遠揚的思念… . 在這個孝親的月份裡…

#孝親 、#念佛 、#思念 、#吉祥如意
Missing in a distant…
This is the month to express our filial piety,
treat the positive and negative affinities we have encountered in life as benefactors that strengthen and lead us towards success.
There are so many people we need to be grateful to for the peace and health we enjoy today!
Let us vow, pray, venerate, repent and chant Buddha’s mantra with a sincere heart for our loved ones and deceased ancestors. With the help of the infinite merits of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as well as great blessing power of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, may all sentient beings and departed ancestors enjoy auspiciousness wherever they are!
#FilialPiety, #Chanting, #Commemorate, #Auspicious


慈悲的根基 (2017年9月9日) . …

慈悲的根基 (2017年9月9日)
歡迎闔家一起來暢談,分享,祝福大家身心健康、幸福快樂 !

1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年9月9日,上午9:00開始 
#週六共修預告、#慈悲的根基、#金菩提宗師開示、#慈悲心、#身心健康rnrnThe Foundation of Compassion (September 9, 2017)
Selfishness brings sickness and disaster, compassion brings health and auspiciousness?

A person had such an experience: her mother-in-law was sick and needed someone to look after. As both were living in two different cities, her husband, the son, hoped that she would go over to care for his mother. When the sickly mother called for help, the daughter-in-law lied, “Mother, so sorry to hear that you are sick. I just had a fall and broke my leg. It’s hurting and I can’t attend to you.” Two months later, she really had a fall and injured her knee. As a result, she had to stay in bed.

How did this injury come about? When we return kindness with ingratitude! Open your heart and love the world with compassion. Love your mother-in-law and those related to you. Think of their good points and your heart will start to warm up. From this moment on, you will start to feel positive energy generating from within. When positive energy rises, negative energy will certainly diminish. Your illness will begin to heal and you may even gain full recovery.

If we want to recover from our illness, we need to cultivate compassion. We need to get to the source to resolve the fundamental cause.
Why is compassion the most important reason to health? Let us explore “The Foundation of Compassion” in greater depth during this Saturday’s group practice.
Welcome everyone to share your thoughts.
May all enjoy health and happiness!

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Sep 9, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Sep 9, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Sep 8, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Sep 8, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Sep 9, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Sep 9, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Sep 9, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Sep 9, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Sep 9, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Sep 9, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#OnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #TheFoundationOfCompassion, #MasterJinBodhi’sTeachings, #CompassionateHeart, #MentalAndPhysicalHealth


擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。 ….

