物 . 分享一…〉中有 32 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!这位同修太聪明了!把女儿交给了佛菩萨呵护,让女儿更加聪明智慧!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!让天下孩子们都能得到佛光沐浴。顶礼叩拜师父!

  2. 感恩师父分享!把子女供养给佛菩萨,让佛菩萨的慈悲大爱传给孩子,再由孩子传给更多需要帮助的人。很有智慧的母亲!感恩师父慈悲大爱!播撒人间!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!把孩子送给佛菩萨和师父管教!那是最好的选择!在佛前点灯那是最好的礼物!很受益的见证分享!让弟子更希望孩子们都皈依佛做师父的弟子!从此孩子就有靠山了!辛苦师父了!感恩师父慈悲!爱您!?叩拜

  4. 师父上午好!感恩师父慈悲分享!这位同修太聪明了,我把孙子交给佛菩萨加持呵护,让孙孑更加聪明智慧。感恩师父慈悲加持与护佑,让全世界所有的孩子们都能得到佛光沐浴。真诚恭敬顶礼敬爱的恩师!

  5. 师父您好吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲分享!把孩子交给我们尊贵的师父,交给佛,菩萨,前途远大光明,吉祥如意!感恩师父慈加持护佑与大爱!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜佛师!???

  6. 感恩佛师慈悲的分享!这是一位伟大智慧的妈妈!中国有一个码头(忘记名子了)运输流程全部是机器操作,还有无人商场,无人售货机,机器服务人等等,未来的世界靠人力生存确确实实的很困难了。未来的世界是靠做人,信用,教育而生存的天下。

  7. 感動哪~看到一個這麼年輕的生命,就已經知道了自己的方向,而且還開出了花朵。讚嘆!!

  8. 感恩师父!

  9. 感恩師父分享這故事,感恩師姐分享一個母親的心願,恭喜您的大智慧,得到佛陀的造化,呵護,讓慈悲心漫延,廣施有緣大眾。

  10. 感恩师父分享!这么精彩的见证在子女教育上给家长们以思考、启发和新的希望!作为家长,我们都想把最好的送给孩子,可是,“儿大不由娘”,成长中的孩子有自己的思考,对家长的安排并不一定会全盘接受,对此家长也只能一筹莫展!现在新的出路来了:把孩子供养给佛菩萨,他们的成长之路有佛菩萨的指引和护佑,走的路是安全又快捷的,父母也不必忧心,唯有替孩子多做功德多多礼佛敬佛感念佛恩就好!师父啊,好的方法学到就用上,弟子把弘扬也供养给师父!辛苦师父教导他!叩拜师父!

  11. 感恩师父分享!随喜赞叹!这位妈妈好幸福!弟子感恩师父!感恩佛菩萨!我女儿上了青年领袖开智班,一直再近步,也开始懂事了,顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  12. 感恩师父的慈悲开示,我看了这个故事真的是很感动,同时我也很惨愧,我没能象这个妈妈那样把女儿培养好,同时我也学会了,我也要向这位妈妈那样把女儿教给师父教给佛菩萨,让她以后能为社会为禅唐做出更大的贡献,服务与社会,利益更多的众生。

  13. 是哦,通常我们的智慧不够,[把孩子交給佛菩薩,菩薩會教他做人,給他指路、給他呵護],這是送給孩子最珍貴的禮物。.感恩师父!???

  14. 感恩师父的分享,我女儿也是一个很要强的人,她也在23岁开始去了新加坡,也去过印尼工作,我偿试过听她去新加坡禅堂参加一下禅修,但机缘还没有到,我只好让她帮我请不菩提法门的一些光碟给我,她做到了,但请的光碟听跟练只得我,她不练也不听,我只好把她交给佛交给了金菩提上师帮我教她,现在她很喜欢在家里小禅堂睡觉,她说在禅堂里睡,睡得很安稳。这段时间她的梦很吉祥,见到佛陀,见到了龙等。佛堂让她拥有了安全感。感恩佛!感恩师父的护佑!

  15. 感恩师父慈悲分享!虽然自己也天天接受师父的教化,但智慧并没有完全打开,有时,心里所认为的“好”还是在这世间普通大众认为的“好”就是“好”,也常常会把这些自己所认为的“好”强加给孩子,但实际上也许孩子会有另外的“好”,而那种“好”是超越这个世间的普通的“好”的,自己却没有慧眼识别,也可能因为自己的错误的引导和强加给孩子的压力,把一个优秀的孩子变得平庸。但师父和佛菩萨一定能给孩子最恰当最好的教化。师父,我把孩子交给您了。我想,这一定是我送给孩子的最珍贵的礼物。感恩师父!师父辛苦了!

  16. 师父,您好!我也要將我的三个孩子和女婿交給諸佛菩萨和師父,让他們得到諸佛菩萨和師父的呵護和加持,身體健康!出入平安!心地善良!万事如意!我也已经代他们在禅堂供灯了。感恩师父!

  17. 感恩师父指明方向,教导好的方法,我也要将我的孩子托付给佛菩萨,将我的家人托付给佛菩萨,善念得善因种善果。自己也是由于有师父的带领和呵护才有今天的身心光明,懂事开智,去无明。赞叹金成智师姐的智慧和福报,有这一优秀的女儿。“有样学样”,也学会“送给孩子最珍贵的礼物”,真心恭敬祈请!感恩师姐分享!感恩师父分享!??????

  18. 随喜师姐!???

  19. 感恩师父分享!这么好的分享实在难得,感恩师父!感恩佛菩萨!曾经也包括现在一直为孩子的健康成长而苦恼、无奈,现在我把自己的孩子托付给最尊贵的师父佛菩萨,烦劳您教他做人,为他引路,给予呵护!愿佛菩萨的大慈大悲、佛菩萨的智慧、光明传递给我的孩子,去除孩子身上的无明、贪婪、愚昧等不良信息,使孩子如佛一般慈悲善良、关爱服务众生,有缘加入到我们的菩提队伍!感恩叩拜南无大慈大悲金菩提佛师!!!

  20. 感恩師父慈悲分享點化【……孩子不只是個孩子,孩子也許是來與你學習,共同成長的小仙女、小菩薩】!

  21. 感恩师父!孩子懂事以后,家长不能总是喋喋不休地唠叨,给他正确的指导,大方向是对的,就行了。有佛菩萨的加持护佑,他的人生一定是吉祥顺利的。前提条件是我们努力修行,多做功德。

  22. That was so inspiring and so beautiful.Your daughter is a strong lady with great parents who stand by her.I know you all have to be proud of what she has done for others.I just wish more people could be like her.Im so glad I read this.

  23. 就在半小时以前,我的女儿告诉我们她拿到了一个工作机会。我一下子就跳起来,很想疯狂地奔跑,告诉大家这个好消息。在这里,弟子跪谢恩师一直以来对我小孩的照顾有加。在大光明的修练中我一直感觉到上师的加持,昨天的加持尤为殊盛???
