
【立秋】養生談 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

#立秋 #養生 #早睡早起 #八卦內功

#立秋 #養生 #早睡早起 #八卦內功


【立秋養生清暑氣】 . 陽曆8月8日,即…

1. 早睡早起身體好
2. 注意保暖不受寒
3. 多喝溫水防秋燥
4. 少吃辛辣潤心肺
5. 八卦養生最健康
1. 早睡早起身體好
2. 注意保暖不受寒
3. 多喝溫水防秋燥
4. 少吃辛辣潤心肺
5. 八卦養生最健康

1. 早睡早起身體好
2. 注意保暖不受寒
3. 多喝溫水防秋燥
4. 少吃辛辣潤心肺
5. 八卦養生最健康
1. 早睡早起身體好
2. 注意保暖不受寒
3. 多喝溫水防秋燥
4. 少吃辛辣潤心肺
5. 八卦養生最健康


這麼熱,怎麼會要立秋了? . 立秋並不意…

立秋並不意味著暑氣已消,因為立秋後還有「一伏」,天氣依然炎熱。立秋後,氣候開始轉為乾燥,人體容易出現「秋燥症」, 要注重水分和維生素的補充。春生、夏長、秋收、冬藏,秋天是收穫的季節,所以也適合人體進補,宜選擇潤燥止渴、清熱安神的食物,比如銀耳、百合、蓮子等。

#立秋、#防秋燥、#防秋燥rnrnThe weather is hot, are we in Liqiu (Start of Autumn) ?

Liqiu does not mean that summer heat has gone because, after the beginning of autumn, the weather is still blistering hot. After the start of autumn, the climate begins to turn dry and the human body is prone to autumn dryness disease (TCM).
We should stay hydrated with water and supplement ourselves with nutrients. Sprouts in Spring, growth in summer, harvest in autumn, hibernate in winter. As Autumn is the harvesting season, it is also the time for us to strengthen our bodies with nutrients. We should choose foods that quench thirst, clear internal heat and calm the nerves. These foods include white fungus, lily and lotus seeds.

“Store up energy and put on a few pounds” is also a custom during the autumn season. During the long summer, our bodies sweat a lot and use up a lot of energy. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement our bodies with nutrition. But this does not mean we should eat generous amount of tonics as one may then suffer from heatiness and trigger autumn dryness disease (TCM). You can eat appropriate amount of yam, chestnuts, walnuts and beans products. “Autumn slag” made from tofu and small green vegetables is said to prevent autumn diarrhea. Most folks have a variety of eating habits that adapt to the seasons. You can share your recipe of dishes made with these ingredients!

Wishing you good health and good luck.
#Autumn, #PreventingAutumnDryness

立秋並不意味著暑氣已消,因為立秋後還有「一伏」,天氣依然炎熱。立秋後,氣候開始轉為乾燥,人體容易出現「秋燥症」, 要注重水分和維生素的補充。春生、夏長、秋收、冬藏,秋天是收穫的季節,所以也適合人體進補,宜選擇潤燥止渴、清熱安神的食物,比如銀耳、百合、蓮子等。

#立秋、#防秋燥、#防秋燥rnrnThe weather is hot, are we in Liqiu (Start of Autumn) ?
Liqiu does not mean that summer heat has gone because, after the beginning of autumn, the weather is still blistering hot. After the start of autumn, the climate begins to turn dry and the human body is prone to autumn dryness disease (TCM).   
We should stay hydrated with water and supplement ourselves with nutrients. Sprouts in Spring, growth in summer, harvest in autumn, hibernate in winter.   As Autumn is the harvesting season, it is also the time for us to strengthen our bodies with nutrients.  We should choose foods that quench thirst, clear internal heat and calm the nerves. These foods include white fungus, lily and lotus seeds.
“Store up energy and put on a few pounds


立秋 ──素食也能「貼秋膘」 . . 立…


Beginning of Autumn – where vegetarian dishes can ‘Add Autumn Fat’ too

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ is the first Solar Term in the Fall season, where the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degree. This year the Beginning of Autumn falls on the 7th of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it signifies the end of Summer heat and the beginning of Autumn coolness.

Even though we are entering the Beginning of Autumn Solar Term, the Summer heat has not completely dissipated. Furthermore, the last period of the three hottest periods of summer falls in this solar term. Hence, the days are often extremely hot while the nights are cool and it is important not to catch a cold by adjusting the layers of clothes accordingly and keep yourself warm in bed at night.

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ festival is also known as the 7th month festival where ancient emperors would conduct prayers and offerings session to welcome Autumn on this day. There is also a tradition of comparing one’s body weight during this time to that taken in the Beginning of Summer Solar Term. This is because during the summer months, appetite is usually compromised and people tend to eat simple light food, such that the bodyweight will drop correspondingly. When the temperature starts to drop during this period, appetites will improve significantly and it is a good time to build up one’s body weight through better nourishment so as to compensate the weight lost in summer. Hence there is this saying called ‘Adding Autumn Fat’.

‘Adding Autumn Fat’ does not necessarily mean eating meat, but it is about combining a variety of ingredients to provide sufficient nutrients to replenish the weight loss in summer and to build energy reserves for the upcoming winter season. You can consider taking an appropriate amount of wild yam, which is good for strengthening the digestive system and building a strong body. Taking lotus root is also good as it can help to clear internal heat and calm the mind. Eating nutritious beans or beans products are also good choices.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfAutumn, #AddingAutumnFat, #HealthrnrnBeginning of Autumn – where vegetarian dishes can ‘Add Autumn Fat’ too

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ is the first Solar Term in the Fall season, where the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degree. This year the Beginning of Autumn falls on the 7th of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it signifies the end of Summer heat and the beginning of Autumn coolness.

Even though we are entering the Beginning of Autumn Solar Term, the Summer heat has not completely dissipated. Furthermore, the last period of the three hottest periods of summer falls in this solar term. Hence, the days are often extremely hot while the nights are cool and it is important not to catch a cold by adjusting the layers of clothes accordingly and keep yourself warm in bed at night.

The ‘Beginning of Autumn’ festival is also known as the 7th month festival where ancient emperors would conduct prayers and offerings session to welcome Autumn on this day. There is also a tradition of comparing one’s body weight during this time to that taken in the Beginning of Summer Solar Term. This is because during the summer months, appetite is usually compromised and people tend to eat simple light food, such that the bodyweight will drop correspondingly. When the temperature starts to drop during this period, appetites will improve significantly and it is a good time to build up one’s body weight through better nourishment so as to compensate the weight lost in summer. Hence there is this saying called ‘Adding Autumn Fat’.

‘Adding Autumn Fat’ does not necessarily mean eating meat, but it is about combining a variety of ingredients to provide sufficient nutrients to replenish the weight loss in summer and to build energy reserves for the upcoming winter season. You can consider taking an appropriate amount of wild yam, which is good for strengthening the digestive system and building a strong body. Taking lotus root is also good as it can help to clear internal heat and calm the mind. Eating nutritious beans or beans products are also good choices.

#SolarTerm, #BeginningOfAutumn, #AddingAutumnFat, #H