身心靈獲得了提升 當義工服務大眾
Farewell to prolong suffering from hyperthyroidism and menstrual cramps
Illness does not only affect the elderly. Since young, she suffers from swelling of the thyroid that affected her body, emotions, life, career and interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the symptoms aggravated. After 11 years searching for a cure in her fight against hyperthyroidism, she finally discovered that the end to her nightmares in life lies in a non-medical approach. Let us hear her story….
My name is Yanling Li.
Ten years ago, when I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The disease made me suffer from an accelerated heartbeat, exophthalmos, shaky hands, thick neck and poor sleep interrupted by many dreams. The lack of sleep made it difficult for me to focus on my work and my temperament deteriorated. As my neck was thicker than normal, I lost my self-confidence and did not have the courage to wear shirts without collars. The doctor advised against surgery as the probability of relapse is high. I took the medication prescribed by the doctor for 4 years, which helped to regulate my heartbeat, reduced the swelling of my neck as well as ease the trembling of my hands. However, the medication had side effect, which caused my body to swell all over. There was also no improvement to the quality of my sleep, and the doctor advised me to stop the course of medication. Not long after that, all the previous symptoms returned with a vengeance.
When I realized that western medicine was unable to help, I turned to traditional Chinese medicine for a cure. Over the course of more than 11 years, I have used up almost all my savings, and yet I was unable to find a method to help me or ease my pain. I was thoroughly disheartened! In addition, due to my sleeping problem over the years, I became more and more moody and unable to focus. To add on to my woes, I started experiencing serious menstrual cramps from the age of 22 years. The cramps were so bad that I had to take medical leave almost every month. My work efficiency declined and so did my relationship with my colleagues.
The 7-day class tremendously reduced the swelling on my neck and my menstrual cramps
A friend encouraged me to signup for the “Thousand practitioners Energy Bagua event” at the end of 2016, followed by the 7-day Energy Bagua Foundation class in January of 2017. On the third day of the class, a pungent smell constantly emanated from my throat. It felt as if there was a lot of phlegm dissolving away. During this period of time, I kept throwing up phlegm and the swelling on my neck showed signs of getting smaller. At the end of the 7-day class, the swelling on my neck greatly reduced in size, and even my decade-old sleep problem showed signs of improvement: I was able to fall into deeper sleep as the occurrences of dreams reduced. Even my menstrual cramps reduced in intensity. My skin became smoother, my hands no longer trembled and my heartbeat returned to normal. Other than the physical swelling, almost all the other symptoms of hyperthyroidism were gone.
As my mind and body went through uplifting improvement, I became a volunteer to serve the public.
All these changes made me ecstatic: I have finally found the solution to my health problems! At that instant, I was filled with a great sense of hope. No words can describe my sense of exhilaration! Since then, I have persevered on by practicing Energy Bagua daily. The ambience of the meditation center and the enthusiasm of the volunteers filled me with warmth. I felt like this was home. Hence I signed up to be a volunteer in the meditation center in February.
Following that, I also attended the Health and Happiness Meditation Class in March. As I listened to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I was uplifted in both body and mind. Colleagues felt that I had become a lot gentler and my interpersonal relations have improved. As my family witnessed the changes in me, they became very supportive of what I was doing, and even wanted to attend the Health and Meditation class to increase their understanding of Bodhi Meditation.
Now, every morning, I practice an hour of Energy Bagua, followed by an hour of Meditation of Greater Illumination.
I am eternally grateful to Bodhi Meditation, and to Grandmaster JinBodhi, for regaining my health, happiness and confidence! I have also vowed to follow Master’s compassionate teachings and help more people regain their health and happiness!
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
* Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medicine dosage without consulting the doctor. Please follow the advise of the doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #Hyperthyroidism, #MenstrualCramps, #Insomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination
#見證禪修、 #馬來西亞、 #甲狀腺病、 #痛經、 #失眠、 #八卦、#八卦內功、 #無量大光明rnrn擺脫長年的「甲狀線亢進」與「痛經」。
身心靈獲得了提升 當義工服務大眾
Farewell to prolong suffering from hyperthyroidism and menstrual cramps
Illness does not only affect the elderly. Since young, she suffers from swelling of the thyroid that affected her body, emotions, life, career and interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the symptoms aggravated. After 11 years searching for a cure in her fight against hyperthyroidism, she finally discovered that the end to her nightmares in life lies in a non-medical approach. Let us hear her story….
My name is Yanling Li.
Ten years ago, when I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The disease made me suffer from an accelerated heartbeat, exophthalmos, shaky hands, thick neck and poor sleep interrupted by many dreams. The lack of sleep made it difficult for me to focus on my work and my temperament deteriorated. As my neck was thicker than normal, I lost my self-confidence and did not have the courage to wear shirts without collars. The doctor advised against surgery as the probability of relapse is high. I took the medication prescribed by the doctor for 4 years, which helped to regulate my heartbeat, reduced the swelling of my neck as well as ease the trembling of my hands. However, the medication had side effect, which caused my body to swell all over. There was also no improvement to the quality of my sleep, and the doctor advised me to stop the course of medication. Not long after that, all the previous symptoms returned with a vengeance.
When I realized that western medicine was unable to help, I turned to traditional Chinese medicine for a cure. Over the course of more than 11 years, I have used up almost all my savings, and yet I was unable to find a method to help me or ease my pain. I was thoroughly disheartened! In addition, due to my sleeping problem over the years, I became more and more moody and unable to focus. To add on to my woes, I started experiencing serious menstrual cramps from the age of 22 years. The cramps were so bad that I had to take medical leave almost every month. My work efficiency declined and so did my relationship with my colleagues.
The 7-day class tremendously reduced the swelling on my neck and my menstrual cramps
A friend encouraged me to signup for the “Thousand practitioners Energy Bagua event” at the end of 2016, followed by the 7-day Energy Bagua Foundation class in January of 2017. On the third day of the class, a pungent smell constantly emanated from my throat. It felt as if there was a lot of phlegm dissolving away. During this period of time, I kept throwing up phlegm and the swelling on my neck showed signs of getting smaller. At the end of the 7-day class, the swelling on my neck greatly reduced in size, and even my decade-old sleep problem showed signs of improvement: I was able to fall into deeper sleep as the occurrences of dreams reduced. Even my menstrual cramps reduced in intensity. My skin became smoother, my hands no longer trembled and my heartbeat returned to normal. Other than the physical swelling, almost all the other symptoms of hyperthyroidism were gone.
As my mind and body went through uplifting improvement, I became a volunteer to serve the public.
All these changes made me ecstatic: I have finally found the solution to my health problems! At that instant, I was filled with a great sense of hope. No words can describe my sense of exhilaration! Since then, I have persevered on by practicing Energy Bagua daily. The ambience of the meditation center and the enthusiasm of the volunteers filled me with warmth. I felt like this was home. Hence I signed up to be a volunteer in the meditation center in February.
Following that, I also attended the Health and Happiness Meditation Class in March. As I listened to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, I was uplifted in both body and mind. Colleagues felt that I had become a lot gentler and my interpersonal relations have improved. As my family witnessed the changes in me, they became very supportive of what I was doing, and even wanted to attend the Health and Meditation class to increase their understanding of Bodhi Meditation.
Now, every morning, I practice an hour of Energy Bagua, followed by an hour of Meditation of Greater Illumination.
I am eternally grateful to Bodhi Meditation, and to Grandmaster JinBodhi, for regaining my health, happiness and confidence! I have also vowed to follow Master’s compassionate teachings and help more people regain their health and happiness!
(Note: Effects of meditation may vary for individuals)
* Bodhi Meditation does not encourage stopping or reducing medicine dosage without consulting the doctor. Please follow the advise of the doctor.
#MeditationJournal, #Hyperthyroidism, #MenstrualCramps, #Insomnia, #EnergyBagua, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination
#見證禪修、 #馬來西亞、 #甲狀腺病、 #痛經、 #失眠、 #八卦、#八卦內功、 #無量大光明


時常引導自己的正念: Always pr…

Always practice self-guidance to right thought:
I am a kind person, a compassionate person!
I am like sunshine!
I joyfully accept!
Always practice self-guidance to right thought:
I am a kind person, a compassionate person!
I am like sunshine!
I joyfully accept!


Is there a shortcut …

Is there a shortcut to eliminate karmic debt and avoid misfortunes before they befall?

Disharmonious family relations, challenges in careers, unfilial children, diseases and sicknesses – these are all consequences of bad karma accumulated through the ignorant and unenlightened actions of our ancestors and us. There is no way for us to neutralize all the wrongs that have been done in the past purely through just our own efforts, regardless of what we do.

So how can we clear the karmic debt that we have accumulated? We have mentioned in our practices before that the fastest way is: With the greatest sincerity, prostrate, make offerings and pray to Buddha, Bodhisattvas and all great practicing masters. Leverage on their infinite compassion to clear ours as well as our family’s karmic debts, so that we may attain health, wisdom and eventually be liberated in the shortest possible time.

The greater our sincerity and earnestness in praying to Buddha and Bodhisattvas, the stronger will be the effects, and that will help to clear all karmic misfortunes before they even occur to us.

#KarmicDebt, #Offering , #Prostration, #Ancestors, #ClearingMisfortunes


你也想一起變美嗎? . . 緬甸人為啥抹…

原來啊,這種塗在臉上的「黃粉」,實際上是緬甸人就地取材、自製的一種天然防曬美容霜,他們稱之為「tanaka (另翻譯Thanaka) 特納卡」,學名叫作「黃香楝粉」。
無論貧富,緬甸人幾乎家家都有一個像飯碗那麼大的石磨,用來製作「tanaka (另翻譯Thanaka) 特納卡」,就是用這個樹幹、再加一點水,然後就在石板上磨。如果一個家庭裡先生很喜歡他的太太,她的先生早上起來就替他太太提前給磨好了,太太就會塗上她自己喜歡的一個圖案,比如說是四方形、或者圓形、或者是葉子形等等;小孩子臉上被繪上小兔子等可愛的動物形狀。通常未婚女子會把這種粉塗滿前額和鼻樑;結過婚的婦女只塗兩頰、不塗鼻樑。
附註:這種黃香楝樹所提煉出來的「黃香楝粉」,英譯為「tanaka (另翻譯Thanaka)」中文譯名則非常多,例如:有德纳卡,檀那卡,特納卡,塔納卡或是塔內卡..等。
Do you want to become beautiful too?

Why do the Myanmar people ‘paint’ their faces?
During the live broadcast on Facebook a few days ago, many puzzled netizens asked, “Why do the Myanmar women and children have their faces painted? What did they use to do this?


Actually, the “yellow powder” that they applied on their faces is something readily available all around Myanmar. It is a homemade natural sunscreen cum beauty cream. They call it “Thanaka”; scientific name being “Hesperethusa Crenulata”.


This “Thanaka” is native to Africa and Myanmar, and requires a tropical climate to thrive. It grows into a very straight tree, and has a nice fragrance, a trait similar to camphor and sandalwood trees.

Regardless of wealth, almost every Myanmar family has a rice bowl-like grindstone that is used to make “Thanaka”. They would add a little water to the tree trunk, and then use this tool grind it into a paste. If the husband of the household is very fond of his wife, he would rise early to grind and prepare the paste for his wife, who would apply to her face with a preferred design, such as a square shape, a circle, or the shape of a leaf, etc. Children would paint their faces with shapes of a rabbit or other cute animals. Usually women who are single would apply the paste on their whole forehead and nose, and the married ones would only paint their cheeks and not the noses.

Naturally, this is not unique to the females. The males like to apply this paste on their face as well because it can help prevent sunburn, mosquito and insect bites, as well as nourish one’s skin to maintain a youthful complexion and remove acne. In all, the yellow-painted faces have become part of Myanmar’s local unique sights! Friends who are interested are certainly welcomed to try it when you have the opportunity to visit Myanmar!

#Thanaka, #HesperethusaCrenulata, #Myanmar, #Sunscreen, #Beauty



⭐️第一名 神秘禮物
⭐️第二名 加持法物–手串一條
⭐️第三名 八卦內功練習音樂CD一張
⭐️⭐️⭐️投稿最多的禪堂,還可能獲得大獎「 ?寶瓶一只獎勵 ?」
1⃣ 需完成授權手續,(作品中之肖像權、智慧財產權等,授權於菩提禪修使用)。投稿作品相關之視頻、圖片授權憑證。(文字信息截圖或紙本簽署)
2⃣未完成授權者,雖入圍參與投票競賽,獲獎作品將無法為您於金菩提宗師 Grandmaster JinBodhi 粉絲頁上展示分享。

1.龍泉禪堂 千人八卦

2.芙蓉禪堂 我和八卦内功的不解之缘

3.緬甸 文化瘋八卦

4.新加坡 八卦博士

5.印尼 曬八卦點

6.印尼 曬八卦點

7.韓國 青年八卦

8.寶靈禪堂 越南船上八卦

9.台灣台中 圖文分享_悟
10.紐約 圖文分享_收穫自信人生

11.紐約 圖文分享_不负自己不负卿

12.妙法禪堂 820家庭日

13.溫哥華 第五十一期八卦班側記

#八卦英雄、#八卦內功、#票選、#得大獎、#健康、#快樂rnrn【Who are our Winners of the Energy Bagua Hero contest?】 Voting commences now by clicking on “Like”!???
Each “Like” is one vote, each vote represent a gift of love, vote to select your favorite entry.
(Please go to point number 5 voting area to vote now!)
We received huge response for this contest, receiving so many various submissions, from photos and videos, testimonial sharing and interesting stories from our warm practitioners. Within a month, we have received about 400 entries with interesting content and capture.
Thanks to all Energy Bagua practitioners worldwide for your efforts. I am very happy to see Energy Bagua flourishing in different parts of the world, being introduced by our Bodhi practitioners globally. Evident from the submissions, many people gain health and happiness from ?Energy Bagua?. Looking at the happy faces in the photographs and videos, I can actually sense the happy atmosphere.
??It is not easy for me to select some of the top most creative entries from such excellent submissions. Hence, I share them here for everyone to vote. I welcome you to share with your facebook friends to garner more votes for yourself or for your favorite entry by clicking on “like”!??
???Welcome all to actively participate in the voting, top three voters can expect to receive mysterious gifts!
1) ⏰Voting time⏰:
From now till September 10, 2017 (Sunday )
2) How to vote:
i) Please click on the below [voting site] to view and the top 13 entries that made it into the finals. You can give your sacred vote by clicking on the “like” button for your favorite entry. You can vote multiple times before the closing date but please choose carefully.

ii) Netizens are given 1 week to vote. The entries with the highest votes or ‘likes’ will receive the top 3 prizes.
3) ?Superior quality prizes up for grabs!?
Top 3 entries (Personal Group category):
⭐️First prize: Mysterious gift
⭐️Second prize: Specially blessed bracelet
⭐️Third prize: One “Daily Guide to Energy Bagua Practice” CD
???Newly added “Special Prize” to be announce together with the winners.
⭐️⭐️⭐️Bodhi Meditation centers with the most number of submitted entries stand to gain a big prize [?A specially blessed vase as encouragement?]⭐️⭐️⭐️
4. Important points to note for entries that made it into the finals
i) It is essential to complete personal release authorization by writing to authorize the portraiture and intellectual property rights to Bodhi Meditation for future use.
All submitted videos and photographs- Please provide proof of written authorization through text message screenshots or paper authorization in writing.
ii) Entries that made it into the finals are eligible for voting, however, if personal release authorization in writing were not properly completed, entries would not be posted on Grandmaster JinBodhi’s fan page for sharing.
5. ?Voting area ?(13 excellent entries, complete your vote by clicking on “like”)
All the entries are interesting and you definitely have to go through them all.
1. Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation center (Thousand people Energy Bagua)


2. Seremban Bodhi Meditation Center (The indissoluble bound I share with Energy Bagua)


3. Myanmar (Cultural Energy Bagua)


4. Singapore (Energy Bagua professor)

5. Indonesia

6. Indonesia

7. Korea (Youth Bagua)

8. Dragon Spring Bodhi Meditation center (Energy Bagua on a Vietnam Boat)

9. Taiwan Taichung (Photo sharing -Wu)
10. New York (Photo sharing – Gotten Self-Confidence)

11. NewYork (not letting anyone down)

12. JB Fine Dharma Bodhi Meditation Center (820 Family Day)

13. Vancouver (Record from 51 Energy Bagua Class)

May all walk away with great prizes and gain great health and happiness!
#EnergyBaguaHero, #EnergyBagua, #Vote, #Prize, #GoodHealth, #Happiness,



给大家分享一个小弟子转发来的琥珀鉴定方法 。





1. 掂重量


2. 荧光反应

3. 盐水实验



4. 热针实验(小型破坏)


5. 刀刮实验(小型破坏)

6. 酒精实验






I’d like to share some methods shared by a young disciple to distinguish authentic Amber. It’s difficult to differentiate authentic from imitation Amber, so everyone, please exercise caution!
Hint: we do not sell Amber in our meditation center.
The Amber quality in the market alternates between authentic and imitation, and varies markedly, causing much confusion. As consumers, it is easy to be “tripped up” if we’re less careful, letting our hard-earned cash go to waste. How then do we tell authentic Amber from imitation ones?
Below are 6 ways to help minimize your chances of being deceived. Note that it is not sufficient to use only one to two methods to determine Amber authenticity, because many quality imitation Amber bear some characteristics of real ones, so they may pass these tests partially.
In order to ensure your Amber purchase do not become a life-long remorse, it is recommended that you use the following methods to ascertain before the purchase. Passing one method does not mean the Amber is authentic ; but failing one of them implies it is imitation.
Authentication method:
1. Weight test
The density of Amber is 1.8g/cm^3, and it feels very light in the hand. If the Amber feels substantial, and dense on the palm, it is likely imitation, and could be constituted of glass.
Note: Many imitation Amber weighs just as light as authentic ones, so weight alone cannot distinguish authenticity.
2. Fluorescence test
Use an ultraviolet flashlight to shine on the Amber. Authentic Amber will display fluorescence, usually in blue. Depending on the Amber source and variety, the fluorescent intensity can vary, such as blue-green, blue-white, purple, and pink fluorescence. However, many quality imitation Amber on the market has been coated with fluorescent powder, and also display fluorescence; so this cannot absolutely affirm authenticity.
3. Salt water test
Place the isolated Amber in salt water that is saturated 1:4; authentic Amber will float while imitation ones will sink. Note that authentic Amber will still sink in plain water so it is necessary to use brine.
The brine test separates the glass from a variety of plastic imitation Amber (85% of all imitation Amber) because the imitation Amber will always submerge. Yet some friends with keen interest find that imitation Amber can also float in brine, such as those of quality plastic. What shall we do next?
Note: The first three authentication methods are easier to conduct, with no damage to the tested Amber. The three methods described below have a small degree of damage to the Amber, but the results are more conclusive. It is suggested that buyers choose two relatively inexpensive Amber for invasive testing at the merchant, and consider purchasing the more expensive ones if the Amber passes the tests.
4. Hot needle test (slight damage)
Place a hot needle on the Amber surface, and smell it; if there is a pine fragrance, it may be authentic; if there is bad burning plastic odor, it is fake, a plastic imitation. Authentic Amber need not necessarily have a pine fragrance, like those in Burma from the Araucariaceae variety that do not give off pine scent. Amber formed from the Podocarpaceae variety has the pine fragrance, such as those from the Baltic Sea.
Note that pine fragrance alone does not affirm authentic Amber, because imitation ones can contain added essential oil, with a pine fragrance to deceive consumers.
5. Knife scraping test (slight damage)
With a knife to scrape the amber surface, authentic Amber damage will appear like glass debris, while plastic quality imitation will have a rolled, sheet-like layer without debris. This test can distinguish all plastic-imitation “amber”, but further validation is necessary for Amber from young copal resins and compressed amber.
6. Alcohol test
When alcohol is dripped on Amber surface, the authentic ones will not change in a short time, while the surface of the copal resin will become sticky and opaque. Copal resin is resin that is not petrified, with typical ages of less than 2 million years, and authentic Amber is resin fossils of beyond 10 million years. Copal resins are often used to pass off as authentic Amber because of their appearance and many similar properties, but the alcohol test can effectively separate copal from real amber.
After the above-mentioned tests, the Amber that remains can only be the compressed type. Compressed Amber is made from natural amber scrap and powder, almost to the extent of the authentic type, and oblivious to all test methods except for the knife scraping test. For the amateur, this is most challenging, and those who want to authenticate the Amber words are advised to seek help from professional gemologists.
Deceptive practices and importance of the need for appraisal:
And here’s to share with you the deceptive practices by merchants to secure consumer trust; I’d personally experienced this. Merchants who sense that the buyer has basic knowledge of Amber may utilize an exceptionally poor imitation alongside a quality imitation and began to conduct tests to supplement your knowledge. Under this, the merchant will proof to you that her quality imitation “amber” can pass through tests, such as fluorescence, reaction, and buoyancy in brine (quality imitation plastic “amber” can be partially tested, though it will still not pass the invasive “scraping” test).
As a consumer, when you encounter merchants who show you the imitation amber for comparison, you might think he is honest, lower your guard, and start believing the Amber is authentic – at this stage, you would have fallen into the trap. Therefore, in Amber purchase, no matter how convincing the merchant is, how knowledgeable he appears, and even when he assists in the authentication, please remember that those are fluff, we still have to do our own tests, not a single less!
In summary:
Amber enthusiasts and collectors know very well that this line is exceptionally profound; the capacity for imitation is limitless. Most Amber enthusiasts have learnt the trade through the hard way, and even the contributor of this article had been subject to unscrupulous merchant in Myanmar, paying 300 US dollars for two plastic imitation “eggs”. Having been deceived, this article hopes more consumers will have some preliminary understanding of Amber authentication and not be deceived by the lowest level of fraud. Lastly, we urge everyone to appreciate but buy less, especially in trades that we do not understand. Amber market is profoundly deep like the sea, so back off while you can!


Credits –
Amber authentication video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NkJknxcV-w
Resource: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/bad08e1eb670b309c85121f5.html
http://www.ihpsj.com/article-414.htmlrnrn给大家分享一个小弟子转发来的琥珀鉴定方法 。





1. 掂重量


2. 荧光反应

3. 盐水实验



4. 热针实验(小型破坏)


5. 刀刮实验(小型破坏)

6. 酒精实验






I’d like to share some methods shared by a young disciple to distinguish authentic Amber. It’s difficult to differentiate authentic from imitation Amber, so everyone, please exercise caution!
Hint: we do not sell Amber in our meditation center.
The Amber quality in the market alternates between authentic and imitation, and varies markedly, causing much confusion. As consumers, it is easy to be “tripped up” if we’re less careful, letting our hard-earned cash go to waste. How then do we tell authentic Amber from imitation ones?
Below are 6 ways to help minimize your chances of being deceived. Note that it is not sufficient to use only one to two methods to determine Amber authenticity, because many quality imitation Amber bear some characteristics of real ones, so they may pass these tests partially.
In order to ensure your Amber purchase do not become a life-long remorse, it is recommended that you use the following methods to ascertain before the purchase. Passing one method does not mean the Amber is authentic ; but failing one of them implies it is imitation.
Authentication method:
1. Weight test
The density of Amber is 1.8g/cm^3, and it feels very light in the hand. If the Amber feels substantial, and dense on the palm, it is likely imitation, and could be constituted of glass.
Note: Many imitation Amber weighs just as light as authentic ones, so weight alone cannot distinguish authenticity.
2. Fluorescence test
Use an ultraviolet flashlight to shine on the Amber. Authentic Amber will display fluorescence, usually in blue. Depending on the Amber source and variety, the fluorescent intensity can vary, such as blue-green, blue-white, purple, and pink fluorescence. However, many quality imitation Amber on the market has been coated with fluorescent powder, and also display fluorescence; so this cannot absolutely affirm authenticity.
3. Salt water test
Place the isolated Amber in salt water that is saturated 1:4; authentic Amber will float while imitation ones will sink. Note that authentic Amber will still sink in plain water so it is necessary to use brine.
The brine test separates the glass from a variety of plastic imitation Amber (85% of all imitation Amber) because the imitation Amber will always submerge. Yet some friends with keen interest find that imitation Amber can also float in brine, such as those of quality plastic. What shall we do next?
Note: The first three authentication methods are easier to conduct, with no damage to the tested Amber. The three methods described below have a small degree of damage to the Amber, but the results are more conclusive. It is suggested that buyers choose two relatively inexpensive Amber for invasive testing at the merchant, and consider purchasing the more expensive ones if the Amber passes the tests.
4. Hot needle test (slight damage)
Place a hot needle on the Amber surface, and smell it; if there is a pine fragrance, it may be authentic; if there is bad burning plastic odor, it is fake, a plastic imitation. Authentic Amber need not necessarily have a pine fragrance, like those in Burma from the Araucariaceae variety that do not give off pine scent. Amber formed from the Podocarpaceae variety has the pine fragrance, such as those from the Baltic Sea.
Note that pine fragrance alone does not affirm authentic Amber, because imitation ones can contain added essential oil, with a pine fragrance to deceive consumers.
5. Knife scraping test (slight damage)
With a knife to scrape the amber surface, authentic Amber damage will appear like glass debris, while plastic quality imitation will have a rolled, sheet-like layer without debris. This test can distinguish all plastic-imitation “amber”, but further validation is necessary for Amber from young copal resins and compressed amber.
6. Alcohol test
When alcohol is dripped on Amber surface, the authentic ones will not change in a short time, while the surface of the copal resin will become sticky and opaque. Copal resin is resin that is not petrified, with typical ages of less than 2 million years, and authentic Amber is resin fossils of beyond 10 million years. Copal resins are often used to pass off as authentic Amber because of their appearance and many similar properties, but the alcohol test can effectively separate copal from real amber.
After the above-mentioned tests, the Amber that remains can only be the compressed type. Compressed Amber is made from natural amber scrap and powder, almost to the extent of the authentic type, and oblivious to all test methods except for the knife scraping test. For the amateur, this is most challenging, and those who want to authenticate the Amber words are advised to seek help from professional gemologists.
Deceptive practices and importance of the need for appraisal:
And here’s to share with you the deceptive practices by merchants to secure consumer trust; I’d personally experienced this. Merchants who sense that the buyer has basic knowledge of Amber may utilize an exceptionally poor imitation alongside a quality imitation and began to conduct tests to supplement your knowledge. Under this, the merchant will proof to you that her quality imitation “amber” can pass through tests, such as fluorescence, reaction, and buoyancy in brine (quality imitation plastic “amber” can be partially tested, though it will still not pass the invasive “scraping” test).
As a consumer, when you encounter merchants who show you the imitation amber for comparison, you might think he is honest, lower your guard, and start believing the Amber is authentic – at this stage, you would have fallen into the trap. Therefore, in Amber purchase, no matter how convincing the merchant is, how knowledgeable he appears, and even when he assists in the authentication, please remember that those are fluff, we still have to do our own tests, not a single less!
In summary:
Amber enthusiasts and collectors know very well that this line is exceptionally profound; the capacity for imitation is limitless. Most Amber enthusiasts have learnt the trade through the hard way, and even the contributor of this article had been subject to unscrupulous merchant in Myanmar, paying 300 US dollars for two plastic imitation “eggs”. Having been deceived, this article hopes more consumers will have some preliminary understanding of Amber authentication and not be deceived by the lowest level of fraud. Lastly, we urge everyone to appreciate but buy less, especially in trades that we do not understand. Amber market is profoundly deep like the sea, so back off while you can!


Credits –
Amber authentication video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NkJknxcV-w
Resource: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/bad08e1eb670b309c85121f5.html
